The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 9: Shave My Dirty Little Pussy [FM][20s][Sensual]

*Author’s Note: Nothing like a good orgasm to knock out a hangover, am I right? Is it just me or do you also wake up incredibly horny after a night of drinking? More chapters are posted at r/KellyBoomErotica*

**- Chapter 9: Jamie -**

*Thank the fucking gods!* I screamed inside my head when the professor finally ended the lecture. Usually I enjoyed her lectures, but it was Friday, I finally had a night off work, and I needed to sleep. Nightmares had continued to plague me. *Charlie is right, we’re all handling the impending end of Apartment 303 differently, and I’m not handling it well.* That’s why I needed to get home, soak in the bath all night, and sleep. *Please gods, let me sleep!*

With my head down, rushing across campus towards home, determined to push over and trample anyone who got in my way, I cursed under my breath when someone shouted my name.

I tried to ignore whoever it was, but another, closer, “Jamie, I know you can hear me!” shout cut over the jovial banter of a college campus on a Friday afternoon.

*Fucking fuck fuck!* I stopped and looked behind me. Conor was jogging towards me through the throng of students. *Just what I fucking need right now…*

“Ha, I knew that was you!” Conor said with his usual puppy dog expression smeared across his face. He must’ve seen my scowl, which I tried to hide when I turned around, but unsuccessfully because his grin disappeared and said, “Oh, I’m sorry to bother you. Just figured I’d say hi.”

I didn’t know Conor, not really. We’d been in a few classes over the years and we’d spoken many times, but our interactions were always focused on school stuff. I did know he was a mathlete. I’d seen him in the Park Ave a few times, celebrating with his teammates after their competitions, dressed in matching sweater vests and khaki slacks. “Hey Conor,” I meekly smiled. “Just a long week and happy to head home.”

Conor nodded his head, “Yeah, I hear you. End of the semester blues. So, heading home? You have the night off of work?”

Running my hand through my greasy hair, I sighed, “Yes, thank god. I’ve worked six nights in a row.”

“Bummer,” he said. He saw my scowl and jumped to explain, “No, no. I mean bummer I won’t see you tonight. Me and some buddies from class are going to the Park Ave later.”

*He wants to see me tonight… This is the most interest he’s ever shown me.* The idea that Conor was maybe, slightly, barely hitting on me lifted my mood a little. “Sorry, you’ll have to get served cheap beer by someone else tonight,” I playfully chided.

Conor began shuffling his feet, a sheen of sweat glistening on his brow, and I knew what was coming next. “So, would you like to have someone serve us a drink sometime?”

I had to admit to myself that Conor was cute in his awkwardness. I didn’t mean to, but I chuckled loudly, “Ha! Is that the way you’re going to ask me out? After years of classes together, the best you can come up with is ‘someone serve us drinks sometime’!” Poor Conor looked like a puppy that was told they were being left home alone. I was never good at flirting and, as was the case with Conor, guys didn’t understand that my teasing was a good sign. *Everyone except Kelly.* Conor began to say something but thoughts of Kelly transformed Conor’s words into a muted jumble. Literally shaking Kelly from my mind I cut off Conor, “Yeah, I’d love to grab a drink sometime.”

Just like a puppy when you tell them they are going for a car ride, Conor’s face brightened. “Yeah,” he smirked. “What are you up to tomorrow?”

I smiled at his enthusiasm and began, “Tomorrow… yeah. I work the lunch shift, but then…” *Oh fuck, we have that sex show “date, not a date” thing with stupid Sydney tomorrow.* “Sorry, I just remembered that I have this thing with my roommates tomorrow night.”

“No problem, we’ll find another time,” Conor said, puppy dog enthusiasm still there.

“Yeah, sorry,” I apologized. “Let’s talk on Monday.”

The scalding hot bath water was just the ticket. I eased into it slowly, fully allowing myself to take in the sensation on my skin. The apartment’s bathtub was not large, but a huge benefit of being so tiny was that I could submerge my entire body up to my chin. I let out an audible sigh and closed my eyes. The rest of my walk home after leaving Conor was spent mulling over this Sydney girl that had the hots for our man… my man. Thankfully nobody was home when I arrived and I could soak in peace. As the effervescent bath salts tickled my still unshaven legs, the angry thoughts of Sydney dissolved and my mind went blank.

Having lost track of time and space I flinched in shock when I heard the front door slam shut. *Must be Tracy, she always slams the door.* The water had cooled too much for my liking so I unplugged the drain. Noises of my roommate shuffling around the apartment filtered into the bathroom, mixing with water gulping down the drain. When the water level dropped below my chest I stopped the drain and turned on the scalding hot water. Immediate bliss returned as once again the bathroom filled with steam. The sound of the fawcett disclosed my presence and a soft knock came at the door. I answered, “Hi Tracy, I’m in the bath, but if you need to use the toilet, the door’s unlocked.”

The door cracked open and Kelly peeked his head inside. “It’s me,” he smiled, then his eyes drifted down to my chest, my nipples just beginning to get submerged. “I don’t need to pee, just saying hi.”

Smiling back – Kelly always brought out my smile – I teased, “Couldn’t help catching a glimpse, eh?”

“Ha! Busted,” he laughed. “That looks relaxing, I’ll leave you alone.”

“Stay!” I yelped. I’d been soaking alone for a while and was excited to spend some one-on-one time with Kelly. Ever since he’d moved in, all four roommates usually hung out together. It was rare to just be with one of them at a time, and when it did happen it almost always turned into rauncy sex – just like with Charlie the past weekend. *This will probably turn into sex… Hell, I’m already naked.* Kelly eagerly stepped into the bathroom and shut the door, then took a seat on the toilet lid. I assumed he would kiss me and sit on the edge of the tub, then sink his hand into the water to caress me, but after he sat I could tell by his expression that something else was on his mind. So I asked him, “What’s up? I figured you’d free-use the naked woman that asked you into the bathroom with her. You look… contemplative.”

Kelly released a deep, sighing breath, “Yeah, there’s a lot on my mind. This free-use *game*,” he said, accentuating the word, “is a fun distraction, but I’m still overthinking what happens when the semester ends.” I met his eyes with sympathetic understanding. “Plus, my poli-sci final project is kicking my ass. And! And, now we’re all going to some sex show with Sydney!” I nodded along, rolling my eyes. Kelly continued, “I don’t know if Tracy told you about the train ride home after her work party.”

“Yup, she told us. Pretty weird, but you know Tracy, she likes to push the boundaries,” I said.

“I mean shit, you’d think our situation, the four of us, would be well beyond the boundary!” Kelly said, a little worked up.

“Well, she did say you were flirting with Sydney,” I stated but made it sound as if I was asking.

It was Kelly’s turn to roll his eyes, “I wasn’t flirting, I was just buzzed!”

*Jeez, he needs a relaxing bath.* “You are a charming drunk,” I smoozed to try and calm his nerves. It worked because he realized his temper was flaring and took a deep breath. I returned to a serious tone, “Look, Charlie berated us the other night and said Tracy is deflecting her fear and anger about our situation onto Sydney.”

“Eh, okay, but why invite her to a sex show with us?”

“Well, knowing Tracy, she wants to fuck Sydney.” Kelly huffed, but I continued, “But we all agreed that it’s a bad idea to try and add her into our situation, not that Charlie or I wanted to in the first place.” I could tell Kelly’s head was swimming trying to work out what adding a fourth woman into his sex life would be like. “Anyways, at the end of the day Tracy just likes her and we’ll all go as a group of friends,” I concluded.

“Ha! Just a group of friends going to a live sex show,” Kelly laughed but there was no humor in it. Kelly then looked at me with genuine concern, “Are you doing ok?”

*Now’s the time. Let it out.* “Honestly, no. I haven’t been sleeping well because I’m terrified about the future.” At that point Kelly did move over to sit on the edge of the tub. He didn’t sink his hand in the water, instead he caressed my cheek. That opened my emotional floodgates and I began sobbing. “I-I don’t know what I’m d-doing Kelly and I’m so s-scared of losing you.”

“Aw sweetie, I’m scared too,” he consoled.

Bumbling through my sobs, “T-Tracy’s got her job… A-and Charlie’s got her books… B-but what do I have besides you?”

Kelly wiped tears off my cheeks, leaned over and kissed my forehead, then said, “You don’t need to have it all figured out right now. And no matter what happens in the future you’ll always have me.”

A new flood of tears poured down my face. “I… I agreed to go on a date today,” I confessed out of pure remorsefulness. “P-please don’t hate me.”

More wiping of tears, then Kelly lifted my chin and kissed me lovingly on the lips. “I could never hate you.” He let me cry for a minute, remaining silent. Finally, he chided, “I bet his dick is smaller than mine.”

Somehow I was able to laugh and playfully slapped him on the arm. “Whatever, it’s not like I’m going to find out anyways.”

Grinning like an idiot Kelly said, “Invite him to the sex show.”

Another slap to his arm, this time more forcefully. “Oh my god no! That would be so embarrassing. He’s a mathlete, so I’m sure he’s never seen a naked woman before.”

“Aww, that’s mean. Nerds can be sexual deviants just like the four of us.” That’s when Kelly finally dipped his hand under the water and rubbed my calf. With a scowl he said, “If you have a date, we need to do something about these prickly legs.”

I leered at him, “You said you were going to shave my dirty little pussy. Was that all bedroom talk or what?”

Kelly leaned over and opened the vanity drawer, pulling out a razor and shaving cream. “You’re in luck. I was on the high school swim team. I know how to shave legs,” Kelly stated with a little too much confidence for a man that just admitted he used to shave his legs.

I lifted my left leg out of the water and rested it on the edge of the tub. Sternly I said, “You better not cut me. I don’t want to disappoint Conor.”

As Kelly gracefully spread shaving cream over my leg he bemoaned, “Conor, eh? Definitely a name for a guy with a small penis.” I splashed Kelly with water to which he chuckled.

In true disbelief, Kelly was masterful with the razor. Both legs were smooth and no cuts, not even a little nick. But the true test remained… My pussy. “Sit up on the edge,” he instructed. As I positioned myself Kelly shed his shirt, then took his pants and boxer shorts off in one motion. His penis hung flaccid underneath his own unruly bush. Kelly was more of a grower than a shower, but the sight of his dick, no matter the state, always made my stomach flutter. He stepped into the tub and lowered himself to where he was face to cunt. Gently, slowly he covered my bush in shaving cream. He looked up at me with those dreamy hazel eyes, “I’m going to shave it all. That ok?” *You can do whatever you want with me*, I thought, but instead I just nodded my agreement, biting my lip, and feeling my pussy radiate heat. I’m sure he could feel it too, there was no way he couldn’t, it was practically on fire. Kelly elegantly started at the top and worked his way down. The whole scenario was exceptionally sensual and I began getting wetter and wetter. I bit my lip harder peering down at him as he worked. Kelly was focused like a horologist fitting the final gear into a watch. When he pulled my labia taut to get every last hair I let out a little moan. Kelly looked up at me, only moving his eyes, and smirked. He slashed water over my smooth mound when he was finished, then ran his palm over it to confirm his work, which elicited more, deeper moans.

Tapping his shoulders, Kelly said, “Put your feet up here.” I thought he was going to bury his face into my masterpiece… his masterpiece, but he squirted more shaving cream onto his fingers and massaged it around my asshole. “Need to make sure everything is ready for what’s his name.”

I couldn’t help it and giggled like Charlie, “Hehe, you know his name.” Kelly didn’t retort, just went back to work. With the shaving cream washed off my pussy I admired his work and my cute inner labia poking out. My pussy and clit were swollen with arousal and my nectar was beading at my entrance. Before he was finished Kelly nonchalantly leaned in and licked up the trickle of my juice.

Shaving my ass only took a couple minutes, then Kelly washed the shaving cream off, leaned back, and admired his work. “Beautiful,” he said. I looked up to him when he said, “Absolutely beautiful,” and he was looking right into my eyes. My heart exploded out of my chest. *I’m so desperately in love with him.* He reached up and cupped my cheek, then pulled my face down into a passionate kiss. I sucked on his bottom lip as he pulled back, then he said, “Let’s rinse off under the shower.”

By the time the water had drained from the tub I had sucked his cock to full mast. Kelly took my freshly shaved pussy from behind, holding me tight in his arms. It was the most tender, sensuous lovemaking we’d ever done. It was gentle, slow, and oh so wonderful. We didn’t say anything the entire time. Our bodies and minds were one. I felt in my soul when he was about to cum and we blissfully orgasmed together, him deep inside me, both with his cock and his mind.

That night, I slept like a baby cradled in his arms.
