Me and my ex hate each other. Absolutely hate each other. If I had it my way I’d never see him ever again. I couldn’t say the same for his best friend tho. He’s always been naturally attractive. Pretty, charming and a flirter, we’d always get on well whenever I was at my ex’s house but nothing ever came of it. But one drunken night out in town, I bumped into him and I ended up kissing him. I almost forgot it but the next morning I received a message from him saying if I wanted to go down to his place for a drink.
I already was in deep shit by this point, so what was the harm in taking him up on his offer? The only thing that got hurt, it turned out, was my pussy as he annihilated me during sex. I swear I’ve never gone that rough before, I was moaning so hard all the neighbors must have heard, his body on mine and his dick in me. I don’t know if my ex ever found out, I don’t see why his best friend would ever tell him. I don’t care tho, I’m happy with a good time and another source of sex ;)