Vampire Omicron: Chapter 4 – The Dorm Room (part 1/2, updated) [M29/F19F19][Mdom][rape][nc][humil][Sadism][slow start][armpits][feet][blood][death][harem] READ DISCLAIMERS

Don’t start here! Start at Chapter 1!

Links to all my stories and more chapters to this story are in comments.

*New strain of COVID, I’m now a disgusting perverted vampire. Each chapter is like a ‘stealth mission’, with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist’s mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then occasional chapters show his sexual family lifestyle with his mind-controlled free-use slaves. Then right back to another stealth mission.*

*In this one, I sniff and creep around a college dorm while two girls sleep. Then I rape, kill, and feed on them.*


-I’m just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. I don’t want to spring things on anyone!

-My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD feel icky reading it, which is why I consider it HORROR! I try to creep myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. We’re all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously these things should never be done in real life! I’m assuming we’re all mature adults that can separate fantasy from reality.


-All characters are 18+.This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


-Death / Blood / Murder (I mean it’s a vampire, I’m going for it, but I keep it minimal)

-Creeping around (lots of this, sorry if it’s boring)

-Slow start, builds to brutal ending

-Gross Sniffing/tasting (panties, armpits, sweat, bodily fluids, feet)

-Rape / Sadism / Violence towards women / Absolute non-mutual non-con


Chapter 4 – The Dorm Room

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve learned a lot about my new powers. My new weaknesses too. It’s all strange. Silver, the sun, blood. I don’t understand any of it, can’t begin to wrap my head around it all. But for some reason, it all feels right. It’s how I’m meant to be. A demented creature, stalking the night in search of flesh. I lust for innocent females. And maybe I always have, even when I was a pathetic human. The image of their soft tender bodies writhing and struggling, it never leaves my mind.

The difference now is that I can take those females. I have power. I grow stronger each time I feed. Even now, a few hours after feasting on the girl down in the lobby, I feel different. Better. A tingling surge through my veins.

I sit alone in the computer lab on the third floor. The last person left a while ago. I wait for the night to reach it’s quietest time. I sit staring at my hands, flexing, feeling the new sensations. I don’t know what’s happening, but I feel something changing around me. I make a fist, chasing the feeling, letting it happen.

The room seems to get darker. The lights flickering and dimming ever so slightly. I see perfectly fine even in pitch black, but I can tell. I’m affecting my surroundings somehow. I walk over to the window at the far end of the room. Fog. And thick clouds overhead. It can’t be me doing that, can it?

I glance at a computer screen nearby for the time. It’s late. I should go see how quiet the halls have gotten. I’d like to avoid witnesses. And if the girls are sleeping in their room, I’ll have no issues at all. I grab my backpack and adjust my hood and COVID mask. Luckily both are perfectly normal around here. I duck my face away from a camera I noticed and step out into the hall.

Silence. Maybe a TV playing softly from one room is all. I walk the hallway like a shadow. Almost every door is closed. I look in as I pass one of the only open ones. A chubby girl looks up from her laptop as I pass. I wave, and she nervously waves back. She has no idea how close to danger she is. No idea what the guy she waved to has done tonight. What he’s about to do right down the hall from her.

I glance at room numbers. 316… 317… There it is ahead. 319. My cock twitches in my pants. Excitement and anxiety pumps through me, old human habits that I don’t mind holding onto. Their door is shut, the light is off. Completely dark within. Not even a glow of some device, as far as my enhanced eyes can tell. The door across from them. Closed and dark too. Perfect.

I grab the lockout key from my pocket. Glancing both ways down the hall, I stop and listen at the door carefully. Silence within.

The light of the hallway is pretty bright. I try out my new-found skill, focusing hard, straining. The lights dim slightly. It’s not much, but it’ll help.

I slowly insert the key and turn, cracking the door open. I pause and listen. Still nothing. So I swiftly open the door and slip inside the dark room. The dim light of the hallway lights up the room a bit, but it’s brief and neither of the girls inside wake.

I close and lock the door behind me silently. I stop straining and see the light of the hallway brighten again from the crack under the door.

Inside, the room is calm darkness. Soft, slow breathing. One of the girls rolls over, still fast asleep, only slightly disturbed by the brief light. The smell in their room is so pleasant. Flowery and girly. I breathe in, the smell of soap and shampoo. One of them took a shower since I’ve seen them last.

A monster stands in their room as they sleep. I take my time looking around, enjoying the moment. It’s like stepping down into a pool, I get myself accustomed to the space I just penetrated. My eyes see every detail, even in the dark. A small closet on either side of me near the doorway. A step further in, desks with simple cushioned chairs flank me on both sides. Then ahead, a small walkway leads to the window, with two twin-sized beds mirroring each other on either side.

And there they sleep. Eva and… whatever the annoying one’s called. Gabby or something. They lay peacefully beneath their blankets, all snuggled up.

I walk around, exploring. Posters on the walls, some gross female rapper on the left side. Pictures on the left desk. Gabby and her boyfriend. Gabby and her friends. Gabby on some expensive vacation. The other side is simpler. A laptop with some stickers on it. Nerdy stuff. Video game posters. A metal band t-shirt hanging on Eva’s chair.

I pick up the shirt and hold it to my face, breathing deeply. Her scent is subtle. Girly and sweet. Fruit. Almost earthy. In a good way, fresh and natural. Like a tea shop. My dick swells slightly in my pants.

I set it down and glance around the room. A hamper on Gabby’s side. I creep over and dig through it quietly. On top is the blue t-shirt she was wearing when I saw her earlier. I hold it up and inhale. It’s strong with some sort of tropical coconut smell. Why do girls try to smell like food? It just makes me want to sink my teeth into them.

Below that are the little gray booty shorts she was wearing too. ‘PINK’ printed on the butt. But I drop them when I spot panties. Dark blue, a standard sort of full coverage style, frilly lacy edges. God, they’re still warm. I look inside. The crotch is clean, but they’ve clearly been worn all day. I hold them up and sniff. Ok, this Gabby chick is alright when she’s not talking. My cock gets stiff at her scent. A womanly musk. Slightly sour. I lick and suck where her pussy was, tasting a hint of her juices.

I walk over to where Gabby sleeps. She’s curled up on her side, only her head above the covers, facing the aisle where I stand. I crouch down close to her face and inhale her panties while watching her sleep. Her scent so much better when I can see her. The perversion of doing this right in front of her makes me giddy with arousal.

I watch her breathe, her sweet little face. Her excessive makeup wiped off. She actually looks a little better like this. Her cheeks look so soft, slightly pudgy. Her brown and blue hair is damp, and the shampoo smell in the room is coming from her.

I silently strip naked and stand stroking my cock inches from her sweet sleeping face as I breathe her dirty underwear. My dick is still a bit slick from the juices of the desk girl downstairs, still filthy from her. The smell of it mixes with the pure girly scents in the room.

I walk over to Eva’s side, searching for anything similar, any dirty laundry. Appetizers. I notice her pink tank top laying on the floor. Her lacy white shorts nearby. She isn’t the tidiest girl, just tosses her clothes wherever. I pick up her black bra from the foot of her bed. I press it to my face. There’s not much of a smell, but it’s nice. More of her fruity, earthy scent. But no panties.

I move close to her. She lays on her side, but facing the wall. Her dirty-blonde hair is dry. Didn’t shower like her roommate. Prefers mornings probably. She might still be wearing the same panties. There’s only one way to find out. A fun little treasure hunt.

The beds are raised up a bit, with drawers underneath. It makes them a nice height, I don’t have to crouch down. I lift the blankets that drape over the side of Eva’s bed, just enough to start exploring. I duck my head under.

It’s hot and stuffy under her thick comforter. The sheets slide across my skin as I carefully intrude. My hands lifting the blankets only inches at a time as I swim my arms and face forward closer to her little body.

The scent under her covers is so inviting. Just more of her subtle earthiness. So unique to her. My cock flexes, pushing painfully against the wooden bed frame.

With most of my upper body snaking its way into her bed, I finally reach her. A smooth leg, bare foot. Her legs have a nice tan, slight tan-lines of sandal straps on the tops of her feet. Without touching her, I get as close as I can, breathing the air under the covers, taking her in. I want to pounce, take her right now. But I force myself to savor this.

I inch my way higher up her body, her soft thighs. Her tan cuts off halfway up, her upper thighs are a creamy white. I almost reach out and bite, I can hardly contain myself. She lays in a sort of fetal position, her butt bent right toward me, and finally, lifting the sheets a bit, there it is, inches from my face. Black and gray striped panties, a soft, delicate cotton, forming tightly to her ass. Damn, her cheeks fill them so nicely. She’s packing for her petite frame. They’re a sort of boy-short style panties. Coming down to cover just an inch or two of the upper thigh. Probably because she has a roommate. Modest enough, but with a sense of fashion. Sexiness just comes so naturally to her. She doesn’t even seem to try very hard. God, I can’t get enough of this girl.

I inch as close as I can, so careful to not ruin this and wake her. Her ass inches from my nose, I inhale deeply. She’s just perfect. Precum drips from my cock down the side of the wooden bed frame. A subtle feminine scent. I can feel the heat radiating from her pussy so close to my face.

I stay here a few minutes, laying my face down on the mattress, an inch away from her crotch as she sleeps peacefully. I play with my raging cock just outside the blankets, holding back every urge to devour her. Her little pussy is right there, pinched between her thighs. I can vaguely make out the shape of her lips beneath the cotton fabric. I glance around, adjusting the sheets a bit at a time. The panties hug tight against her asscheeks, riding slightly up her crack. Further up I notice she wears a simple black spaghetti strap tank top. The fabric thin and tight. Stretchy ribbed fabric that I can’t wait to rip off her.

Hoping desperately that I don’t blow my cover with this, I dare to go just one step further. I get my face as close as I can, and reach my tongue out, licking gently at the crotch of her panties. Just once, just a taste. The fuzzy cotton so soft on my tongue. The warmth beneath it almost melts my brain. Her little foot twitches next to me. But her breathing stays the same.

My cock is an iron rod as I pump my hand up and down it. I could cum right here and now if I’m not careful. This girl is simply perfection. So I slowly back my head away, sliding out from the covers. The cool air hits my face again, so refreshing.

I turn my head to Gabby’s bed now. I can’t leave the sleeping girl unexplored. I stroke my cock slowly as I approach, but I notice something and stop. On her nightstand are some clothes. A man’s t-shirt, the school name on the front. Maybe borrowed from her boyfriend? Then some shorts. And underneath, some pale pink panties. All just recently laid there, within reach of her in bed. Ohhh, I bet she sleeps nude. This will be fun.

Gabby suddenly shifts in bed. I freeze, holding my breath, ready to pounce if needed. But she just lays on her back and lets out a deep sigh, still fast asleep.

I walk to the foot of her bed and crouch down, lifting the edge of her blankets, just enough to slide my face under. Warm, stuffy air again. Pitch black, but I see perfectly. A little bare foot is the first thing I spot as I start carefully snaking my way under. Toenails painted blue to match the streaks in her hair. Only one foot seems to be outstretched toward me, the other bent inward comfortably. Legs in a ‘P’ shape. This will give me the perfect view, but I need to get closer.

I inch the blankets little by little as I move up along her outstretch leg. Such a nice tan, sort of an Italian, olive complexion to her skin. And she’s so smooth, almost glistening, still partially damp from her recent shower.

I now lay halfway in the bed next to her straightened leg, my face an inch from her bent knee. The air under the blankets is heavy with a girly, soapy scent that makes my dick pulse. I lift the blankets ever so slightly, peeking up over the leg in my way. Fucking hell, there it is. This college girl’s naked pussy.

Wow, she’s pretty hairy. Trimmed enough, short and tidy, but still it’s a bit much. Thick, dark pubes cover her mound and entire outer labia. It’s intentional, a style giving her a mature, womanly look. Almost hippy-like, feminist. The hair is still a bit damp.

Inner lips poke out in the middle, a bit lopsided. Like someone sticking their tongue out sideways. One lip a bit larger than the other. So pink and tender, such a stark contrast with their dark surroundings. They look a bit wet from the shower too.

I look around more. Faint tan lines where her bikini bottom cuts off. Her inner thighs are so thick and juicy. I just want to reach out and squeeze. I inhale the air under her covers, taking her in. More of her coconut scent. A tropical paradise. I turn my head and dare the slightest little peck of a kiss on the soft skin of the leg next to me. God I’m salivating so much.

I slowly back my way out of her bed, back to the cool air outside her covers. My cock practically dripping. I lick my fangs in lustful anticipation. I need to feed.

I move like a shadow to stand next to Gabby’s face again, hovering over her. I grab a pillow she’s not using from next to her head, holding it at the ready in one hand. And with the other, I carefully pull back her covers a bit. Revealing more and more of her nude body beneath.

She’s in good shape, but just slightly on the thicker side. All her edges are soft and rounded. Almost a plumpness, or a bit of baby-fat she just never quite lost. Her neck looks so tender, some of her damp hair sticking to it. Then her shoulders, more bare skin. Her arms, slightly pudgy, not quite tone.

She shifts a bit in her sleep, starting to wake, but not quite there yet. I slide the blanket down a bit more to reveal her little tits. They’re pretty small. The half-handful that sticks up more a result of her slight pudginess than anything. But she’s so soft and squishy-looking, they suit her perfectly, flowing with her rounded features. Dark little areolas in the middle, puffy little nipples poking up at me. I lean down toward her, mouth open, inches from her sweet flesh. And drool accidentally drips down from my protruding fangs, landing right between her tits.

The girl opens her eyes, confused, half asleep, “Mmm what- ?”

My heart leaps in my chest, here we go. I immediately pounce, silently. Trying to muffle all noise and keep Eva asleep next to us for as long as possible. I shove the pillow I’m holding violently into Gabby’s face, my free hand grabbing one of her wrists as she starts to reach up at me in surprise. At the same time, I press my knee down with brutal force into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her, making her unable to scream. Only the slightest yelp escapes her, muffled by the pillow.

Then I dive down and plunge my fangs into her neck. Right above the collar bone. She kicks her legs, the blankets a tangled mess. I suck, warm blood filling my mouth. Her life essence pouring into me. The feeling never gets old. Like a hot meal after starving for days. I feel the power surging through me, my cock pulsing. Her squishy flesh doesn’t disappoint. She’s so warm and delicate. Feminine.

The girl immediately gets weaker, her thrashing limbs going half limp. Her muffled voice quivering and going quiet under the pillow. I listen carefully for sounds coming from Eva. Nothing, still asleep on her bed across from us. I drain and drain the weakening girl, losing track after a bit, almost going too far. Gabby goes unconscious, her wrist completely limp in my grip.

I lift my fangs off her, licking at the bit of blood leaking down her neck, not wasting a drop. I turn to make sure Eva is still sleeping. The room is perfectly still, a soft steady breathing from the girl in the other bed.

I turn back to Gabby and lift the pillow off her face. Her breathing is extremely shallow. She couldn’t have lasted much longer. I lean down and kiss the unconscious girl straight on the mouth. Her lips are sweet. My tongue drives into her mouth, swirling and tasting. A hint of minty toothpaste still fresh inside. I move to her pudgy cheeks, kissing and nibbling. God she’s so cute.

I can tell she’ll be out for a bit. I should have some time to play around…


*Too long for Reddit. Links to all my stories and more chapters to this story are in comments.*
