The Step-Sister [Chapter I (Pt3)]

They stood there for a few minutes, embracing and holding each other, equally recovering from and savouring the exquisite post-orgasm intensity and profoundness.

A thin film of sweat clung to their bodies and caused the small areas of their exposed skin to stick together. Just like the undeniable and seemingly unstoppable force that pulled them to each other.

For the first time that he consciously recognised as he took a deep breath, he could smell her scent. He was sure that her perfume and natural fragrance, with added pheromones, had already been intoxicating him. But this was the first time, right now, that he noticed the salty, sweet subtleness of it fill his nostrils.

That combined with the softness of her relaxed body as it emanated its dying embers of aroused heat into him, truly was the epitome of passion, lust and dare he even think the word…love.

He took a small step back to partially separate them. Her instinct was to pull him back close but she too knew that they had to move. They both looked at each other and smiled, a knowing smile. The knowledge was that they both knew the smile revealed so much and yet concealed so much more.

She wriggled a little so that she could move her hand. The brief frantic motion stimulated his cock. It was laying flaccid, caught between her pussy and the inside of her thigh. It squirmed a little as blood began to flow once again, albeit at a slower and more sedate pace. They both were aware that they couldn’t go again, not yet at least, but they also both delighted in the fact that he was again so aroused by her, so hot for her and so soon after climax.

She reached down with her free hand, pushing his cock a little to the side and using her fingers to spread her pussy a little. She didn’t have to go deep as their cum was starting to drip out. She scooped a little onto the tips of her fingers and held it up in-between them. It sat there, part clear liquid and part silvery-white and more viscous drops. A cocktail of their debauchery.

They both looked down at it and then looked at each other.

“Do you remember our game?”. She whispered.

He did and she was surprised that she did too and he wondered where she was going to go with this, since this wasn’t how it was played, and they had orgasmed together at the same time.

“How about we both lose…”.

Her tone was soft and playful, almost lyrical and was followed by a taunting pause before she continued.

“…and we both win.”.

It was clearly a statement and not a question, she had obvious intent.

Carefully she lifted her hand to his mouth and he brought his tongue out a little as she rubbed, around half of the concoction, onto his lips and the tip of his tongue. She then lifted her hand to her own mouth with the remainder of the mixture and smeared it over her own lips and lapped it with her tongue.

She then fully slid off of the kitchen counter and again they embraced and kissed. Their arms were firm and strong as they held onto each other and their lips pressed together and their tongues twisted around each other as they shared the juices of their fornication.

Lost in the deviance of the moment and both so bound to each other by carnal desire and newly found emotions, they kissed and then began to move their hands over each other’s bodies for around a minute.

Feeling the geography and contours, the areas of soft flesh in contrast to firm muscle, and the shape and form of each other’s intricate details. What seemed familiar was now also somehow new.

Suddenly he stopped and pushed her back a little, enough to finally separate them.

A thought had popped into his head, a reminder. His girlfriend, Abby, would be home soon. She knew his little sister, step-sister, was coming to stay with them but if she walked in on them like this, it would be a disaster.

He took in a deep breath, signalling that he was about to speak.


Her name was all he managed to say before she smiled at him, turned on her toes and walked back through to the hall to pick up her bag.

She swung back around and threw the bag over her shoulder, slightly raised one leg and tilted her head to the side.

He stood in the kitchen, his cock still wet and hanging out…on the edge of becoming aroused again.

She looked at it and giggled before putting one foot on the bottom step of the stairs and nonchalantly saying.

“I suppose I’d better go to my room then.”.
