Tangled up with a swamp dryad [DubCon Fantasy Fiction, Lesbian]

A swamp dryad plays around with a human girl who wanders into the swamp whilst collecting mushrooms.


Thalia found her daily gathering wander had taken her further afield than usual today. It was as if an undecidable force was pulling her to the swamps she usually steered clear of. No matter the time of day, the area was permanently cast in shadow. This was mostly thanks to the overhanging weeping willow trees whose branches stretched far and low, creating a curtain of dangling limbs in which to trap unknowing young drifters. The usually weary girl was drawn in by the alluring sight of plump and promising mushrooms. Thalia brushed a leaf-weighted branch to the side and pushed through into a clearing.

Immediately, the young human girl was enamoured by the sight before her. In the clearing, more light pierced through the trees, creating glistening spotlights. Thriving in the sunlight was a bountiful mushroom patch. Thalia didn’t hesitate to hitch her skirts and begin gathering. She didn’t stop to think how bizarre it was that such a variety of edible fungi was so conveniently gathered in one easy-to-traverse, visible opening. An oddity she would’ve been more cautious of had it not been for the hypnotising spores that had been affecting her since the moment she stepped foot into the swamp.

As soon as her pale hand cupped a troop of earthy brown mushrooms, the illusion cleared and she suddenly realised she was clasping at empty air. Thalia stood up with urgency but by the time she had recognised her mistake, it was too late. She turned to run but found her legs entangled in unnaturally sturdy vines. They wrapped around each leg, slithering up under her dress and constricting around her thighs. Another set seemingly with a consciousness of their own located her arms and quickly had them bound behind her back.

The vines collectively lifted her off the ground, creating a hammock-like cradle in which she was suspended. The more she struggled, the tighter the vines became. One went around her middle, squeezing the breath from her. Then, the creature responsible revealed itself. With hair as long as the willow branches, and skin as dark as the bark on the trees, the dryad was as beautiful as nature itself. On her skin sprouted moss and other living organisms – thriving symbiotically. With a simple flick of her dainty wrist, the creature commanded the vines holding Thalia to bring the girl closer.

The girl had been stunned into silence this whole time. Barely a wheeze could escape her parted lips. Elevated by their own set of vines, the dryad moved elegantly around the girl, examining her captured prey

“What do we have here?” She spoke, her voice like a whisper of wind through the trees.

Thalia couldn’t manage a response. Internally, she commanded the creature to release her at once. But nothing audible was produced. The dryad went on with its exploration, a damp hand caressing the human girl’s face. When a finger with the texture of moss ran over her bottom lip, Thalia just about mustered a whine of distress.

“A new toy I wonder?” The dryad mused, a mischievous glint lighting up her marshy eyes.

Before Thalia could question the creature’s intentions, she got an answer. It came in the form of a few more wrist flicks. The vines complied with the silent order. The ones of her legs snaked further up her thighs until they were invading her undergarments. She let out a surprised squeak but was immediately distracted by another pair of vines curling themselves around her breasts. The coils squeezed Thalia’s chest, rewarding their puppet master with a wail of contempt from the distraught girl.

As sweet as that sound was, the dryad wasn’t an evil creature through and through. In fact, she wanted her prey to enjoy itself too! This called for the aid of more spores. The dryad blew a handful of them over the human’s face. She breathed in and immediately they took effect. Thalia visibly relaxed in the vine’s grasp. Her eyes developed a hypnotic glassy shine. Much better. The last thing the dryad wanted was to feel guilty about indulging herself on her latest victim. She watched as the vines writhed in her undergarments and decided she wanted a better view.

With the girl basically under an enchantment, the dryad wasn’t afraid to get close. She went in close and tugged away the underwear and gasped, delighted to see how excited her vines were making the little human. She extended her hand and the vine dove into the girl’s remarkably prepared pussy. The subsequent sounds the girl produced made the dryad even more excited. She also wanted to partake. With no garments of her own to get in the way, another vine was free to enter her. She commanded the foliage of the swamp to pleasure both her and the human girl – fucking them equally hard. She found herself drawn to the human’s lips and was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiastic kiss she was met with.

The sound of their chorus of moans filled only the surrounding area. The swamp was a noise sponge and dampened the cries of pleasure. Even if Thalia was screaming for help, she wouldn’t be helped. But she wasn’t instead she was gasping and uttering soft curses. By the minute she was becoming more lucid and found herself loving the feeling and experience. Of her own volition, Thalia reached toward the beautiful creature. The vines, sensing she wasn’t a threat, allowed this. The dryad looked at her with dark, marshy eyes and was yet again surprised by her actions. Thalia reached out and pawed at the dryad’s humanoid breasts, playfully squeezing and massaging them.

Then she was swept into another mind-melting kiss. Was this what it’s like to be under the effect of her spores? The dryad wondered. She then promptly came to the decision to give them both another hit. Whether it actually had an effect on her or it was just a placebo, she neither knew nor cared. Her mind and body were delivered with a jolt of ecstasy. Assumedly so was the human as she let out an orgasmic cry. The vines had brought them both to completion.

Thalia was lowered to her feet which wobbled as she came to her full senses, righted her clothes and caught her breath. She looked up at the dryad to see it offering out a hand. In which, mushrooms bloomed, all up her forearm to the elbow. They were real this time. Thalia blushed as she accepted the gift, locating her discarded basket and gently picking the mushrooms.

The creature spoke again in the same wispy way, not at all breathless like Thalia, “the least I can do…”

The human girl nodded and went to speak her gratitude. But before she could muster the words from her quivering lips, the creature was gone – blending back into the row of willows. Thalia gulped. Then, with haste, she turned and found the exit to the swamp. A thought crossed her mind as a smile curled her lips. It wouldn’t be such a bad idea to come foraging here again.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xz3dps/tangled_up_with_a_swamp_dryad_dubcon_fantasy

1 comment

  1. This was an amazing, wonderfully written story. Thank you for sharing! It was a joy to read

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