Meet the Parents [M22/F20/Femdom/pegging/impact play]

I went with my girlfriend Sara to visit her parents for the first time.  Walking up the drive I asked, “Do they know about us? What we do?”

She laughed. “Not yet.”

They knew we were lovers, at least, giving us a bedroom to share. We dropped off our luggage and came back down. I watched a football game with her dad Roger, who I thought was a pretty cool guy. Things were going well with meeting her parents.

Sara’s mom Chloe was making a special dinner in the kitchen, and Sara was helping her. They were having a good time, laughing and giggling.

Watching the game, Roger and I drank a few beers, and got a bit loud. At one point Chloe yelled out from the kitchen, “You boys better quiet down, or there’ll be trouble!” 

Roger looked at me with a terrified face, making hushing motions with his hands. I laughed at the dramatic sketch he was performing, while he stayed in character, acting like he was serious. He was much quieter afterward, and I followed his lead.

After the game the girls came out. Chloe said, “Ok, guys, go get ready for dinner.” I thought maybe we should get dressed better, but I hadn’t brought nice clothes. Sara took my hand and led me up the stairs to our bedroom.

She walked through the door first and slammed it behind me. “You’ve been very bad!” She pushed me into the door with her body and pulled my head back with her hand in my hair. She put her face into my exposed neck and bit me hard, then started sucking.

I was afraid she’d leave a mark her parents could see, and tried to pull away. “Wait, wait, what did I do??!”

She pulled back. “All that noise you were making? Laughing at my mother?” She looked me up and down. “Strip. Take it all off.’

It’s an order I’ve been given before, and always followed. Once I was naked she inspected me, with a little smile. She lifted my penis, which was already getting hard, and gave it a little squeeze. Then she spun me around and pushed my face into the door. She cupped my ass cheeks with both hands and squeezed them, spreading them a bit.

“I love how you follow my orders. Stay there while I get things ready.’ She moved past me.

“What things?” Here at her parents house? Her things were usually sexual. Strap-on dildos. Whips and floggers. Restraints.

“Be quiet. You’ll find out soon enough.” With my face against the door, I listened to the noises she was making. I couldn’t really tell what she was doing, until I heard buckling noises that meant she was putting on her dildo harness.

“We can’t do this here, Sara. Not now.”

“We’re doing everything here, baby. Stay still until I come for you.”

My legs sort of buckled and I had to catch myself. “Not here, Sara. Please.”

“I already told you to be quiet. You’re getting yourself into more trouble.”

I stopped talking. Eventually she walked up behind me and hugged me from behind. I could feel her leather harness around her hips and also something rubbery attached, though I couldn’t tell much else.

She grabbed my hair and pulled my head to the side. She whispered into my ear, “You’re a good boy.”

Being called a “good boy” has a strange effect on me. It makes me proud and submissive at the same time. I kind of melted inside. 

She reached over my head and put the blindfold on. Something she usually did when she wanted to surprise me. Then she turned me around and led me further into the bedroom until we were at the bed. 

“I’m going to bend you over now. Put your hands out.” I put my hands out and felt a pile of pillows on the foot of the bed. “Further out. Bend over the pillows.”

I did as she commanded. I was naked, ass up, head down on the bed. The pillows were the right height so that my legs were straight, barely touching the floor.  A position I’ve been in before, but it was weird to be doing it at her parent’s house. What if they walked in?

 “Sara, what are we doing?”

“We’re doing whatever I want to do. Like usual.”

She rubbed something that felt like a stick on my asscheeks. “This is going to hurt a lot. I wonder if I should tie you?” I heard the cuffs jingle. “Put your hands back.”

I did. She put leather cuffs on my wrists and clicked them together. Then she sort of schooched up on my back, her jeans rough against my naked flesh, and put a collar around my neck, buckling it from behind. Finally she connected a cord from my wrists to the collar, raising my hands to the small of my back.

“Baby, not here. Your parents will hear us.”

She grabbed the cord, pulling my neck back and my hands up. With her mouth next to my ear she said, quietly, “What’s the rule?”

Before making the drive up here she’d told me that her parents were difficult, and that I’d have to follow all of her instructions once we got here.

“Whatever you want, whenever you want.” I whispered it. But then I rebelled. “I didn’t think you were talking about this!” I was trying to shout without making any noise her parents could hear.

“Yeah, well that’s not my fault, is it?” She said in a normal tone of voice that sounded too loud for me. “Open your mouth.”

I did and she shoved a fabric thing deep into my mouth. Later, when it came out, I realized it was a washcloth.

She crawled off my back and moved to the side of the bed.  Placing  her hand on my lower back, below my wrists, she said quietly, “This is going to hurt, baby.”

She’s hurt me before, but never warned me beforehand. I sort of trembled a bit. I wasn’t ready for this.

With her hand holding my wrists to my back she began striking me with the stick she’d rubbed me with before. She’s spanked me with her bare hand, a belt, and some floggers before, but nothing that hurt so much as this. Each stroke was excruciating.

I tried to yell, to beg her to stop, except that my mouth was gagged. I tried to squirm away from her strokes, except I was on my toes, my hands tied behind my back, while she held me down. I could actually feel the welts rising on my abused  cheeks. I eventually went limp, crying, waiting for it to end.

Once I went limp, she slowed down, rubbing my cheeks between strikes. The rubbing hurt almost as much as the impacts, but she soon stopped.

She got up from the bed and lay over my back, rubbing her hands up my sides. “Good boy. You’re a good boy.”

Where she touched my ass it really hurt. She leaned back and spread my cheeks with her hands, and it hurt more.

I was in an abnormal state. It’s hard to explain, but it was like I was really drunk. I didn’t think I could even move.

She stood behind me and I heard her squirting something from a bottle. It’s like a farting noise. Then I heard it again, and something cold dripped down my ass crack. She rubbed it around a bit and put two fingers into me, going in and out. Then she removed her fingers and put her hands on my cheeks, spreading them and exposing my anus.

“This is a big one, baby. You really need to relax or it’s going to damage you.” She began pushing something into me, which was just too big. I tried to complain but with the gag I couldn’t really speak. I tried to squirm away, but she held me in place.

There was a white hot pain and then it popped in. I moaned through the gag. She waited a bit, I suppose enjoying the view, then began pushing it in further. It was thicker and longer than anything she’d ever used before, and I was panicking from the violation. Except, squirm as I might, I couldn’t escape it.

Once she was fully in me she hugged me around my bound arms. “You’re so brave baby. I’m proud of you.”  My ass was throbbing.

She sat up and held my wrists with one hand, using the other to spread my cheeks. She started moving in and out, picking up her pace as time went on.

Her dildo was too thick, too long, and she was too rough. Every time she bumped against my whipped ass I could feel the welts.  I could barely stand it. Often when she fucks me, I actually come. This time it was like torture. I have a safe word, and a safe gesture I can use if I’m gagged, but I didn’t use them. It was as close as I’ve come though.

She fucked me hard until she came, panting and lying on my back. I was in a different headspace. She’d never been so mean to me before. I wasn’t even sure I knew who she was. Or who I was, either.

After a few minutes she caught her breath. She sort of squirmed against me, moving in and out a bit, which after the rest, didn’t feel so bad. “I could keep doing this for hours if we didn’t have to eat dinner.” She was breathing into my ear.

She ruffled my hair and then stood up, pulling out of me abruptly. I could feel my anus gaping, but I didn’t really have the muscular control to close it. 

Standing behind me she said, “You keep looking like that and we’re going to have to skip dinner.” She caressed my bottom gently, feeling my welts, then gave me a slap. “Stay there. We’re almost done.”

Tied that way, on my toes, I didn’t have much choice. I suppose I could have rolled off the pillows and sort of twisted my way up, but my muscles were weak from struggling. Plus, it would get me punished.

I stayed in place, ass up and gaping, while she walked to the side and then came back. I heard the lube again and then felt something large press against my hole. As big as it was, she just shoved it in.

From experience I could tell it was a butt plug, but it was bigger than anything she’d put inside me before, even bigger than the dildo she’d just used. I tried to squirm away, but it was already in and I couldn’t escape it. Standing by the side of the bed she held me down by my wrists and jiggled the plug a bit 

“Shhh baby. Just relax and accept it. You’ll get used to it in a few minutes.”

I tried to do as she said, but the thing was really too big for me. I writhed slowly while she held me in place. Gradually, the pain lessened a bit, though it never went away the whole time it was in me.

After a while I stopped squirming and she moved up to my head, turning me to face her. She pulled the gag from my mouth and kissed my forehead, eyes, nose, and finally lips. Stroking my hair with her mouth close to my face, she said quietly, “The worst is over, baby.”

I groaned. “There’s more? I don’t think I can …” I was still in subspace, a condition she first introduced me to.

“No baby. I’m not going to hurt you anymore.”

I shuddered and sighed. “Ok then.”

She kept holding my head. “Open your eyes.” 

I did.

She looked concerned. “I didn’t think this through. I know you need aftercare. Can you make it to dinner for now?” 

“Yes.” My voice came from far away.

“Stay still while I get you free.”  She unclipped the leash from my collar to my wrists, then unclipped my wrists from each other. It was a sudden relief to my shoulders as my arms fell to the bed, though I couldn’t really move them yet. 

She removed the collar and the wrist cuffs and I tried to bring my arms forward. Sharp pain in my shoulders. I thought I’d rest and try later.

She didn’t let me. “Ok, you have to get up now. C’mon.” She started tugging me to the side, off the pillows, and I pushed myself off the bed.

I stood there, blinking in confusion, trying to figure out what to do next. My ass was throbbing from the plug and I couldn’t think of what to do.

“Put these on, sweetie.” She was holding out a garment I hadn’t seen before. I looked at it, stupidly. It was small and had a brown paisley pattern.

“Here, let me help.” She put her arms around me, holding me up and lifting my left leg. “Step here.” I put my leg down. “Now this leg.” I realized they were boxers.

Once both feet were in she pulled them up gently, from behind. Right before they cleared my buttocks she gave me a little kiss on each cheek, then pulled them to my waist.

“They’re silk. They won’t hurt your bottom so much.”

“Thank you.” My brain was turning back on a bit. Not really enough to function, but I was starting to remember where I was.

She could tell. She got my clothes and helped me dress. Afterwards she looked me up and down, and said, “You look very handsome. Maybe you want to go to the bathroom and check your face, though. Comb your hair.”

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My messed up hair was no big deal, but my red eyes and tear stained cheeks made it obvious that I had been crying. I washed my face and then wet my hair and combed it because I knew how to deal with that. But my face?

“Sara? I don’t know how to fix my face. I don’t want your parents to see that I’ve been crying!”

She came in and said, “It’s fine … Barely noticable. They won’t be looking that hard.”

Now she was all business. “C’mon baby. We’re late.”

I let her hustle me out of the bedroom and down the stairs. She walked behind me with her hand possessively on my shoulder, while I kept my head down, ashamed to face her family, aware of the plug in me which made it hard to walk normally.

We walked through the living room I’d watched the game in, into a formal dining room. There was a large table with a white tablecloth on it, with candles and a centerpiece, and steaming serving dishes. Wine bottles in the middle of the table and glasses of red and white wines by each place setting. Her father was sitting at the side of the table, looking down, while her mother sat at the head, smiling.

Chloe said, “About time. Come, sit down, eat.”

Sara led me to a chair at the side across from her father, who still hadn’t looked up. I looked at the chair. Hardwood, stained a dark color. There was no way I could sit on that the way my ass was blistered, not to mention the plug.

I tried to figure out something to do, but Sara said, “Don’t sit down yet. I’ll be right back.”

I stood there, dumbly, while Sara returned to the living room. Chloe said brightly, “Everything ok, Tim? You like of worn out.”

I tried to think. “Probably just from the drive. I’m fine ” I wouldn’t look at her.

Sara came back in with a cushion from the couch, which she placed on my chair. “Sit on this, baby.”

I couldn’t think of a plausible reason I’d need a cushion to sit on, but it’s a measure of my returning consciousness that I began constructing a story about back pain and sciatica that I could tell. I sat down gingerly, and I made a little noise that I had tried to prevent. My face was burning with embarrassment.

Sara walked around the table and sat at the other head. 

Chloe lifted a the white wine glass and said, “A toast to our men!” A strange toast but anything to return to something normal. We all raised our glasses and drank.

While I was drinking Sara said, “I had to get Tim a cushion because his ass is really sore.”

I thought spitakes were a comedic device but, nope. I sprayed wine across the table, hitting her father.

Sara continued in a perfectly casual tone, “I caned him, then I fucked him with a horse cock. He’s wearing a giant butt plug right now 

My face was burning more than my ass. I’ve never been so mortified. I wanted to say something, pretend it was a joke, call her a liar, run away. I couldn’t move or act.

Chloe said, “I think keeping them sore is good practice. It reminds them who’s in charge.”

Sara laughed. “I think I agree. I’ll think about it. He’s gonna have trouble sitting down for a week, anyway.”

“Your father is always sore, but I don’t let him sit on cushions.”

I glanced up at Roger, but he wouldn’t meet my gaze.

Sara said, “I’m easing him into it. We’ve only been doing this for a few months.” Easing me into it?

As much actual physical pain she’d caused me, this might have been the worst. I’ve never been so embarrassed, so humiliated in my life. They kept talking about us.

Chloe said, “So what have you been doing? What do you like?

“We started off pegging. I really like doing things to his butt.”

“Men always want to fuck women in the ass, but it’s the man’s ass that should be penetrated. What have you tried?”

“Strapons for pegging. Plugs.”

Chloe said, “Oh, there’s so much more! Enemas, speculums, colon snakes! Bad Dragon fantasy phallus toys! There’s something I’m thinking about ordering, called an ‘Ovipositor.’ You can use it to insert gelatin eggs in their rectum. Later I’ll show you the website where they sell them.”

They continued talking about how they have and will dominate us while her father and I sat there, embarrassed beyond belief, unable to eat dinner.
