[M4F] why the gym membership was so cheap [NC. multiple partners]

You had just moved to a new city, and that meant new pretty much everything. You had acclimated after a couple of weeks, but there were still a few things you were shopping around for. One of which was a gym that was similar to the one near your old house.

And that was a tough sell, wasnt it? You really liked your last one. It had the equipment you needed, the people were really nice, and it was extremely affordable.

You were hoping to find all 3 of those things, but for the first couple of weeks it had been no dice. Every one you went to had at best 2 out of the 3 criteria you needed. Until you stumbled into one relatively close to your house.

You liked what you saw, everything that you needed was there, the guy behind the counter was super friendly, as were all the other members. Whats more, they were offering an extremely steep discount if you bought in for a year. After a bit of deliberation, you signed the contract. The only thing that gave you pause was them wanting to know the first day you could come in. They assured you though that it was so a trainer could help get you acclimated. You told them you’d be in tomorrow.

As you went in the next day, it was more crowded than you had seen it. Honestly it was more crowded than any gym you had ever been in. You told yourself that you’d show up later in the day and quickly got to work.

Thankfully, even with how crowded it was, everyone was extremely respectful. One or two guys moved towards you, but they were always intercepted, and quickly went back to their work.

After about an hour you were exhausted and went for the showers. Thats when you first started noticing something off. The women’s locker room was extremely small. In fact there was only one locker, one toilet, and one shower. In fact, you noticed that there weren’t any other women in the entire gym out of the 50 people you saw.

And true to your instincts, someone came into your locker while you were showering. You screamed for help, but no one seemed to care. The weird thing is they didn’t even come from the normal entrance. Regardless, you had bigger concerns to worry about.

You normally would consider yourself a good fighter. At the very least, you were athletic enough to hold your own. Still, that didn’t matter at all with how tired you were. Even with the water and soap on you, your assailant was able to pin you to the wall with ease.

As you struggled, he picked you up by your throat, taking you off your feet. He had over a foot in height on you, and definitely over 100 pounds. You were tiny in his hands, and he made sure you knew that. It was starting to hurt, wasnt it pet? But still you tried to fight. You did your best to get some leverage, to kick out at him. Anything that would get hi. To drop you. But you were powerless, and soon your vision started to black out.

Finally though, as you stopped kicking, you feel the pressure relieved from your throat. Instead though, his hand is cupping your bald little pussy. You attempt to scream, but you’re just a sputtering mess at this point. Its pretty clear he’s won.

And to celebrate his victory, you’re lowered down onto his veiny cock. Everything about him was too big for you, and this was no exception. But you’re getting wet for him, aren’t you? As if your body was thanking him for sparing you. He’s able to get all the way inside you, deep enough that you can’t even remember to fight.

And then you’re slammed down onto the bench. You feel another cock slapping at your face, another hand around your throat. You know what they want, and you give in again. A pair of them are presented to your hands, and you begin stroking. Finally, you’re briefly picked up again, and positioned on top of another member. You’d scream out from having your virgin asshole broken into, but there was 8 inches of cock bulging your throat out. It was all you could do to find brief pockets of air to remain conscious.

You came first. A violent, animalistic orgasm. One spurred on by the pain and humiliation of it all. If you weren’t air tight you would have cried from the shame. Still, you tightening down did make the man inside your ass explode deep inside you. The other 4 men held you down firmly while he finished, and then lifted him out so another could take his place.

You lost track of how much time had passed, of how many times you had cum yourself. They didn’t care, they were just using you as fresh meat, the latest in a long line of female gym applicants. They had this down to a science.

After one hole was filled, you’d be hit with a blast of freezing water to clean you off before another man entered. Them working in unison to break you. By the 20th time, your ass was numb. By the 30th, you began going in and out of consciousness. And by the 40th, you didn’t even register that you hadn’t taken your pill in 4 weeks, that you forgot to find a new pharmacy. You weren’t really thinking about anything, were you pet? Just the shame, the pain, and how deeply, unpleasantly good it made you feel.

It was 12 hours later when the last man painted your womb. It was 10 hours later when you finally woke up again, another cold blast of water on you.

The gym had reopened, and you were the customers favorite piece of equipment.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/y1kw2l/m4f_why_the_gym_membership_was_so_cheap_nc