Pleasure Island -A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.2 [f/f][20s-30s][plot]


Jennifer arrived at the coffee house first and found a small table off to the side, near a large window with a view of the street. She was dressed casually in tight jeans, running shoes and a white t-shirt. Her dark hair was pulled back tight in a ponytail.

She sat down just in time to watch Tess cross the road, and waved her over when she entered the building.

Jennifer’s gaze followed Tess as she wove her way through the maze of tables, moving gracefully through the crowd of people. She looked fantastic in a short black skirt, a cream coloured blouse and tan ankle boots. Her fiery locks hung loose, framing her face.

Jennifer stood and the women embraced, Tess giving her friend a quick peck on the cheek before sitting.

They sat there for a moment, smiling at one another but neither said a word. The tension had suddenly returned. It was funny that only a few hours earlier, these two women had been a tangle of arms and legs with nothing between them but the sweat on their naked bodies. Now it seemed as though the gap between them was a mile wide. The silence became more uncomfortable with each passing second , until Tess said, “So….”

“So…,” Jennifer repeated.

A moment later, both women burst out laughing.

They ordered coffee and biscotti and spent the better part of the next half hour chatting about nothing in particular.

At last, the conversation turned to the events of the previous evening.

“How often do these parties take place?” Tess asked, taking a sip of coffee.

“I have no idea,” Jennifer answered. “I’ve only been to two of them, last night and the one a few weeks ago in Paris. But that one was completely different.”

“Different in what way?”

“There were hundreds of people at the first one, and it felt more formal,” Jennifer explained. “Well, formal isn’t actually the right word. Last night was much more relaxed by comparison.”

“Hmmm, I see,” said Tess. She seemed to be thinking about something. “And is Will always the host of these parties?”

“That’s what he told me,” Jennifer said. “Why do you ask?”

“Do you remember sitting on the couch, watching that couple having sex?”

“A lot of people were having sex my dear, that’s the whole idea,” teased Jennifer.

“Really?” Tess asked mockingly. “Anyway, the girl was facing the wall and had a gold chain around her waist, attached to her nipple rings. The guy was fucking her from behind,” she explained.

“Oh yes, now I remember,” said Jennifer. “What do they have to do with Will?”

“Well, I was wondering, if I described them, could he tell me who they are,” Tess said. “I’d really like one.”

“The chain, or the fuck?”

Tess laughed. “Both actually! That guy was hot as hell.”

Jennifer smiled and shook her head slightly. “I doubt he’d give you any names. He might know them, but that’s a big part of it, the anonymity. It can’t hurt to ask though.”


“Will said he knows most of the guests. He’s mainly there to make sure everything goes smoothly, but rarely gets involved,” said Jennifer.

“He got pretty involved ramming that huge penis into me,” Tess whispered.

“It was definitely a sight to see,” Jennifer said.

They both laughed again.

“Apparently that isn’t a regular occurrence. We must be special,” said Jennifer with a wink.

“Do you think you might go to another one of these parties in the future?” Tess asked.

“If I’m invited, and only if you come with me,” Jennifer replied. “But I don’t mean we have to, you know, be together. Just that we both go.”

Tess listened with amusement as her friend rambled on.

“Not that I wouldn’t like to be with you,” Jennifer continued. “If you want, that is. I had a great time, and I think you did too, but-”

Tess reached over, placing her hand on Jennifer’s arm, cutting her friend off mid sentence.

“I’d love to go with you Jenn,” Tess said. She gave Jennifer’s hand a squeeze and in a hushed voice she added, “and be with you again too.”

Jennifer’s eyes lit up at this and she took Tess’ hand in both of hers. “We better call Will then,” she said with a mischievous grin.
