The New Kinky Teacher

This is my story of how I became a submissive little plaything. How it happened wasn’t something that I even considered or really knew was a thing. Yes, I knew about being submissive and having a Dom but I thought it was all, you are a bad girl suck my dick, or bend over so I can spank you for being bad. Some of that is involved in my story but it isn’t the whole.
My name is Tang Lei. Lei is pronounced Leia in English and as I am an English teacher everyone calls me Leia as in the princess. I am twenty-nine years old and I have a boyfriend.
It was being an English teacher that started all of this. I work for a big international English school in China and had been working there for nearly three years. Over that three years a few male colleagues had hit on me, mainly Chinese but also a couple of native English teachers one was from South Africa and the other was an American. This is relatively normal I am not bad looking if I say so myself. I am not very tall standing at just five feet four, slim, my breasts are medium-sized but very pert, I keep my hair long, it is so long now that it almost touches my ass. People tell me I am pretty and I do get the eye from guys when I meet them. I have a boyfriend as I said however I do flirt outrageously with a lot of these guys. I went for dinner with South African James who, to be honest, looked a bit like an LA surfer from a B movie, tall, blonde, lean, and super handsome. He spent the whole time trying to impress me with his money and background so at the end of the dinner I told him, sorry my boyfriend wants me to come home. I could see the disappointment on his face but he tried to be nice and said no problem. After that I spurned any other invites simply because first he wasn’t very interesting and second just wanted to fuck me, I can get sex whenever and wherever I want. Some of these men are so fucking full of themselves.
At our school we start work on Wednesday, we work five days until Sunday evening. It was a normal Wednesday I had heard a new teacher from the UK was starting this week but had honestly forgotten all about it after my two days off.
Walking into the familiar white and green reception area I heard a couple of my fellow Chinese teachers giggling like school girls. Oh, James must be telling dirty jokes again.
But then I heard an accent and a loud voice I wasn’t used to. The story he was telling was about how he got lost coming to school and not being able to speak Chinese very well. He was standing in the middle of three of my female colleagues. To be honest, I didn’t really find him that impressive or anything but the girls were looking at him with admiration in their eyes, their faces rapt at his stupid story. It certainly wasn’t his look would say he’s mid to late thirties, rather short, taller than me but Beth who is laughing the loudest at him is taller. His hair is a mousy brown, cut short and going a little bald at the back, his face is cute and a bit babyish, and overall he looks and acts rather like an overgrown boy with the same boyish charm.
He’s gyrating his arms and trying to mime the word for ring road which is making the girls laugh because he keeps saying people were replying with the words plane or airport. I smile and almost laugh, what the hell? Laughter is infectious?
My best friend Beth finally drags her eyes off of him and notices me.
“Leia, this is Paul our new English teacher, he’s so funny” Her face is a little red from her laughter and she still has a ghost of a smile around her mouth.
He turns to me and looks me straight in the eyes.
“Nice to meet you, Leia. I think I am yours”
What? What the fuck is he talking about? He’s mine?
“Sorry, what?” I manage to stammer, my face burning. Am I actually blushing?
“Sally told me that I am your classroom teacher”
Oh, fuck! Of course, he’s my class’s English teacher. I feel stupid as fuck.
“Yes, you’re mine”
Goddamn it! He gives me a tight smile and goes on with the story.
“Anyway all good I found a high school student that could speak English and she gave me some directions”
Did he just fucking dismiss me? I am not being arrogant but men usually pay me more attention than that! I am also a bit embarrassed about misunderstanding him. And I replied, “Yes, you’re mine?” What the absolute fuck!
Fuming I walk back into the office, fucking self-centered asshole! Who the fuck does he think he is? OK, Leia calm down, calm down. Looking at the mess of my desk I sigh and start to tidy up slamming things into drawers. I catch sight of him out of the corner of my eye as he walks over to where the other native English teachers sit. I am a bit annoyed that most of them seem to know him and he and James the South African start chatting like old friends. Which it turns out they are. Why am I watching him? Why do I care? As if he can feel my eyes on him his head turns catching me looking at him, his eyes meet mine and for a second I am staring into their grayness. My heart almost misses a beat, seriously what the fuck is wrong with me?
“Listen up everyone” Kevin the English head shouts above the general noise in the office.
“Due to another outbreak in this district everyone has to go and do a test and there are no classes today”
“Oh for fucks sake” I mutter.
“Problem. Leia?” Kevin asks.
“Nothing, Kevin” I say sweetly, flashing him a smile.
He hesitates, looking a bit confused which, to be honest, is his usual expression.
“We don’t have any classes” I hint.
“Yes, so whoever has a car, can you take some of your colleagues to the testing center?”
The whole office bundles out the door. I find myself with Beth, Heather, and James getting into a big black expensive looking SUV. And I know as soon as I get in the rear seat who the driver is.
“Someone give me directions” Paul says as soon as the doors are closed. I whip out my phone and put in the address of the test center.
“Go out the gate and turn right”
I swear I see him grin in the rear view mirror.
“Yes, mum”
His accent is really light, compared to Steve; who is also from the UK Paul’s accent seems softer more like the British English on the TV I always watched when I was young. Not posh but well-mannered.
Did he just call me mum? Fucking hell!
I glance down at my phone.
“Go right at this traffic light” I control my voice but I think the annoyance came through because Beth looks up.
“Leia, what is wrong with you?” She asks.
“Nothing I am fine, just a bit tired”
Again I see a flash of his smile in the mirror, does he know he is getting to me? I mean we just met and I can’t stop looking at him. He doesn’t seem to care if I do or not. I don’t see him looking at me at all but he sure is aware that I keep looking at him.
“It’s on your left” I finally say.
“Yeah, I see it” His voice has an edge of sarcasm in it which makes me wince because the test center is pretty easy to see with a crowd of people waiting outside and medical personnel in protective suits walking around scanning people’s codes. I find my face is hot again.
We go through the lines and get our throats swabbed, one thing I notice is all the other girls gag a bit when the nurse shoves the long swab down their throats but I don’t. I look across and for the first time I notice he’s looking at me and deliberately he winks! Fucking winks, the pervert! I know exactly what is on his dirty mind!
We jump in the car and go back to the school without any further incidents again he goes back to pretty much ignoring me.
Later I show him around the school and the classroom, where everything is, and answer a few questions such as how old, what levels are the students, and so forth. He gives no further hints about the wink and I am sure as hell not going to ask him. He grabs my messenger ID because we all communicate through the app. I also learn during this time that he’s forty-five way older than I thought and is also married with two kids, a boy, and a girl.
His phone beeps.
“Sorry, it’s her that must be obeyed”
At my blank expression, and obvious open mouth.
“My wife”
I feel a momentary pang of jealousy and a little anger.
Really what the hell is wrong with me? I’ve known this guy for a few hours, and I am getting annoyed that he has the fucking audacity to be married already!
He looks at the clock on the wall, and back down at his phone before sending a voice message.
“Done in twenty, baby”
Another beep and her voice “See you soon, love you”
I struggle a little for calm, come on! Fuck! He’s married, it isn’t his fault you are all fucking wet in the pants for him. What the hell? How the fuck can I be wet in the pants? He’s like my father’s age!
Say something!
“Is your wife a foreigner?” Lame!
“No, she’s a local girl”
“I bet she’s pretty”
He gives me a long look, his eyes boring into mine. After what feels like minutes but is probably a couple of seconds he nods his head.
“She scares kids in the street with her face” And then he laughs.
“That’s mean!”
“You haven’t met her?”
“Ugly?” I laugh along with him.
“A gorilla would turn her down” He smiles at me again for some reason he smiles a lot.
“Do you really have to go?” What? Why did I say that?
“Fraid so, I’ll message you later if that’s alright with you?”
“Cool” When he walks past me to the door my hand twitches to reach out, he catches it and gives me another one of those smiles. What is it with that smile?
I go home and cook dinner for myself, call my boyfriend at work and talk to him for a while. All the time I am thinking will he message me? I keep checking my phone and no message. Maybe he forgot, or more than likely he was with his wife and kids. The message came in at just after nine.
Paul: Hey!
Leia: Hey!
Paul: What are you up to?
I can’t exactly say waiting for your message, but I did think about it for a second.
Leia: Just about to go pee
Paul: Umm OK TMI but can you hold it for a while?
Leia: It isn’t urgent
Leia: I mean I am not gonna pee myself or anything
Paul: Good to hear
Leia: I don’t know why I said that
Paul: Because you need to pee?
Leia: No
Paul: So you don’t need to pee?
Leia: I do
Paul: Well you can’t you are talking to me
Leia: I can take the phone with me
Incoming voice call from Paul
My finger hovers over the accept button. What the fuck, why is he calling me? I am actually shaking a bit. Just answer the frigging call!
I click accept.
“Now you can’t go pee”
I am taken aback for a couple of seconds.

“Who says that?”
“Someone that doesn’t want you to go pee”
“Why don’t you want me to go pee?”
“I don’t know. Why would you answer need to pee when asked what are you doing?”
I laugh nervously
“Because I need to go pee” This sets me off and I crack up laughing and he starts to laugh too.
“Well, I think you shouldn’t be allowed to pee for being so rude”
“Why am I being rude?”
“Do you think it’s normal to tell a guy you’ve just met you need to piss?”
“I didn’t say I needed to piss I said pee”
“Same thing different word”
“So now I can’t go?” I don’t know why but I use a fake sulky voice when I asked this.
“You can but I’ll be able to hear you”
I feel a shiver running through me, part disgust at what he’s implying but also a bit of a thrill.
“Maybe I don’t care” I try to make my voice confident.
“Yeah, you do”
“How do you know, you don’t know me”
“You care because these things are done in private and definitely not in front of a stranger”
I’ll show him! Wait no, what am I thinking? I can hold it. The more I think about holding it the more I have to pee.
“You’re disgusting” I think I sound angry but I hear him laugh.
“I didn’t start this subject”
“You want me to pee so you can listen to me pissing!” This will shock him into stopping whatever he’s doing.
“Then don’t go pee” His voice is calm, he doesn’t sound worried at all.
“Or I can hang up and then go pee” Ha! Got ya! Play these silly games with me.
“Sure, but you will never get another chance again”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’ve barely let me out of your sight all day, you know what I am talking about”
“So if I hang up, then what? You stop talking to me?”
“No, but everything will be work related, nothing else”
Here goes, this is fucking insane! But I am going to ask exactly what I am thinking!
“Do you want me to pee while you listen?”
“What I want isn’t important, but you have a few choices, you can hold it, go pee, or hang up”
“But if I hang up you won’t talk to me again”
“We just met”
“So, hang up”
“I don’t want to”
“You don’t want to what?”
“I don’t want to hang up”
This is so weird but also something else, not a turn-on exactly but a tingle, I like it but the thought of having someone listen to me piss is a bit embarrassing.
“Do you need to piss?” He whispers.
“Yes, it’s starting to hurt”
“Do you want me to listen to you go?”
“Why not?”
“It’s gross”
“Not really, it’s just pissing we all do it”
“It’s wrong to let someone I don’t know listen to me go, perverted”
“So you are scared of what I will think?”
“What then?”
My bladder feels as though it is going to burst, if I move too quickly I might wet myself.
“I really need to go! Let me go!”
“Sure go ahead”
“But you will hear”
“You’re an asshole”
“Go pee”
Why don’t I just hang up? I mean he’s married, it isn’t like anything will ever happen anyway what the fuck he wants to listen to me piss!
“You’re married and you want to listen to me piss!”
“I never said I wanted to”
“So you don’t want to”
“I told you what I want isn’t important”
“I have a boyfriend”
“So? Hang up”
“I told you I don’t want to hang up”

“So what do you want? Do you want to pee so bad and hang up, or do you want me so bad you are willing to embarrass yourself a little?”
I stop and look at the phone, just looking at his name. I want to go, the more he says about going the more I need it.
“So you want to embarrass me” I ride over and don’t say anything about wanting him. I am not sure about that although I am attracted to this strange guy. He’s weird, he’s talking about me pissing while he listens when we barely know each other. Should I run?
“Will it be embarrassing?”
“You can hear me pee”
“When you go to the toilet at work people can hear you pee”
This was very true, the restrooms at the school are unisex.
“I might have already heard you pee, today”
“But that is different”
My bladder is about to fucking explode.
“Sure a bit but if it’s about hearing”
A sudden thought comes to me. I am not sure he will go for it but I am starting to enjoy this a bit.
“Can we compromise?”
“What’s your idea?”
“I voice message you while I pee”
He doesn’t answer but I can hear him breathing.
“Don’t try to trick me, I know the sound of a bottle or cup of water, taps”
“I promise I will pee”
He hits end call. Shit am I really going to record myself pissing and send it to him? Why? I need to go so fucking bad but also. I slide my hand into my panties confirming that my pussy has gotten a bit wet during all of this.
My phone buzzes.
Paul: Did you chicken out?
Leia: No, going to the bathroom. I can’t fucking believe I am going to do this
Taking my phone I walk through to the bathroom and look down at the squat-style toilet. Do I hold my phone near my puss? On the floor? Fuck! I pull my panties down and squat over the toilet and hit the voice button.
“Hang on, it’s not coming out” I almost shout into the phone
Damn it, now I need to pee I can’t go! I push at myself, squeezing my muscles trying to push. Relief as the first dribble of pee comes out and then a torrent explodes, my bladder still hurts and the sound of the piss splashing into the bowl is extremely loud.
“Oh my God, that’s so fucking good”
The stream doesn’t stop the voice message runs out and goes onto another one! And then at the end of the final part my asshole quivers and opens. NO! NO! I let out a huge fart! It’s massive and long and OH SHIT NO WAY! He so heard it!
I take my finger off the button and go to recall but he’s listening to it! FUCK FUCK FUCK”
I type frantically
Paul: Too late, that was a fucking amazing fart at the end! What a dirty little girl you are
Leia: I am so fucking embarrassed
Paul: So you should be that was like a bomb going off
Leia: Don’t please, I want to die!
I really want to die, my face is beet red and I am almost crying from humiliation.
Leia: I am going to bed
Paul: Are you wet?
Leia: What?
Paul: Are you wet?
Leia: Is what wet?
Paul: Is your pussy wet?
Leia: No, I just farted!
Paul: I heard but that wasn’t what I was talking about
Leia: It’s so embarrassing
Paul: Not really, these things happen even during sex
I just farted so fucking loud that I heard it echo. Why doesn’t he care? I’d be disgusted if someone sent a message and they fart in it! But I am not being honest I am pretty horny.
Paul: Be honest is it wet?
Yes, fucking hell I am soaking! Sliding a finger down over my stomach I shudder as they tickle across my belly button, lower over my course hair, and gently touch my soft lips, I move two fingers down to the slippery hole feeling the thick warm juices on my fingertips.
A voice message
No touching! Answer the question! He barks at me.
How the fuck did he know?
Yes, what?
Do I have to say it?
Did I just plead? I did my voice was whining!
What do you think? He growls lust in his voice.
Yes, my pussy is wet
Touch yourself
Well, fuck it all. I push both of my fingers inside feeling myself stretch to accommodate them, I curl them upwards so my fingertips are pressing on the wall and let out a whimper.
I hit voice again.
I am, are you? I ask him.
Let me see
Only if you do
I take my phone and point it at my pussy, I get my thick swollen wet lips on the screen, and I can see the hair and my labia along with my button clit sticking out at the top. I hit record after a few seconds I slide my finger slowly over my lips to my hole and give out a loud what I hope is a sexy moan.
“I am such a fucking slut” I say loudly so he can hear.
Fuck it! Send. I keep my fingers down there and slide them back inside, the feeling is amazing I just sent a guy I don’t know a video of me fingering my cunny!
Paul has sent you a video. I click it opens the screen is black and the first thing I hear is
“You are indeed such a little fucking slut, saying that my little slut this is for you”
The screen brightens to first dark purple and then slightly lighter, at first I can’t tell what I am looking at then he pulls out more, I can see the head of a dick with precum running down it. Fingers come into the frame circling the wet sticky liquid. The camera moves out further giving me a view of not just the head but also some of the pink circumcised shaft
“I hope you enjoy this” He lets out a muffled grunt and the first shot of thick cum shoots out the end. I watch my eyes glued to the ejaculating head while my fingers bang in and out of my soaking hole, his cum slowly subsides to a dribble just as my own orgasm rips through me. I lean back against the toilet wall as wave after wave of pleasure flows through me.
I hit voice and scream as my orgasm reaches its peak.
“That was fucking amazing!”
Paul: I am glad you enjoyed it
Leia: Did you enjoy watching me piss?
Paul: It was never about watching you piss
Leia: What was it then? The fart?
Paul: Did you get turned on because you pissed and farted?
Leia: NO!
Paul: So why was your pussy so wet and sticky?
Leia: Not because of that
Paul: So why?
Leia: I was embarrassed, humiliated I wanted to die and you being married made it even naughtier and my pussy just got wet and doing as you told me turned me on it felt
Paul: Normal? Right?
Leia: No, not quite. Something else
Paul: Free
Leia: Yes, I was doing as I was told I didn’t have to think
Paul: Fart again
Leia: What?
Paul: Fart!!!
What is it with him and farting? Does he have a fart fetish? Because I am not farting on his face!
Leia: OK, do I have to send it to you
Paul: Only if you want to
Leia: I don’t want to
Paul: Then don’t
Pushing my stomach I smile and push, I fart easily it isn’t as loud as the one earlier but it’s still pretty loud in the confines of the bathroom which I have to admit does make me giggle a little. Farts are after all pretty funny.
Leia: OK. I farted, now what?
Paul: Nothing I just wanted to see if you would do it
Leia: Asshole! Really?
Paul: No, not really. Did you feel embarrassed?
Dick! I really thought he was making fun of me.
Leia: No
Paul: Horny?
Leia: NO!!
Paul: Did you laugh?
Leia: Yes, a bit
Paul: So what do you think happened?
Leia: It’s just a fart
Paul: Right
Leia: But I don’t want to fart in front of you, it’s gross
Paul: It’s just air, these things happen
I am going to have to ask.
Leia: Did it turn you on?
Paul: No, not really into farting. I don’t mind if they happen but not something that gets me going
Leia: Why did I do that?
I mean really why did I just masturbate with a married guy I don’t know. He’s not even my type but there’s something about it that feels, not dangerous although there is a part of the danger of getting caught by his wife or my boyfriend there is that. Something else, like he is open, and doesn’t care about anything. I feel as though I can do anything and he would encourage me to do it.
Paul: I don’t know why you did it. I know why I did it.
Leia: Why did you do it?
Paul: Because I wanted to
Leia: Do you always do what you want to?
Paul: Within reason
Leia: What does that mean?
Paul: There are limits to what I can do
Leia: Like?
Paul: No offline stuff, looking is OK flashing, etc but no physical sexual contact
Leia: Are you like a dom?
Paul: yes
Leia: Like you tell me what to do and I do it?
Paul: You mean like you just did?
I did! He told me to do things and I did them. I even sent him a video of me doing them. How?
Leia: I did. Does this mean erm not sure the right words. You own me??
Paul: That’s the right expression. But only if you want me to
Leia: Question
Paul: Yes?
Leia: What do you do with the audio and videos I send?
Paul: Delete them.
He sends me a screenshot of his phone and all the videos and audio have been deleted.
Leia: Is that so your wife doesn’t find out?
Paul: No
Leia: Then why? Surely a man wants to keep videos of a woman masturbating
Paul: They don’t belong to me, they are yours
Leia: What do you mean?
Paul: They are yours, if you tell me to keep them then I will
Leia: Do you want to own me?
Paul: Yes
Leia: I am yours
Getting out of the shower, I catch my reflection in the mirror as usual I smile at myself a bit self-consciously. I think like all women I want a little bit of a different body. I’d like my boobs to be a bit bigger. I lift my breasts up and let them go again and watch as they give a slight bounce another half a cup or cup would be nice. Say whatever you want but they are nice and tight, I give my dark brown nipple a playful pinch.
I’d like to be taller I am only one hundred and fifty-five centimeters tall which has always bothered me a little bit, I would love to have been tall. Beth is tall and the guys can’t keep their eyes off her long legs. My legs are actually very nice, shapely and a little muscular but Beth’s long beans get way more attention. If I had legs like her the guys would be falling all over themselves trying to get between them.
“Whatever, you’re good as you are”
I am still a little horny from earlier, even though I got off at making a video for him, I am still not quite done. Turning I grab a towel off of the rail and walk towards the bedroom, snagging my laptop on the way I switch it on and put it down on the bed. I know which video I want to watch, the same one that I always fantasize about.
Propping up some pillows so I can half sit with my back leaning against the headboard. For some reason, I’ve never been very comfortable lying flat on my back when touching myself. I much prefer to sit with my legs spread open this also gives me the advantage of being able to see the computer screen. I put down the towel and sit on it.
Opening the folder where I keep my porn I scroll down to the vid I want and double-click.
The screen shows a naked woman around my age standing in a dark bedroom, the lights are down and the bed is messy like someone just got out of it. Her tits are pretty small with pink hard nipples. She’s unhealthily skinny with long dirty blonde scraggly hair, and her red puffy pussy is shaved completely. From off-camera comes a man’s voice.
“Touch yourself”
The girl looks off to the side.
“Yes, daddy” She mutters shyly.
A man walks into the frame, he’s an older man probably fifty or more, he has a hairy fat beer belly, and his semi-hard penis which is pretty average in size bounces as he walks his big hairy balls swinging.
“What was that?” He demands his voice harsh and sounding angry.
“I said, yes daddy”
“Louder you stupid whore”
This is the bit I love! He steps quickly over to her his cock slaps against his belly and he full-on slams his hand across her thigh causing her to yelp.
“YES! DADDY!” She shouts.
Her hands go straight to her pussy, she uses one hand to open herself, and the fingers of her other hand move onto her clitty. I do the same, I am more gentle than she is but I spread my lips open and start circling my hard clit.
“Mmmm daddy it feels so good” Her mouth opens and she starts rubbing faster.
“Mmmm” I mouth matching her rhythm.
Her daddy walks behind her his hands grab her ass and squeeze hard causing her to moan.
“Play with your asshole” He whispers in her ear. Reaching my hand under myself I start to gently touch my little brown hole as she starts to do the same.
“Bend over”
She slowly turns to the camera and bends. Someone else is obviously operating the camera although the video is homemade someone else is there to capture their moment. I turn over and get on my knees so I am in doggy position where I can see the action going on.
“Slide in your finger”
I push the tip of my finger against my sphincter and feel it grip, gently I move it inside, my face drops to the bed but I can still see the screen.
“Oh daddy” I groan, slowly I push another finger into my tight asshole while moving my other hand around to my pussy, juices are dripping out of me, running down my legs onto the towel.
“jam your fucking fingers into your cunt” He orders.
“Yes, daddy” Me and the girl say at the same time, our movements mirroring each other. She pushes four fingers in herself I can only get three in, my little cunny stretches around my digits and I shudder. The girl in the vid starts fucking herself hard, I am a little more gentle with myself but the effect is the same. My muscles start to tense, it’s coming! I feel it pushing against my hole, the pressure is building on the screen she is going through the same thing.
“Are you going to squirt?” He reaches over and grabs her tits hard squeezing them and squishing them together. I wish I had someone to do that for me!
“Yes, daddy!!”
“You dirty little fucking slut!”
“Yes, daddy” We say.
“What are you?”
“I’m a dirty little slut!” I almost shout but manage to stop myself. My cunt explodes! A tight burst of cum shoots directly downwards splattering my thighs and soaking the towel, the girl also lets out a spray of juice but she is lucky to have someone there. The guy drops to his knees covering her pussy with his mouth the camera zooms in, and his throat is working as he swallows her squirt my orgasm intensifies my fingers pistoning in and out of my holes as I scream in ecstasy.
“Oh daddy, I’m done did I do well?” the guy on the screen looks into the camera and says.
“Good girl”
I collapse on my face, my chest heaving thinking of a man called Paul that has agreed to let me be his sub.
I’ve never been nervous about walking into work before, I look up the all too familiar gray carpeted stairs and feel a thrill of fear. I am going to see him again after last night’s little episode. Damn what if he says something? Or leers at me? Will I be able to act normal around him?
“Hi, Leia!” Beth says from behind me.

“Hi, Beth”
“I guess I am not the only one that doesn’t want to go in today!” Beth is far too chirpy and cheerful in the morning.
“Not really that, just something on my mind”
“Does that something have a name?”
“Beth! Fuck!”

We slowly walk up the stairs and I give her the side-eye.
“Oh come on, you were practically drooling over him yesterday”
“I was not!”
“So I am right someone is all bubbly in the panties for Paul”
“Shit! What the fuck? How do you always know this shit?”
“Like I said, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him and he knew it!
I look round at her.
“Shut up! I know he knew it”
“You slut, you’ve already been talking to him”
“Yes, last night”
“And nothing, we talked about work and the school” I am pretty sure I am fucking blushing again my face feels hot.
“Really! He was a perfect gentleman”
“Excuse me, ladies” He says from behind me.
“FUCK” I mouth at Beth.
Beth has the good grace to blush but damn how much did he hear? My phone buzzes.
Paul: Be careful what you say about me
Leia: I didn’t say anything except we talked about work
Paul: Good girl
“Do you think he heard anything?” Beth whispers.
“I don’t think so”
“You know Heather has a bit of a crush on him?”
“Why should I care?”
Like that boring little bitch is kinky enough for him.
“She’s looking for a guy”
“He’s married” I sigh.
“Yeah, he told me”
“Beth you are so bad!”
Beth laughs as we reach the entrance to the school
We get to the door and stop talking because there are other people in the reception area. Walking through to the office I notice Paul isn’t there. Where is he? As soon as I sit at my desk.
My phone buzzes.
Paul: Come to the toilet
Leia: You said no touching
Paul: Who said anything about touching? Bring your bag
Leia: Coming
I walk down the corridor towards the toilet. What does he want? Should I be worried? Is he going to try something even though he said no real life? Why do I have to bring my bag?
The door to the restrooms is closed this worries me even more. I stare at the door for a few seconds.
Paul: It’s OK I want to give you something
Leia: What?
Paul: Come in and find out
I push open the door as he is leaving one of the cubicles. He’s looking at his phone as he passes me my phone buzzes.
Paul: It’s in the toilet on top of the system
I walk past him without looking and into the stall. On top of the water system are a disposable razor and a small can of shaving foam.
I stare at them in shock.
Leia: You want me to shave in the toilet?
Paul: Yes
Leia: I don’t shave
Paul: I don’t like it hairy can’t see anything clearly in pics or vids
Leia: I am going to see my boyfriend tonight
Paul: Tell him you shaved for him, he’ll love it
Leia: And I suppose you want me to video it
Paul: The correct response is, do you want me to video it?
Leia: What do I call you in this situation?
Paul: Sir, Master, Daddy, Owner take your pick
Leia: Daddy
Paul: Daddy it is. What do you want me to call you?
Leia: Slut, whore, cunt, pig anything
Paul: Very well
Leia: Do you want me to record myself shaving my pussy, Daddy?
Paul: Reverse the camera so you can see yourself while you do it

Luckily my phone tripod has a suction cup that can stick to nearly any smooth surface. I stick it to the door and stand up straight, it takes a couple of goes before I can get my pussy in the frame. I spray a ball of foam into my hand and start to lather my pubes.
The first few strokes of the razor hurt due to how long my pubes are but after a while, I am sliding over my skin. It takes me quite a long time and I have to move closer to the camera to get the under bits. My pubic area is red and sore to the touch and there are also a few small cuts and abrasions.
My phone buzzes
Paul: Send the video to your boyfriend
Leia: NO!
Paul: Trust me, send this first I can’t wait for tonight, for you and then send the video
Leia: OK
I nervously do as he tells me but I am pretty sure my boyfriend will be confused.
Looking at my freshly shaved pussy I don’t really like it but I can see my lips and even a bit of the hole a lot clearer.
My boyfriend replies that he can’t wait! And he sends me a picture of his hard cock from his office toilets!
Leia: How did you know he would like it?
Paul: He’s male, come to classroom 6
Leia: Still no touching!
Paul: I won’t touch you, but leave off your panties
Leia: Yes, Daddy
I tuck the razor and shaving foam in my bag and collect the tripod. Classroom six is across from the toilets so it’s two steps and I am at the door.
Paul is sitting at the desk looking at his phone.
My phone buzzes
Paul: Close the door
“OK” I say.
My phone buzzes again.
Paul: No talking
Leia: Sorry, Daddy
Paul: Lift up your skirt and show me your pussy
Leia: There are cameras in here
Paul: I turned them off
Leia: Are you sure?
Paul: I did but walk over there and turn your back to the camera
I step to the rear of the room and stand under the camera in the corner. Paul follows me over and stands in front of me.
Paul: Lift up your skirt and show me your shaved cunt
I reach down and slowly lift the front of my skirt, my pussy comes into view and he smiles. A small amount of juice drips out of me, his eyes follow it as it trickles down the inside of my thighs.
Paul: Touch your clitty
Leia: It’s sore after shaving
Paul: Your clit not your pussy
I reach down and stroke my fingers over my little bud which sends a slight shiver through my body.
Paul: Good slut
Leia: Daddy, I want to cum!
Paul: Not until you are with your boyfriend
Leia: I want to cum, now!
Paul: You have your orders, you can only cum on your boyfriend’s face
Leia: That’s not fair!
Paul: If you want I can make you cancel the date with your bf so either wait or no orgasm at all. Choose
Leia: I will wait
Paul: Turn around and show me your ass
I obediently turn around and flip the back of my skirt up
Paul: Now spank your ass hard for trying to disobey me
Leia: Someone will hear
Paul: They will hear a sound but they won’t know what it is, bend over so you are almost touching your toes and spank your skinny ass
Another stream of juices runs out of my pussy just as my fingers touch my toes, I reach back my hand as far as I can and give myself a good hard slap.
Paul: Stay there
I hear him move towards me and expect a touch but looking between my legs I see he is taking a picture, my phone buzzes again and a pic of my ass with a red handprint on it comes through. My pussy is glistening with cream and is open every so often a drop of liquid falls out and splashes on the floor.
Leia: Is that all Daddy?
Paul: Yes, put your panties back on before you leave
Leia: Are you horny, Daddy?
Paul: Who wouldn’t be? Go back to the office, no more for today
Leia: OK, Daddy
Paul: I am proud of you
The rest of the day was fucking torture! My pubic area was still a bit sore but every time I thought of him or looked across the room, or even heard his fucking voice my pussy got moist again! Damn him!
Leia: Nothing more today?
Paul: Go sit on your boyfriend’s face and ride him until you cum
Leia: Anything else?
Paul: Ask him if there is anything he wants to do, but don’t let him do it. Tell me tomorrow what it is
Leia: Night, Daddy
Paul: Night slut
