You, a blindfold and …. ?

You are lying naked on your bed. Blindfolded, exactly the way I left you. Your arms are tied tightly to the headboard, your legs apart. You have been lying this way for at least 15 minutes. Your nipples are hard and it is difficult to know if this is due to arousal, cold or a combination of the two.

Your naked body is exposed. You cannnot get out of the binds without help. If the wrong person walked in, they would see everything.

The front door bangs. I’m back at last. Or am I?

Footsteps on the stairs. are the my steps? Have we been together long enough for you to recognise my footfall? Well, who else is it going to be? I assume you do want it to be me?

Now the footsteps reach your room. You hear an intake of breath. My breath?

“Hi,” you mutter. Your voice is slightly strained. Is that arousal or anxiety? There is no reply, but the bed moves. Have I joined you there? Someone has.

Hands on your skin. Strong hands, caressing your breasts. Your nipples stiffen again. They are being stroked, pulled, lightly twisted. Is that my heavy breathing? Does it sound like me? Does the mouth on your nipples feel like mine, sucking, rolling my tongue over them, lightly biting. Does it feel good? You are arching your back and moaning, so I guess so.

Do the lips now moving all over your body feel familiar or strange? Kissing your shoulders, neck, nipples. Your arms, your tummy, your thighs. Are you wet for me, the idea of me, or the idea of someone else?

A mouth has found your pussy. Lips, tongue on your swollen clit. Fingers moving inside you, hooking around. Finger fucking you while the tongue teases your clit and the mouth encloses it.

You are going to cum. You are going to cum in my face, or somebody else’s face. Which do you want?

Is that hard cock sliding up inside your wet, aching, throbbing pussy my cock? Is it bigger? Smaller? The same shape? Is the ragged breathing something you have heard before?
Is it me, super turned on, or have I sent someone to fuck you? Who would you want me to send if I had? What if I know nothing of this, it is just a stranger who saw his chance?

Will you let me cum inside you? Will you let him?

Your movements give you away. The thrashing, the moaning, the thrusting. You are loving this. Do you care if it’s me, do you hope maybe it isn’t? Whoever it is is making you cum again and again……

A light kiss on your lips. Unfamiliar? The bedroom door closing. Footsteps on the stairs. Front door slams shut.

Five minutes go by. You lie there, naked, sticky and exposed.

The door opens. Footsteps.

“Have you missed me?”



  1. That is so hot! I held my breath while reading it! And the end! Wow! 🥵

  2. This is almost exactly like a scene my Dominant and I have played many times. One of my favorites

  3. Lovey work.🙃
    Only thing i fwel missing is a discrip of the sents or aroumas? I unno 🤷‍♀️

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