Finding unexpected love on Dagger Point Mountain – Chapter 2/5 [M26/F21] [Outdoors exposure] [Sneaking in a hotel] [Cum dump]

[Originally posted by me here](

Link to [Chapter 1 Part 2](

Sarah woke up to the sun shining through the tent that she shared with Jessica and two other girls. Both her pussy and ass ached from her activities with Mark yesterday. Double trouble. Yet she regretted nothing. She remained lying in her sleeping bag even after waking up, thinking about Mark’s dick ramming her every orifice. It made her so wet and horny.

She quietly brought her hands down to her crotch to try to masturbate, but because she had to move so slowly in order to not be heard, it ended up mostly just teasing her throbbing clit. She snorted in frustration.

“Oh, so you are awake too, Sarah.” Jessica said. Then she continued in a smug voice, “You came back pretty late with Mark yesterday, did something happen?”

Sarah’s heart started beating fast. Fuck yeah, something happened. But she couldn’t tell Jessica, she wasn’t even sure herself what had happened exactly.

“Eh… No, I… Eh… I got lost and Mark had to come and find me.”

That was relatively close to the truth, she certainly had felt lost.

“Are you, su…” Was all Jessica had time to say before a loud and annoyed voice screamed somewhere outside of the tent.

“Get up everyone, time to wake up! The sun has already been over the horizon for a half an hour! Normally I get up a half an hour before the sun goes up, but I decided to be nice to you today, because I am in a good mood!”

“Ugh,” Jessica said, “Waking us put at six yelling and screaming isn’t exactly my definition of being ‘nice’…” Sarah snorted in response, then said, “Yeah, but we have a really long way to hike today, so the earlier we start the better. He just wants to make sure that we don’t end up arriving too late.”

Jessica rolled over and looked at Sarah suspiciously.

“Something did happen between you and Mark yesterday, didn’t it? You are being way too apologetic for him.”

Sarah felt herself blushing, “No, I just…” was all she had time to say before Jessica interrupted her by getting up and out of her sleeping bag while saying.

“Yeah yeah, nothing happened, I get it. Just promise to tell me if it gets more serious.”


After they had eaten breakfast and packed up their tents they continued on their long and arduous journey. During the entire morning they climbed up a steep slope with remarkable outcrops of rocks coming from a wide span of geological layers, from the Permian to the Jurassic, and in one spot they even found fossils! However, the sun was out and it was really hot and everyone was sweating like crazy.

Sarah had checked Mark out all day, but she didn’t approach him, being afraid of what they girls would say about her.

It was at the spot where they found the fossils that Mark finally approached Sarah when she was alone.

While everyone else was excitedly digging around for exciting rocks that may contain fossils, Sarah had walked aside for a bit to drink some water. She saw him walking up to her and started to feel all giddy when she realized he was going to talk to her.

“It is good that you are staying hydrated Sarah, it will get very hot today.”

Sarah couldn’t believe that he was going to talk to her about something so shallow after what they had done yesterday. She wanted to conversions to be more intimate. So responded to him in a fake innocent, but flirty, voice:

“Oh? You’d think I would be hydrated enough from what you did to me yesterday.”

He didn’t respond to her, instead he looked at the ground embarrassed. Yet she could see a hint of a smile on his face. She continued in a suggestive voice:

“Do you think it will be as hot as yesterday?”

He finally got his voice back and said:

“I don’t know, do you think it will be?”

*An ambiguous answer huh? He was never this indefinite with anyone else.* She thought to herself. Perhaps he was uncertain about what exactly she meant and didn’t want to presume. Sarah decided to make her stance clear. She looked at him with a mischievous grin and said:

“I hope it will be.”

This made him look up at her from the corner of his eyes and a definite smile spread upon his lips. her heart started to beat faster. *He looked really cute when he smiles.* She thought to herself. She also realized that it was the first time she had actually seen him smile.

A student slipped on a rock while being too eager about climbing slid back down a few meters. Mark was immediate upon him.

“Hey, what are you doing? Be careful, we don’t have any hospitals here to take care of you if you get injured! It would be up to me to carry you down the mountains and we would have to cancel the whole trip! Don’t ruin this for everyone else.”

*And he is back to his usual routine of shouting at people who aren’t being careful…* Sarah thought to herself with a smile.


They hiked up the last bit up the slope in the heat, the sun burning relentlessly. When they finally reached the plateau, they saw that there was a lake on top of the mountain. Everyone got really excited and wanted to go swim in it!

“Can we please go to lake, Mark?” said one of the girls, “Please, I promise that we will all be good for the rest of the trip! Please?” She begged.

“Of course,” he responded happily, “That was already part of the plan! Students are always exhausted and tired at this point, so I make a habit of always stopping by the lake.”

We continued to the lake and when we arrived to the shore, Mark stopped and turned to address us:

“Okay, to preserve some privacy, the boys and girls will swim separately, girls you will go first and I will take the boys over the hill to show some Jurassic rocks, then you’ll switch. We will be away for about 15 minutes, so make sure you are dressed when we get back. Okay boys, follow me!”

With that, Mark and the boys walked up the hill. The girls got their bags off and waited until they were over the hill, then they started to get undressed.

Sarah was so glad that she could take off her clothes! It was so hot and they were completely drenched in her sweat. Being naked, she finally stepped into the cool water. It felt great in her skin! The lake was not as cold as the stream yesterday, but even so water this cold would normally bother Sarah. Not today, not after yesterday…

The girls swam and played in the water. It was wonderful! Some even found a large rock that was positioned over a particularly dark part of the lake and climbed up on it and jumped in. They were really enjoying the opportunity to cool themselves off.

Then they heard a voice from up the hill:

“What, are you girls not dressed yet?!” It was Mark. He stood at the top of the hill, the boys fortunately nowhere to be found. Presumably he had told them to wait while he checked on them.

“Hurry up and get dressed, the boys are waiting for their turn!”

Crap. They had completely lost track of time. However, Mark standing there looking over them sent the girls into panic. They screamed and threw themselves into the water so he wouldn’t be able to see their naked bodies.

Sarah felt really bad for having disappointed Mark and without thinking hurried up to get out of the water. She had gotten to a point here the water was mid thigh when Jessica yelled:

“What are you doing, Sarah! You are naked!”

*Huh, but it’s just Mark?* She thought. Oh shit. Given her experience with him yesterday, her shame of being naked in front of him had been completely erased and in the haste of pleasing him, she had forgotten that this wasn’t normal to the other girls. She was showing off her entire naked body, including her breasts and her unshaven pussy, to him like it was nothing. What would the girls think of her? That she was trying to flirt with him? That she was just that easy and uncaring?

Sarah dove right back into the water to cover herself, not that it was much given how shallow the water was. She felt so ashamed for her casual behavior in front of him. She had even enjoyed it, she realized, showing herself off to him again. She would have to be more careful when others were around, else they would think that she liked Mark and what would they think then?

Finally Mark walked up and then down behind the hill again, giving them time and space to get dressed again.


The rest of the hike was somewhat awkward after they had gotten caught playing for too long in the lake. The girls were very awkward around Mark and Sarah tried to play along, even though she was completely unconcerned about it. She even looked forward to when she would get to be naked around Mark again!

They finally arrived at the hut they were going to stay in, maybe an hour before sunset. Again, they arrived in time to buy some food and drinks before the bar and kitchen closed. They ate together, except for Mark who once again was sitting alone reading his book.

However, it didn’t take long for people to get tired and one by one they returned to their rooms, including Sarah.

She had a conundrum, she really wanted to see Mark again, but she didn’t want the other girls to find out.

She was staying in a dorm with four other girls and lying in her bed trying to think of what to do. Should she sneak out a night after everyone had fallen asleep. She turned around in the bed and pushed her face into her pillow? Was she really such a slut that she would sneak out at night to fuck? *Yes, yes I am*. She thought to herself.

There was no helping it. All she could think about while lying in bed was Mark and brusque ways. How he was so gentle, yet firm at the same time. Always caring about what was good for others. Even though he sucked at communication. She smiled to herself. It was almost comical, how he always ended up making people hate him when he was just trying to help them.

And then there was his cock. God. Lying there in the dark, she had nothing but her imagination to entertain her and she kept thinking about how his cock and felt inside her, how he filled her out completely, simulating every inch of her pussy. She got so wet just thinking about it.

She could just masturbate, maybe she could sleep then. Or, if she was brave enough, she could have the real thing… Have her pussy be stuffed again.

She knew she had no choice. She had to be with him again.

She listened to see if there were any sounds from anyone still awake, then she slowly pulled her covers off of her. She was wearing her sleepwear, a long sleeved shirt and a pair of soft shorts, but it was still cold in the room at night, since the heating in insulation was lacking, as expected from a mountain hut.

She slowly stepped out of her bed and onto the floor. Her heart pounded from the excitement and anxiety of getting caught. but all she could hear was the calm breathing of people sleeping.

She carefully snuck up to the door and slowly, extremely slowly, pushed down the handle so as to not make any noises. The door opened up without making a sound. *Yes!* She thought to herself.

Then she closed the door again, equally slowly, before slowly sneaking down the corridor. She knew where Mark was staying, room 301, because she had left the same time he had and had waited by her door until he had opened his door and entered. That didn’t count as stalking right?

A plank under her foot creaked. She stopped with her heart pounding, listening for noises, but it was only her who was up, otherwise it was completely quiet.

She finally arrived at his door and raised her arm and knocked on the door. Then she panicked. What was she going to say? *Hi, do you want to fuck?* She had knocked on his door in the middle of the night, what if he was angry she had woken him? She didn’t have time to sort out her thoughts, as he opened the door almost immediately.

Light shone through the doorway and he was dressed in a t-shirt and his underwear. Had she woken him?

At first he looked annoyed when he opened the door, but when he saw that it was her, he just smiled and snorted while looking down at the floor. When he looked up he was still smiling and whispered:

“So it is you. I should have known. Come on in.”

He stepped aside from the door to let her in and she walked past him and into his room. It was a room with two beds and a small bedside lamp lit the room up in a weak yellow light. She stood in the middle of the room, barefoot and in her sleeping wear, turned towards him at the doorway and looked at the floor. She was clueless as to what to say. She heard him close the door then walk up to her. Her heart pounded and she wasn’t able to bring a single thought to her head.

“I…” His lips found her and she just melted into him. She wrapped her arms around his lanky, but strong, body and she felt his firm arms slide into place around her waist and the small of her back. She kissed him back, hot and fervently, not having realized how badly she wanted this.

Their lips caressed each other and their mouths opened to let their tongues meet. Sarah’s heartbeat went through the roof and her arousal followed it.

Mark guided her slowly backwards until her calves hit the back of the bed, at which point he gently let her down into the bed, following her the entire way, never letting his lips lose touch with hers.

She wants to get her clothes off. No. She *needs* to get her clothes off.

She starts tearing at the hem of her shirt, pulling it off. Mark’s hands follow her movements, touching every bit of skin that she exposes. Her stomach. The low of her chest. Her breasts, paying particular attention to her swollen and sensitive nipples. The upper part of her chest and finally the skin around her throat.

He leans in and kisses her on her throat and slowly lets his lips wander up to behind her ear. The touch of his gentle tongue on her sensitive skin drives her crazy with lust.

He finds the hem of her sleeping shorts and slowly pulls them over her soft skin, down her thighs, exposing her pubic area and her swollen labia. She raises her legs vertically up to help him get the shorts off, leaning her legs on his shoulder.

He discards her final piece of cloth on a nearby chair along with her shirt. He then grabs her legs by the ankles, gently but firmly, and then starts to kiss them, going down a few centimeters at a time, slowly opening her legs as he lets his lips wander down her ankle and finally over the inner part of her thigh.

His slow approach to her crotch is an agonizing ecstasy, making her pussy throb and pulsate with anticipation.

Finally his lips reach the outer labia, sending a flash of pleasure through her body. *He hasn’t even touched my clit yet!* She thinks to herself.

She is now laying on her back with her legs up and folded against her body, spread fully to the side, exposing her vulnerable, swollen and sensitive pussy fully to Mark. She ached for him to touch her more.

He slowly brings his hand up to her other leg, resting it on her thigh before he slowly slides it up and towards her pubic area, seemingly deliberately avoiding her most sensitive parts. She was so turned on, so aroused, all she wanted was to get to the part where he fucks her pussy with his big cock.

“Ugh, just touch me already.” She spilled out, immediately feeling embarrassed for having begged.

He chuckles at her, the replies:

“It is called foreplay, you know.”

With that, he slid his hand down from her pubic area, over her clit, sending temporarily another flash of pleasure through her body, before his hand continued down between her wet folds to find her vaginal opening, tracing circles around the opening.

Sarah moaned and felt her breath turn into panting. While teasing her opening with one hand, his other hand landed on her pubic area and she felt his thumb flick over her clitoris, making her whole body twitch in ecstasy. His fingers continued to flick gently, but firmly over her clit, up and down, each time tensing something inside of her, bringing her towards her precipice of pleasure.

Then she felt his finger finally slip into her wet cunt, eliciting another moan from Sarah. His finger searched her inside, caressing it, pushing against it. He slipped in another finger, effortlessly thanks to her wetness.

Now, with his thumbs gently but regularly rubbing her clit and two fingers pressing against the inside of her vagina, bending them towards his palm each time he pulled them back, hitting her most sensitive spot at each pull, she felt herself inevitably and precipitously falling into her orgasm.

Her arousal was so profound and the stimulation so encompassing, that it only took another two minutes before she reached her peak. She let out a loud moan, her legs closed themselves around his hands and her body shook and shivered as his continued touch drove wave after wave of pleasure into her body.

She just lay there, naked before this strange man who had captivated her interest, panting from her orgasm, her mouth dry. His hands wandered from her nether region and instead preoccupied themselves with the skin of torso, her sides, her stomach, her breasts.

With one hand on her side and another cupping one of her breasts, he lead over and asked her:

“Was that good for you?”

She just smiled and nodded, not quite yet being able to form words as her vagina was still making its last orgasmic twitches.

“I felt a bit bad about yesterday, taking you so callously.” He continued, “I wanted you to feel good and not just take you like an animal.”

The words ‘take you like an animal’ stirred something in her and she felt her arousal recover from its post-orgasm slumber.

She reached up with her hand to his shirt and tugged at it.

“Well now that you are done pleasuring me, how about you take these off and give me some of that animalistic stuff you were talking about.” She said with a seductive voice, pouting her lips.

Her words must have stirred something in him, because she could hear a low involuntary growl from his chest. He got up out of the bed, leaving her naked and observing. Then started to take off his shirt, showing his lean but still muscular chest. His pants were next, as he unbuckled his belt and let them fall.

His erect member was as huge as she had remembered, pressing against his underwear, making a considerable bulge. He finally slipped the underwear off too, making his dick bob stiffly back and forth.

Finally, he crawled back into bed with her with a wolfish smile. She spread her legs to ease his access and let out a low moan in anticipation. She positioned himself over her, with her legs mounted around his side. They looked at each other with eager grins as he guided his cock towards her wet and ready opening.

He found it, and gently started to push inside. This time it went in easier, she was more wet than she had ever been before, easing the process. But he was still huge, stretching her painfully.

“Fuck you are so tight.” He said. All she could do was moan in a mix of pleasure and pain.

He started to slowly thrust, gently in and out, pistoning her tight pussy with his big cock. She felt like each thrust was almost turning her vagina inside out, trying to pull her out with him.

After a while, her arousal of being so filled by him and his persistent thrusting stretched her out and also made her more and more wet, turning the experience from mixed pleasure and pain to nearly pure bliss.

He started to fuck her faster and she could fell her wetness elicited from his fucking drool down her ass checks and down over her anus. The gentle sensation of the viscous drops running over her sensitive anus added to the pleasurable fucking.

He leaned down to put his face close to hers and kissed her as he continued to fuck her stuffed and filled pussy.

After a while he slowed down and said:

“I am sorry I am already close to cumming, I am going to have to change position.”

Then, without waiting for her response, he pulled out of her, grabbed her by her naked sides and flipped her over to her stomach.

“W-Wait…” Was all she could get out. He was just using her as he pleased, not waiting for her answer. She was both anxious about what he was about to do, given the anal sex yesterday, but heart pounded at the thought of being used callously and roughly to please his cock. Her body solely intended for his pleasure, even if it meant using her ass to cum in.

She voluntarily lifted her ass from the bed and spread her legs as he grabbed her hips to put her onto her knees, putting her ass and pussy at display and easy access for him. Then he said:

“Good, your ass is already slobbering from your juices, I will just rub it in well and properly.”

With that he ran his hand over her wet and sticky pussy, covering his hand with her juices, then her rubbed it around and finally into her anal hole, thrusting his finger in and out of it. She was so turned on and wet, that his finger slipped in effortlessly and he started slipping two fingers in, stretching her ass out. Sarah let out a moan of animalistic pleasure.

Somehow, the sensation of him finger fucking her forbidden hole, with the intention if using it as a cum dump turned Sarah on immensely. She would do everything she could to make her ass relaxed and stretched to take his big cock and let him relieve himself inside of her.

After having rather roughly, yet somehow also gently, prepared her hole, slobbering it with her pussy juices, he finally brought his cock to her anus and slowly and gently thrusted it in.

Once he was a few centimeters in, he pulled back out and slowly pushed in again, slowly making Sarah feel her sensitive ass stretch and give way more and more to his limb with each thrust.

He leaned over her kneeling body, not missing a single thrust into her willing ass, placed a hand gently around her throat as he put her mouth near her ear and whispered:

“Yeah really like this huh? Being taken like an animal in heat, giving up anything for my pleasure?”

The word stirred something in her again, sending her arousal through the roof, making even the fucking in her ass feel truly pleasurable. All she could do was whimper meekly in response.

He speed up, fucking her harder, making her moan as he grunted. He was taking her unexpectedly deep now, she would never have thought that someone so big could fuck her ass like this. But she was so turned on, her own juices so slippery and her body so willing, that it somehow worked out.

He finally came with a grunt. She felt him grab her by the hips firmly, pulling her towards him as he ejaculated rope after rope of cum into her, covering her insides. It was bliss, having him finally cum in her, finishing their sexual ritual.


After laying in bed for a few minutes, recovering and cuddling, Sarah went up and walked into the toilet and emptied her anus of Mark’s ample cum. When she came back out, feeling a bit embarrassed from the experience, she noticed that Mark had fallen asleep in the bed, naked on his stomach.

The sight was so endearing and Sarah almost wished that she had brought her phone so she could take a photo.

However, she was also tired, exhausted even. She put her clothes back on snuck quietly and eventlessly back to her room and lay in bed. She fell asleep the moment her head touched her pillow. A satisfied smile was on her face the entire night as she slept.


Next chapter to come
