Officer Titiana and the Long Cock of the Law [FM] [Femdom] [Strapon]

There’s a loud knock on the door

“Police! Open up!”

What was that? Police?! Why?!! I didn’t do anything. I don’t know what’s going on but I haven’t been out of the house for weeks, I couldn’t even have done anything!

But I shouldn’t keep the police waiting, they are here for our protection. I have nothing to hide! I’m sure I can convince them that I don’t have anything to do with whatever it is they want. They have the wrong guy!

I quickly walk to the door and open up. I’m greeted by just one police officer, a woman, an incredibly sexy woman!

From top to bottom she wore an official city police hat and a tight blue dress with incredibly large cleavage! It was a very short dress stopping above the knees and showing some of her trained thick thighes. Her legs were covered with mesh stockings covered mostly by large leather boots with high heels.

I’m not sure she’s wearing an official police uniform, it seemed highly inapropriated for the work place, but I wasn’t complaining right now and she was definitly rocking it!

Her outfit left not much to the imagination. You could tell that she had a large tight ass and some amazing mesmerizing big breasts.

She held up a badge and before I could look at it she pulled it back down again.

“Mr Busmall. It’s Officier Titiana. You’re wanted for stealing the precious city Gem from the museum. You have the right to remaing silent. Everything you ….”

I faded out. I’m under arrest? I couldn’t believe it. I wasn’t even Mr. Busmall.

She turned me around, cuffed me and dragged me to the living room and sat me on a chair.

“Listen! You have the wrong guy!”

“You have the right to remain SILENT!”

She frightend me a bit, I didn’t want to make her angry. I just kept quiet for what felt like an enternity, but it was only like 5 minutes.

I could hear her trashing my appartement but I couldn’t see it. Is anyone going to pay for that?!

“Well well well Mr. Busmall”

She came to sit in front of me. She reached up her arm and she was holding… No way…. A gem!

I hope that isn’t the gem they were looking for

“This is the gem we are looking for”

Oh shit! That’s bad! How?! I’m fucked. I hope they don’t think I did it.

“We now obvisouly think you did it”

She sat back in the chair in front of me and put the gem in an evidence bag.

“Do you understand the situation you’re in right now? With what you’ve done you’re going away for a long time.”

I was frozen in fear. I didn’t know what to say. After an uncomfortable silence of me just staing blaking forward officier Titiana started speaking again.

“But the prisons are full. It costs lots of money to keep you filth locked up.”

She sighed and seemed upset about the prisons being full.

She looked around in my apparement. She cuckled a bit. Probably seeing my collection of video games and anime. She could tell that I was a single man living alone. She could probably even tell that I don’t go out much and that I haven’t fucked anyone in a long time.

“Haha fuck.. You’ll just take up valuable space. You’re no danger to no one, aren’t you?”

“No, officier Titiana!”

I quickly responded.

“I shouldn’t go to prison. I’m wasted space!”

I also didn’t do anything, but I was too busy trying to survive to think clearly. Not going to prison sounded really good right now.

Titiana laughed and sighed a bit

“I have to build more prisons for all these criminals and for that I need more money! But they defunded the police! Now I have to improvise”

She pauzes for a while, she could tell that I was trembling.

“I’m sure we can work something out”

She smiled and rubbed her thighs. She was sitting cross legged and she slowly moved her dress up.

My heart started pounding when I saw some groomed pubes pointing me towards her pussy which was covered by her thick thighs.

At that moment I forgot I was about to go to jail, all I wanted to do was see that pussy.

I kept staring at her stroking her thighs and chuckling. I thought I noticed some leather straps around her waist but before I could see what it was she moved her dress back down over her thighs.

“There’s a test I have for you. If you pass, you have proven that you will obey the Law, which means you’ll Obey ME”

She sat back in her chair with a smile on her face.

“If you pass you won’t go to prison, I promise. I’ll personally make sure of it. But if not you’ll get put in maximum security prison! The only prison with place right now, you understand?!”

At that moment I snapped back to my sensen, fuck I don’t want to go to prison.

“Let me take the test please! I’ll pass!”

She stared me in the eyes and smiled

“Very good”

Slowly she opened her legs untill her dress fell between her legs, but it was stopped by something between her legs, which bounced her dress up an down. What was that between her legs?!

“You’ll have to stand tough against the Long Cock of the Law”

She moved her dress up again untill she reached the top of the buldge between her dress.

“Meet the Long Cock of the Law!”

She pulled her dress up and revealed a big strapon between her legs. She had hidden it very well under her dress, impressive for a strapon that size, it was huge!

She strated stroking it with both hands.

“That’s right! Let’s see how you match up against the Long Cock of the Law.”

She got up and stood in front of me. I was mesmerized, not just by her body this time, but by her big large cock too. I was just staring at it watching it dangle in front of me. I was dumbdounded and unsure what to do.

“Get on your knees you wortless criminal and suck my cock!”

Ok, now it was clear what I had to do. I went on my knees with my hands still tied behind my back. I just stared up at her, her beautifull tight body behind that thick strapon.

“What are you waiting for?! Suck my cock! Take it all and show me what a good little bitch you are!”

Fearfully I moved my mouth around her big dick. I slowly pushed it in and moved my tongue over the tip. I started slow and licked just the tip. I wasn’t sure what to do, I had never done anything like this before.


She pushed her cock in harder. I wasn’t ready for it and I started choking on it, almost forgetting to breath when I had the chance.

“Is this your first time or something? That’s bad news for you then. I’m going to need more than this!”

I suddenly moved into action, focussing on doing it properly. I don’t wanna go to jail after all!

I slid her big thick cock deep into my mouth gaggin on it and making it wet all over. It hurt my mouth trying to fit the girth into my mouth. But I had to keep going! She grabbed the back of my head and pushed it harder over her big thick cock. Her cock slammed against the back of my troat, It gave me tears in my eyes.

“Oh fuck yea, this is more like it!”

She was enjoying herself, taking her hands of my head and up to her tits. She pulled her tits out of her tight blue dress and squeezed it. Pinching the nipples on her big tits while moaning load and trusting her hips to keep pushing her cock into my mouth.

I looked up at her, hoping to see approval, that I was doing a good job. What I was saw was better than I could imagine. Her big tits flopping with each trust. It was like the time slowed down, I could see her tits bounce with each trust. I also felt her thick strapon getting pushed in my troat in slow motion. My hands were still tied behind my back, unable to push back.

She grabbed her breasts and started playing with them. She cupped them in her hands and pushed them up to her face. She reached out her lips and started licking her nipple and she started sucking on it untill finnaly she let it pop back out. Fuck, I started drooling more, wishing I could suck her nipples next. The thought of it made me drool, making her strapon wetter and making it easier for her to fuck my face.

Luckily she was enjoying it a lot, she kept moaning and squeezing her tits. If I kept it up I wouldn’t have to go to jail!

“Haha fuck yea, keep going you little bitch!”

She kept trusting it into my troat. My saliva was all over her thick strapon and it started running down my chin.

“I’ll make you gag on it you criminal piece of shit! You’ll be sorry you did what you did! Choke on my cock!”

She trusted harder and harder, I attempted to take every trust but it was getting harder and harder.

Finally she tried to fuck my face too hard. As she reached back with her hips to push it into my face again the cock came out of my mouth and with the next trust her cock slid over my cheeks. Her thick thighs bashing my face, almost giving me a black eye.

I gasped for air, I was almost unable to breath untill now. As I was gasping for air with saliva all over my face and all over her strapon I looked up at her again. I hope I did a good job! I don’t want to go to jail!

“Hmmmm that was good haha. You’ve proven that you will be a good little bitch for the law, for the Long Cock of the Law, and most importantly to me. Isn’t that right?”

I was still catching my breath, my mouth soaking wet from my saliva and tears. But between breaths I answered her.

“Yes Officer Titiana”

I felt relieved, I felt accomplished. Good thing I was such a fast learner when it came to cock sucking!

She smacked her strapon against my cheeks. It made a wet slap sound from all the saliva on my face. I stuck my tongue out, it just felt good to do while I was catching my breath.

“Very good. But from now on it’s Warden Titiana, you understand?”

She fixed her dress, covering her breasts again.

“Yes Warded Titiana”

I wasn’t sure what she meant. Why would I call her warden? But I was too afraid to give up on my freedom now.

“I’ll head back to the station now to return the gem. I’ll have to do a lot of paperwork, making up some story on how you helped me find it. After that I’ll come right back with your cage”

What did she mean?! I did what I had to do right?

“What do you mean?! I did what I had to do right?”

For the first time my head lined up with what I wanted to say

“I didn’t even do anything! You have the wrong guy! My name isn’t even Busmall! I don’t want to go to Prisonnnn!”

I started crying like a little girl, I could not imagine going to prison.

“Shut up Mr Busmall and Relax, you’re not going to prison. Even though you’ve proven to be obedient, we can’t take any chances with loser sex pests such as you. I will check up on you periodically and I’ll just lock up the most pathetic part of you, so you won’t even think of touching anyone the wrong way. But the deal is off if I think you’re no longer sufficiently obedient! I’ll send you straight to prison if I think you’ll no longer obey the Law!”

She untied me. My hands were a little sore from constantly trying to push her away, without being able to.

“Now stay here! Don’t even attempt to run away because I will find you. And when I do you’ll find out the true power of the Long Cock of the Law”

She grabbed her things and moved out.

I wiped the spit of my mouth and attempted to relax myself, get my shit together. What the fuck just happened here!?

I’m sure this is some kind of fever dream. I pinched myself, I guess it wasn’t a fever dream.

She won’t come back here right? She probably just needed the gem. No idea how it got here, but from now on I’ll be perfectly safe right?

I tried to calm myself and powered up my current video game.

Without actually playing it I sat in my couch staring at my t.v. Just thinking over and over about what just happened and waiting…
