Lover’s Retreat [M/F F/F]

Ian opened his eyes, there was a pain burrowed deep inside his head. He scanned the room for any clues to where he might be. He didn’t recognize anything in the room to be his own. It was poorly lit and he was barely awake. There was a bitter sweet, citrus, yet piney odor permeating throughout the room, it was strangely familiar, but he couldn’t place it. In the far corner he spotted a small sliver of light along the floor which he assumed was a door. The time on his phone read 7:14, he slowly climbed out of bed unaware of the occupant asleep next to him, and journeyed out into the hallway.

Ian saw a door at the end of the long narrow hallway, a room that resembled or he at least hoped was a bathroom. His head was pounding and he needed something to ease this pain. He took a few steps before hearing a set of footsteps behind him.

Ian slowly turned around his heart thumping in his chest. There was a momentary pause as they locked eyes, her tender smokey sapphire eyes pierced through his soul, Ian stood frozen unable to look away, to speak, to think. He could feel his mouth slightly open, but he heard no words, and as she looked away he reappeared only to mumble some inaudible sounds he prayed she understood as coherent words. To his surprise, Raye replied, “lovely, how are you feeling this morning?”

In his trance he’d forgotten all about the previous night, he’d forgotten he wasn’t wearing clothes, and the t-shirt Raye was wearing had a familiarity that he couldn’t place. She leaned in acutely aware of her affect on him and as she pressed her lips against his; a flood of memories came rushing back. He remembered the sweet taste of her lips, the minty lavender smell of her long charcoal hair; he wrapped his hands around her pulling her in so their bodies felt as one.

Quickly without hesitation he had her pinned against the wall, their lips entangled in a primitive dance of war, they felt the burning flames of the fire as they circled around one another’s lips, playful, ravenous, harmonious ecstasy. Their hands frantically searched for the other, a cosmic journey of flesh underneath the sensual aroma of raw lust.

His penis throbbed, pulsating in delight as he felt her soft supple fingers rollicking along it’s hard shaft. The pleasure of her movements was almost too much for him to bear, he quickly grabbed her wrists, placing her hands over her head confining them against the wall with one hand and using the other to run up along the inner of her naked thigh brushing over the raging rapids of her sex, fondling her breast as it made the journey upwards to her head where he gently caressed her cheek.

He released her lips from their prison as he pulled away, turning her head away from his to expose her neck. He pounced as a lion on its prey. Raye squirmed, goosebumps invading her flesh as waves of indescribable sensations spidered throughout her whole body in tidal waves of quivering rapture. She tried to free her hands; Ian’s grip tightened, and he moved his onslaught to her breasts, giving both ample attention, suckling her nipples, gently pressing upon them with his teeth.

She broke free, shoving him against the opposite wall, a battle of wills ensuing. Her hands firmly pressed against his chest and she began her assault on his lips.

Paralyzed, Ian couldn’t struggle as Raye’s hands consumed every ounce of his flesh. She grabbed a hold of the hair on the back of his head asserting her dominance, tilted his head back, and pressed her lips against his neck, kissing up and down, breathing heavy in his ear, he could feel her wetness on his leg as he hiked up one of her legs. His cock unbearably hard yearning to be devoured in the comfort of her sex.

She released him from her grasp, took a step back, gathered her composure then said, “I’ll make the coffee if you cook the eggs.”

Flummoxed, Ian stood unable to respond. Raye stared intently into his dark caramel eyes wondering if he’d pursue her as she walked away, wanting nothing more than to be chased into the kitchen, to be ravished with the smell of sweat and brewing coffee luming in the air. She wanted to feel her nails digging into his back, to feel his body pressed tightly against her own, but she smiled and walked into the kitchen without speaking a word.

There was something ritualistic about the way Raye moved through the kitchen. She was tall, medium build, curvy, long thick black hair that went midway down her back, a woman of perfect proportion and undeniable beauty. Confidence radiated from her like a beacon in the darkness, overwhelming yet reassuring.

She had discovered her affect on men at an early age; they were always transfixed upon her breasts unable to calm the erotic fantasies oozoing from their boyish eyes as they stared at her cleavage. Even when she was thirteen older men, in their thirties or forties, would strike up conversations, too innocent to realize at the time, they were masturbating in their minds, trying not to drool or to let on that every droning word was a thrust of their stale untouched cock violating and conquer her innocence in the solace of their minds. She was nothing more than a sex doll to them, no thoughts, no hopes, no dreams, just a pin cushion for their savagery.

At first it was somewhat flattering, she couldn’t understand why she was usually the center of attention, why she was showered with so many gifts, meals, and lavish confessions of undying love from complete strangers. Soon she became bored with the superficial courtship rituals, lie after lie after lie, all meant to lure her into their beds for no other purpose than to quell their own selfish desires which left her unsatisfied and resentful towards sex.

This realization of their true motives disgusted her; their feeble proclivity for procreation, that animalistic subconscious desire for immortality through child-rearing, their willingness to violate anyone, anywhere, as long as it meant they’d pay homage through ejaculation to satisfy their one true God. What meaning was there to sex other than providing a man with the instant self-gratification of his penis. What satisfaction was there for her in this sick sad disgusting story of evolution? It wasn’t until her second year of college when she met Vivian Weller, her college roommate, that sex began to take on a whole new meaning for Raye.

The two of them were instant friends, they had similar backgrounds: both had upper middle class upbringings, both graduated in the top 1% of their classes, both beautiful and extremely cynical towards men, Vivian more so than Raye. They were inseparable; often joking about being long lost sisters.

One cold December night, the two of them had just made it back to the dorms from the library after a long cram session for finals, their faces and hands frigid from the blistering wind. They both had begun to undress trying to squeeze in some sleep before their tests. Raye had stripped to her underwear and was fumbling through a drawer looking for her flannel pajamas when she felt Vivian staring at her from across the room. Curious she turned around. Vivian was naked, the dim light from her desk lamp illuminating her full round breasts, her plump nipples still erect from the cold. Her skin seemed to sparkle in that soft yellow light. She was fixated on Vivian’s deep emerald eyes, they had a look which she’d never experienced, she felt naked and exposed, but safe, warm…truly desired.

Raye’s heart began to race as Vivian slowly approached her, she stood in bewilderment as Vivian gently caressed her skin. Her eyes rolled back as Vivian’s touch became more sensual with every stroke, quivering under the anticipation where her hand would go next. She regained her composure and they kissed, a long passionate exchanging of lust, their hands unable to keep still as they explored each other’s body for the first time.

Vivian pushed Raye onto her bed, and began kissing Raye every place her fingers had gone. Raye grabbed onto the headboard; the cold metal bars felt as if they’d bend underneath the pressure of her grip.

Vivian slowly removed Raye’s black lace panties, following their descent down Raye’s legs with her lips, using the tips of her fingers to add to the complexity of sensations fluttering throughout Raye’s body. She melted into the satin sheets as Vivian’s tongue swirled around her labia, discovering every crease and crevice of her clit, fluctuating speed and intensity, using her free hand to caress Raye’s small erect nipple between the tips of her fingers, sucking on the lips and letting go only to re-engaging her tongue in a skillful waltz of divinity.

Raye began moaning, her battle cry to the gods, to her captor as she gripped the bars even tighter. She could smell her robust sex, taste the sweat trickling down her face, she let go of the bars grabbing a hold of Vivian’s head as Vivian insert a finger into her warm tempestuous vigina.

Raye’s body imploded upon itself, then exploded as she reached her climax. Her moans and groans of inaudible sounds echoed through the small room, she leaned up off the bed, pulled Vivian close and they embraced each other with their ravenous lips, Raye tasting the sweet savory ambrosia of her orgasm on the lips of her lover for the first time. They made love all night, and it was that night that forever changed the course of her life, for better or for worse, it was this night she held closest to her heart.

This was the first night of many exchanges they would have. Their relationship flourished over winter break and well beyond. Vivian had awakened an appetite in Raye that matched her own. Soon they would pick up strangers from the bar, either a man or a woman, their lust was insatiable. It felt more like a game to see which of them could capture the best plaything. No one kept score, but they both knew it was Raye.

Trance-like Ian walked into the kitchen, between the headache and this beautiful woman whom he had no recollection of how met her. …What’s her name? Do I know her name? Surely she told me, fucking headache, fuck what did I drink last night….

“Where do you keep the pans?”

“In that cabinet over there,” she replied pointing to the cabinet next to the stove. “I put the eggs on the counter, everything you’ll need is right there.”

“Awesome, thanks,” he said, “I’m so sorry, but I can’t remember your name.”

Raye put down her coffee mug. She smiled at Ian, “Anastasia. You must’ve drank way too much,” she replied, “but, I did too.” She laughed. “Our Uber driver was beat red when we got out of the car. You put on one hell of a show for him. Do you remember?”

Ian had a puzzled look on his face, flush with embarrassment over this new revelation, he pulled out his phone to break eye contact as he looked down. Something seemed out of place, his head was still pounding, and he was unable to focus or recall any of the events that transpired from the previous night.

Ian looked up, “I think maybe I should go, I have places I need to be today,” he said trying to assert as much confidence as possible in his tone.

Raye smiled and said, “So soon?” Her hands were at the base of the t-shirt, slowly she raised it exposing her flat silky smooth stomach, he noticed her small oblong belly button, his eyes followed upwards as the shirt moved. Ian didn’t notice the shirt hit the ground when she tossed it aside.

Raye hopped up on Ian, wrapping her long athletic legs around him. He spun her around pinning her against the island bar, and they began to fuck. Her nails dug deep in his back, anchoring her to him, they were both lost in flesh. The smell of their burning bodies mixed with the freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air as an aphrodisiac.

“God, fuck yes, right there…don’t stop…,” she said, running her fingernails all along his back deeper and harder than before. “Oh God….oh god!”

She pressed her lips onto his violently assaulting him with each kiss. She could feel him inside her, feeling the subtle changes in his movements as he neared his climax. She bit his lip piercing the skin, his blood trickled into her mouth, startled he quickly pushed her away.

“What the fu…,” he said, but he never finished the sentence. He felt a hard tug on the back of his head as Vivian sliced opened his neck with a large stainless steel butcher knife. Dark burgundy blood squirted from the wound as Ian collapsed to his knees struggling to breathe, gasping with each breath. His eyes were wide with shock and fear, his body trembling unable to move, unable to make a plea for his life.

Raye’s face was now covered in Ian’s blood, Vivian kicked his dying body onto the ground, dropping the knife as she embraced her lover. Their hearts sounded like jackhammers from the rush of adrenaline and pure unadulterated lust between them. Vivian smeared Ian’s blood on Raye’s face with her hands; Raye grabbed a hold of her lover, their lips collided fusing into one with each kiss.

Vivian bent over to pick up the large knife that laid at the edge of the pool of Ian’s blood. She could feel the stickiness of his drying blood as she gripped the handle. The smell of shit, coffee, and sex filled her nostrils as she straddled over his lifeless body. Vivian placed her free hand on top of the other wrapped securely around the handle of the knife. Raye watched as Vivian repeatedly stabbed Ian’s body, thrust after thrust penetrating deeper and deeper with each new movement. There was no anger in her movements; only that of a joyous child sticking her finger in slim over and over again absorbing the weird unique texture in an attempt to decipher it’s secrets. An obsession that never ceases until one understands the meaning or tires of the act itself.

Abruptly Vivian stopped, pulling the long thin narrow blade from Ian’s defiled corpse, then she stood up and with the flat edge of the cold bloodstained blade rubbed it gently over Raye’s vigina, up her stomach, and wiped the blood off using her breasts, with one last glancing swoop across a nipple. Raye’s body shuttered, frozen in ecstacy, completely consumed by the aura of her lover as the both stood over this nameless corpse bathing in the blood of their spoils.

The sexual excitement wore off and she stood gazing into Vivian’s emerald eyes, elated and euphoric. She knew in this moment this was their love. This is what kept them together. Raye’s eyes began to swell with tears of joy and before one had the chance to fall Vivian kissed her. Not lusting, but a raw passionate kiss worthy of her lover’s love.

Raye and Vivian spent the rest of the day rummaging through the vacant house. Enjoying the other’s company; this was the vacation they so desperately needed, rekindling their love, escaping from the normalcy of their everyday lives. They made sure to gather a few keepsakes, a pearl necklace that they’d give to their daughter upon their return, and Raye packed away the coffee mug she’d been drinking in the kitchen with Ian, “Coffee makes me feel less murdery,” written in bold red letters on a pitch black mug.

They showered, purifying themselves of their mischievous act. Afterwards they were laughing and dancing as they frolicked throughout the house leaving a trail of gasoline in their wake.

Twlight lit the sky ablaze, a plume of dark ashy smoke rose from the horizon. They were parked at a roadside park atop a rocky cliff, a beautiful vantage point to view the setting sun. Vivian’s arm was wrapped tightly around Raye’s waist as they watched the flames dance in the distance. There was a calm between them as they sat in silence marveling at the beauty of the landscape below. No words could express the intensity of emotions they felt as the sun hid away behind the trees off into its nightly slumber.

Vivian turned to Raye, her eyes swelling with tears, “it’s so…so beautiful….,” she said with a cracking voice.

Raye took Vivian’s hand, looking out onto the valley below as she replied, “I know, my love, I know.”
