Deep Tissue

As I lay half awake trying to decide if I should get up and shower the alarm finally rings out. Sitting up I feel this slight tug in my lower back. Having completed a workout the previous morning I could tell I was tight however this felt like a pulled muscle from fatigue. Grabbing my phone I sent a text to my massage therapist. To my surprise she had an opening. I quickly jump in the shower and threw on some workout clothes.

As I make my way there I remembered the last time I was there she had on the nice outfit with a v-neck top. She was an attractive woman long slightly curly long hair and a nice butt. I had always thought what it would be like to be touched by her during a massage, but like most this is a professional setting.

Arriving I walk through the door. As the overhead bell rang out I was met by her at the front desk. “Well hello nice to see you again. It’s been a little while,” she Said. “Yes it has I replied, “how have you been”? She responded. “Come on back.” as she motioned through the door. Walking through the hall to her room she began. “So what brings you in today? I gave her a quick run down on my discomfort. Well let’s get started, undress and lie on the table face down and cover up and I’ll be back in a minute. 

Taking off my shoes and socks I glanced around the room music playing in the background. I noticed a bookshelf, a few flowers and a decorative mirror on the wall. Stripping off my pants and shirt I layed them across the chair in the corner. Sliding my underwear down I made my way to the table. Face down I grabbed the thin sheet and placed it across my waist. In a few minutes she knocked. “Are you ready, she asked softly. “Yes”. As the door closed behind her I let out a deep breath and relaxed my body. “Just muscle pain?” she said with a concerned look. “Just normal stress” I said. She adjusts the sheet pulling it down ,right at my waist line. “Well let’s see if we can’t work that out”. She sat down with her legs lightly brushing my head as she adjusts her position. Pushing down around my shoulders and neck I could feel my muscles beginning to warm. Staying relaxed I said “I’ve been needing this.” I could hear her tone soften as she said, “we all need a little self love every now and then.” A few minutes went by my neck feeling way more relaxed as she starts working down my shoulders and back. I’m starting to sink into a meditative state. Her hands were strong but gentle giving each muscle just the right amount of pressure. As she moved down my lower back I could feel the sheet sliding exposing my ass slightly. As she rounded my waist I felt her fingers dig a little deeper almost like a grab and the top of my waist. She stopped; Walked around to my legs and began working on my thighs and calves. The tension in my back was lessening. With her hands gliding up and down my thighs I start feeling my shaft start to rise and press against the bed. Feeling slightly uncomfortable I adjusted with a simple rock. She asked if the pressure was ok. I nodded.

Finishing up on my legs she walks around the side. Gripping the sheet she lifts up and says, alright now flip over.” As turn over, my half erect penis now resting right at my waist. I took a deep breath and relaxed once again. She slides a mask over my eyes and adjusts the sheet to my waist yet again. She starts working on my chest. Her palm pressing firmly as that glide across side to side. I then start to feel her reach drawing closer to my waist. My mind begins to race. All of a sudden I feel the blood start rushing and my erection begins to pulse. With the movement of her hands I can feel the fiction of the sheet on the head of my cock. Could she tell? I wondered. I can hear her footsteps on the weaved floor. Walking around the table she flips the sheet up exposing my legs. With her hands warmed with coconut oil she rubs up and down the front of my thigh. I quivered a bit. “A chuckle can be heard. Now fully erect I can feel the sheet lifted. Her hands still wondering. My heart starts pumping faster unsure of what was to come. Then I feel her fingers slide up under the sheet on my inner thighs. I tensed up. “Just relax” she said We are going to work out that stress now.”

Still blindfold I feel her hand up past my thigh grazing the shaft of my cock. The warm oil making it easy for her fingers slide up and down both sides feeling almost like a tickle. Grabbing it with a firm grip she strokes it a couple of times before removing the rest of the sheet. I flinched her grip it felt like she had wanted this as much as I did. As she continued to stroke me with one hand and grab my thigh with the other I thought I surely was going to finish but then she stops. Not knowing if that was it or not I could only hear her footsteps. I then hear clothes hit the floor. The table began to move when just then I fell her legs straddling my face. With my eyes still covered from the mask I feel her lower down. Her warm clit pressing firmly against my lips. She moans, I open brushing my tongue up and down her wet slit. She then sits up and lowers further. I feel her hips moving as she’s Sliding her clit back and forth on my face. I grip both of her thighs with my hands pulling her into me. She clinches her thighs letting out a deep moan. She climbs off. I hear footsteps again. The table moves. She climbs on grabs hold if my erect cock, straddles me and slides right on. My back arches gripping the sides of the table. She starts again back and forth. I feel so deep inside her as she rocks back and forth. She fucks me harder. The table moving back and forth with every thrust. I’m close. I can feel the sensation building. I clinch, she keeps going. My back arches and suddenly I finish in her as she slides on one last time before letting out an accomplished breath.

Laying there a few minutes she hops off. Clothes shuffling about. “Whew she said,. I think I need a massage now. I just smiled. A door opens. “See you at the front when your ready, she said. Closing the door. I took off my mask. Used the sheet to clean up and dressed back into my clothes. Still stunned but with a smile on my face, I walked out. There she was standing at the front where I greeted her before like nothing had happened.

“Well how do you feel?” She said. With a smile “Well my back feels much better Thanks! I still seem to be a little stiff though I should probably schedule another.”

“Great!” she said “how’s next week? ”

“Perfect,” I said.
