My boyfriend is not good in bed…

My boyfriend is not good in bed. He never makes me cum, and I’ve tried everything to get him to. I’ve begged, I’ve pleaded, I’ve used my fingers, I’ve used a toy on myself, I’ve used a toy on him. Nothing works.
I’ve told him how I feel, but he doesn’t seem to care. He says that he’s satisfied with our sex life, and that he knows I like it rough. I don’t know what to do. I’m at my wits end. I’ve never been with anyone like him before, and I don’t know what to do to please him. I’ve always been so easy going, so laid back, and now I feel like a damn machine. I need release, and I need it now.
I’ve started to use my hand while we have sex, and that helps a little bit. It gives me something to focus on other than his lack of skill, and I can pretend that I’m someone else while I do it. Sometimes I’ll use a toy on myself, but I feel so guilty doing that while he watches. He thinks I enjoy it when really all I want is for him to make me cum.
When we first started having sex, it was great. He was so attentive, and we did some pretty wild stuff. But now, it’s just a bunch of repetitive motions without any real emotion behind them. He keeps going until he’s satisfied and I’m left with a sore vagina and no orgasm. It’s torture.
I’ve decided that if I want to cum, I’m going to have to do it myself. I bought a new toy on Amazon, a small wand-like device. It looks like a small massager, but it has tiny little bristles that tickle my clit as it rotates.
Every time my boyfriend finishes off, he would just get off and goes back playing with his PS5. One night after he cum on me in doggystyle he just whispered I love you and went downstairs.
I pulled out my new toy and hid under covers and started playing with it. The little rubber bulb that controls the vibrations is so sensitive that even the slightest touch sends shock waves through my clit. I rubbed it gently, and then harder, until I felt the first twinges of a wonderful, wonderful orgasm. I kept going until I felt the whole-body shake, and then I stopped.
My hands were trembling as I removed the coverings from my body, and slowly worked my way down my torso. Then finally I took off my panties. Now I could freely move around. There’d be nothing stopping me from using this amazing tool to give myself an incredible orgasm…or more accurately, several over the course of the evening.
My hand was shaking as I held the remote control tightly, and I guided the soft silicone shaft between my legs. At last! Finally! I found what I was looking for: my G spot. With every passing moment, my pussy became more and more wet.
Soon my thighs quivered with each pulse point, and soon I couldn’t stand waiting anymore. My hips bucked trying to escape the confines of our bed sprite. “Oh God,” I moaned softly while rubbing my pulsing bundle of nerves. Suddenly everything went black when I looked up as my boyfriend was standing at our door…



  1. Absolutely going to need a update, follow up as to what he saw and that conversation you both had (if you had one), and what did that act if any change about him, you , in regards to sex

  2. Get rid of him. He sounds like a selfish boy. An amazing woman in bed will ALWAYS take priority over a PS5. I would throw that out the window and run to bed if I were him. Video games are lame. Horny freak in the sheets Woman who wants you… priceless!!
    I will say, it’s ok to move on from someone if the bedroom sucks. Sex and intimacy are HUGE parts of every relationship!! Look how your feeling now. Sorry to hear, but there are hundreds of guys that would rather play with your buttons rather than playstations. Lol.

  3. I hope he feels like a lowlife loser. Every man should court their woman as though they’d just met her. Show her the attention he gave her in order to win her the first time. If not, and not married walk. I’d this is how he is going to treat her before marriage. Pfft!! It’ll only get worse. Find a man that wants to please you to the end of your days.

  4. If he can’t get you there & he won’t even try to make it a priority, get rid of him.

    I’m a man, and my motto for & approach to sex is:

    – It’s just like work; in that it isn’t over until the job is done.

    -ALWAYS make sure my partner has had at LEAST one (usually more) orgasm.

    Fuck him off & cum find me, girl! 🙃

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