Caroline’s 22nd (F on F) (part 1 nonsexual)

Already a few weeks into my senior year. A slightly chilly autumn night. It’s my 22nd birthday and my girls invited me to go out to this club downtown. They have a special on gummy shots every Saturday night apparently. I’ve never been because I don’t like crowds or loud music or alcohol really but I’m just going to bite the bullet for my friends. I’m virtually straight edge for a 22 year old college girl. Like I’ve had sex a couple times but I don’t drink or do drugs…

I went with my three besties Miranda, Mackenzie and Peter. I’ve known them since freshman year. We get there and I’m already overwhelmed. Obnoxious frat boys, screaming girls and drunks, lots of them. It’s only 10. I stand there awkwardly why my friends dance. I watch. Stand straight as a statue. At this point I just want to go home but we just got here and I don’t wanna ruin it.

“What’s wrong Caroline?” Mackenzie asks me.
“I’m just not feeling all these vibes, you know…” I say.
“It’s your birthday girly you gotta have a little fun.” She says.
“I know but…” I stammer.
“Here follow me…” she grabs my hand and she pulls me and walks me outside the bar.
“Where the hell are you taking me, it’s freezing…?” I ask. No answer.
We get to a random alley a few blocks away. And she pulls out what a cigar, similar to the ones my dad smokes. She lights it, takes a slow drag and hands it to me. It smells much worse than the ones my dad smokes.
“No thanks I don’t do tobacco honestly..”
She shakes her head. “You’re such a blonde huh? Just smoke this.”
She hands it to me. Idk why I did but at this point I felt like a wimp so I took a puff from the cigar.

My heart starts pounding. Everything around me starts to feel like it’s slow motion. I move my hands amazed. She grabs my hand and we walk back into the club, and show the bouncer my wristband. I start to giggle uncontrollably.

“You need booze Caroline…” Mackenzie says. She again grabs my hand and we go to the bar. The bartender was pretty tall and dreamy. I just stared at him and he never noticed.
“I need three gummy shots please” she tells him. She hands two to me. “Wait why two?”
“It’s your birthday silly.” She says. I’m glad I got two because they were delicious.

“I have to pee.” I tell her. She insists she goes with me into the bathroom. And once we’re in she grabs my shoulders.
“You’re so high.” She tells me.
“You mean drunk.”
“No you’re stoned.”
“What?” I ask
She blinks rapidly… “what?”
“I’m confused how am I high?” I say
“You just smoked weed doofus.”
“You are fucked.” She says.
“You’re so pretty” I blurt out.
“Excuse me…” she looks at me confused.
“Your lips are so red…. can… can I kiss you?”
