My second ever attempt at writing like this. I am really liking it so far. Thank you all for the support!! “The experience” Part one. (Fantasy, Willing, Consensual Control)

Standing there processed application in hand, I waited.

There were so many girls in the waiting room sitting in chairs and standing along the wall. As I glanced about I saw some looking comfortable as though they had done this a thousand times, and others showing signs of nervousness ranging from mild to severe. Some legs were crossed and feet tapping, hangs were wringing. I saw lip biting and some eyes focused into their laps not daring to look up, while others darting about the room looking around hoping they were not alone in the way they were feeling.

I felt excited but also unsure about what I was doing.

What am I doing?

This was all so new for me and I didn’t think I would make it this far.

I saw the post a while ago on Instagram…. “Looking for models for print and film, message with your photo and contact details.” The post had said along with a photo of a stunning girl.

That was step one, the message.

Step two was the phone call interview.

Step three the in person interview .

Omg the in person interview, I was so beyond nervous for that. There were so many cameras set up in so many angles. I have never had so much focus on just me before. I liked it but it scared me a little I have to admit. They had asked so many questions and had me do so many things. The interview alone I felt could fill a book.

Step four, I made it to step four. Looking around I saw how many others had made it too. They were all so beautiful and so sexy.

All of us waiting, like we were a commodity, a product. Something wanted, something expensive, something to buy. We were an experience, a feeling sought after by those that want to afford it. We were important. I was elite, and I had made it.

I had willingly prepared exactly how they instructed. Everything had to be smoothly legs, my under arms, my pussy. I had gone to the spa and had every bit of hair removed with sugaring. I think I was smoother than I ever had been as an adult. My pussy was so smooth and soft after that I had wondered why I had not done that sooner. I stood there in the spas room and I just looked at myself in the mirror after, I liked what I saw, I loved how I looked. I had taken my fingertips and I had run them all along the outside of my tight lips all the way back to my tiny hole and back to my little asshole. It was so smooth, I loved how I felt. I thought about that again and had a few times since leaving the spa. My hair on my head was put into two perfect french braids along each side, tight but not too tight at the base of my neck so that they are able to be gripped onto and pulled as per the hair instructions. My make up soft but I was told to make sure I had non waterproof mascara on and eyeliner that was also not waterproof. I’m not sure why they were so specific but I had complied as instructed. I had deep red gloss on my lips as instructed. I came in comfortable clothing because my outfit of the patrons choice was waiting in the room. I had no idea what I was going to be asked to dress in and I could not wait to see. They had taken every measurement possible during that interview to ensure the perfect fit.

My name is called and I jolt a bit. My legs feel weak with nervous. My panties a bit damp. I can hear each breath I take and they seem so deafening I’m surprised everyone cannot hear me.

They take my paperwork from my hand in such an informal and almost cold way. A woman in a suit directs her voice to me while holding a camera. “Do you Lilly Anne Cowen come here willingly?”

Do I look at her or the camera? Shit no one told me. Omg I have no idea what I am doing…the camera I assume. It must be the camera. I quickly look right in the lens and manage to stammer out a, yes I do.

“Moving on, are you aware that at anytime you can say the code word and everything stops and you are free to leave at any time?” She states the words so monotone. So direct. So formal.

“Yes I am aware.” Omg my stomach is in knots and my heart is beating so fast. My panties are now past the point of just damp.

She grabs a folder with my name on it and thrusts it into my hands.

“Go to your room please and follow your guides instructions to the T, do you understand?!!” This comes out as a sharp commanding question.

They had stressed in the interview how important it was to rise up to the calibre that they insist on.

We had to listen, to obey, to be exactly what was asked for. We were a giving a product, an expensive experience and they did not want us performing in a way that got us complaints.

Complaints got you fired and the pay was way too good to lose. This paid way more than modelling. They had offered a strictly modelling position in the interview but I had picked this position because I was intrigued and because it just paid so much. This was more than I had thought it was when I read that Instagram post, but after the interview I was sold on it and I agreed to be hired.

I wanted this even though I really had no clear idea what “this” was. But that was part of the thrill of it all. Not knowing was a turn on I had to admit.

I realized I was still standing there lost in thought when I heard, “Hello?! Go to your room, I have to get other girls sorted!”

I manage to whisper, ‘I’m sorry’ as I turn and walk away quickly looking at the paper she handed me with my room number.

The room, your room. That’s what they called it.

As she had said it, “Go to your room!?” it had an almost chastising tone to it. Is it bad that I kind of liked that? Omg my panties were so wet now. I could feel the wet lace material against my smooth skin as I walked.

We had assigned rooms, each of us they said had been hand selected one by one for the evening. The rooms were private and sound proof. The rooms had cameras everywhere because each patron had the option to have the experience edited and given to them as a complete film put together by gathering the best clips and angles from each camera and compiling them into a smooth video for later viewing pleasure.

Each room was locked from the outside and inside but had the ability to unlock if you said the safe word.

I have never felt as unsafe and safe at the same time as my hand reached for the handle to room 207.

207 was my room.

All the 200 series rooms had large dark windows where we were told people paid to sit behind in dark rooms behind these one way windows and watch the experience live. Apparently only the top pick girls were in these rooms. My first time landed me in the 200’s?!

I turned the handle and opened the door……



  1. For me the best erotica, visual or written, teases you, pulls you in, fires your imagination, but doesn’t give you satisfaction right away.

    I really love this, it’s so hot and I can feel the nerves and excitement vividly. I can’t wait to see where it goes.

  2. I want more of this written content Em!!! I seriously loveeee your writing. You should really pair your writing with your art, it’ll be soooo good!

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