I used voodoo to turn my pussy into a sex toy! [Non-con] [Comedy]

[Features: Voodoo, sex toy, being used, comedy]

Bwhaha! Soon, soon, the world shall fall under my dominion!

Or at the very least, I’ll finally get laid!

“Melody, are you thinking of something weird again?”

“HUH?! NO! Not at all!”

I scramble a bit as Victor looks at me with those steel-like eyes and his stern resting face. Oh, he’s so dreamy.

“Earth to Melody. You’re day dreaming again. What was it this time?”

“Huh?! Nothing, nothing at all, I promise you, it was most certainly nothing!”

“Okay then…”

Me and Victory were currently hanging out and it was going amazing! Sadly, Victor had never had the inner strength to approach someone such as I for the lovey dovey. The fool! But that’s alright, I get it, I understand, being friends for so long can make things a bit awkward, more difficult even! You worry about losing them, about not being able to handle their rejection, of them not being able to handle yours, and more! And it’s all total nonsense! Why won’t he just take me in his arms and lay the smack down on my wet rag of a pussy?!

Needless to say I haven’t asked him. That would just be awkward. No no, can’t do that.

So I have come up with an ingenious idea! If Victory Valasky, my childhood friend, won’t gather the guts necessary to fuck the daylights out of me himself, then I must take matters into my own hands! I must go where no woman has gone before! I must consult the ancients and use their great power in order to-

“I’m gonna eat your pizza Melody.”

“You fool! Your pizza is the one that shall be mine!”

After a rousing good and delicious pizza from not-subway, I settle back into my own thoughts. Ah yes, where was I?

Right! Voodoo!

Yes, yes, the ancient power of the african nation, a magic ingrained with witch doctors and spooky magic men and women! Witches galore! But that’s not all that voodoo is, or even what it is at all! I’m no neophyte, I actually took the time to study on wikipedia! Voodoo is some kinda religious stuff and not at all what the modern world has made it out to be. It’s basically all the bad stuff like controlling spirits, making zombies, and making voodoo dolls that got popular. Ridiculous! It’d be like the only thing remaining from Christianity was the fact that blood could be turned into wine and then thinking that Christians practiced bloodletting from others in order to get drunk. Truly, we have done the religious cultural world a disservice.

That all said, I am talking about all the bad voodoo stuff here. Haha.

In particular! Voodoo dolls! Yes, yes, those amazingly little contraptions. One sensation passed to another, often for the infliction of pain, sometimes even actual mortal injury!

Naturally I plan to use it for sex!

But ah, in my research, I found something even better than voodoo dolls! A ritual, which I took the time to paint on a towel, that lets you connect certain parts of things together. Apparently this was used, or is suppose to be used, for ridiculous things like connecting an arm to a piece of glass and breaking it. Silly!

I have far grander designs!

Currently, I was enjoying a good and nice after-pizza with Victor in his home. Now I only needed to distract him for a few hours and it would take all of my cunning, all of my will, and absolute confidence in myself.



“Go away for a few hours!”


And like that, the deed was done!

Now I just needed to find his sex toy! Yes yes, every man must have a sex toy! Sadly, as I began to blatantly search around his room for it, it took me the better part of an hour to find it! The dastardly villain had seemingly hidden it away in the only place I would have never looked, his closet! Who stores amazing sex toys in the closet?!

And I could tell, it was quite amazing indeed. It wasn’t just a normal old rump a pump, it was a Max 3! One of those creepy guys online told me about these things! It was an electronic sex toy and has neat features and stuff but this was even better! It meant that Victor, my poor, poor shy Victor, was quite dedicated to his penile health!

Meaning I wouldn’t have to wait very long to get absolutely railed!

I took the toy and began doing the ritual. It wasn’t really that hard, I just placed it onto a towel I had painted the weird red symbol I had gotten and then just believed really hard on what I wanted and boom, it was done!

For a moment, I did worry that I had trusted the internet and it had lied to me… but as soon as I lifted the toy I felt my insides were moving a little, like part of me had been lifted into the air, and I knew I had succeeded! Of course, who would ever lie on the internet?!

I carefully placed the toy back where I had gotten it from, packed up the towel back into my shirt, and quickly made my way out of Victor’s room… only to nearly run right into victor himself!


He blinked at me. Damn you you beautiful man.

“…Wanna play some mario kart?”

“Absolutely yes! You shall rue the day you have ever challenge me to a mario kart race!”

How I faired during that was of no consequence! The important part was that Victor had no idea and soon, soon I shall get exactly what I desired! I returned to my own home and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Damn you Victor! It’s already been an hour, can’t you hurry up and get horny already?! I was starting to worry I’d have to go days, maybe even longer before Victor decided to use the toy. Wait, what if he masturbates regularly and only sometimes uses the toy?! OH NO! I could wait nearly forever for my plans to come to fruition!

My worrying was for nothing, however, thankfully, as I felt the same slightly weird sensation of movement from only a single, lower part, of my body. Haha! Soon, I shall- oof.


I, I could feel victors fingers on my pussy. S-Spreading them. I had had sex before but feeling Victor actually touch me was, wow. He was currently using two fingers to spread me and I felt-


Suddenly, a cold liquid seemed to squirt into me. Illogically, it seemed to go all the way down my vagina. I could feel it as Victor poured a bunch into me and even on top of me. What on earth was he doing?! And then I remembered. Right, lube. Sex toys need lube. He was lubing me up. Of course! Still, it was cold and felt a bit weird.

Soon, I could feel Victor as he rubbed my pussy, coating my entrance. It was just starting to feel good when I felt Victor ram his fingers fully into me!

“AH! Gentle! Gentle!”

Being suddenly finger banged without warning was a bit much you know?! But of course, he didn’t know but that was fine. His fingers hadn’t stopped, now rubbing my insides, coating the lube fully everywhere. I was just starting to get into it, starting to pant a bit, when he pulled his fingers out. Bad! You tease!

I was now eagerly awaiting his dick though, when something happened that caused my whole mind and body to shake. M-My pussy was moving! Wait, no, it was, vibrating?! I could feel it, the vibrations going through me. It was like I… was a… vibrator. The Max 3 has a vibrating function… holy crap. Victor must have turned it on and now, now my whole pussy was vibrating! It felt really weird, but good. Good in a weird way. I’d felt this way before, but only when something was actually inside me! It was starting to make me squirm but that was okay. Soon I would have Victor’s di-

Suddenly, a new sensation affected me as I felt my pussy squeeze. I looked down, staring in amazement. It squeezed again. In a rhythm. I gulped. I, I could feel that, as if I was doing it myself, but I wasn’t. I knew the Max 3 had some neat features but, I had no idea it would affect me like this!

My pussy had really become a sex toy!

I was already starting to really feel it now and Victor hadn’t even put his dick in yet! I was vibrating and contracting, at a certain pace. If I didn’t know victor was about to use me, I’d have already started masturbating and grinding into my own hand!

I yelped and moaned as I suddenly felt Victor press up against me… and then go all the way in. I felt his dick slide all the way into me as he began rhythmically pushing in and out, feeling his cock vibrate inside me, feeling my pussy squeeze his dick. There was no hesitation or gentleness at all! I should have expected that really but to actually experience it was, so freaking hot!

Victor kept fucking me, well, fucking the toy and thus unknowingly fucking me, and all of the sensations were making the experience mind blowing. I could feel Victor’s hard cock as he pushed and pulled me down on top of him. I gripped the sheets, moaning, feeling the pleasure build and build until I felt myself orgasm. It kept going as Victor didn’t even slow down. He just kept up the same rhythm until suddenly, he started going faster and faster! I was moaning and panting, as I was getting absolutely wrecked! It was so much, so much at once! As I felt him slam again and again and again, it all suddenly seemed to come to a stop with one final shove and I felt Victor cum deep inside me, coating me.

I was feeling amazing. My plan had worked perfectly! I winced and moaned a little as I still felt myself vibrating and contracting. Maybe a little too well. I was starting to worry the feeling would never stop! Luckily Victor was the responsible sort and a short while later, turned it off. Oh thank god. I thought I was going to go crazy.

I was getting to go to bed, happy about the day had gone, when I felt that weird sensation of part of me moving but not the rest of me. Well that made sense, Victor had to put away his toy. I was nearly asleep when I felt something really hot and liquid gush into me. I nearly leapt off my bed but the feeling didn’t stop one bit! What was going on?! Hot hot hot hot! I could feel extremely hot water being practically pumped into me, making me feel absolutely full! And then I felt as all of that water and some other liquids be pushed out of me. Was I being rinsed out?! I understood you had to clean your sex toy Victor, but why was the water so hot?! No, why did I have to feel it, it was weird and I was not a fan!

It took what seemed like a small eternity but finally, I didn’t feel like I was being pumped full of lava. I relaxed and finally went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the feeling of being vibrated. And it was much more intense than before! The contractions kicked on a second later and it felt I could have squeezed a stone to dust! W-what was going on?! Did the Max 3 have multiple settings or something? No, was Victor really doing it again this late at night?!

This time, only a small bit of a lube was poured into me and it showed with how rough it felt when Victor pushed into me! The pleasure was amazing but it was too amazing! Far too amazing! I felt like I was gonna black out and start drooling even more than I already was!

The whole thing was great but I felt like I had woken up in the middle of the night to getting absolutely destroyed via dick. Finally it was over and the horrible rinsing happened again! Ughhh.

I went back to sleep. Only to be woken up in a similar manner, but less rough, in the morning. W-Was Victor this sexually pent up?

By the end of 3rd time I’d had sex in less than 8 hours, I knew I had to get that sex toy away from him. I didn’t know he used it this much!

As soon as I felt like I could move, I hurriedly headed over to Victor’s place. I was simply going to take the sex toy, undo the voodoo spell, and all will be good. The house was surprisingly locked and speaking of, wasn’t Victor’s car gone?

Wait a minute, wasn’t victor going on a camping trip….?

Oh no.

Wait, don’t freak out, surely he didn’t? Right? Cleaning it out would be really difficult out in the woods right?! And surely, he had his phone on him… right?!

I quickly checked my phone, only to see a message from Victor.

“Going camping for a week like we talked about. Forgot to bring a charger for my phone, see you Saturday.”

I quickly performed some incredibly talents skills of deduction, picking up the ket from under the welcome mat, and hurriedly went inside, looking for the sex toy. And it is was nowhere to be found!

I gulped and looked down. W-Well, I do like sex. Surely Victor won’t go overboard. He’s not secretly some kinda lustfully repressed demon right?




[A week later]

I was a toy. A toy of Victor’s. I existed only to be fucked at all hours of the day, every day, for hours on end. At least that’s what it had felt like! Victor was crazy! He had fucked and fucked and fucked like some kinda rabid animal! And I could safely say I now hated cold water. Every time he’d get done, he’d put the damn toy into a stream to clean it. And it was cold! So cold! And I thought the hot water was bad. A whole week of non-stop sex… I won’t say I hated it, but learn some restraint! I felt like I was worn out!

But finally, Victor had returned and I could finally undo the damn voodoo spell!

I rushed to his house, ready to destroy the door if need be!

Victor opened it up as I ran inside.


“…Hello Melody. It’s good to see you.”

“Victor! Have you unpacked from your trip?! I need something! Ah, I mean, go away for a few hours!”

Victor just looked at me, slightly confused, before a lightbulb seemed to go off in his head.

“………..Did you do something to my Max 3?”

I froze and gulped. Uh-oh.

“Uhhh, Victor! You can’t just talk about sex toys in front of a lady, how could you?!”

He just stared at me and I let out a nervous chuckle.

“W-Why would you even ask something s-so weird huh?!”

“….it felt really good.”

I blushed a bit. Stupid voodoo!

“…what did you do to it?”

“W-W-well, you see, um. Now, uh. It’s possible, I may have…. Usedvoodootoconnectittomypussy.”


“I, may have, used voodoo to… connect it to my……… pussy.”

Victor’s eyes got really wide and my blush deepened. His mouth dropped open, as he was no doubt remembering the last week of his trip and just how many times we must have had sex. He was silent for a good few minutes.

“……………………….you could’ve asked if you wanted to do those kinds of things together.”

“HUH?! But you never made a move! You’re really willing?!”

Victor nodded.

“Haha! Success then! Ah, but, I’ll need the toy back so I can undo the voodoo spell. I had no idea you were such a sex fiend! You’ll have to learn restraint in the future.”

Victor was quiet for a a good fifteen seconds before he looked up at me, let a beautiful smile crack through his stern looking face, and said:


Then walked to his bedroom and closed the door.

I blinked in surprise.

“Uhh, what?”

Then suddenly I felt myself start vibrating.

“V-Victor! You can’t be serious, right?!”

But soon I got to know just how serious he was.

Later on, me and Victor would start actually having sex and dating, but he still refused to let me undo the spell! Any hour of the night or time of day, I might suddenly end up having sex and always multiple times a day!

So mean!

[More stories available at /r/WarixViviana. Commissions available.]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/y5kxlm/i_used_voodoo_to_turn_my_pussy_into_a_sex_toy


  1. I admit I was lured in by the title but this is both hilarious and sexy! Difficult to combine the two ( I do get laughed at during sex but it’s not the same thing….).

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