Confessions – [FM] When I Fucked my One-Night-Stand’s Roommate on My Way out the Door

Maybe I am going through a little bought with depression, or maybe I really am just a slut. Who knows. Either way, this past weekend was pretty wild. I apologize for the length, but well, nobody is forcing you to read this so….

I met this guy Craig when I was out at the bars with my friends, and I am sure you can guess how the rest of that part of the story goes.

He told me that he had to work early, but I could still sleep at his place because his roommate would be home. I thought about just getting a Lyft after we “finished”, but I was too drunk and too tired so I spent the night.

I woke in a bed that didn’t belong to me with the sun shining throw a window that wasn’t mine, in a room I had only ever seen in the dark. It’s kind of a weird feeling, but you get used to it. I heard noise coming from outside of Craig’s room and instantly began to dread the thought of meeting a new person, so I decided to play on my phone for a bit in hopes the roommate would end up back in his room. Then, I could order my Lyft and make a silent get away.

I lasted all of five minutes and then realized that I had to pee. Like, right then. I scanned the room hoping there was a bathroom connected. There was only one other door and that turned out to be a closet. I’m trashy but even I couldn’t do that to someone.

I did however steal some of Craig’s clothes. I pulled a shirt from his closet and threw it on. Unfortunately my tits are too big and the shirt barely covered my pussy. That was a bit too forward, even for me.

I said fuck it and threw my dress on, my hair a complete mess and went looking for the bathroom.

Craig’s bedroom opens directly into the kitchen, lucky me, and guess who is standing there with a big smile on his face? Craig’s roommate, who I now know is named Wade.

I came back into the kitchen when I finished and Wade told me he was making breakfast and asked if I wanted any. Um, yes please?

We drank coffee and chatted while I sat at a barstool at their kitchen’s little island, table thing. I don’t know the names of furniture, but you know what I mean. Then, I realized something, Wade was really hot.

Thick, wavy hair, tall, maybe like 6’1”, and he seemed in good shape. Plus he was cooking me breakfast so that was kind of a win. It didn’t take long for him to ask me if “I had fun last night, because it sure sounded like it.”

I was a little embarrassed and apologized, telling him I didn’t mean to be so loud. He laughed, told me it was fine, but it “sounded like we destroyed Craig’s room.” That’s probably because only a few hours early I was pinned to the wall like Spidergirl. My tail bone is actually a little sore.

Ok, this is running way long so I’ll cut to the chase. Wade and I start making out and before I know it, I’m on my knees in his kitchen with his cock in my mouth. My dress has risen up and revealing so much I should have just worn the t-shirt.

Wade ran to his room to get a condom, which I can appreciate, and a few moments later I was bent over the table thing. I braced myself against it, but nearly knocked over my plate, so Wade grabbed both of my arms and pulled them towards him behind my back. It’s hard to describe but it felt so good.

To make it even better, Wade gave me a ride home. Look at me saving thirty bucks on a Lyft. I was trying to decide if that meant I had sex for thirty dollars but then realized it doesn’t matter.

Oh, and before anyone says I’m nasty, let me point to the guy who didn’t even ask if I showered after I fucked his roommate. ❤️



  1. I feel like there is a meme in there somewhere. I’d say I’m more of a Wade than a Craig.

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