Double Double Tentacle Trouble (F21/other, Non-human, Tentacles, Oral, Anal, DP)

A raven cawed in the night as Amy dropped the last ingredient into the pot. Being a witch in college meant making do with limited space. Who said a cauldron couldn’t be a pot on a hot plate? Being a senior with her own dorm room meant at least she didn’t have to try and hide her spells from a roommate.

Her long pink and purple hair was tied back in a ponytail and instead of robes she wore a white lab coat, left hanging open over her naked body. Beakers and tubes that once held ingredients lined her limited counter space, being a chemistry student had its perks. The only part of the spell casting that was traditional was the heavy leather spell book propped open on a stand. Amy lazily stirred the pot as she checked over the page open in front of her.

“Brew a lover for one night.” She chuckled at the title, but boy did she need it. Balancing studying academics and witchcraft left her schedule lacking in time for going out. Still, she was young and had needs. As the smoke changed from a pale green to a soft lilac, she stopped stirring and turned off the heat. “Perfect, as usual.” She thought to herself, “Now we wait.”

Amy shrugged the lab coat off and hung it on the back of a chair, taking off her safety glasses and sliding them in the pocket. She admired herself in the mirror. Twenty-two she was meticulous about her appearance. Daily exercise gave her a slim muscled figure, her breasts standing proud above toned abs. She ran her eyes up and down her smooth legs and crotch, magic hair removal was an unexpected bonus of her witch heritage.

Satisfied with her appearance, she killed the lights, leaving her dorm room illuminated only by the flickering of candles. She wasn’t sure what to expect with this spell but knew it was almost ready. There was a pop from the pot and a cool breeze swept through the room, making the candle flames dance and her nipples stiffen, it was time.

In the dim light Amy could barely make out a shape moving towards her. It was vaguely humanoid, but with a handful of tendrils moving independently in the air. She sucked in a breath as it approached. It was a deep purple, lilac smoke obscuring its features. She sat back on her couch, legs spread, and crooked a finger at her temporary lover, beckoning it closer.

“Come take me.” She commanded, an edge of passion entering her voice as she imagined what it could do to her. It wasted no time in following her command as a tentacle shot forward, wrapping firmly around her ankle. It was joined in short order by three more, wrapping tight around her wrists and other ankle. Its grip was like iron and a heat spread through her knowing she couldn’t struggle free.

It lifted her as if she weighed nothing and pulled her close. Hanging in the air a soft moan escaped her lips as it ran a hand roughly over her tits. She gasped as it lightly pinched a stiff nipple. Slowly it explored, cocking its head at every sound she made, testing what she liked as it went. The soft teasing as it explored took the heat in her core and stoked it into an inferno of desire. She started to beg for it to fuck her but could barely get the words out before its hand closed around her neck.

It wasn’t holding tight enough to cause damage, but it sent her head reeling. Her body went slack in its tentacles, giving in to its strength and control. The summon seemed to smile as it moved her in the air, the hand around her throat being replaced by a soft but firm tentacle. It spun her in the air so her mouth was in line with its crotch and pulled her forward. The purple head of its dick bumped against her lips and she instinctively gave it access.

She was used to being in control, but this treatment overrode her brain and she gave in to her desire to serve. Her lips wrapped around the large head. The taste was fragrant and tasted faintly of the sweet herbs used in the spell. She plunged her mouth down, taking the large dick as far as she could before pulling back. The submission sent sparks through her brain and she plunged down again. It felt good to serve. Finding a rhythm she bobbed on the summon’s dick, each time taking more in until it bumped against her throat. With a deep breath she pushed forward again, feeling the tip slide into her throat. She held herself there as long as she could before pulling back, gagging slightly.

As she pushed her head forward again, she felt its hands come to rest on her firm ass. As her lips wrapped around the base of its dick, a tongue found her dripping pussy. Her legs held open by the strong tentacles gave the summon free access to run its tongue up and down her dripping slit. She moaned around the dick in her mouth as it circled her clit slowly. She stopped moving as the sensations overwhelmed her, until the tentacle around her throat tightened and pulled her forward again onto its stiff dick.

She gave up control completely in that moment, letting it use her mouth as a toy even as it licked and sucked gently on her clit. The feeling of helplessness and the constant assault of pleasure left her a moaning mess. The inferno building within her threatening to consume her completely. Without warning the tentacle around her throat pulled her close, forcing its dick deep into her throat. She felt the heat as it pumped liquid straight down her throat. At the same time it left her clit to plunge its long tongue directly into her soaked pussy. The sudden invasion made her scream around its dick as her first orgasm overtook her. Her wet pussy clenching around the invader as her vision started to fade.

Right before she passed out, the tentacle released its grip and she pulled back, taking in deep breaths of air as the pleasure of her orgasm faded. She was about to voice her disappointment at the spell being over so soon when it began to reposition her again. She was hung nearly horizontally in the air now and it began to line up her dripping entrance with its still hard dick. It wasted no time in slamming into her, spearing her tight pussy and stretching her open. She moaned into the air, hanging like a ragdoll in the powerful grip as it thrust into her, picking up momentum.

The tip of the tentacle around her throat rose up to push into her mouth, muffling the moans being pulled from her throat as it pulled nearly out of her then slammed back in again and again. She floated in a sea of pleasure as its thick dick pounded deep inside her. The tentacle in her mouth thrusting in time with the thrusts. The familiar pleasure of approaching orgasm built in her again, then crashed over her. She rode out the waves of pleasure and it didn’t even slow. Hands firm on her waist, it kept pounding her.

In the midst of pleasure, she didn’t notice another tentacle approaching her. Glistening in the candlelight, the new tentacle slowly approached and then pressed firmly at her tight asshole. She gasped, she had very little experience with anal. Still she made herself relax, her mind overcome with the desire to serve her summoned lover. With a groan, she felt the tentacle push past her asshole and deep into her. The fullness was like nothing she had experienced before.

The tentacle in her mouth and ass fell into rhythm with the dick pounding into her. All three would withdraw before pushing back into her in perfect sync. The pleasure was overloading her nerves as another orgasm came on strong. As the tidal wave of pleasure took her, she felt her lover slam itself deep into her soaked pussy and deposit another load of hot liquid.

As her orgasm tore through her and began to fade, she hung exhausted in the tentacle’s grasp. This spell had been everything she needed and more. The summon however, wasn’t done with her. Moving her through the air again, it positioned her as if she were on hands and knees. It withdrew its dick and the tentacle in her ass as it moved her, positioning her ass towards him. Thicker than the tentacle that had just pulled out, she felt the head of its dick press against her stretched asshole. Covered in her juices, it slid in easily. She had never had something so large in her ass and was surprised as it came to rest so deeply.

A thicker tentacle approached her pussy and she was once again completely filled. Giving her time to adjust to the size of the invader, the summon began slowly thrusting into her ass. The tentacle in her mouth muffled the new series of moans being pulled from her tired body. Feeling the thick tentacle and dick rub against each other in harmony pushed her back to the bring of orgasm, but the speed wasn’t enough to let her peak. Her moans turned into gasps as she endured the slow pounding, kept perilously close to bliss.

Without warning the summon increased its pace before slamming into her stretched asshole, holding itself deep as it unloaded more hot liquid deep in her. One of its hands moved up to pinch her nipple roughly and she screamed around the tentacle gagging her mouth. Her orgasm crashed through her, her holes clenching around the throbbing invaders. Satisfied, the summon withdrew and lowered her to the ground as she rode out the pleasure.

Amy watched the summoned lover slowly fade into lilac smoke and grinned. Laying on the ground, a load of liquid warm in her stomach and more dripping from her thoroughly abused holes, she smiled. Unable to move, she basked in the feeling of having been completely used. This spell was going on her list of favorites for sure.



  1. This could be the best episode of ‘Charmed’ ever! I like the idea that a witch would turn to her spell book for some fun. Nice detail having her be a chemistry student too.

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