My Wife Hired a Sex Therapist, Part 8 FINALE (MF, drama, funny)

Enjoy the final installment of this long series. Let me know what parts you liked the best. It would be cool to get a record number of likes.

Tyler had been seeing a sex therapist named Jenny that his wife, Cammie, had hired to help him overcome his sexual depression. Jenny’s methods were…unconventional. Essentially, she fucked Tyler senseless for each of their eleven sessions together. Jenny gave Tyler the boost in confidence that he needed, and his sex life with Cammie was better than ever. He even brought the spark back with the polyamourous relationship he had with his sister-in-law, Anna. Throughout all of the “consultations” with Jenny, Tyler suspected that he and Jenny had more than just a professional relationship. Now, she was knocking on his door to talk to him, alone.

“Tyler, we need to talk,” said Jenny. She was wearing a black, zip-up hoodie and yoga pants.

Cammie and Anna were out Black Friday shopping. I was alone in the house. “Jenny! This is my house.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“God, I love how clueless you are,” said Jenny. She walked in the house and sat on a couch in our front room.

I sat down on a chair facing her. “I thought that our sessions were over,” I said. “I didn’t think that I would ever see you again.”

Jenny looked and the floor and clasped her hands together between her knees. “Tyler, I miss you,” she said. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot.”

I was touched, but confused. “Jenny, I thought I was just a client to you. Don’t you have others?”

“Not right now,” she said. “Right about when you were halfway done with your series, I finished my meetings with my other clients. I’m retiring.”

“What? But, isn’t your business doing well?”

“Yes, very well,” she said. “But there’s more. Oh, God, there’s so much to say.”

I leaned forward.

“I’m actually at a crossroads in my life right now,” Jenny said. “I don’t usually like to tell my clients about my personal life, but, you’re special, so here goes!” She grinned and almost looked like she was going to cry, but no tears came out.

“I started out as a sex worker to pay for college. Early on, I learned it was much better to work with wealthy clients. They were CEOs, doctors, lawyers, and the whole bit. I did it while I studied computer science at the university.”

“Computer science? That’s impressive!” I said.

“Yeah, if only my nerdy classmates knew what I was doing after class. They would have lost their minds! Eventually, I went on to get a dual Masters in Computer Science and Business Administration.”

I stared at her in amazement, then I calmed down. “Actually, that doesn’t surprise me. I knew you were smart.”

Jenny grinned. “Thanks! Through my business classes, I realized that if I shifted my ‘brand’ to being a ‘sex consultant’, then I could reach an untapped market. Also, it would help me attract more clients that weren’t rich snobs.” She pointed down her throat and pretended to vomit.

“So, that’s how this all started,” I stated in amazement.

“Yes, but now it’s actually over,” she said. “You’re my last client. I just launched a website with sex tips, videos, relationship advice, and a sex paraphanalia marketplace. I am the sole investor, and I’m sure that this is going to make me millions.” She handed me a business card.

Jenny Water
C.E.O. and Owner
Sex Therapy Online, Inc.

“Oh my, this is genius!” I said.

“Yes, and it’s essentially passive income. I’m set for life.”

I was confused. Jenny didn’t seem to be as happy as she should be. “This is great, but what’s the problem. Why did you need to talk to me?”

“I had a positive pregnancy test last week,” she said.

My heart pounded. “What does that mean?”

“It means that I thought that my birth control failed and that because you were the only man I had had sex with in two weeks, that you were the father.”

I sat in silence, trying to absorb what she said. “Wait,” I said “You said you ‘thought’ I was the father. What do you mean?”

“The first pregnancy test was in an old box I had in my closet from years ago. I thought it was defective. I bought a new one and it was negative. I’m 100% sure I’m not pregnant.”

“Oh, I see.” I felt strange, like I was relieved and disappointed at the same time.

Jenny inhaled. “You weren’t like my other clients Tyler. Each of them figured out early on that I was just a glorified prostitute and they treated me like it. But you were serious about improving your relationship with Cammie. And, when I found out about your history with Anna, it made me inexplicably attracted to you. Maybe it was your sincerity or the fact that you had multiple women vying for you, but, frankly, it made me fall in love with you.”

“I think I was falling in love with you, too,” I said.

“When I thought I was accidentally pregnant with your baby, I was so excited. I thought that it gave me a new purpose in life–to raise the baby of the only man I ever loved. But then, I was heartbroken when I found out I wasn’t really…” Jenny started choking up.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her. “It’s okay,” I said. “Don’t cry.”

She wiped her tears and calmed down. “So, here I am, Tyler. The bottom line is that I want your baby. I haven’t taken my birth control pills for two weeks. I’m ovulating right now. And…you never had the twelfth session you paid for.”

The animal instinct in me was urging me to mate with this woman, but my rational brain was standing in the way. “Wait, I can’t have a baby with you. What about…”

“…Tyler!” Jenny interrupted. “I’m a rich, intelligent woman. I can raise this child myself.”

“But what would my wife…”

Cammie unzipped her hoodie revealing her naked breasts. They were more beautiful than I remembered, plump and perky, with dark brown nipples the size of almonds. She put her arm around my neck and kissed me.

I melted.

She unbuttoned all of my clothes–my jacket, my shirt, and my pants, and threw them on the floor. She stood up to take off her yoga pants. Her young, slender body looked too good to be true. I admired her flat tummy, her curvatious breasts, her bony shoulders, and her silky, shoulder-length, black hair.

She knelt on the hardwood floor on top of her sweater while I remained sitting. She started giving me a very sloppy blowjob. Her sexy, hazel eyes looked up at me while her head bobbed up and down on my cock. The suction was so strong, she pulled my cock in until her lips touched my balls. How was she not gagging? She must be a goddess.

“Now that I’ve got you turned on…”she said. She stood up and squatted on top of me. My cock went into her pussy like an iron needle to a magnet. Oh, fuck, it felt good! I wrapped my arms around her waist and helped her rise up and down slowly.

She pressed one of her soft breasts against my face. I softly kissed, licked, and sucked her small nipple in a circular motion. She was moaning so loudly. I realized that I was moaning, too.

I already knew in my heart that there was no other feeling in the world like cumming inside a woman’s pussy with a willing, open uterus. But, I didn’t know if I could do it to her, not like this. She kept fucking me slowly up and down. I felt closer and closer to climaxing.

“Maybe we could just edge for awhile?” I said. “It could make it more exciting.”

“Oh, fuck, Tyler. It feels so…envigorating!”

She started rocking forward and backward with her abs flexed so she could thrust my cock deeper inside her. She increased the pace. Her tits and hair started bouncing.

“Oh, God! It’s so exciting!” she said. “I’ve had a lot of sex, but not like this.”

Jenny was a sex goddess. I looked down and saw my cock slip forward and back inside her smooth pussy. Her vaginal fluid had started to turn to cream at the base of my shaft.

“To think that at any moment you could…” Jenny said before she stopped abruptly. “I’m going to tease it out of you.”

She pushed me on my back on the couch, then crouched on all fours on top of me. She kept fucking me, but with an irregular rhythm. She would grind my cock in her pussy in circles for twenty seconds, then thrust me up and down four times in a row, then start grinding again.

She started talking dirty to me, “Come’on, Daddy, make me a mommy. Plant your seed in me.”

I felt my cock get suddenly warmer and I felt a squirt of pre-cum start to come out. “I’m going to cum. Are you sure you want this.”

“I want it, but you can decide, too,” she said.

I pushed my fat cock deep inside her until I felt the tip press against her cervix. Instantly, my cock started pounding like a drum, shooting sicky rope after sticky rope of cum into the back of her pussy.

“Oh, my God, I’m cumming!” said Jenny. She started trembling. She fell on me and we kissed passionately while I rubbed her breasts and her bare back.

Just then, we heard the door open. Cammie and Anna walked in the room.

“WHAT! THE! FUCK!” yelled Cammie. Anna stood behind her, with both hands over her mouth.

Cammie dropped some shopping bags on the floor. After that, there was dead silence.

I held Jenny’s body close to mine as if to hide our naked bodies from the other two women. No one moved for what felt like several minutes. Finally, Jenny stood up and faced the other two women, but she didn’t say anything.

A large spoonful of cum dripped out of Jenny’s pussy and spattered, audibly, on the floor.

I had stopped breathing. My vision started to shrink into a tunnel. I felt like I was going to pass out.

There was an explosion. My eyes darted to the ceiling. There were colors everywhere. The whole room was filling with balloons. Music was playing that sounded like a circus.

I stood up, totally naked, and tried to navigate through the clouds of rainbow paper. I walked two steps and realized that Cammie, Anna, and Jenny were all standing together, hugging and laughing.

“BEST! PRANK! EVEEEEEER!” The three girl cried out in unison. They all fell on the floor, laughing wildly as if they were drunk.

The confetti settled and the music stopped. My naked body was mostly covered in confetti paper, which shielded my embarrassment a little.

The girls continued laughing. “Oh my God, Tyler!” Cammie said between laughs. “You should have seen the look on your face!”

“I wish we had an audio recording of what we heard outside on the patio,” said Anna. “If you put your ear to the window glass, you can hear everything.”

“You were so hot, Jenny!” said Cammie. Jenny and Cammie helped each other off the floor and gave each other a hug. Jenny was naked except for the confetti and Cammie fondled her breast playfully as they laughed together.

I stood in silence. I think that my brain had turned off, because I still couldn’t understand the full depth of what was going on.

Cammie seemed to realize that I was still confused. “Oh, Babe, I knew you were fucking Jenny the whole time. That’s why I hired her. I thought you could use a little confidence-builder.”

“But you…and Jenny…you said…and she said…”

“…I took some acting classes in college,” said Jenny. “It helped with my business, with, well…you know. Cammie thought it would be a good prank to play. I didn’t want to at first, but, after the first session with you, I decided to play along. It was actually really fun.”

I turned to Anna. “Were you in on it, too?”

“They actually just told me yesterday and I thought it was hilarious.”

My mind was racing. I wondered if they were holding anything else back from me. “What about the whole thing about Jenny wanting to…” I sighed “…to have a baby…”

Jenny gave me a hug. “That was 100% true. I really am going to quit being a sex therapist and I do want to make a baby with you.”

Now I thought I was seeing the whole picture. I sat down to try to let it all sink in.

“Don’t sit down, Tyler,” said Jenny. “We’ve got plans for you.”

The girls led me to my bedroom where they picked the paper confetti off our bodies. They filled up our bathtub with soapy water and urged me to get in. Anna and Cammie took off all of their clothes and the three naked women washed me from head to toe.

I stared and marveled at the three of them closely. First, there was Cammie, the loving wife with brown hair and a “hotwife” body. Then, there was Anna, the sister-in-law-with-benefits, with blonde hair and a tall, athletic body. Finally, there was Jenny, the short, petite woman, ten years younger than me, with black hair. It occurred to me that, until now, I had never seen them all naked at the same time. Yet, here they were, kneeling beside the bathtub, showing off their gorgeous bodies, taking turns washing my balls.

Soon, they determined that I had enough time in the bathtub and they drained the water. I stood up and they all started to towel me off at the same time. When I was dry, Cammie said, “Now, come to the bedroom and I’ll explain what we’re going to do while Anna sucks your cock.”

We proceeded to the bedroom. Cammie sat on the bed and I stood facing her. Anna got on her knees and started caressing and licking my cock. Jenny stood behind me and wrapped her arms around me–massaging my chest and shoulders.

“Jenny, Anna, and I have been talking,” said Cammie, “and, after hearing how they’ve both decided they want you to be the father of their children, I’ve decided that I also want you to put a baby in me. Then we’ll all be pregnant at the same time.”

“Oh,” I said. Anna started sucking my dick deep up and down the shaft. I had a hard time focusing on Cammie. “We’ve talked about…aaah…having another kid for some time.”

“Yes, and now’s right the time,” said Cammie. “And we think it would be amazing if you got Jenny and I pregnant on the same day.”

Anna stopped sucking and stood up. My cock was as hard as a stick again. Annie held me by the hands and leaned backwards on the bed. With Cammie laying on her back and with me in a standing position, I grabbed my cock to guide it to her pussy.

“Aaaaa…” the girls started to sing together in anticipation.

Once I inserted my cock in Cammie pussy, the three of them shouted “YEAH!” and started high fiving each other.

I grabbed Cammie’s hips and started thrusting her. She had such a comfortable pussy. Anna stood next to me on my left and rubbed my chest. Jenny did the same on my right. Both Anna and Jenny took turns kissing me. Cammie started moaning and rubbing her clit with one hand.

This continued for a few minutes until Jenny spoke, “Well, are you gonna be a man and mark that pussy?”

“Fuck, yeah!” Cammie said, “Show them who’s my daddy!”

I felt Cammie’s pussy open up even more. She was SO turned on.

The other two women started pushing my ass to urge me to thrust harder. All of this felt like it was out of control, but amazing! Cammie curled up her upper body and rested on her elbows, which accentuated her large breasts.

“Share some cum with me!” said Cammie.

“Yeah!” said Jenny. “Give her some cum, too!”.

“Aw,” whispered Anna into my ear. “Your cum feels so amazing. I want some gum, too.”

Then, the three ladies all started to chant, “GIVE US CUM! GIVE US CUM!”

Without warning, I ejaculated into Cammie. I felt like a virgin, teenage boy that cums as soon as he gets started. But Cammie and the girls didn’t seem to mind. They all started cheering and five-fiving each other. My cocked pulsed and pulsed. When I pulled out if her, a small amount of cum dribbled out.

“My turn!” said Anna. “If you creampie me, that will make all three of us.”

Anna pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. She rubbed her big boobs up and down my body from my cock to my eyes. Then, she pressed her pussy against my cock like a hotdog in a bun and kissed me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Cammie and Jenny standing a few feet away, making out. I never thought Cammie would kiss a woman. They were fondling each other’s breasts and pussies with so much passion.

My cock became hard again and Anna inserted it into her cunt. “Oh, fuck!” screamed. Cammie climbed on top of me, facing Anna, and started kissing her. I started licking Cammie’s pussy. Jenny paused for a moment to watch, the same way a professor might pause to admire her students’ work. And, of course, Anna kept fucking me.

There was a chorus of moans, many of them from myself. Anna and Cammie were squeezing each other’s boobs like they had wanted to for years but were finally getting the chance. Jenny pulled out a vibrator and pressed it again Anna’s clit, which sent shivers of pleasure through her whole body and which I could even feel on my cock.

Each of the girls orgasmed in the next few minutes. After Cammie came, Jenny traded places with her. Soon, Jenny climaxed also, then Anna came again.

Jenny climbed off of me and laid next to Cammie on the bed beside us. They started ramming dildos into each other’s pussies while making out with each other. Anna leaned forward and laid her whole body against me, her huge breasts pressing against my open hands. I squeezed gently. Her breasts were so soft and her pussy was so warm and smooth.

“I think I’m going to cum,” I said. Cammie and Jenny stopped for a moment, then started chanting, “FUCK HER! FUCK HER!” I blew a load of cum into her, not as much as I did with Cammie and Jenny, but it still made Anna’s pussy wet and sloppy. Anna lovingly kissed me while we enjoyed the afterglow.

When we were done, the three women gathered around me, sitting on the bed, to hug me. Cammie thanked Jenny profusely. Jenny returned the gratitude to Cammie and called her “the most amazing wife, ever!” I realised that she really was. I was the luckiest man on Earth to have these three women, and I owed it all to Cammie.

We all agreed that we would keep having sex with each other, individually and as a group, for as long as we lived.

Within two weeks, we confirmed that all three women were pregnant. We celebrated with a Christmas themed foursome at Jenny’s place. We all vowed that whatever happened in the sex room, stayed in the sex room.

Jenny’s new business was overwhelmingly successful. She refunded the money for my sessions so that we could hire someone to remodel the bathroom for us. “Which frees up more time for Tyler to visit me,” she said grinningly.

Dave met Jenny and they started fucking occasionally, too.

When all three women entered the second trimester, they all became extremely horny. I essentially had to visit each of them almost everyday to please them. They all enjoyed creampies the most.

The babies were each born twelve hours apart at the same hospital. Their hospital rooms were all in a row. I was a proud poppa.

Over the next few years, Anna and I made a tradition of sneaking into my brother Tim’s house around Thsnksgiving and fucking each other like animals in his forbidden closet. He never found out about it or about how I was the actual father of his child.

Tim married and divorced three more women after Anna, but had no more children. The doctors confirmed that he was sterile. He suspected that Anna had gotten pregnant by another man, but the DNA test showed that he was the father. He never suspected that his twin brother had actually done the deed. After a few years, Tim was caught in an embezzlement scandal and was sentenced to thirty years in prison.

And, Cammie, Anna, Jenny, Dave, and I continued to have the best sex in the whole city. None of us ever divorced and Jenny never married. Eventually, all the children graduated from high school, then college. We told them the origin story of our unconventional family. They were surprisingly supportive. “It’s better than all the divorces that my dad, I mean, Uncle Tim, has gone through,” said Anna’s son, Mikey.

As empty nesters, Anna and Dave sold their house and Cammie and I sold our house. We all moved into Jenny’s mansion. And we had the best sex that anyone in their forties and fifties could possibly have. And sixties…and seventies…and eighties…and…



  1. This is awesome.

    I started reading this saga at first because of the seeming realism, and the grittiness of Anna’s tough marriage mixed with the willingness of Cammie. That was hot to me. But you did a really nice job of very gradually blending that scenario into more and more , introducing Jenny but doing so subtly, with the Cammie “not knowing” they were fucking, before going all out fuck-it at the end. Fantastic buildup to a fun and hot conclusion. I’d buy any book you wrote.

  2. I have enjoyed this series from the beginning to the ending, with all of the twists and turns that accomplished the story. I thought it was such a hot story, didn’t expect the ending but seemed very fitting though.

  3. Bruh, this is a damn good story. I’m definitely going back to read them all.

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