Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.4[f/f][20s-30s][flashing][plot]


Just after twelve noon the next day, Jennifer met Tess in the stairwell on the ground floor of the building where they both worked. They had made this stair climbing workout a regular thing, meeting most days if possible.

The beginning of there friendship was due in part to Jennifer’s exercise routine. If she hadn’t popped into the ladies room to check her hair a few weeks earlier, they most likely would never have met.

As they reached the third floor landing, Tess turned and said, “Oh, I spoke with Will earlier, and he basically said the same as you. He can’t give me any names, but that he would look into it, and get back to me.”

“At least you tried.”

“I know, but I really like that chain,” said Tess as they continued up the next flight of stairs. “I think I would have to get hoops to go with it though. The barbells I have wouldn’t work.”

“You know, I had no idea your nipples were pierced, before I saw them the other night.”

“I’ve had them for a few years now,” Tess replied. “I got it done when I was in college.”

“Did it hurt?” Jennifer asked. “I think it would hurt.” She put her hands over her breasts defensively as she said it.

“It did a bit at first, but it was well worth it in the long run. My nipples are much more sensitive now,” Tess said.

“This might be a strange request, but can I have a better look at them some time?” Jennifer asked. “I was a bit preoccupied the other night.”

Tess stopped, turned, and lifted her shirt and bra in one motion. Her firm breasts popped free of their confinement and Jennifer just stared at the pale globes.

Jennifer couldn’t remember exactly what piercings Tess had that night at the party, she had been too caught up in the excitement of their encounter to remember a lot of details.

Today though, Tess had a silver barbell through the centre of each light pink nipple. Both ends were capped with bright blue jewels that matched the redhead’s eyes.

For some reason, Jennifer couldn’t take her eyes off those perfect mounds. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t seen these breasts before. They had been in her hands and mouth very recently, but she was mesmerized all the same.

Tess broke the spell by saying, “Go ahead, you can touch them if you want. Just be quick about it. I don’t want to get caught and be the talk of the office,” she grinned.

Jennifer slowly reached out and cupped them, the skin warm and soft in her hands. Tess closed her eyes and a low moan escaped her red lips. Her nipples stiffened at the touch, and Jennifer brushed over them with her thumbs. She was squeezing gently, feeling the firmness of her friends wonderful tits when the bang of a door opening one floor below startled her.

Jennifer yanked her hands away and Tess composed herself just in time.

An older man trudged up the stairs, greeting them as he passed, then said, “Damned doctors orders. Take the stairs, it’s good for you.” He mumbled something else, but neither of them could make it out. They waited a minute for him to exit the stairwell before either said a word.

When she heard the door click shut, Tess burst out laughing. “That was close, and you should see your face, it’s beet red! Like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar.”

“Shut up,” Jennifer said in mock anger, and started walking again. “Come on, we’re not finished yet,” she added, over her shoulder.

They continued on for a few more floors in silence. Jennifer was too embarrassed to say a word. Tess kept pace, but had a hard time keeping the silly smile from her face.

Tess’ phone rang as they neared the eighth floor. She answered, listened to someone on the other end, and clicked off.

“Sorry,” she said to Jennifer. “I have to go. Apparently I’m needed in the office.”

“That’s okay, I have some calls I should return before lunch is over.”

Tess leaner close to Jennifer and whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ll let you touch them again.”

With a wink and a mischievous smile, she was off,heading for the elevators.

Later that afternoon Tess phoned Jennifer.

“I spoke to Will again,” she said. “He gave me a lead on where I can get that chain I want.”

“That’s good.”

“I know, I’m so excited,” said Tess. “I’m going after work, do you want to come with me?”

“Sure, why not,” answered Jennifer.

“Okay, I’ll drop by your office at five.”
