A Strange Family Tradition [MFFF] [Cheating] [MiL] [SiL] [M27, F20s-40s] *Part 2/3*

The month went by with great difficulty, and frequent wet dreams. But my love for Elsa kept me strong, and I managed to keep my promise and uphold the custom. Finally, we approached the weekend of the wedding, and my long awaited return to orgasm.

After a flight to Gotenberg, a bus to the ferry, and a ferry to the island, we finally arrived at Elsa’s home. The small town looked stunning as it shone under the setting sun, and the fatigue of the journey quickly melted away.

It was a Thursday evening, and the wedding was set for Saturday. The laws of the island meant that my family and friends (and any other outsiders for that matter) would have to wait on the mainland until the day of the wedding. As a soon to be member of the family, I was accepted on shore, despite it being a non-feast day. While this caused a bit of consternation amongst my group, it was eventually brushed over, and I arranged hotels in the nearby town for them to stay in.

Elsa led me along the shore to a beautiful cottage nestled within a ring of fir trees. As we got to the door, we were overwhelmed by the welcome. Elsa’s entire family, consisting of her father, mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters came to greet us with hugs and warm wishes.

My eye was immediately drawn to the female members of Elsa’s family. It was clear right away that her good looks ran in the family. Her mother Emma, had the same white blonde hair, but quite a different body to Elsa. Her mature physique boasted wide curves backed by a huge juicy ass, and a set of double d breasts that hung low over her flat stomach.

Elsa’s sisters, Sara and Eva, were more familiar visions. Sara, the older sister, had the same icy eyes as Elsa, but wore her hair short above her shoulders. While her she had the same toned body as Elsa, her breasts were much fuller, and her low cut top revealed as much of them as I could handle.

The youngest sister Eva, was stunning. Like Elsa, she had decided to go to college, and she was going to begin her freshman year in the fall. She was a carbon copy of the Elsa I meet in college, fresh faced, petit, perky tits, and a round ass much bigger than you’d expect on her small frame. Her long blonde hair was done up in a messy bun, and she gave shy looks in my direction, with a cautious smile.

Emma led us into the kitchen where a huge feast had been prepared for us. We ate and drank late into the night, discussing life, our unique cultures, and embarrassing stories from Elsa’s past. I immediately warmed to all of them, and I was relieved our first meeting had gone so well. Eventually we called it a night, and while Elsa slept in her childhood bedroom, I was put up in the guest room, to go through another night of sexlessness.

The following day went by in a blur. Relatives and neighbours came to visit Elsa and be formally introduced to her future husband. Traditional meals and dances were held in the town centre, and the excitement was growing amongst the islanders for the celebration the following day.

Returning to the family cottage late that evening, I was surprised to see Elsa changing into heavy waterproof clothes.

“You look…interesting” I teased “what’s on the agenda next then, midnight fishing?”

Elsa gave me a cute smile “For me, but not for you”.

“Huh?“ I asked, confused that we’d be splitting up after spending the entire day together.

“Well the night before the wedding the bride to be has to go with the males of her family and fish around the entire perimeter of the island. It’s a sort of promise to always keep the island at the foremost of one’s thoughts. The fish we catch will be tomorrow’s wedding feast”.

“That’s actually pretty cool. So I just wait here while you’re gone, yeah?”

“No, the husband to be has to wait with the women of the house to perform a different sort of ritual” Elsa whispered. I wasn’t sure how to make out the expression on her face. She didn’t seem overly enthusiastic about what was in store for me, but she had the calm look of acceptance she brought to even the more difficult island traditions.

Just as I began to ask for more information, Elsa interrupted

“I better go before I’m late. Mother will be down to explain it all soon. Love you”.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ybu5ho/a_strange_family_tradition_mfff_cheating_mil_sil