An addicting study, Ch. 1 [Medical] [Drugs] [Futa] [Mind-break]

# Chapter 1

*The medical study involves experiments which directly affect the body of the person concerned. The undersigned declares that she freely relinquishes her right to bodily integrity regarding the persons carrying out the experiments. She also gives up her right to file a lawsuit.*

“Understood,” Jolie nodded and signed.

The young secretary sitting across from her took the signed stack of sheets.

Surrender right to bodily integrity… A while ago, Jolie would have thought that she would never put her signature under such a terrible proposal. But everything had a price, and hers was 600,000 euros. And not only hers, all of Jolie’s friends had applied… Except for Lena, who came from a rich family and had been skeptical from the beginning. But she would surely regret her position quickly when Jolie would invite her for the first time to her own apartment… In front of which stood her own car… Fully paid, without credit or leasing! With the rest of the money, she could fly to Mallorca-

“Follow me, Mrs. Fleur,” she was suddenly asked by a mature lady with a white coat and long black hair. *Dr. Maxence*, it said on her name tag.

That was the doctor who was performing the study. The one who would change her life…

Yet she didn’t know how much change that would be.

“Of course!” squeaked Jolie. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even see you come in-”

“No problem, dear!” laughed Dr. Maxence.

Jolie relaxed a little.

“Are you coming?”

“Right away!” confirmed Jolie, hurrying to stand up. She didn’t want to upset her ticket to high society….

The introduction to the study flew by for Jolie, so lost was she in her daydreams about applications of her newly acquired wealth. Something about her private parts being the test zone, that photos could be taken and analyzed, even published in anonymous form. Nothing mattered, she had a chance to win a sum larger than the savings of all her colleagues combined.

Finally, Jolie sat on a chair like those found at gynecologists’ offices. Her legs lay loosely on the designated trays, her clothes piled on a chair in the corner, and a mint-green hospital jumpsuit, one of those made from paper which basically don’t cover anything, covered her pubic area. Sitting across from her was Dr. Maxence, and a camera whirred above her head.

“Lie back and relax,” Jolie was instructed by the doctor. “I’m going to put this band around your waist to keep you still.”

That’s when Jolie did start to get scared. But it was too late, and besides, €600,000 was a good tranquilizer. Calmly, she watched as Dr. Maxence put a leather belt around her and tightened it.

Then she saw a needle flash.

As the drug entered her, Jolie felt a terrible burning sensation. Dr. Maxence had stabbed directly into her lower abdomen after pulling the hospital suit aside with a fluid hand motion.

“You’re doing great!” purred Dr. Maxence as Jolie gritted her teeth. “I’ll leave you alone for a moment, of course, you may get up. I’ll be back when the shot does its job.

For another moment, Jolie remained where she was, as if dazed. But sure enough, the burning quickly subsided, and soon she undid the waist belt and sat down in the doctor’s chair instead.

A machine hummed next to her.

The buzzing reminded her of something….

Of her vibrator.

Shocked, Jolie realized how wet she was. Her pussy was really swollen and red!

If she turned away from the door, she might quickly-.

No. She was in the hospital. Annoyed, Jolie shooed away these obscene thoughts and instead focused on the stretcher in the corner.

It had a hydraulic lifting system that could double as a scale. Clever. Made by Josh & Hales, where she had interned during her third semester. She had done a lot of work with such systems there. The pressure-balancing valve was of their own manufacture and could withstand the strongest pressure, like the one Jolie was feeling inside her right now-.

There was no point. Beads of arousal still glistened on her labia, and she couldn’t direct her thoughts elsewhere either. Groaning, she bit her lower lip and let one hand wander under the hospital gown. With slow, circular motions, she began to rub.

“I see the medicine is working!” she suddenly heard behind her.

As if struck by lightning, Jolie withdrew her hand and put on a normal face. She hadn’t heard the door!

“You don’t have to hide anything!” smiled Dr. Maxence, pointing to the examination chair.

With shaky steps, Jolie found her way and sat down. As she spread her legs and placed them on the trays, she blushed even more than she already had. But things got worse when Dr. Maxence explained that she would now look at her genital area.

When Jolie’s hospital robe was pulled aside, she looked stubbornly at the ceiling, at the walls, but not at Dr. Maxence, who was probably taking note of her arousal. So, she was surprised by the touch she suddenly felt in the middle of her slit. Dr. Maxence had put on a glove and was massaging her labia with a transparent ointment.

First it was cold.

Then it became incredibly hot in Jolie’s private parts. She tried to hold back, but it was like she was losing control of her body. The air smelled like flowers, her muscles went limp, and it felt like she was using all her favorite sex toys at once. She was only peripherally aware of the involuntary moan that escaped her, as of Dr. Maxence, who was watching it all with a smile and looking… Aroused herself?

Then suddenly the mists in Jolie’s head were broken by rays of light. She felt herself tense, euphoria rose in her, everything became indifferent. She was in her own world, enjoying the greatest orgasm she had ever had. It was head-splitting. It was like that first time when she had tried a vibrator as a young gal. It was… heaven!

She didn’t know how much time had passed when she opened her eyes again. In front of her, Dr. Maxence was in the process of wiping drops from her glasses. But still she smiled.

“The treatment worked better than I thought!” the doctor rejoiced. “You may dress and leave now. The experiment is over.”

“I-Is this normal?” asked Jolie, embarrassed.

“Yes, everything was planned this way”


Absently, Jolie got off the chair. While she was getting dressed, the doctor cleaned the floor where a shiny pool had formed.

Later, Jolie couldn’t piece together how she had gotten home. She had gotten dressed, stumbled through the hallways… That’s right, she hadn’t found the exit. Dr. Maxence had offered to drive her home, and she had taken her up on it. “Until next time,” Dr. Maxence had said goodbye at Jolie’s front door. *Next time,* Jolie had wondered, but blamed it all on her head still floating on cloud nine. Just like the print under Dr. Maxence’s smock. It had looked like-

No, it couldn’t be.

Read [Ch. 2](
