[18f50+m]Domesticating Hannah: part one[grooming][sex work][emotional manipulation][public sex][degradation][blackmail][homeless men]

 The world is often a bright, and easy place for you to be eighteen. Unfortunately, birthday boredom and a school rumor lead me to the Extreme Dare Club. Seven months ago I was Stacy Marks, a B student; and geek. Now, well let’s jump back to the day it all began.

 “Sorry, it’s your mother’s family. Sweetheart, you know how they are” my dad said into my red hair. I sighed and blurted out in a baby voice I often found annoying “keel the redhead left-handed demon slut away” and followed with a low-toned “get the pitchforks, the tar”. It was at this point my mom stuck her head in and simply said “it’s time Paul” with that, my ice queen mother and my dad disappeared into the dark. I watched the taillights fade into the business that is Detroit. 

I downloaded the game and set up my account and that’s when I lost my sense of direction in life. The first few were simple tasks pulling my hair into braided pigtails and looking for clothing options to show these strangers. It didn’t take long, I was about to leave our tiny rundown house without a bra on, a shirt cut in a third and shorts rolled up so far they were a thong. All of this is in light shades of pink. My circus tent top exposed the lower half of my breasts, which were rated as a three out of ten. With a few deep breaths, I stepped outside.

 Being this exposed was hard for me, the votes however estimated me as barely attractive. I had to push myself to show them I was hot. With the first dare of going outside like a cheap porn star complete, I asked them to push me. My neighborhood was far from nice, even before the covid crash, it was still Detroit. Homeless we’re flocking to the area with all the foreclosed homes, abandoned factories, and parks. Even the police don’t come here at night, but here I was three dares I didn’t this I was ready for.

 Dare one, give a group of homeless men a show. Walking up to boys I liked made me nervous, walking up to a group of men to show off my tits and pussy, was a whole new level of nervousness. I stepped into an alley I often walked down a few years ago to get to my previous school, it was completely changed. Now a small shanty town of tents, I tried moving forward but my legs wouldn’t. The fear of exposing myself was too much, but a pale, redhead, dressed the way I was, was an invite a small group of men accepted. 

 They smelled awful, the stench made my head swirl as my hand went to my phone I saw the conditions for passing this dare my tits and pussy exposed with men in the photo, bonus for hands-on dicks or dicks entering me. I wasn’t ready for my second cock ever to be bare in my pussy, my clothes came off easy and I gagged most of the time the man worked his dirty, hairy, uncut dick in and out of my mouth. One of them took some photos for me, and I knew I was just better than them jacking off. There wasn’t a lot of conversation other than some of them playing rock, paper, scissors for next. A small argument and that’s when I felt it. The tongue in my ass, as I sent photos to the group, he was dead set on taking my asshole. I was given the option, to let him use my asshole, or beg them to take my pussy. I couldn’t beg for that, but that option was out of my hands now. 

 At first, it didn’t hurt as much as I was told. I felt the head enter my pussy, he pushed in deep, then pulled out and pushed into my ass. “this bitch is fuckin’ too!?” shouted one of the men. My asshole was in full use, the cock not large in any way was easily gliding in and out of me. A photo was sent and that’s when I saw there was a line behind me. The reply said that this is now my option, stay as I am for the next twenty-nine minutes or they post the photos on my school website. I wanted to cry but despite myself, my ass was an amazingly good feeling from taking dick and she was hungry. Starving from attention, she was fed her first load of cum. Someone else spoke for me it seemed as I cried out, “use my pussy for lube, please. And please fuck my ass.” 

 It didn’t take for most men but now was guy number four, pulling in and out of my pussy. Ignoring my request for anal. My first BBC, first raw, and in a few minutes my first creampie. “Stupid! Fucking! Dumb! Whore!” he said with each push as I felt a new warm sensation in my uterus. A photo was sent of my asshole and now pussy leaking cum, homeless and much older men’s cum. I started to walk home when I was asked the question that would turn my life into what it was now. “did Eddie send you for us?” a man said pulling his dick out from under his fat folds. “come here, I want your pussy” I obeyed, asked him “who is Eddie?” as he pushed in and out of my pussy quickly, he started a high pitched humming which grew louder until he groaned while he creampied me “you’re not a whore?” this is when it hit me, I am a worthless cumdumpster, a whore, a fuck toy. The man didn’t wait for the conversation he was walking away faster than he came. I headed home and switched my status to aftercare. 

 I made it home and check the messages from everyone and see that aftercare was set to failing. The group decided that the number of men in the alley wasn’t happy with the amount who used me. If I didn’t want to fail out and be kicked I would have to clean up and return. I told them everything and shared photos of the various men inside me, but was told it wasn’t enough. I showered, pushed cum out of myself, and checked with the parents via text. They won’t be home for two more days. It was almost midnight, my phone was left behind at home as I walked back to the homeless shanty town to spend the night. I didn’t sleep for a moment, and the men were very happy. The button-up dress I wore was used as a blanket as each guy took turns on me, my brain went fuzzy as I came just as much and easy as they did. When I saw the dawn, the last of the men final walking away, I noticed the dirt and grim all over my body. I don’t know how much cum makes a meal but I ate a lot of it last night. I started to walk home, went back for my dress, and on request, I gave waking men a ride or blow job and started to walk out toward home. The sun was high by the time I made it home, I collapsed in the shower. I was going to be sore for a while. I wanted to rest as I tried to count how many men I had been within the last few hours. Closest I could guess was twenty. I slipped into dreamland, cum still inside me.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/y25d92/18f50mdomesticating_hannah_part_onegroomingsex