Behind the pavilion [straight][outdoor][anonymous]




It was hard to hear over the music, but it was even harder to focus on only the music or the dancing.
“Hey, do you want to get some air?” he asked during the next band break.

“Sure,” she said.

They walked over to a bench just outside the pavilion and sat down to enjoy the crisp fall air and try and cool off.

“I have a kid.”


“Yeah, he’s 9 and he’s amazing.”

“That’s awesome! … That seems sort of out of the blue, were-”

“I just have a thing about being up-front. So… I should probably add that I think you’re really gorgeous.”

“Wow, let me stop you right there.”


“Compliments make me uncomfortable.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s not a big deal, I just, … don’t really know what to say in response.”

“Well,… if you’re merely lacking a positive reply and don’t have an actively negative response, I hereby declare that I am enjoying your lack of negative response.”

She laughed. They had only just met that night at the sign-up table for the dance, but they both noticed a bit of chemistry earlier.

“So… how would you feel if I scooted a little bit closer?”

“I would be fine with that.”

“Aaaaand would you be ok with me sitting all the way up against you?”

With a slight smile and tiny glance towards the gap between them, she permitted it.

“I have kids too, so getting out of the house is really difficult.”


“Yeah. My kids are with my cousin for the night.”

“No sitter?”

She shook her head. “I like to see where the night takes me and I don’t like having to calculate with my kids in the mix, so I prefer to make them safe before going off like this. I only do it a couple of times a year, but it’s a really worth-while release for me.”

“My kid is just with a sitter. I do it every few weeks and she’s been awesome.”

The breeze picked up and noise from the pavilion made the resuming of the music and dancing apparent. They walked back, danced several more songs with each other and with others. The band announced it was their last song and she was pleasantly surprised to see his smiling face approaching and asking to dance. “Can I make a confession?” he asked when the final notes and dips were done.

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“How ‘TMI’ this is about to get.”

He laughed and said “I’m used to rejection and I prefer being direct, so I’ll just say it…. I’d like to have sex with you tonight.”

“Wow, you really DO mean ‘direct’ don’t you?”

“I do indeed.”

Once her eyebrows had resumed their natural altitude, she asked “Do you always ask this way?”

“Always what?”

“All the other times you do this?”

“I’ve never done this before. I went to a Jesuit college and my workplace monitors our social interactions pretty closely. It’s complicated, but rewarding.”

She had guessed from the obviously-ex-military cut and build that he probably did something in the intelligence community, but hadn’t rendered a guess fully.

“Well, I’m a little hungry if you want to grab a bite to eat.”

“That’s a good start, but I’d at least like to see if you’re interested. I’m not up for an intentional tease, but I’m willing to split the difference.”

“Well, how do I know it’ll be worth MY time?”

His charming smile washed over her just as much as it covered his chiseled features as he approached her, putting his hand on her waist gently. “If I may….” he said as he pulled softly, grazing her cheek with his, breathing softly on her neck. With his other hand he brushed her curly hair behind her ear and pressed his soft lips to her neck, just below the ear. As a chill rode up and down her side, she felt her eyes close and her breath catch and his tongue flicked her earlobe almost imperceptibly.

“Well…” she said, realizing he had backed away. “That,….changes things a bit.”


“I propose a test.”

She grabbed his hand and moved back towards the bench they had chatted at earlier. The band was packing up and the crowd had disbursed as people went all their separate ways.

“If you can make me WANT to cum before everybody else leaves, we can probably arrange something.”

“Those are terms I can handle, thank you.”

As she sat down, she could feel herself getting excited. He sat down quite close to her and wasted no time. He reached across her lap and put a hand on her thigh, pulling her with his other arm into a kiss. She felt his tongue graze across her lips and she could feel his muscles in his arms around her shoulders. She reached up to involve her arms and hands and he guided her palms around his waist. She felt his lips squeeze her tongue as it flitted in and out of his kiss. This carried on for several minutes until she felt his fingers glide up the nape of her neck. She had somewhat set a challenge for herself to see how long she could last without wanting sex from him. It was only when she felt his fingers start to close around a clump of her hair that she felt her swollen lips pulse with anticipation the first time. She felt his arm brush across her nipple as the kiss faded and the warmth between her legs grew beyond her threshold.

“Fine!” she said in a too-loud voice.

“What? What’s the problem?”

“No problem, I’m just feeling …. hungry …. in a different way now.”

It finally dawned on him what she meant and he got his phone out to call a ride.

“Put that away, I’ve got a better idea.”


She grabbed his dance kit and walked determinedly towards the woods. Puzzled, he followed reluctantly.

“I don’t understand.”

“Are you interested, or not?”

He quickened his pace to catch up. Once he was back even with her, she took his hand and put it on her ass cheeks, to his pleasant surprise.

“I don’t want to lose my nerve.”

“We wouldn’t want that,” he said hiding a chuckle.

She seemed to be staking out a spot, she got out from his bag his spare towel and spread it out across the ground. Taking the hint, he grabbed her and kissed her deeply. He felt her fumbling with his belt and so he began working to open some of her clothes.

She could feel her wetness bringing just a few shivers as her panties came off, but it was soon covered by his warm palm. She could feel his swollen cock under his boxers, teasing at her legs as they kissed. He held her against him with one hand pressing in the small of her back as his other hand massaged her mound. She opened her unbuttoned shirt and pressed his face to her exposed breast. She gasped as he sucked on it and rolled her nipple between his lips and somehow under his tongue. She closed her fist tightly in his hair, half pressing and half pulling in pleasure and because of the night air. She started to lay down, but he held her upright.

Lifting her pleated skirt to expose her swollen pussy for the briefest of seconds, he pressed his tongue against her to shield it from he wind. She pressed both hands on his firm shoulders as the sensations radiated outward from his soft, steady, strokes with his tongue. She had been eaten before. She had fucked in the woods once. But she had never been eaten in the woods before…by a stranger no less. She could feel her needs rising, but had felt his cock enough to know she wanted to cum with him inside her.

She pushed him away softly, only just enough to pull him up to standing again. She spun and knelt in one motion, pulling her skirt aside. She felt his hands on her hips, the pressure against her lips, his wetness meeting hers, and as he entered, she knew she’d be cumming soon.

She felt his girth stretching her, one hand on her ass, and another on her back. She could feel his balls slapping against her clit as he filled her over and over again. She felt him curl around her, reaching her exposed areola, swirling it in his gentle fingers. His other hand grabbed a her ponytail and held her head up with just enough extra pull to feel her scalp tingle. With each thrust, she could feel him getting thicker. With each brush of her nipple, she could feel her climax swelling. Finally, with a slight tug on her hair again, she could feel him start to cum. This pushed her over the edge. She could feel his stiffness, growing hotter and harder, filling her pussy with his cum. Every pulse, bringing another wave of pleasure. Every pinch of his fingers and grunt of his voice brought a little pulse of convulsion. She felt him thrust deeply, staying inside her while the rhythms of their twitches interlaced. She could feel the blood rushing back all over the rest of her body as her lungs took in a deep, chilly breath only to release it.


“My God, that was amazing.”

They began to reassemble themselves as the November night began to assert itself again. He put his coat around her as they made their way back towards the pavilion area to wait for a ride.

“We….should do this again,” he half begged and half requested.

“Well, …. I am actually still pretty hungry,” she said, turning to him with a twinkle in her eye.

“I think Waffle House is probably the only thing open.”


…..To be continued!!! [maybe?]
