Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.5[f/f][20s-30s][plot]


At precisely five that afternoon, Tess knocked on Jennifer’s door.

“Come in.”

Tess poked her head in the office. “You ready?”

“Yep,” Jennifer replied, “just let me grab my purse.”

As they rode the elevator down, Jennifer said, “So, where are we off too?”

“It’s a small tattoo and piercing place downtown, in that newly renovated section,” Tess answered. “I have the name right here.”

She held up a piece of paper that she pulled from her pocket and handed it to Jennifer.

“Ink,” she said. “You had to write that down?”

“No!” said Tess. “The address is there too.”

“Okay,” she said a bit sarcastically.

“Will said the owner does all the tattoos, and his wife does the piercing. Apparently he’s very talented, and has some big celebrities as clients,” Tess explained as they left the building.

They hailed a cab and arrived ten minutes later. Above the door in large letters, was simply the word INK.

“This must be the place,” said Tess.

The business looked new. In fact all the shops in this section of town looked newly renovated. Everything from trendy clothing stores to outdoor cafés lined both sides of the street.

“Nice neighbourhood,” Jennifer commented, looking around.

When they entered the shop, they were greeted by a woman who introduced herself as one of the owners.

She was in her early thirties, very attractive and petite. Her blonde hair was cut short and had a streak of blue on one side. Besides her ears, one eyebrow and her nose were pierced and she had several tattoos on each arm.

“Are you Tess?” she asked.

Caught off guard, Tess hesitantly nodded her head.

The woman extended her hand. “I’m Veronica, nice to meet you.”

Sensing Tess’ apprehension, the woman said, “I’m sorry, Will Davis called earlier and told me you might be dropping by today.”

“You know Will?” Jennifer asked.

“Oh yes, my husband and I have known him for years,” she said. “He helped us get set up in this amazing location.”

Tess and Jennifer gave each other a puzzled look, then turned back to Veronica.

“What can I help you with today?” the woman asked.

“I’m looking for a chain. The kind that attaches to nipple piercings and also goes around your waist.”

Tess used her hands to indicate how it would go between her breasts and down around her stomach.

Veronica was nodding that she understood and said, “I think I have what you’re looking for.”

“Oh, and my friend here wants her nipple pierced,” Tess announced.

“Wait! What?” Jennifer exclaimed, confused by Tess’ statement.

“Come on, it’ll be fun.”

“For you maybe, but I don’t think so,” Jennifer said staring at her in disbelief.

“I’ll just go get that item for you, shall I?” Veronica said, leaving the two women alone.

Jennifer turned to her friend, “What the hell was that all about?” she said, glaring at Tess.

“You like mine, now you can have one of your own.”

Jennifer didn’t say anything for a moment, she just stared at Tess.

“I like yours because…,” she began.

Tess raised and eyebrow, waiting for the rest.

“Because they’re on you!” Jennifer finished.

Tess smiled at the compliment. “Listen,” she said, “I’m not going to force you into anything, but I think it would be hot. Plus, I’d get to look at your tits this time.”

Jennifer thought about it for a minute. “Fine,” she said at last.

Veronica returned with three different chains and laid them on the counter. “If you don’t like any of these I’m sure I could order something different,” she said.

Tess looked them over and decided on a slightly thicker silver chain that was also a necklace. She asked if she could try it on and Veronica showed them to a small room that was used for piercings.

She asked Tess to remove her shirt and bra, so she could help her fit it properly.

Jennifer tried not to stare at her friends beautiful breasts, but she couldn’t help it.

Veronica explained that by replacing what Tess had with slightly longer barbells, the chains would attach to those, instead of having to switch out piercings each time she wanted to wear it. Tess removed the old barbells she wore and set them on the stainless steel counter, while Veronica used an alcohol wipe to sterilize the new ones. She quickly and expertly slipped the studs through each of Tess’ nipples, fastened the chain to them, and then did up the clasp behind her neck.

Jennifer felt a twinge of jealously watching this other woman touch her friend. It was all very professional, and it wasn’t like she and Tess were a couple or anything like that, but the feeling was there none the less.

Veronica stood back and motioned toward a large mirror.

“Well, what do you think?” she asked.

“I love it!” Tess said admiring her reflection. She turned toward her friend. “Do you like it?”

“I think it looks amazing,” Jennifer said, as her eyes followed the path of the chain around Tess’ neck and down between the firm breasts.

Six inches below her chin, the bejewelled chain split, where two separate chains draped down, attaching to either side of the bar. There was also a short string of blue jewels that dangled from the bar, under each nipple.

“I’ll take it,” announced Tess.

“Great,” said Veronica, “if you take it off I’ll wrap it up. Anything else?”

In a small voice Jennifer said, “I’d like to get my nipple pierced.”

Twenty minutes later, Tess and Jennifer exited the tattoo studio, their purchases compliments of Will, according to the owner.

They strolled down the street looking for a restaurant Veronica had recommended.

A short time later, they were seated and had ordered their meals. When the drinks arrived,Tess raised her glass an said, “To a wonderful afternoon.”

“Yeah,” said Jennifer as she cupped her tender breast, “wonderful.”

After dinner, they shared a cab home, dropping Tess off first. As Jennifer settled back into her seat for the remainder of the journey, a thought came to her. Why had Will covered the cost at the tattoo studio? Did he also pay for the beautiful clothing she and Tess had worn to the party? She thought it came from some company fund, but he was the one that arranged everything. If he had paid for everything, how could he afford it?

Just then, the taxi pulled up in front of her building and Jennifer suddenly felt very tired. She was going to get to the bottom of this mystery, but it would have to wait for the present, all she wanted right now was a painkiller and her bed.
