My Wife Hired a Sex Therapist, Part 5 (MF, genuine sex advice, BDSM, drama, funny, beg for creampie)

Thanks for all the likes! This installment has the biggest twist of them all so far. They’re going to be even bigger twists in later parts, so make sure to subscribe.

Tyler’s wife, Cammie, had hired a sex therapist for him after it seemed that he was losing his sexual allure. Previously, they had a polyamorous relationship with Anna, but Anna’s new Costa Rican husband was dominating Anna’s attention. Even Cammie was fucking him. Apparently, Cammie didn’t realize that the therapist, Jenny, liked to have actual, real-life, I’m-not-kidding, creampie sex with her clients as part of the “treatments”. Amazingly, the therapy was working and Tyler’s sex life with Cammie was improving. However, Tyler had become regretful for going along with the sex sessions with Jenny without Cammie knowing the truth. He decided to cancel the sessions and ask Jenny for a refund.

I arrived at Jenny’s home office. As usual, she was wearing professional business attire–a cardigan sweater with a button-up shirt and a knee-length, pleated skirt. We hugged, but this time I pushed away from her before she did.

We sat down in our places immediately. “Jenny, I need to talk to you…”

“…I’m sorry, I need to go to the bathroom,” said Jenny. “I’ve been holding it and you came a little early.”

She dashed out the back door of the office and left the door open. I waited on the couch for several minutes in silence, looking at the artwork on the walls. One was an abstract made of paint splatters in the shape of a giraffe. Or was it a finger pointing up? Maybe it was melted crayon and not paint…

Jenny peaked around the corner of the doorpost. “Cammie told me that you’ve been having great sex,” said Jenny. “That’s exciting!”

“Yes, about that. It’s time that we…”

“…start today’s lesson? I know, we’re off to a late start,” Jenny said, still standing in the doorway. “For today’s lesson, I want to talk about the importance of saving yourself for your sexual partner.”

“Really?” I said. “That was actually the same thing that I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Wow! We must be on the same brain wave.” Jenny was smiling widely. “The idea is that you can purposely restrain your sexual activity so that your sexual energy builds up. Then, when it all unleashes during sex, it’s like fireworks and magic.”

“Yeah…that’s interesting. I actually wanted to ask you if we can cancel…”

“Do you view pornography?” Jenny asked abruptly.

I was a little surprised and annoyed by the question. “…yes,” I said. “Don’t most people view pornography?”

“Yes,” she said. “And there’s nothing wrong with it, per se, but when men watch porn and masturbate it tends to lower their libido and their desire to satisfy their sexual urges with their partners. If you make your wife the primary gateway to your sexual pleasure, then you will return to her more frequently and eagerly.”

At this point, I was getting impatient. “This doesn’t make any sense,” I said.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re telling me that I should not watch porn, and yet you and I have had sex every time I’ve come over for a session. Didn’t you say that I need to ‘save myself for my wife’?”

Jenny paused with a worried look on her face. “But, Tyler, this is different.”

“How is it different?” I surprised myself at how snarky I sounded.

Jenny became defensive. “…I’m your teacher…I’m helping you enhance your sexual relationships. This increases your sexual energy. It doesn’t diminish it like lifeless pornography.”

I looked down at the floor. “Jenny, we need to stop this.”

“But, wait,” Jenny looked as if she might be starting to panic. “I was going to talk to you about Anna. Cammie told me all about her.”

I was surprised. “Wait, Cammie told you…”

Jenny interupted. “Do you think that Anna still wants to have a sexual relationship with you?”

“Yes, technically she did say that we could still have sex when we had our ‘define the relationship’ conversation. But, we haven’t even talked to each other since then and it’s been months. In fact, Cammie’s actually sleeping with Anna’s husband.”

“And do you think that Anna and Cammie are happy about this situation?” Jenny asked.

I was confused. “Well, yeah, they are happy.”

“Actually, Cammie told me that they’re not. Both Cammie and Anna want you to get back together with Anna.”

I straightened in my chair and looked up at the ceiling. “You’ve got to be kidding me…”

“No, this is real,” said Jenny. “But, Cammie said that Anna has doubts that you can excite her the way Dave does. She wants you to start having sex with her again, but she wants you to rise up to a higher level of sexuality than you were before. From my point of view, that’s the only holdup.”

I looked at Jenny for a moment, pondering what she said. Maybe she was right.

Jenny broke the silence. “You have so much more to learn. Come with me.” She stood up and motioned me to come with her into the rest of her house.

I followed her into her large, tropical living room/atrium. She touched a small button on one wall. The large waterfall that poured out on the opposite wall stopped flowing, which revealed a passageway.

Jenny walked through the passage and I followed her. Was I nervous or excited? It was a dark, narrow hallway that led to a door at the end. Jenny unlocked it with an electronic passcode, then held the door open as I walked through it.

Jenny turned on the lights. It was a large room with dark carpet and black walls and ceilings. There were rows of shelves filled with boxes of sex toys–dildos, vibrators, pillows, chains, handcuffs, and piles of other unimaginable artifacts. There were hundreds of costumes on racks–firefighters, pirates, cowboys, sailors, medical scrubs, cat suits, flight attendants, judges with white wigs, and countless others. On the other end of the room there were some beds and what looked like exercise equipment. No, it wasn’t exercise equipment. It almost looked like they were torture devices.

I was blown away and maybe a little frightened. “What is this, some kind of BDSM dungeon?” I asked.

“Well, yes, but it’s not just for BDSM. It can be used for any kind of sexual activity. I just like to call it the sex room.”

I pulled out a leather whip from one of the boxes. “I’m not going to do this,” I said.

“No, you don’t have to anything you don’t want to do. Just let me explain.” Jenny took a deep breath. “If you want to catch Anna’s attention, you’re going to need to do things that she’s never experienced. I can teach you things that will light a fire in her like you’ve never seen before.”

I stared at Jenny, curious but skeptical.

“First of all, this isn’t ‘Fifty Shades of Gray’. Let’s not pretend that were going to start having epic, dangerous, moviestar sex. It’s not good to have wild expectations. These things are fun because they’re kinky. It’s fun to pretend to be someone else and live out a fantasy. And, it’s fun to take turns being in control–to either have the power or let someone else that you trust have the power over you.”

“So…it’s BDSM,” I said.

“Yes, it’s BDSM,” she said. “It stands for bondage, discipline, submission, and masochism. But, you don’t have to do all four. Most people have only one or two that they enjoy.”

I was frowning. “I don’t think I would enjoy any of them.”

“I don’t think so,” said Jenny. “Take bondage for example. You know how good it feels when your sexual partner initiates the sex, then takes over? It feels so good to know that they are attracted to you. Being tied up is the ultimate way to ensure that your partner is initiating the sexual acts. In many ways, you actually get more pleasure from being on the ‘bottom’ than on the ‘top’.”

I stared at her, still skeptical but warming up to the idea.

“I’ve just got to show you. I have a setup that is really good for your first time.”

I followed her to the bed on the other side of the room. “Take off all your clothes and put on this.” She held up a large, white t-shirt.

“Jenny, I don’t know.”

She walked closer to me, staring straight into my eyes. She gently carassed my face and kissed my lips. Then, she undid the buttons on her shirt until her white, push-up bra was visible. The bra had a clasp on the front and she unlatched it, causing her breasts to pop out, but they were still covered by the folds of her shirt. She started undoing the buttons on my shirt, but then stopped and took a step back.

“Change your clothes, like I said. I’ll be back in a minute. I promise this will be good for you.”

She had me turned on, so I decided to do what I was told. I took off all my clothes, including my socks and underwear, and I put on the t-shirt. It must have been a size XXXL because it was very baggy and went down to mid-thigh.

Jenny walked out from behind a shelf wearing a sexy police officer outfit with a miniskirt and a low-cut shirt that showed off and generous amount of cleavage.

“I am Officer Anna,” she said. “I’m here to arrest you.”

“Arrest me? For what?”

“For being a dirty, naughty boy.” She pulled out a pair of handcuffs with lots of soft padding on them and clasped it to one my wrists. “I’m going to need to lock you up.”

She motioned me to lay down on the bed and I did. She sat on top of me, lifted my hands over my head, looped the handcuffs through the bars of the bed frame, and cuffed my other wrist. The chain was extra long, so it didn’t feel uncomfortable.

Jenny pulled a remote control out of her pocket and pushed a button. The normal lights turned off and a spotlight above the bed shone brightly down on us, causing harsh shadows go streak across Jenny’s face and body.

“You’ve been watching porn and masturbating again instead of having sex with me, haven’t you?”

I giggle slightly. Jenny broke character a bit too and started grinning, trying to hold back a laugh. “Yes Jenny…I mean, Officer Anna.”

Jenny straddled me in a crawling position and said “You know how much that irks me. It means less cum for me.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, still giggling.

“I’ve got to teach you a lesson.” She lifted her skirt up and my t-shirt and sat on my crotch. She wasn’t wearing panties. Her smooth skin felt so good on my hard cock.

She sat up and unbuttoned her shirt until it dangled freely open. There was her white bra again. She unclasped it and her tits popped out, hanging right in front of me. Her small dark nipples were tantalizing in the harsh lights. I wanted to touch them, but my hands were cuffed above my head.

“I’m going to try to make you give me your cum, but it’s going to take awhile with all that masturbating you’ve been doing.”

She started rocking back and forth with my cock pressed between my abdomen and her labia. The moisture from her pussy covered my cock. Instead of moaning, she was humming slightly. It was almost like a moan, but musically pleasant.

“Apologize to me!” she demanded.

“I’m sorry.”

“For…” she leaned close to my face. “…what?”

“For…watching porn instead of sleeping with you.”

“Good,” she said. She started twerking on my cock instead of sliding back and forth. It felt so good, maybe even better that fucking her pussy.

“I might accept your apology, but you have to do exactly what I say. First, no cumming until I say so. If you’re getting close, tell me and I’ll slow down.”

My cock started feeling warmer. “I’m getting close, now,” I said.

She stopped and climbed off of me. My cock was standing up like a tree. “Let’s calm you down a bit.” She paused for a moment, then gently but firmly squeesed my cock at the base with two fingers.

She held it like this in complete silence for a minute, the said, “Let’s begin again.” She removed her shirt, bra, and skirt and was completely naked except for her police hat. She grabbed pair of scissors and cut my shirt down the middle from my groin to the neck. Now, my body was completely exposed. She sat on my chest with her ass to my face.

“Lick my pussy,” she said. She gently moved her body closer to my mouth. With her ass in front of my eyes, I started kissing and sucking her pussy. We found the right position for my tongue to touch her clitoris.

“Oh, that’s it, right there.” I continue licking and sucking while she breathed heavily.

She laid her whole body on top of mine. I felt her breasts press against my belly. Then she grabbed my cock in one hand and started stroking.

“Oh, fuck!” I said, my voice muffled by her ass.

“Yes, dear. This means I forgive you. I’m going to make you want to cum, but don’t let it out because I have other plans. Let me know when you’re close.”

She stroked my shaft slowly down with one hand first, the down with the other hand, then up with one hand, the up with the other. She must have put lubricant on her hands, because it felt so smooth and wet. This continued for a few minutes.

“Oh, this feels so good. I’m very close.”

Jenny dismounted me and unlocked the handcuffs. “Be a good boy and cum inside me as fast as you can.” She pulled out a stopwatch from her shirt pocket that laid on the floor.

She laid on the bed and I immediately started fucking her in the missionary position. She started the stopwatch. She let out a pleasant, high-pitched moan. “Oh, Tyler. Give me your cum! Faster! Cum inside of me!”

Dutifully, I blasted copious amount of sticky, hot cum deep inside her body. She wriggled in ecstasy when my dick started pulsing inside of her. She clicked the stopwatch, then relaxed without looking at the display. I laid on top of her softly and we kissed passionately. Our hands were touching each other all over our bodies. She rolled over on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her.

“I love you, Tyler,” said Jenny.

Her words startled me. “Jenny, did you say…”

“I’m Anna, remember?”

“Oh, right.” I kissed her softly again and climbed off.

Jenny looked at the stopwatch. “37 seconds,” she said. “Let’s try to go below 30 seconds next time.”

After we got dressed, Jenny gave me more homework. “No porn or masturbating this week. You dump your load into a pussy or else hold it in.”

“Okay, I get it. Do you want me to try this BDSM thing with Cammie?”

“No, you’re not ready yet. I need more practice with you. Let’s have another session in two days, but you get to be on top this time.”

I said goodbye and departed. Somehow, I felt like I had permanently changed as a person. From that moment onward, I knew that my sex life had risen to a higher level, or maybe you could say that it opened up into another dimension. I felt a renewed sense of optimism, that maybe I could become even more sexually proficient than I had ever been, and that maybe we could go back to the way things had been with Anna, Cammie, and me.



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