The business trip. M35 F 30

Sharon had always been a one man woman. She married her high school sweetheart very early. She thought the love would last. But after 10 years of marriage, she had found the sex in her marriage turn boring. She had only ever been with one man, her husband Philip, and she was beginning to regret that she hadn’t explored her sexuality first.

Her law firm where she was secretary, had arranged for her to go for more training on a business trip away to Vegas . They were using new software and wanted her to become proficient in it. So away she goes, for a couple of days. Two nights all expenses paid. Her husband would have went with her, but he had pressing needs of his own that needed attending too, with the deadline looming on the construction site.

So away she goes and packs her bags. When she arrives at Vegas, she books into her hotel. The first evening training session was only an hour away. So she got changed into something that made her look all professional. She was wearing a nice silky white shirt with matching white bra and panties underneath. Her lovely red hair flowed slightly passed her shoulders. She was wearing a lovely brown suede skirt. She decided to forego tights or stockings to let her legs breathe. Though she wore heels , they were of the shorter kind and not the really long one That would have made her really stand out. She looked very pretty, quite desirable in fact, but not too hot where she would distract the rest of the room.

Mario was the instructor for this class. He had dark hair slightly curly, with brown eyes, nice side burns, his skin was slightly darker, as if he had been in a tanning booth without ruining his skin. He was very well built, and Sharon couldn’t help notice, he had a nice sexy ass , firm and muscly, she was too shy at this point to check out was he was packing, as she didn’t want to get caught looking there.

Laptops all fired up, Mario begins to speak, and when he does, she is instantly turned on by how he sounds. He has a strong but gentle voice, full of confidence and swag. Like students do she found herself daydreaming to his voice, the sweet Italian accent seem to penetrate her heart, even to the point, she began to feel tingling sensations between her legs.

When class was over that evening, she decided to go down to the lounge for a night cap, and who was sat at the table by himself, was Mario. Sharon saw him but tried not to make too much eye contact with him, as she was shy. “ Sharon” he said “ come sit with me!” He asked her how class was, she confided in him that she was struggling a bit, as she drank her rum and Diet Coke, she decided to have another one, which may have been a mistake. Her defenses were down. She was desiring him and he the same.

She don’t know how it happened? But she found herself saying yes to him when he offered her to come up to his room. She was consumed by her attraction and desire for him. What his voice had done to her in the classroom was all coming back to her. She was starting to feel a wet anticipation between her legs.

As they arrived at the room, Mario could tell by the hunger in Sharon’s eyes that she wanted to be taken. So passionately and hurriedly he tares of her white blouse and picks her up and places her passionately on the bed. He kisses her like he really wants her, and he decides ravish her beautiful body, as much as she tries she is no match for Mario’s passion, so she lays back and feels his strong hands all over her.

As he rips of her bra and peels off her panties she feels so loved and wanted in that moment as Mario unleashed on her body like a ravaging wolf, he devours her sweet white creamy tits, with pink hard nipples and takes them like a hungry man who hasn’t tasted food for a while. Tonight Mario is feasting on Sharon. She feels the warmness of his mouth and his powerful tongue satisfying her nipples as he extracts pleasures she had never had.

As he goes down on her between her legs. The sensation of his tongue against her clit is too much, and she grabs and pulls his hair as she shoves his handsome face deeper into her pussy. She’s loving how he is devouring her wetness with his tongue.

Sensing that Sharon isn’t too far off he peels off his black silk underwear. Revealing a strong and thick cock with a nice curve in it. A nice clean cut and a strong tip. Sharon seeing his lovely firm ass in the mirror. Grabs his butt cheeks. By this time she is so wet, That Mario easily glides his cock inside her. She gasps as she takes the full depths of his manhood inside, he begins to thrust with a strength and energy she can’t contain.

Wanting to feel the fulness of him, she grabs his ass and pushes him in more deeply and more firmly, feeling his strong powerful legs between her thighs is an amazing feeling . He takes her in a way she has never been taken before. Sharon cums deeply and the pleasure keeps on going and going, like it will never stops, she’s groans in muffled pleasure, though she wants to scream out in pleasure as she feels his warm liquids pouring deeply inside of her. This was only night one. She would never forget this feeling forevermore.


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