Do Androids Wet-dream? [mf][human/android]

“My chassis is covered by a tri-weave polymer, designed to give the texture of skin to the touch. Would you like to try it?”

The Doll cocked its – *her* – head to the side in a curiously stereotypical fashion.

Rico stretched out a hand, resting the tips of his fingers gently on the bare ‘skin’ of her upper arm. It was cool to the touch; not cold and metallic as he had expected given the segmented nature, but cool. It felt pleasant beneath his touch, felt like skin.

“Do you feel that?” he asked.

“I do,” she replied. “Several thousand minute sensors beneath the epidermis register contact anywhere across my frame, activated by the piezoelectric shell.”

“What does it feel like?”

She cocked her head the other way, and he saw her processing the question. Now he had a moment’s pause, he could see a faint trail of freckles across her nose and cheeks, as if someone had dusted them across her. “It feels like pressure and warmth. There is an odd tingle to the skin in the area around where your hand is.”

He withdrew his hand. “It’s incredible,” he said. “It feels like real skin. And you have this all over?”

“I am designed to be sensitive and receptive all over.”

He looked up at her, catching her eyes. They focused on him. “That sounds… that sounds kinda gross, if I’m being honest.”

“Why would you not be honest? Were you speaking falsely before?”

“I…” He shrugged. “It’s just the way I speak. It doesn’t mean I was lying. I guess I just use that phrase for emphasis.”


He continued, “I guess what I meant was, if they made you feel like skin, and made it so you could feel what was happening to you, it sort of tells us what you were built for.”

“That is an assumption based on limited information,” the Doll said. “Many of my subroutines have yet to come online, and may well contradict this assessment.”

“I hope so,” Rico said. “I’d hate to think of someone creating such an incredible piece of equipment such as yourself just to get their end away.”

The Doll paused, then said, “Thank you for the compliment.”

“So you really don’t have a name?” he asked.

“I am designated Doll Alpha November One,” she said, for the second time since he had awoken her from her pod.

“Doll Alpha… No name then, just a designation?”

“I am designated Doll—“

“Right, right,” he interrupted. “Got it. I’ll never remember that, and I’ve never been very good at anagrams. How about I call you De, until you decide on a better name?”

There was that momentary pause, almost like lag, before De said, “Noted.”

“And I’m Rico. Rico Jones.”

“Rico,” De repeated. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She held out her hand stiffly towards him. After a moment, Rico took it, and shook. It was a strange moment, he realised; finally being able to introduce themselves now. They hadn’t had a chance before shit went real bad, and they had been forced to flee for their lives. He’d never been shot at before. It wasn’t a situation he wanted to find himself in again.

“Nice to meet you too.” He glanced around the chamber. Beyond the door they had entered through, there was little about but a table pushed against the wall, and an overturned chair, the leather backing long since torn and faded. “So… what do we do now?”

“I would like you to kiss me.”

He blinked in surprise. Turned back to face her, “What?”

De repeated herself.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” Rico stammered.

“I give consent,” De replied.

He blinked again. “You…?”

“I understand the situation,” she continued, “and have made a decision to continue.”

“You can make those kinds of decisions?” he asked.

“I can.” De blinked slowly. “I am curious as to the sensation such a thing would provide. You reactivated me, and since then have been kind, so I have decided that I wish you to be the one I experience them with.”

“Look, I…”

“I have registered an increase in your body temperature when you look at me, as well as an increase in your heart rate. These indicate your own interest.”

He opened his mouth to speak, then snapped it shut. His lips were suddenly very dry. Hers looked full.

“Many people use machines to stimulate their own pleasure,” she said.

“Yeah,” he agreed, “but those machines don’t usually talk and think.”

“But I do,” De countered. “I talk, and I think, and I reach my own decisions that are outside of my programming. Decisions built upon my personal experiences with you. And this is an experience I wish to have.”

She stepped closer to him. “Now, are you going to kiss me or not?”

He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close, and found her lips with his. De’s mouth was soft to the touch. Like everything else about the Doll, they felt real. Her lips parted slightly, but otherwise remained motionless.

Rico pulled back. De’s eyes were open, her lips still parted. She looked more rigid than she had before activating.

“Uh…” he said. “How… how was that?”

“I believe I would enjoy it more if it lasted longer,” she said.

“Really? Cause you kinda look like you weren’t into it.”

She cocked her head. “How so?”

“Well… usually,” he said, trailing off. Of all the things to be discussing! “Usually, when people like the kiss, they return it. And they usually, I dunno, close their eyes or something. And sometimes give soft moans if they really enjoy it.”

“Noted,” she said. “Do you wish to continue?”

He made a face. “Maybe another time?” he said.

“Because it was not good?”

He swore he heard a slight catch in her voice. Her face did look somewhat dejected, now that he understood the micro changes to her features better.

“It’s a thing that comes with practice,” he said. “Like a lot of things.”

“Then I need to practice,” De said. “But you do not wish me to practice with you?”

He threw up his hands. “Fine. I’ll practise with you.”

“I do not wish you to do anything you do not want to do, Rico,” De said.

He let out a sigh. “It’s a good thing you’re cute,” he said, moving back to her. “Now, close your eyes.”

She did as instructed. He reached out and placed fingertips on her jaw. Her skin was cool to the touch still, soft. Gently, he trailed the pad of his thumb across her cheek, then let his fingers slide into her shoulder length sandy hair. De gave a soft shudder.

He leant closer, placing his lips softly against hers. She let out a soft sigh as her lips parted. He wondered how much of it was actual reaction to him, and how much was what she thought he expected, but oddly at the moment found he didn’t care.

De pressed against him, and he felt her return the kiss. It was less rigid than the first, as she toyed her lips against his. His heart began to hammer. This close, he could smell her. He had imagined she would smell of oil, or metal, but she had a clean, natural aroma. Decidedly real.

He rested his hand on her hip, feeling the reassuring shape of her. She was flush against him, and he was very aware of the way the rest of her felt too. He trembled.

After a moment, she pulled back. Her eyes were heavily lidded, and her lips even appeared slightly swollen. “That was enjoyable,” she said. “There were sensations involved in that kiss that I had not experienced before. The pulse rate of my main systems increased notably, as did my core body temperature, along with something I do not yet have a designation for.”

“Well, I’m glad you liked it,” Rico said, a tad breathless.

“I wish to experience more,” she said. “While we kissed, the touch of your hand on my side was… again, I do not have the designation for the experience.”

“Pleasant?” he offered.

She cocked her head. “Yes. Pleasant. I wish to feel this sensation again, and in different places.”

“You’re such a sweet talker,” he said, with an amused grin.

“You speak as if you do not wish this also. I do not even need to see the change in your body temperature or the dilation of your pupils. I felt something else while we kissed, from where our bodies touched.”

He knew exactly what she was talking about.

“How… uh… exactly how lifelike are you?” he asked.

There was a definite curl of her lips towards a smile. “I could say that I am anatomically accurate, but you will need to discover that for yourself.”

Rico pulled her close again, kissing her once more. It was forceful this time, needy, and De returned it with what could only be described as equal passion. Her hand trailed up his back, palm splayed against the fabric, then up his neck and into his hair. That was not a motion he had told her about; it was clearly her own response.

De broke the kiss, giving a decent facsimile of soft panting. “Rico,” she said softly. “Touch me. Please.”

He lowered his face, his lips finding the soft material that made up her neck, and kissed her there. De let out a gentle moan, her body pushing itself against him. “Oh.”

He continued to kiss her there, feeling the unmistakable beat of a pulse point beneath the surface. It seemed to increase under the attentions of his mouth. De’s hand on the back of his head held firm, holding him there as the Doll enjoyed what he was doing.

“Rico,” she muttered, a stuttering sound. If this was all programming, her creators had put a hell of a lot of work into these responses. But he’d spent some time with her, seen her react to things that nobody could possibly predict and prepare a reaction for. This was as real a response as it was possible for a construct like De to have.

His hand trailed up her side, a ginger caress that slid under the hem of her loose tee, and De murmured again. Her skin felt so real, so soft and supple to the touch, yet with the firmness of internal parts beneath. He was straining against his jeans now, aroused incredibly by the touch and smell of the beautiful Doll who was making deliciously soft moans at his touch.

Rick’s exploring hand went higher, across where ribs would be – and what felt like ribs actually were – until he reached just below her arm.

“That…” De started, a low chuckle in her voice. “I do not have the designation for that sensation.”

“Tickles?” Rico asked as he kissed and nipped at her neck.

“Tickles,” De confirmed. “I like the kisses you are giving me,” she continued after a moment, “but wish to feel them on my lips again.”

“It’s nice that you ask for what you want,” he said as he slowly began to kiss up toward her jawline.

“You can ask for what you want too,” she said between tiny gasps.

“Don’t worry,” he said, as he moved close to her mouth. “I will.”

He found her lips again, kissing her. She responded in kind once more, sinking dreamily into the kiss.

Rico kissed her for a long moment, a languid kiss, before his hand began to creep on again. This time, it sailed across the ‘skin’ of her ribcage, pausing as it reached the base of where her breasts began. This would be the first test of the craftsmanship, he decided.

His palm trailed up again, over the curve of her breast. The skin feel remained, and he gave it a squeeze. It felt real; firm and pert. De let out a soft moan into his mouth, and her spine arched towards him.

Intently, Rico continued to explore the shape of her breasts, delighted to feel the nub of a nipple under his hand. He rolled it beneath finger and thumb, and De pulled back from the kiss to let out a throaty gasp.

“That elicits a great pleasure,” she said. She began to plant kisses in his cheek and jaw as he continued to toy with her nipple.

“If you like that,” he said, “then I think you’re really going to enjoy this.” He found the point where her throat met her jaw again, giving it long kisses and soft nips with his teeth, then lowered himself down more.

His other hand began to push up the loose fabric of her top she wore, revealing more of her body. He moved back enough, hunkering down, to view it all now; the tight shape of her stomach and hips, the pertness of both of her exposed breasts. De had an areola and nipples, both of which were perfectly imperfect. She even had a belly button that danced as the “muscles” in her stomach bunched as he squeezed her breast again.

His mouth found her other breast, lips wrapping around the nipple. He gave it a deep suck, then let his tongue roll against the hard nub.

“Rico,” she sighed, her body shaking. Her hands were in his hair, making tight balls with her fists. His free palm rested against her chin, fingers against her lips. She opened her mouth, lips making a soft seal around his fingers and she sucked on them. Her mouth was hot and wet around them.

With purpose, he licked, sucked, and squeezed her breasts, losing himself in the feel of them. A great credit to her creators; they were the best pair he had played with in a long time. Probably ever. He placed kisses on her toned tummy too, feeling it dance under him, licked the cool ‘skin’, then returned to sucking the pert breasts.

“God, De, your body is incredible,” he said.

“I wish to observe yours as well,” she said, her hands resting on both sides of his face and pulling him upright. Her hand rested on his crotch. “I wish to experience this in the many possible locations of my frame.”

“I want that too.”

She gave him a long kiss while he massaged and caressed her chest, then slowly De slithered down onto her knees. She tugged at the belt of his jeans, popped the buttons, and pushed the material down. His cock sprang to life.

“I am glad to see your physical response to our actions is so obvious,” she said. Her fingers curled around him, surprisingly soft. He’d seen her punch holes in walls, but she held him carefully.

“How could it not be?” he asked, brushing her hair from her face so he had a better view of it. “You’re sexy, and you pick this up really fast.”

De craned forward, pressing her full lips against his hard shaft. He let out a soft sigh at the first feathery touch. She kissed up the length of it, then gave a long, lingering, kiss to the head.

“Fuck,” he mumbled. She stroked her hand up and down his length, which was quickly smeared with his pre-cum. De was watching his dick intently, her head cocked. Then she opened her jaw, her tongue out a little, and wrapped her lips around the tip. She continued to tug him, her encircled fingers reaching up to meet her mouth.

“Not too… not too hard,” he said with a wince, as she gave him a hard tug. “And be careful with your teeth. It’s sensitive, and soft despite how it might feel.”

“Noted,” she said around him. The pressure decreased, and soon Rico was moaning as she stroked him. She continued to suckle the tip of him, her tongue rolling across the entrance. He was delighted to feel her mouth was wet and warm.

Eventually, he applied pressure to the back of her head. The Doll understood, letting his cock slide deeper into her mouth, her lips and tongue tugging the soft skin deliciously. He let out another moan. She felt good around him.

De sucked in, squeezing him gently with the inside of her cheeks, then drew herself along his length to relax with a wet pop. A loose strand of spit connected her plump lips to his swollen head. Then she swallowed him again, taking him deeper passed her tongue.

“Look at me,” he managed. The Doll complied, her brown eyes shimmering. Her face was beautiful, her lips stretched around him.

Under his gentle direction, De licked, sucked, and kissed his cock and balls. Swiftly, she began to adapt her own methods, no doubt sensing what gave him greater satisfaction. She even made wet sounds with her mouth while she sucked on his manhood, which made tightness form within his balls.

Rico let her give one last delicious kiss to his glans, then tugged her slowly to her feet. He kissed her lips deeply, tongue slipping into her mouth to roil against hers. He was panting, his heart hammering, and a delightful warm ball was forming within him.

He pulled away from the kiss. “You’re a fast learner,” he said. “That was incredible.”

“I am glad you enjoyed it,” she said. “I too found the sensation of you within my mouth like that most stimulating.”

“Oh don’t worry,” he said, as his hand trailed down her waist, “if they did their job right, you’re about to feel it somewhere that’ll be even more stimulating.”

He kissed her again as his fingers parted the crotch of her skintight jeans, then slipped inside. He found what he was looking for.

“You’re wet,” he said.

“A most curious response to the situation,” De replied.

He grinned. “No, no, that’s good. But you could be wetter.”

With that said, he began making circles of her pussy with the tips of her fingers. De moaned, and her hips bucked.

“Oh,” she said. “That certainly is more stimulating.”

He began to kiss her neck, feeling the cool touch of the ‘skin’ against his lips again. His free hand fondled and caressed a breast, but he kept most of his focus on stroking the Doll’s wet pussy. She was moaning delightfully against him, even panting and shaking. If this was fake, just some programmed response, it was really realistic. But from the little he knew of De’s nature, everything she was doing was a direct response to his actions.

That made his cock throb.

Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter by the moment, the heat of her crotch rising. While the rest of her remained cool, that part burned like a furnace. He slid a finger inside her, testing the feel. She gasped as he dove into thick muscles, the inside feeling as real as the outside. Her fingers dig into the flesh of his back.

Another finger joined the first, and he began curling the tips against the inside, massaging the outside with the heel of his palm as he did.

“Fuck,” the Doll moaned, her hips writhing in time with him. “Please do not stop. This motion elicits a great sensation.”

“I’m not going to stop,” he growled huskily, letting his teeth nip at her earlobe. “Not until I see if you can cum.”

“I wish to experience that,” she murmured back.

He continued to stroke, rub, and massage her pussy. De moaned and bucked, shaking and panting as she held onto him for dear life. There was a throaty rumble in her that seemed to be rising up from her core.

“Something is happening,” she said, with urgency in her voice. “I feel…”

The rest of her words were cut off by a cry, and she began to shake. Rico knew she had cum, and continued to toy with her wet sex, to stretch out the moment for the Doll.

After a moment, she slumped against him. She was light, about as heavy as a person her size should be. Rico gave her pussy a few last slow circular strokes, before removing his hand.

“I had a sensory overload,” De said. She twitched slightly.

“You had an orgasm is what you had,” he corrected her.

“I found it to be most stimulating.”

“Well, good news,” he said. “If you’re anything like human women, you have multiple of those in succession. We guys have to take a little break to reset after ours.”

“That does not seem fair,” she said.

“Well, I didn’t design us. But it’s why I didn’t cum in your mouth earlier, despite really wanting to.”

“Why?” she repeated, confused.

“Yeah, so I could do this.” He tugged down her jeans, then gasped his still hard cock. He shuffled closer, pressing the tip against her sopping wet entrance. Then he paused.

“You understand the consent, so I will ask if you want to proceed.”

She nodded. “I desire the full experience. Your body with mine. And I wish for you to also reach your orgasm.”

He grinned. “At least I know you can’t get pregnant.” He paused. “I hope, anyway.”

That said, he began to ease himself forwards. De’s pussy stretched to accept him as the head of his cock entered her. She gasped at that.

“Rico,” she moaned.

He paused, letting her get used to him, then pushed his hips forward. His shaft slid into her, the thick muscles of he rpussy pulling the sensitive skin taut. He moaned in pleasure.

“De,” he whispered. “You feel so good.”

“You are also most pleasant within me,” she responded.

Rico began to thrust his hips, a slow and methodical motion that pushed him to the hilt within the Doll. She hung her arms around him, holding on and resting her forehead against his shoulder. He felt teeth as she bit into the fabric of his shirt.

He grasped her ass, feeling the full rounded of her cheeks, fondling the flesh. Then he hoisted her from her feet. She clung on as he moved them both over to the table. He released one hand, using it to push aside the objects on it, then lowered De onto her back.

Rico withdrew long enough to fully pull down his jeans. De hurried to do the same; when she began to fold the material, he snatched it from her grasp and tossed it aside.

“No time for that,” he told her.

“Noted.” She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, dragging him in to kiss him. The kiss was hungry and needy from both of them. As they did that, he found his cock again, guiding it back into her. De cried out again as he entered her.

The Doll bent her legs at the knee, wrapping them around Rico’s waist as his hips thrust him in and out of her warm core. She leaned her head back against the table, her eyes heavily lidded and her jaw parted as she moaned and gasped. It was certainly lifelike. Her breasts jiggled as he drove into her.

Rico panted as he thrust into her, heat building in his core from the delightful feel of the beautifully sexy Doll. He began to rub his thumb across her clit, stimulating her there as he enjoyed her pussy. She began to moan and whimper again, the actions clearly providing her much pleasure.

“De,” he moaned. “Cum again, De.”

She moaned and shook, her fingers grasping for anything on the table to hold on to. She reached down, finding his hand with her own, and adjusted his motion. The change elicited a deep rumble from her.

Any last vestige of thought that the Doll’s responses might be pre-programmed to appear realistic melted away. Any response would be the same, no matter what he did. De had preferences, and a unique stimulation.

His cock throbbed in delight as he thrust it deeper inside her.

“Rico,” she moaned once more. “I am near fulfilment.”

“Yes,” he panted. “Yes you are.”

She held him tight, the inside of her pussy warm and wet, tugging at the skin of his shaft each time he pushed himself fully inside her. The knot of tightness was building in him too.

De rumbled throatily, the sound getting louder and deeper, until she threw back her head and cried out. She bucked as she orgasmed. That pushed Rico over the edge, and the tightness in him broke, he came, spunking hard into De’s climaxing pussy.

He held himself deep in her as his cock spasmed the last of his seed, while his fingers slowly eased the Doll through her orgasm. Then he collapsed atop her, his breathing as ragged as hers.

A moment later, he withdrew from her, earning a shiver and a whimper. She sat up. Her hair was a wild mess, and her eyes unfocused. She rested her palms against his chest, above where his heart was.

“I came again,” she said.

“I know you did,” he replied, a huge grin on his face.

“What of you?”

“I did too,” he confirmed.

“I am glad,” De said. “Sharing that moment was something that I wanted.”

She looked down. “Your penis is no longer hard.”

“Yeah, that’s what happens when we cum. Like I said; it’ll be a while until it’s ready to go again.”

“Oh,” she said, and he was sure she sounded dejected. “What happens now then?”

“Now?” he repeated, as he pulled himself to in between her knees, and rested his palm on her jaw. “Now we kiss again.”

“Good,” she replied. “I enjoy kissing.”

“Noted,” he replied.



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