We don’t say kidnapping….. we say new roommates.

[Trigger warning: This story has some themes of non-consent and bondage. Please be safe and sexy while reading.]

Day 16 with my new roommate.

Things are slowly getting better. Move-ins are always tough.

This morning she was prepping some breakfast in the basement and even offered me a cup of coffee. It was a very kind gesture, but I politely declined. I already had a cup, and two always makes me poop more than I’d like. She shrugged off my reasoning with only a slight look of disdain. To my surprise, she even scrubbed the dishes and put them on the rack before finishing up.

Today she chose not to wear much, only a loose fitting flannel and a pair of boxer shorts. Very “domestic-chic” which gave me a little giggle. As she finished up the dishes she bent down to put the soap and scrubber under the sink. She intentionally bent at the waist, presenting her ass to me. The boxers were one of my old pair, and since my legs were considerably thicker than hers, I was able to see past the fabric and onto her soft flesh. She made a point to look back at me while still in full bend. Of course I was looking. And of course she saw me.

I didn’t try to hide the erection that sprung up. I think we were past that by now. She stood up straight, a smirk finding its way across her face.

“Oh is THAT the effect I have on you?!” She said coyly. To which I only let a pleased smile respond.

She leaned back against the counter, crossing her legs, and pulling both hands to the buttons of her flannel. She slowly undid each button, calmly and measuredly moving down the entirety of her shirt. Her fingers played down the open seams before she shrugged it off each shoulder and dropped it to the floor. She feigned a little giggle and covered her nipples for just a second before rubbing her hands the full length across her ample breasts. My cock strained as the thoughts of what I would like to do to her ran through my mind.

“Can I ….. help you with that?” She said. Gesturing to my hips.

“Of course love.” I said. I pulled my chair out from the table, spinning to face her.

She walked across the makeshift kitchen to me, hips swaying, foot over foot. Her beautiful breasts swung with each step she took. Her eyes glared deep into mine, looking for cues, looking for passion, looking for validation.


The cold metal restraint around her ankle tugged taunt at it’s full length, stopping her bared fingers just inches away from me. She screamed loudly, infuriated.

“We were making such great progress.” I said in a calm voice. “I was really hoping that removing 3 of the 4 restraints would be your finale. This was to be your final test.” Even knowing that my words wouldn’t have ever matched my intention.

“No please, I’m so sorry. Please, I didn’t mean it.” Her veneer turned from sex goddess to madman to penitence within a matter of seconds.

“You know the rules of my house. You’ve been such a good roommate so far. I was really hoping we could be past this point by now.”

“Yes, yes, yes….. yes please. I’ll be better. Bring over the table and I’ll prove that I’ll do better.” She begged.

I walked over to the counter, knowing that she now was close enough to touch me, but I had other things to investigate. I grabbed the coffee mug that was sitting on the counter.

“You made me coffee?! That’s so kind of you!” I gushed. “And I was even vulnerable enough to tell you what two cups do to me….. I wonder what two cups would do to you….” I trailed off.

“I’m fine thanks. I don’t need anymore coffee, sir.” She said. Her emotions and face extra still. Her freeze response tipped her hand just as much as I thought it would.

“You need to take a sip at least. I’m curious what this coffee will do to you. Or me. It was intended for me after all, wasn’t it?” I pressed.

“No. No no no nooooo….” she begged, devolving into a sobbing mess. “Please. Please don’t make me. Please. Please let me make this up to you. Pull the table over, I’ll show you how good I can be to you. I’ll show you how much I care.”

I could tell that she was negotiating. The table was used in one of my techniques that wasn’t as…. abrupt as some of the others.

I gave a long sigh and rolled my eyes. I pulled the table just into her reach so that she could set it up herself, and from a drawer across the room I took three other restraints with chains attached to them. “You know how to set yourself up, right?” I asked.

“Yes sir. Yes. Thank you. Oh my god thank you.” She said. She quickly wrapped three restraints around her two wrists and free ankle. She moved the table into the center of our makeshift kitchen. She laid down with her back flat on the table, attaching one of her wrists to the chair of the leg.

While she set up I needed some answers. I poured the coffee cup down the drain, and inspected some of the cupboards. Hidden in the back of one of the drawers I found a bottle of cleaner. It looked as if a couple of ounces had been poured out. Just as I suspected.

I turned around to find my new roommate…. my new friend….. my new victim laying on the table, offering me the attaching ends of her restraints. She was already apologetic, and extra eager to get started. She knew my mind would be taken off her actions once we got going.

I attached her other wrist to a table leg, essentially making her do a backbend from the waist up around the table top. After pulling down my old pair of boxers, I gently guided her legs open, attaching the chains to each side of the room, splaying her open for me.

I reached back my hand and slapped her vulva, hard. She winced, biting back a gasp and trying to turn it into a moan. I continued to slap all around her body. Each slap carried a condemnation of her actions and my disapproval. Each slap reminding her that I was in charge, and that she would play by the rules of my house. Each slap that deviated from her genitals would bring another sharp slap intended to bring pain. Her labia swelled, her clit stood on end, her tight asshole puckered with every percussion note played on them. I think she really was starting to enjoy this part of our game. I eventually saw a little dribble of gruel, presenting at the bottom of her opening. I knew she was ready.

“Are you ready to make up for your actions. Are you ready to apologize?”

“Yes, please my king. My god. Please let me atone for what I’ve done.” She said. I pulled the head of my cock to her opening, gathering liquid from her now dripping pussy, and spreading it around the head of my cock.

“I will need you extra loud today.” I said, just seconds before pushing as deep into her as I could go.

Moving in is always the hardest part for my new roommates. But after we get to know each other a little bit, things usually pick up pretty nicely.

[Authors note: This type of writing is really hard for me, and certainly doesn’t come naturally. I welcome any feedback you have, what you thought was poorly or well written. I hope you enjoyed the story.]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ya5cy4/we_dont_say_kidnapping_we_say_new_roommates