To show my gratitude for his help, I had a one-night stand with this dude [23F] [23M] [F/M] [teasing] [creampie] [orgasm] [oral]

I’ve always had a knack for academics. I’ve never had to have a sexual relationship with a professor to earn excellent grades. I did not do it for the grade, but I have slept with a professor. When I was a sophomore in college, I was required to take not one but two science courses, each with an accompanying lab. I decided to enroll in the geology lab. Old-school geology professor who insisted on using his own book in class. That appears to be a “valid” strategy for forcing readers to purchase your book. He considered himself to be the “area expert” on everything geology-related. But because he was short on time, he handed off anything not related to lectures to the graduate students in his department.

The lab I was working at had one of his graduate students, Lance, as a lecturer. On every Wednesday night, there was a lab session. Following in the footsteps of the department head, this alumnus-turned-professor recognized the immense worth of his own time. You would flunk the course entirely if you missed even a single lecture or excursion. Before the end of the semester, this wasn’t a problem.

As long as you paid attention in class, it wasn’t too difficult, and the lab was essentially a recitation of the workbook assignments. I never had any trouble finishing mine each week, and I stayed late to assist the students who used my lab table. The graduate student would also say, “If you ever need any help, I am available outside of class,” every week as I was leaving. He had to be aware, but I didn’t really require the assistance.

Then I had a problem fitting everything in. At the same time that he booked one of our class assignments, I had committed to attending a group trip for a different class project. The time he chose just didn’t work because the original date had been changed due to bad weather. I approached him after class that week and discussed going at a different time after waiting until everyone had departed. either with a new class or skipping the trip entirely.

So, I explained the problem to him and he informed me that everyone else’s class had already gone on the excursion. However, dad would set aside the time and come meet me at the field trip destination himself to ensure that I did not miss the outing. He would also make it accessible to anyone else who need a reschedule.

I arrived at the location by car and parked in the largely empty parking lot on the day of the scheduled time. There weren’t many other people there that day because it was still early in the spring. I exited my car and made my way inside the park. I remained where I had been told to stand. Lance finally arrived by himself after a brief period of waiting. He gave me the workbook and motioned for us to proceed deeper into the park.

I was perplexed and said, “Isn’t anyone else coming?”

He responded, “No, you’re the only one that required an additional day to complete the field trip.

I acknowledged with a nod and took the workbook. I said, “Thank you,” and we moved along into the state park.

We traveled throughout the park to numerous various areas, and I continued to work on my worksheet. He assisted me with filling out a few forms, and it took us around 20 minutes to stop and rest. I thanked him profusely for taking time out of his busy schedule to help me out. It truly does mean a lot.

Well, if you don’t have this field trip as a part of your lab, you’re going to flunk the class, so you should be thankful, he said.

“That was intense, but I appreciate it so much.” I winked as I stated.

Oh, seriously, how appreciative? He returned with a smile.

We kept moving through the park while flirtatiously teasing one another. I was sure I had everything correct after completing the complete work package. I returned it to him. I handed the packet back to him, and he said, “Great, thanks.” but did not make an attempt to depart.

“I’m very appreciative. I want to express my gratitude to you.

Oh, right. How goes that?

I shrugged and started to leave the park, saying, “I’ll show you in your car.”

He grabbed my arm; I turned to face him but he merely shook his head and pulled me in the direction of his car.

I sat in the backseat of his car while he took the wheel as we left. He initially seemed unsure of what to do, so I knelt down and kissed his neck while tracing my fingers down the front of his pants. I could feel a bulge there; it was obvious that the mere thought of what I had been putting forward before had stimulated him, and now that we were in this location, he was completely erect.

I unfastened the fly from his pants and ran my palm up and down the length of his shaft. He looked at me with eyes that shifted from uncertainty to longing. He pulled me forward by placing his hand on my ass and sliding it down my back.

His hand propelled me forward as I moved, and I sucked him into my mouth. My head bobbed up and down, first gently and then quickly. I rose and fell, pressing my breasts against the central console. He moaned and worked his fingers through my hair, which helped me maintain my rhythm.

After a short while, his dick became harder to touch and enlarged inside of my mouth. I felt him cum in my mouth as he gave out his loudest groan to yet. I continued to work it slowly as he ended his climax.

After a short while, I got up, straightened out, and said, “See you in class!” before getting out of his car and walking back toward mine.

A couple of days later, I spent more time getting ready for class. I thought of a few ways to express my “thanks” for his time. I wore a dress, no stockings, knee-high boots, and an additional outing with me. I took my time working through the workbook in the lab that day instead of completing it quickly. I was the final person working in the lab when I heard him close the door because it took so long.

It was late; the lab opened at 7 PM and occasionally stayed open until 9 PM. The building was always quiet when we left because we were the last persons to go.

After completing the last problem in my workbook, I carefully rose up while bringing the workbook up with me. Instead of adding my work to the stack, I moved to the spot directly in front of him and presented it to him. Moving out from behind the raised lab table, he gave it a quick glance before setting it on the stack.

He said, “I don’t think you need any help with the tasks this week. It looks okay.

I gave a headshake. “I believed we could carry on from where we left off yesterday.”

He kept his mouth shut for a considerable amount of time. I pondered whether I had overstepped my bounds and misread him in this circumstance. Then, though, as he drew me in, I felt his mouth on mine. He drew me nearer to him by placing his hands on my hips and down my sides. I was wearing a dress that was slightly above the knee in length when he reached down and raised one side, the fabric bunching in his hand.

He slid his lips from my neck to the exposed collar bone on my chest, and I flung my head back as he did so. When I moaned softly, he abruptly withdrew.

He placed his hands on my hips after which he raised me to the top of the high table. He avoided scattering the papers all over the place because they were all on the opposite side. His finger caught around the material of my underwear at the waist as his hand reached up my skirt. He pulled them away.

I bit my lip in anticipation as I saw him hastily undo his fly. On a lab table, I had never before experienced sexual relations.

He quickly moved his fingers throughout my body to make sure I was ready for him before he pierced me with his dick. I was.

While I writhed and moaned on top of the table, he moved his fingers inside of me. Then he rapidly yanked them out, and very immediately his dick was put in their place.

As he shoved me, I encircled his waist with my legs. He pulled my dress completely up to rest around my waist like a very ineffective belt while using my bare hips as leverage.

By wrapping my legs more tightly around him, I prodded his thrusts, and he complied. He then shifted my legs so that they were wide open but pressed up on my chest.

He was able to get such terrific leverage on me as he hammered out a beat at an increasing rate. In an effort to maintain the tenuous hold I had on my knees, I buried my nails into them. He managed to keep me upright and utilize my hips to block his thrusts. Only his firm hold on me prevented me from falling forward as my ass was barely hanging onto the edge of the table.

He couldn’t help but groan loudly as he approached, despite our best efforts to keep our heavy breathing and moans quiet in case there was anyone within the structure.

As a result of the enjoyment, my legs were trembling. He assisted me in getting up from the table and remaining standing as I carefully dropped them to the floor.

Next week at the same time? I quizzed him.

As the youths say these days, “Fuck yeah.”

Every week until the semester’s end, we messed up. There was only one week when he had a visiting professor. Besides a final field trip to the lava tubes, we completed the course. That would be the class’s final grade.

The school either owned or chartered a large charter bus for our class to travel aboard. As we traveled to the field trip destination, I sat at the front of the bus by myself. When we got there, he handed out workbooks again, the full staple of the session, and gave us basic instructions. We were free to move about and complete the books individually or in groups. As long as we were cautious and met back at the bus in a little more than an hour, we were also permitted to enter the caves.

The tube’s entrance is unsecure. There are stones and rocks to crawl over and under to get into the space that leads into the ruins of an ancient volcano’s lava vents. The interior of the cave is completely dark, and after a short distance, you need a light to see even a few inches ahead.

There, it’s also really cold. All year long, the temperature stays at or near 45°F. We were warned in advance about the circumstances within the tunnels, so I carried a sweater and two flashlights.

I made the decision to investigate alone after observing that many of my students were not keen on venturing very far into the tunnels. Then I heard hasty footsteps catching up to me. It was Lance, who claimed to be my traveling companion.

When I remarked, “It’s a bummer class is finished,” we were already rather far along in the system.

“Yeah, it was really enjoyable… Would we be able to get away with it one more time? He voiced his question.


He shrugged, which I could only see because I had turned to look at him with my flashlight, and he asked, “Why not?”


There was nobody around, and it was really dark. Additionally, it was rather cold in there. We located a tucked-away area distant from the action. At times we had to sort of crawl. He checked the time on his phone as soon as we came across a nice location.

We have to be back in less than 25 minutes, he cried. It took awhile to enter this building!

He was dragged against me as I giggled. His hands ran up my back under my shirt and hoodie as soon as he appeared to relax.

We had turned off our flashlights and it was completely dark when I heard him unbuckle his jeans. I assume he was apprehensive about the passing of time. My pants were pushed down to my knees as he turned me around. To maintain my equilibrium, I leaned forward and put my hands up against the wall. He was familiarizing himself with where things had been before because he couldn’t see anything, so I felt his hands travel over my wet entrance and over my ass. I let out a quiet moan as he abruptly crashed into me.

He immediately got going, sprinting for a finish line where we would both triumph. His right hand was playing with my clit as his left hand was holding onto my hips and wrapped around my front as the pleasure grew inside of me.

I bit into the sleeve of my hoodie to hide my mouth since I was concerned that my breathing and groans would be audible to others. While he continued to pound into me, he was also making an effort to remain silent, but I could still hear the muffled sound of his rapid breathing.

I felt him swell inside of me as he approached, and he was unable to contain a moan that sounded strangled as he fell forward and briefly leaned on top of me. Before moving away and straightening myself so I was upright fully, I took one breath, then two.

We both straightened our attire before returning to the bus. Although I was unhappy that the lesson was finished, it was still a lot of fun and I passed.


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