M29 F19 Dinner after the speech tournament (no sex, light petting and kissing)

The alarm clock blared and my eyes snapped open. I could feel the desire for sleep still tugging at me, but the events of the previous night were electric jolts in my brain. I had returned to my room, Mick none the wiser, and crawled into my own bed. The mattress was hard and lumpy, and it took me a while to relax enough to slip away into peaceful slumber. Well, that’s what I thought it was going to be – but my brain, fully cognizant of the fact that I did not get myself off while pleasuring Amy, filled my dreams with wild sexual fantasies of all types.

Mick was already in the shower, so I flipped on the TV just as a time waster until it was my turn. My phone rumbled on the side table, and I flipped it open. It was from Amy.

“good luck today! *kiss*”

I grinned and my fingers rapidly tapped out my response. “You too! You and Deanne are gonna kill it.” They were excellent speakers, and had been racking up first and second place medals all through the season, and I suspected this weekend would be no different. As for me, the desire to see last nights events to their conclusion and the demands of the upcoming day were warring in my brain for supremacy. With not a little effort, I tried to force my lurid desires down and focus on the tournament.

We met up for coffee in the foyer. Jack was there, already calling out my teammates and telling them which room to get to. Amy and Deanne were sitting together and Amy waved at me as Mick and I arrived. Deanne gave me a very opaque look for a moment before turning her head away.

The coffee was bland and almost tasteless, and did nothing to wake me up. I was jolted to full attention, in more ways than one, when we made to head out to the bus. Deanne said something to Amy and walked over to Jack, where they began to talk about her upcoming events. Amy sidled over to me and placed her hand on my upper arm and lowered her voice. “How’d you sleep, Elliott?”

I grinned and covered her hand with mine, giving it a slight squeeze. “One of the best I’ve had in a while, even with the shitty beds we get. You?”

“It could have been better,” she replied with a small smirk. I let my hand slide down her arm to her side. I glanced around and saw we were not being observed, and reached around to give her ass a squeeze. “I’ll take that as a challenge,” I said.

“You better,” she said, and then she pulled away from me. I didn’t let go for a moment, holding her soft ass through her checkered grey pencil skirt, and gave it a small spank as she trotted after the chatting Deanne and Jack, leaving me with one final grin and wink. She was wearing that skirt, with a smart blazer and off-white blouse. Her hips and legs filled out the skirt perfectly. Her soft blonde hair was wrapped up in a tight braid, intricately intertwined. I suspected she had Deanne to thank for that.

The days events went quickly if not smoothly. My mind was soaked in the memories of the previous night, her warm breath on my chest, her smooth pale thighs, the taste of her velvety pussy, and her wet, sticky lips kissing the tip of my cock after having swallowed my entire load. I had to keep adjusting to hide my erection and that can fuck up your practiced flow when speaking to a group of college kids and teachers.

I didn’t see her much. Our events overlapped, so at most our eyes locked in the halls as we passed by on our way to another speech. I smiled and she smiled. The one time I saw Deanna, she was glaring at me from a doorway before disappearing inside.

After the days events were through, our entire team met up to go to dinner. With 15 students and 2 teachers crowded around two small tables pushed together, let’s just say it was chaotic. Speech kids can be a rowdy bunch.

About halfway through the meal, Amy stood up and headed towards the restrooms. I waited for a few moments for the conversation to pick up and then slipped away as well. The restuarant itself wasn’t that busy, and I picked my way through empty tables and chairs and saw Amy standing in the little hallway with doors marked MEN and WOMEN. She was staring at the bulletin board. When I stood up from the table, I had no idea what I was going to do. I glanced behind me and saw nobody looking this way, and with a quick study, I realized that the back of the hallway was almost invisible to anyone in the restuarant. I walked forward and Amy turned her head to look at me.

“Hey there…” – I think that’s what she was going to say. But when I saw her smile at me, her lips curled with a mischevious glint in her eyes, the way she turned her entire body and pulled one hand up to finger her necklace, I knew what I had to do. I walked forward with a purpose. Her blue eyes grew wide as I slid one arm around her waist and pushed her backwards. She didn’t resist, matching my steps. I brought one hand up to the side of her neck and leaned in as I pushed her against the back wall and I kissed her.

One of her hands grabbed my side, while the other stayed on her necklace. Her lips parted for me and our tongues slid against each other as we tenderly explored each others mouths. As I pressed her into the wall, I could feel my hard erection pressing against her stomach and she pulled me tightly into her. After what was probably no more than 30 seconds, but felt like a marvelous lifetime, our lips parted and she gasped lightly.

“How’d you do today?” I whispered as I slid my hand across her neck gently. She giggled softly and replied, “I was a little distracted. You?” I nodded and kissed her again, a bit harder this time. She moaned into my mouth and her hand on my side reached between us to rub directly up my cock.

“Same,” I groaned.

“You know, there’s so much… tension…” she said, giving me a squeeze that almost made me erupt right there, “between us. Maybe…”

“Maybe we should relieve that tension. It could only help in the tournament,” I replied as I moved my hand from her upper back and slide it down directly onto her ass, giving it a hard squeeze. She moaned and grinded her hand against me, and I growled back as I kissed her again, the third time.

“Tonight,” I said after another half minute of our tongues wrapping around each other, “We’ll meet at the vending machine again.”

“Yes,” she said with a gasp as I had run my hand from her neck down between us to her chest and I gave one of her soft, small breasts a sensual squeeze. “Time?”

“Midnight. We better get back to the table.”

“You go. I’ll be there soon. Oh, here,” and she pulled a small handkerchief from her blouse pocket and wiped at the corners of my lips. She turned it around to show me – her lipstick. I grinned and left after trailing my fingers from her neck up to her cheek. She smiled back and vanished into the restroom.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xsifkn/m29_f19_dinner_after_the_speech_tournament_no_sex

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