Devoured: Resurrection [Erotic-Horror][Incubus][MF][Blood][Oral][Creampie][Series][Mind-Control

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    As she stood staring into the dark rolling waves, she knew this was it, her last hope. A last-ditch attempt for liberation. She had tried to do things the right way. Endlessly working to better herself, to be the person they always wanted. The daughter her parents hoped for, the woman the man she loved had asked for. And the mother her son desperately deserved. He needed her most than any other, but sadly, it was hopeless. She was hopeless. No matter how hard she tried, she could not escape the demons of her past, so why try anymore? She was tired, so desperately tired.

    The gentle coarseness of the sea-soaked sand beneath now pulled at her, begging her to let go. To walk into the ocean and let the foul substance that she’d consumed earlier take its course. She wanted this. She had no fight left in her and thought this would be the best for everyone. That she just give in and let the threads of her life fade away.

    This was not her first attempt. There had been so many others, but alas, all ended the same, in failure. She hoped this would be the final attempt. She did not know he was watching. How could she? He had done well to conceal himself up to this point. Studying her, gazing into the depths of her soul, in an attempt to understand. She had summoned him here. Freeing him from the black plains in which he was imprisoned. It did not surprise him when he realized her disappointment. She had been expecting someone else, something else. But it was he that her voice called out to, urging him from the dark abyss. And it was because of her offering that he knew her pain. He breathed it in like the salt scent of the sea. It caused an unfamiliar and curious feeling inside his breast. He was not given into such emotions, on the contrary, he fed on these. Like the most exotic spices adding to the robustness of his prey. Except for this time he did not savor the taste. No, indeed this time he felt sympathy, regret, and an overwhelming urge to offer what reprieve he could.

    So, he made his way to her, silently. The contact of his footfalls against the soft sand left no trace or indication of disturbance. The effects of the deadly concoction were making their way throughout her body, filling her with immense ease. And yet, she felt him. She wasn’t sure if it was just a trick of the mind. The soothing effects of the drugs and alcohol teased her, filling her with one final sensation of joy.

He wrapped his arms around her. Not crude and eager yet, but as a lover hoping to console their grieving mate. The heat from his dark body fought off the chill of the ocean breeze. She sighed longingly, resting a head of short dark hair against the solid comfort of his jaw. There were tears in her eyes. They glistened against the bright light of the moon, giving her already pale skin a luminescence like no other.

“ Is this real?”, her weak voice cried out; so low that only they could hear.

“Does it matter?”, he responds wiping the tears from her cheek. His words caress her like the finest satin sheets; warm and smooth amongst the skin of her ear.

    His hands were dark and loving. She had no idea who he was he was, and yet he felt so familiar as if they had known each other all her life. She noticed the feeling of him pressed against the cold skin of her cheeks and thighs; even through the substantial layer of her T-shirt and boy shorts, she could tell he was nude. For reasons unbeknownst to her, she found comfort in this.

    She leaned into him, and he, obliging, strengthened his grip around her. “ My poor sweet child”, he said to her, “ You are in so much pain”.

She sniffled, acknowledging the truth of his words. He turned her so that she would face him. His long hair draping down his shoulders was the violet-black of a stormy night. The skin of his face and body had the radiance of alabaster. His muscles were still clearly defined even with the stockiness of his build. He was bigger than she originally thought… in more ways than one. Without conscious thought, she began running her hands down the ridges of his abdomen. She couldn’t believe, on the verge of her demise, when her body should be breaking down and she should be preparing for death, that she would be feeling the moistening between her legs. 

    A slight grin took form as he noticed her desire, yet it was not as ablaze as he would have it. Something else lingered within her. With a tenderness, she had never known he raised her gaze to meet his. His eyes appeared to hum and glow as he bore into her very soul, where he found it. A sense of disgust overcame him causing him to replace his smile with a deep frown, one she took notice of. Before she could react, however, he did something she didn’t expect. 

“I will not have you speak such filth about yourself. You are as perfect in your beauty as the Moon that cloaks you in its rays. More importantly…”, He said in breaths thick with amorous affection. He pulls her even closer so that in their intimate embrace she could not only see but feel the truth in his claim.

“More importantly, you are unique. You may not be in the form which you once possessed in your early youth, but now you are much more. You bear the figure of a nurturer, a mother, a goddess. Your scars, your folds, your rounding, and your curves are the embodiment of sacred desire. And I would have you know this if you would let me. I would take your pain from you, I would end this suffering that has so unjustly been placed upon you if you would let me.” 

    She could not believe her ears. At first, she wanted to deny his accusation, but could not. What he said was true. Even though others had said similar, even she had boasted about how she enjoyed her body in its thicker state. But like most, it had been merely a delusion. What she had to tell herself to numb the pain. But as he held her stroking her cheek, she knew his words were sincere. 

“I will ask you a…”

“Why?”, she blurted out before she even knew what she was saying. “Why me?”

    For a moment he said nothing. He simply stood looking into her eyes, then, he smiled. A fang-filled smile, one that made her shudder and pull slightly going nowhere. “Because you are my savior, my liberator. It is because of you that I am here.”

“Because of me?”, her words were more a breath than a question. Memory began to resurface. At first, it was in a haze, distorted and unclear, but as he drew closer, the mist cleared. The ritual had promised her freedom and had asked for nothing more than pleasure. Her sacrament was her blood. Given freely at the moment of climax. It was in the phantoms that now flooded her mind’s eye, she realized. She had known him, felt him, craved him. Her hand, as then, traced it’s way down to between her legs. A familiar sensation began to emanate from her clit. 

    Recognizing the revelation on her face, his smile grew even wider. “You can see it now, can’t you? How you beckoned me to this world. Enticing me with the sweetest fruit. How your fingers instructed me in your desire. How you made my mark on your breast at my entrance.” His hand fell to her right breast, stroking the indication of her nipple with his thumb. “You called to me, begged me to take your pain from you. You offered yourself to me, and I have come to fulfill our agreement. So I ask you again, will you submit to me and permit me to free you from your chains?”

    For reply, she uttered no sound. She released herself from his embrace, taking only a single step back. Gripping the bottom of her shirt, she pulled it over and off, letting it fall to the dark sand. As she moved forward, she began to pull down her shorts but halted at the touch of his hand around her wrist. She had given her answer, now he would uphold their pact.  He drew her in, savoring the scent of her lust. His lips brushed the edge of her shoulder, tracing their way to her neck. As she bore it to him, an exhale of anticipation escaping her trembling lips, he ran his tongue along the veins. He could taste it all, fear, loathing, relief, carnal longing, and even the creeping trace of her deadly elixir. Without the slightest pause, he sunk his fangs into her, gorging himself on the red mead flowing through her veins. The pain paralyzed her. The intertwining sensation of agony and nirvana burned through her with each pull from his lips.  In an almost delayed response, her hand clutched at his body, not to push him off, but to draw him closer. 

    It was not long till he drew the diseased substance from her body. As he unlatched himself from her throat, he gasped with such bliss. A dark primal surge began to rage through his body, the poison dissipating to leave only the taste of her essence. He would have more, he would have her. He returned his gaze to her, blood painting scarlet vines down her neck and breast. Her expression was more pleading than fear. “ Now that your senses are no longer muddled, allow me to show you true salvation.”

    He lowered her to the ground. The feeling of the coarse sand evaporated to be replaced with that of smooth, almost creamy silk. The sound of the ocean grew. The calm breaking of the waves morphed into a heavy roar, encouraging the dance to come. She gave in completely. His tongue slithered between her breast, licking them clean as he traced his way down her plump body. Her moans filled him with such vigor, making him growl low, a beast savoring the meal to come. The talons protruding from his fingers gently raked the skin of her thighs causing her to arch, gasping in perverted revelry. She could feel his hungry lips brushing against her own. With the first flick of his tongue, her body was sent spiraling, taking what was left of her conscious mind with it. His mouth making love to her in ways no man, or woman for that matter had even come close to in all her life! Every nerve she possessed howled with sinful joy. 

“OH FUCK YES! Take me! Devour me! Make me yours! Set me free, baby! Set me FREE!”, She cried as he buried his face in her. Her hands grasped solid curves in his hair. Too delirious from the persistent punching against her womb to question the horns in which she grasped. 

The abundance of her juices was inebriating, the finest liquor of her forbidden fruit. He could feel the bracing around his tongue, the first of her climaxes was close. Before she was able to prevent him from exiting her, he retracted his tongue, and with ferocious speed slammed his throbbing cock within her! As she screamed in orgasmic ecstasy, the sky began to crack and burn with lighting. Waves fell with the force of a torrent. Her body convulsed as he drove deeper into her, with long, slow strokes. She felt the force of him fill her entire abdomen. Each is more powerful and sensual than the last. She locked her feet around his waist, hopelessly trying to bury him deeper within her. The was no other sensation that compared to him within her. He nibbled and pulled at her erect nipples, rolling each between his teeth as he plunge himself into her womb. Her legs quivered from the sensation of his thrusts. She didn’t know how many more times she could come but wasn’t about to stop him from taking her to the edge of sanity.

The moistness of her juices could be felt dripping down the length of his powerful thighs. The scent was ambrosia. He felt the dark fury of his power returning to him. His eyes blazed with demonic hunger, he needed more of her essence. Easing his length from her glistening sex, he placed a blacking-clawed hand behind her head and raised her till she met his gaze. The tremors throughout her body caused her breaths to come out in shudders, yet she pulled him to her. With a malevolent grin, he placed his lips against hers, breathing in her utter submission. Their tongues danced over one another as he lifted her back upon him. A quick gasp escaped her as she felt his throbbing shaft grazing against the dripping walls of her pussy.  Her arms draped around his neck, her fingers coiling the raven black strands of his hair. She became in sync with his movements, her hips pressing into every push of his. His hands explored the canvas of her body, running fingers over every scar and fold she possessed. Each touch lingered as if to savor the memory of her. 

She howled as he brought her to climax again and again, her mind deteriorating with each spasmodic release. She begged him to never stop, to fill her every hole with his cock. She would give him her heart, her body, her soul. He did as commanded. Having her now on her stomach, her breast pushing into her throat, he licked the traces of sweat and blood from her neck and back, his pulsating member begging to release its load. He sped up the pace of his thrusts, pounding deeper into her preparing for the conclusion of their lustful dance. She was only able to emit small, weak moans. Her mind was blissfully absent of what drew near. The long serpentine appendage stealthily worked it’s way up to coil around her throat. At that moment, he gave in, filling her with his thick warm seed. Her screams were muted, the cord around her throat silencing her final orgasmic utterance. As she faded from the world, her hand slowly went between her legs, smiling as she could feel his gift oozing out of her.

Her last voicemail filled his heart with sheer terror. He knew she was in a dark place. She had been there long before their breakup. He cursed himself now, for not seeing the obvious signs. He paced up and down the length of his room, the worst possible outcomes weaving into a cinema of horror in his mind. He pulled another cigarette from the package, mentally noting he was running desperately low. 

As the distinct cancerous aroma filled his lungs, a long-awaited buzz came from the phone on the nightstand. He rushed over, smoke pouring from both his nostrils and mouth, the nicotine struggling to keep his nerves off the precipice. A text bubble popped on the screen, its message holding more foreboding than relief.

The call came in at 3:30 that morning. The gentleman failed at his attempt to remain calm, begging the dispatcher to send EMS to the beachfront to find her. As the paramedics arrived on the scene, their faces established a collective mask of bewildered dread. The woman was laying motionless on the sand. As the team began checking for signs of life, one of them noticed something quite odd about the whole scene. Bruising on her neck pointed to signs of strangulation. She was naked, with small stains of blood on her neck and collarbone. However, what confused them the most was the woman’s hand placed between her legs. Almost like she had been fingering herself. And to top it off was her face. The woman was smiling like she was having a peaceful dream. None of this made any sense to them then again this is something Sexual Assault will have to handle if she survived. As they and their team get her on the litter, they feel a strange sensation fall upon them. It felt like were being summoned. They took a quick glance around seeing nothing but dunes of sand and condominiums. It wasn’t until they got the woman in the ambulance, that they saw him. Standing at the edge of the shore was a dark figure. They moved unconsciously, wanting to get a better look at the person, wondering if they had seen what happened to their patient. As they got to the edge of the beach entrance, they froze. A pair of vibrant glowing eyes were peering right into their own. Their primal instinct to panic was subdued, replaced by a warmth they’d not felt in quite some time. It stemmed from their lower body, growing more fiercely, consuming their entire being. Their breaths became heavy, their tongue began to salivate profusely. As they felt a gentle hand brush against their cheek, they moistened at the touch, at his touch.
