The Pregnant Gypsy

He didn’t know how he found her. He just looked up, and there she was.

It was one of those days where nothing seemed to go right. Work was a drag. Friends didn’t take up on the offer to let off some steam at the bar. Life was colorless, lacking all magic. And so he took to the woods, as he often did when the world was against him. He saw himself as a simple man. As long as he was able to lose himself in the trees every now and then, he could reset himself just enough to endure the rat race once again.

He knew this area of the woods like the back of his hands, or so he thought. He realized he kept running into the same mossy tree, or was it a different one? The stress of the day was so heavy on his mind he wasn’t paying attention, and after the third, or was it the fourth time, of seeing that same tree, he inhaled sharply to clear his head, gave it some thought, and said, “Right. I go right and head straight to the creek.”

After some time, he saw a peculiar smoke rising through the trees. Now, he *knew* he was lost, and decided to embrace the journey. Was he really in such a hurry to get back home? He headed toward the smoke until he came across a clearing, and in the center was a small house painted sky blue. There were no words to describe the feeling he had. It wasn’t unnerving, nor excitement. No, it was something familiar, like he was supposed to be there.

He kept walking toward the house, and that’s when he saw her, bending over the fire, stoking it’s flames. Her thin, cotton white dress hung loosely around her bare ankles. Natural, mousey brown hair drapes her face, and something struck him as utterly feminine about her. It’s not the kind of face you see women throwing money away to emulate, but yet something radiated through her cheeks no money could buy.

He froze in awe of her, a twig cracking beneath him. She stood gracefully at the sound, seemingly unbothered, and that’s when he finally saw her complete feminine figure. The loose fabric hung around a swollen midsection, breasts sitting atop it, wanting to be free. She looked at him and smiled as if she was expecting him, placing her hands on her belly.

The day melted away from him. Hell, years disappeared without notice. He forgot who even was, all inhibitions, and walked toward her, closing the gap between them.

She sat down on a knitted blanket by the fire like an invitation, and he sat down beside her. He could just barely make out her flesh under the thin cotton, her round stomach creating a fold in the dress where it met the crease of her legs. She leaned back with her arms holding her up, spreading her legs to relieve the pressure, revealing her smooth calves. She let out a sigh of relaxation, and her eyes met his.

“Long day, huh?” she said, and her voice crooned into the depths of him as if he’s always known her.
“I’m here now. That’s all that matters.”

A sweet smile parted her lips, looking at him adoringly. Her hand danced around her belly, tugging at the dress until her thighs freed.
He looked down at them, unaware of the force pulling at him, and cupped a hand on the inside of her leg, gliding up and down in an act of giving. She opened her legs wider, letting them fall at the sides, the curve of her stomach in full glory.
He paused to look at her, and her warm eyes extended an invitation. “It’s ok,” they seemed to say. “Keep going.”

He moved and knelt in front of her as she kept herself propped up with her arms. He slowly lifted the dress to reveal the most striking feminine form he’s ever seen. The dress draped around her naked belly, and he placed both his hands gently on it, caressing every curve. A wave went through him, sending blood to his dick and it swelled. With one hand she reached to him and groped his bulge over his pants, grabbing and feeling lovingly without losing his gaze. He shuddered, relaxing over her, placing one hand on her face, as the other cupped her stomach.

He needed this more than he ever knew, to feel the power of Mother Nature overwhelm and cure him.

She took her hand away from his crotch, and guided his hand along the taut skin of her midsection, down, down, until his fingertips brushed her swollen pussy. A moan released from her, the slightest touch making her weak. He slid his finger along her lips, gently pulling and grabbing at her engorged labia. It was soaked and hardly any movement was needed at all to fill his ears with the blissful sound of her wetness.

She freed his dick with one hand, pulling his pants just to his knees, and began stroking him gracefully. He continued to gently grab at her pussy by the handful, and she dripped between his fingers.

He moved closer to her, needing to feel the pressure of his body against hers, and placed his hips firmly at her hanging belly, his dick wedged between them. She moaned again and tossed her hair to the side. She licked her fingers and moved them over his head back and forth, pressing her stomach into him. He slid one of his own fingers inside her, and she let out a shriek that echoed in the trees.

“My god,” he said. “You’re beautiful.” He placed a hand on her back, guiding her down gently to lie beneath him fully exposed. She opened up for him, her knees falling to the ground. With both hands on her stomach, he slid his dick into her with no effort at all. He felt her twitch under his fingertips, and he slowly pulled his hips away to prepare to thrust back into her. It was as if she was hugging every part of him, not a fold out of place. Her legs shook as if her body was making more room for him. He thrusted back into her slowly, and somehow he found an even deeper place inside her, feeling as if her pulse danced around the head of his dick.

Her hips bucked wildly, her round bump touching his stomach. He didn’t have to move at all, and he leaned his head back in pleasure, mouth parting open in release.

She propped herself up again, and with a single look, he knew what to do. He picked up the pace, finding every crevice inside her that needed him. She screamed as her swollen breasts bounced. Out of primal need, he kept one hand around the curve of her stomach, and reached to grab a nipple. He continued to fuck her like this, going as fast as he could go, and the look in her eyes told him she needed this just as much as he did.

He felt them reaching climax at the same time as her pussy tightened its grip around him, and he pushed harder into her, determined to finish together. She screamed louder and louder until….. pure bliss poured over his body and into her, shooting waves of gratitude between her lips.

Her screams turned into moans turned into whimpers. He let his dick grow soft inside her as he felt the stream of both their warmth cascade down him. He didn’t want to pull out of her as she lied back, stomach stretched toward the sun. He kept himself inside her, as it felt he had found a home. As he looked down at her, hands gliding over body, he wondered if he should stay, or go back to the life he wanted to leave behind.


Hey guys! If this turned you on as much as it did me writing it, feel free to send a chat my way to stay in the world a little longer. I just may send a few sexy preggo pics of yours truly.
