First time lesbian encounter. F23 F25

Bev had grown tired of men and their mistreatment of her. Tired of her most recent break up. She found herself leaning and weeping on the shoulder of her best friend Bianca. They shared everything together. It seemed that Bianca understood BEV’s woes more than any other.

Bev was a beautiful blonde girl in her 20’s , 23 to be exact, bright blue eyes beautifully built, she would be often in her yoga pants and sports bra, as she was always working out.

Bianca was a beautiful Jamaican woman, long dark hair and deep brown eyes. She had a lovely figure. A fine ass, luscious lips. Lovely brown skin. The kind of beauty that could turn any guys head.

Bev had never considered being with another woman, she had only liked guys. Bianca was at this time a closet bi. She had liked women but had never been with one. As she hugged Bev, wanting to console her, Bianca began to stroke her hair, and wiping her tears away, in that moment they made eye contact, BEV’s blue eyes mingling with Bianca’s brown eyes, an attraction in that moment was formed.

Like electricity between them, Bianca leaned forward and kissed Bev on the lips. Bev felt a tingling throughout her body, an attraction to Bianca she had never felt before. She always knew how beautiful Bianca was, but now she was attracted to her. They kissed once, they kissed twice, the third time their tongues mingling. Bev was so comforted by this, and Bianca so longing to comfort her friend, continued in this emotional pursuit.

Slipping BEV’s top off, and removing her sports bra, she held and gently caressed BEV’s pink nipples in her long slender brown fingers. Bev was so sensitive there. Her nipples responded and were hardened to her beautiful touch. When she began to kiss her nipples gently with her luscious lips, BEV’s body shook and trembled and she moaned with delight!

Wanting to please her friend and make her happy again, Bianca said, softly, “ just lay back and enjoy this!” So Bev lay back as Bianca removed her yoga pants, stripping at the same time her pink panties. Bev opens her legs wide invitingly, and Bianca goes down on her between her legs. Her active tongue, licking and kissing her, and gently eating her out. Her legs shiver with delight, as she feels the beautiful tongue of her friend deep inside her. She seems to know how to hit all the right spots.

Feeling this tongue on her pleasure spots, her legs now trembling furiously, with her groans now louder. Bev feels wave upon waves of orgasm being released throughout her body! She cries tears of joy as she feels such a release. When she is done. Bianca kisses her again on the lips. Sliding her tongue inside her mouth. Bev tastes herself on her friends tongue, found this so hot. They both laugh! Bianca was excited that she could make her friend laugh again. Bev felt all kinds of pent up frustration released in that moment.

They were both unsure where this relationship would go, but they were both open minded. I will tell you in a sequel if so desired.
