Bite-Sized Morsels: Lauren’s Agony [fffm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister] [Exhibitionism] [Voyeurism] [Group Sex] [Humiliation] [Rape] [Mind Break] [Virgin] [Lesbian]

*This is a non-canonical story related to the Family Morsel series, and contains spoilers from* [*Having Some Brie*]( *and* [*Cherry on Top*](*. Viewer discretion is advised.*

I should’ve listened to my dad.

Don’t hang out at night. Bring a stun gun. Don’t dress provocatively. Instead, I was slowly regaining consciousness after being jumped by six guys in a panel van. As if this year couldn’t get worse. Groaning and slowly blinking, I began to take in my surroundings. It didn’t take long to assess, and I broke out into a cold sweat.

It was a fucking sex dungeon.

Looking down, I realized my legs were strapped down to the cold concrete floor I was kneeling on, leather restraints on my ankles and just below my knees. My upper body was suspended by my cuffed arms, which were being pulled up and behind me so that I was leaning forward, and the position was already killing me. And I was naked. Shivering, I looked to the rest of the room. BDSM gear was everywhere: an X-cross, a wooden horse, a pillory, lots of black wood and red leather. Now that I was aware of the situation I was in, I began to regret being able to name all the apparatuses. And sat on a crimson-sheeted four-poster bed was an arrogantly flirtatious blonde girl, her legs crossed as she nibbled on a fingernail and regarded me.

“You fucking cunt,” I hissed, thrashing against my restraints.

“It’s good to see you again, Lauren,” Lexi said airily. “Normally, that wouldn’t be the case, but I have something special planned for tonight.” She was dressed in a royal purple corset that cupped her generous breasts with matching lace panties, elbow gloves, and stockings. This was the bitch who’d uprooted my whole life. I tried to throw myself at her again, but my arms only hurt even more. Standing, she walked over to me, her black heels clicking against the hard floor. She adjusted a chain that ran to the ceiling, and my handcuffs dropped me lower until my torso was parallel with the ground. My shoulders were about to pop out, and I gave up on struggling.

“What the fuck do you want? I haven’t said shit, like I promised.” I’d figured out my crush Stef was actually dating his twin sister, and before I could tell anyone, Lexi had threatened to expose my dad’s embezzlement. We’d moved across the country because of her, and now she’d had me kidnapped when I’d done nothing wrong.

“I know, you’ve been such a good girl,” she crooned. “So I’ve prepared a show just for you as a reward.” She crouched next to me, that stupid grin on her face as she cupped my cheek, and her voice dropped to a murmur. “Haven’t you always wanted to know what it was like to fuck Stef?”

I froze, my emotions in utter turmoil. I couldn’t decide how I felt about Stef. On one hand, he was dating his own sister, probably fucking her too. I felt sick just thinking about it. On the other… I couldn’t help but still fantasize about him. What was up with that? But the answer to her question was… *yes.* I liked Stef more than I wanted to admit. Embarrassingly, I’d even told my friends once that I wanted his babies.

“That’s what I thought,” Lexi chuckled, standing and walking out of my field of view. I hated that about her, among other things. That feeling that she could read your mind. Wait, was she about to bring Stef in to rape me? I felt myself moisten at the thought and hated myself. I heard a door open and prepared myself, biting my lip and panting a bit. “Come in. She’s all ready, so we can get started.”

I heard footsteps approach and paused. There was somebody else. Any excitement I had vanished when they walked into view. It was Stef, alright. But with him was his twin sister Brie, a pesky nuisance who had cockblocked Stef for years, and now she had stolen him for herself. I struggled against my restraints again and was reminded to behave by sharp pain.

“What the fuck are you sickos up to?” I snarled.

Contempt flickered across Brie’s face, and at the same time I saw Stef scan my body. My face burned with embarrassment; this was the first time he was seeing me nude. Brie’s head whipped toward him and she slapped him on the chest.

“Hey, no checking her out,” she snapped.

“Sorry,” he replied sheepishly. “Reflex.”

“Let’s not forget why we’re here,” Lexi added, walking back into view. “Lauren wants to know how Stef fucks, so why don’t you two show her?”

My stomach lurched while the twins glanced at each other nervously. Were they seriously gonna fuck in front of me? “Please don’t,” I whimpered, hating how the words came out.

“Don’t be shy, you two,” Lexi coaxed. “You guys agreed to this when I brought it up. Time to make it worth the trouble.” She knew about them, and she was encouraging it. She’d kidnapped me and brought me back here for this express reason. I was about to be witness to their degeneracy.

Brie was still hesitating when Stef took her by the chin and kissed her. A burning pang of envy flared in my chest as I watched them grow more eager and begin to make out. Stef was even more handsome than I remembered, his jet black hair looking perfect to run fingers through. And run fingers through it Brie did, clutching him to her, moving past her bashfulness quickly. I was still in a lowered position and had to crane my neck to watch them. Why the fuck was I watching them?

As Stef began moving his hands across his sister’s body, slowly pulling her out of her white blouse and blue jeans, Lexi knelt down next to me, murmuring in my ear. “Aren’t they just beautiful?” she asked, fingering my brown curls.

“You’re all disgusting,” I spat. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because it makes us happy.”

“It’s making me sick.”

“For now,” Lexi said ominously. Like I would ever enjoy being a party to this.

Brie was now down to her undergarments and had started undressing Stef. He was in a black button-down and grey jeans, looking sexy as fuck, and she was unwrapping him like a Christmas present for me. My eyes took in the spectacle hungrily, relishing as his buttons popped off to reveal his chest. It was nice and wide from swimming, as was his back, and I felt myself getting hot as Brie moved on to his pants, undoing them sensually and yanking them down with his boxers to reveal him in all his splendor. I already knew from seeing him in his swimwear that his cock would look magnificent. And it proved mouthwateringly so.

“He looks glorious, doesn’t he?” Lexi cooed. Brie shot a sharp glance in her direction before letting Stef unhook her bra and slip off her panties. “That should be me with him right now.” I realized she was giving voice to my thoughts and tried to move away from her, but my straps and chains held me in place. Brie was naked now, and Stef’s hands were moving all across her skin, cupping her waist, fondling her small boobs, squeezing her tight ass. As much as I hated to admit it, she was in great shape. “What does she have that I don’t?”

“Get away from me,” I hissed, jerking my head away from Lexi’s lips. The twins had a brief moment of apprehension, checking my reaction to everything before Stef took Brie and laid her down on the bed such that I could see the whole length of her body.

“Ooh, that’s my cue,” Lexi chirped, finally standing and walking away, leaving me in some measure of peace. But there would be none, as Stef climbed on top of his sister and gazed down lovingly at her. My God, they really were gonna fuck right in front of me. He wasn’t even wearing a condom. My stomach churned, even as my pussy began dripping. Why couldn’t I look away?!

“Are we really doing this?” Brie whispered, using her legs to pull Stef’s hips closer, his cock inches from her pussy.

Stef leaned down and kissed her before giving her a grin. “Hell yeah, we are” he replied.

“Stef. Please don’t,” I begged. I couldn’t believe what I was doing. Even the twins looked over at me in surprise.

And then Brie grew the most twisted smile I’d ever seen on her, and she turned back to Stef on top of her. “Fuck me, big brother,” she whispered, and I screamed in anguish as he penetrated her.

With morbid fascination, I watched wide-eyed as Stef fucked Brie. They looked so natural together, like they had practiced this union a hundred times. I spotted scars on Stef’s back, a series of white lines that started between his shoulder blade and then fanned out to his waist on either side. Then Brie dug her nails into his skin and clawed at him right along the lines, and I felt sick again. She’d marked him as hers in every way possible.

“I never get tired of watching them make love,” Lexi remarked, appearing beside me again. Her choice of words made me feel ill, but then I looked up at her standing next to me and dread almost stopped my heart. Her panties were gone, and in their place she was wearing a strap-on, the black rubber looking about the same length as Stef. Her bald pussy lay somewhere under the harness, leaking fluids down her legs. “But don’t worry, you won’t be left out.”

“Lexi… please. I’m sorry. For everything.” I didn’t even recognize my own voice anymore. It was weak and pathetic and broken and defeated as I begged against the inevitable. “I did everything you told me. Please.”

She looked at me sympathetically, kneeling down and stroking my cheek with her thumb before leaning in and kissing me on the lips. Had I not been so terrified, I would have bitten her. As it stood, her tenderness was the only comfort I had left, and it was tainted with her malicious intent. “I know, honey. I’m gonna take care of you now.”

“Please,” I sobbed, tears starting to trail down my face, my legs quivering in fear. “I’m… I’m a virgin.” A look of surprise flashed across her face, and then it turned into something else. It was a hunger that I’d only ever seen on men, and I almost pissed myself when she licked her lips.

“Oh, Lauren,” she breathed. “You silly girl. That line has never stopped a rape, not ever. In fact…” She moved behind me and I thrashed against the chains again, desperate to get away. I was held fast, and I felt the tip of the dildo touch my bare sex. No, please no. “…It only makes us want it more.”

I screamed as my purity was torn away. The sensation of being rent open, like an axe splitting a log, made me jolt against the restraints. Almost as painful was the realization that I’d just lost my virginity to a piece of plastic, which was spreading open parts of me that had remained untouched my whole life. Through all the pain, I was just lucid enough to see the twins peer over at me. His passion stoked, Stef started pounding Brie harder, and she moaned loud enough to match my cries. Lexi, giving me no time to adjust to my first insertion, matched his speed, brutally hammering into my slit. I was straining so hard against my bonds that my wrists and ankles were bruising while she ravished me.

Deciding not to miss out on the action, Stef pulled out of Brie and helped her to her feet, then led her over to us. Before she could protest, he lifted her leg and reentered her, the point where they were joined just mere inches from my face. Brie’s nectar was splashing everywhere, drizzling down onto my head.

Stef’s cock was right there, and Lexi was matching his pace almost perfectly. Through all the pain and lust, I started to imagine that it was him fucking me. Him making me drip with fervor, him thrusting into my virgin pussy without a condom, him ready to fill me with his babies that I so desperately desired. What a big mistake that was. I started cumming from being raped, and that only seemed to fuel the three of them and their excitement.

“Oh God, I love you, Brie,” Stef panted before locking lips with her. One arm was still holding her leg up, while the other was wrapped around her and clutching one of her tits. She moaned into his mouth as he gave her three increasingly slow thrusts, spots of white cream leaking out past his member. *It should have been me.*

“Ooh, fuck. I rarely get to watch them in person,” Lexi commented, giving me the same three thrusts and extending my orgasm. “So fucking hot. So thanks for this, Laur.” She slapped my ass once, making me clench on the dildo and sending a flash of pain through me. “Hey, Brie.”

“Yeah,” Brie gasped, leg still held aloft by her brother, shivering from aftershocks of her own climax.

“Lauren’s really been a good girl today. We wanna motivate her to continue being a good girl in the future, right?”


Lexi undid the straps on my legs, then reached over and pulled the chain that controlled my handcuffs. They went slack long enough for my arms to drop down before she yanked them up again, forcing me into a straightened position. Instead of bowed before Brie, I was almost kneeling upright at her feet, held aloft and impaled by Lexi, driving the strap-on deeper into me. I groaned pitifully and Stef shot me a lecherous look. With the dildo still lodged in me, Lexi reached forward and pressed her thumb and middle finger into my cheeks, forcing my jaw open.

“Then feed her some of that cum she wants so badly.”

I shook my head, trying to wrest out of her grip. Brie looked at me scornfully.

“It’s *my* cum,” she snapped.

“It’s okay, baby, I’ll give you more later,” Stef whispered in her ear. “C’mon, you don’t like the idea of your pussy dripping onto her face?”

Brie glared down at me before growing a sadistic smirk. “Fine.”

Lexi reached over with her other hand and pinched my nose shut. Stef pulled out of Brie, and she positioned her pussy right over my mouth, spreading her lips. A moderate string of jism leaked out of her and began collecting in my mouth. Resisting, I couldn’t breathe past the pool of ejaculate and started choking. But why was I fighting this? It was Stef’s cum. I’d wanted it for the longest time. Even with my nose pinched, I could smell the delicious stench through my mouth, and I began running my tongue through the white pool of lust.

When Brie finally stopped dripping, I… I actually stuck my tongue out and licked her clean. I don’t know what I was thinking. Brie shivered in delight, and I saw Stef throb with arousal. Lexi let go of my face, and like the slut I was, I swallowed the load in three gulps, doing so to take the time to savor the taste. *Don’t moan, don’t moan–*

“Mm…” I moaned, my eyes rolling back a bit. I fucking hated myself.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” Brie commented. “This was… actually a lot of fun.” She looked over at Lexi. “Can we keep her?” Like I was some animal to be taken as a pet.

I was nobody’s bitch, but I was too exhausted and horny to protest. And if it meant being able to taste Stef’s ambrosial cum again…

Lexi finally pulled out of me, and the arousal from swallowing Stef’s seed made the withdrawal feel amazing. Oh shit, what was happening to me? “Of course, honey.” She set me back down, and my handcuffs were the only thing stopping me from sprawling on the ground. Lexi walked back in front of me, her strap-on coated with my virgin blood. “I didn’t expect that to actually be your first time, Lauren. Had you pegged for a slut through and through. But we can still make it happen. I already can’t wait ’til next time,” she added coyly.

And honestly, as much as I loathed myself for feeling so… neither could I.



  1. Good heavens, just look at all these tags! This story was voted on in Poll #2. Enjoy!

    If everything goes well, the first chapter of the next full-length story, In the Closet, will be coming out next week. Hope y’all are ready for it!

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