A Night on the Beach, Part 1 [MF, Public]

“Are you ready?”

Jenny stood at the door of the hotel room, with an eager grin on her face. She bit her bottom lip as she watched Tony put on his flip flops and get up from the bed. She herself was wearing a black bikini, hidden under a long, white t shirt, while Tony had on blue swimming trunks and a yellow, sleeveless t shirt.

As Tony leaned past Jenny to open the door, she whispered in his ear, “forgetting something?” She giggled at him as he quickly turned around and picked up a small, light shovel from the foot of the bed.

She practically raced him to the elevator; her short, brown hair still waving against her shoulders as she pushed the “down” button. The elevator doors opened up, introducing the young couple to a much older couple. They all politely smiled at each other as the younger couple stepped in.

“A bit late to be digging for seashells, isn’t it?” the older man commented.

“Well… we didn’t want to be bothered by anyone,” Jen responded, “I’m not even sure they allow digging on this beach.”

“Well, we won’t tell anyone,” the old man winked at Jenny. She blushed in response, then nodded and looked to the elevator door.

When they reached the ground floor, the young couple walked out to the beachside bar that was attached to the hotel. It had a platform with a beautiful view of the beach. Even at night, under the full moon you could watch all the waves crash against the shore, producing such a soothing sound. The couple stood there among all the other tourists, surveying the view for a few moments, before turning to walk down the wooden stairs leading to the beach.

Jen turned to smile naughtily at Tony. “Don’t be obvious,” Tony scolded Jenny, prompting a very obvious giggle from her, as they started to walk along the beach. The beach was bound by a long line of sand dunes, covered in bushes. The couple didn’t have to walk far to find an indentation in these dunes that just barely covered them from the view of the bar.

The couple stood there quietly for a second, looking around. They hadn’t seen anybody on the beach for the short time that they had been out there, and still yet didn’t see anyone. Finally, Jenny whispered, “Well? What are you waiting for?”

Tony gave her a nervous look, then started to dig a hole as far back into the indentation as he could. He worked fast, while Jenny observed the surrounding beach, still finding no one around. After a few short minutes of digging, Tony whispered, “Okay, get in.”

Jenny eagerly took her shirt off, and plopped into the hole, sitting down with her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. She smiled, as Tony started throwing sand back into the hole, occasionally stopping to compact the sand around her tight body.

Eventually, Jen was left buried up to her neck in sand. Tony stood idly next to her, once again looking around at the beach. Jenny bit her lip again, “looks like no one is around…”

“Yup…” Tony quietly responded, not looking at her.

“… you think you might want to start before someone comes?”

Tony nodded. He stepped in front of Jenny’s face, then got down on his knees. Jenny’s eyes glimmered in the moonlight as she watched Tony pull the front of his swimming trunks down, revealing a thick, circumcised cock that was still growing in front of her. Tony leaned forward, resting his hands on the sand behind Jenny, and slowly let his hips fall forward, until he felt her lips wrap around the tip of his cock and practically suck it into her mouth.

Tony struggled not to moan. For being completely immobilized, Jenny was putting in work. Alternating between vigorously sucking him into her and wrapping her tongue all around the member in her mouth, Jenny wasn’t hiding how much she was loving this. Tony’s hips instinctively swayed back and forth, pulling in and out of that zone of pleasure Jenny was fostering mere inches above the sand.

Tony closed his eyes, then turned his head each way to look back at the beach. All he saw was more sand and ocean. Jenny didn’t seem nearly as concerned, nodding her head back and forth whenever Tony paused to look at the beach, not giving his cock a moment’s rest. After all, how much time did they have until some family on a calm nighttime stroll passed by?

Eventually, Tony must have decided that it was better to forget about the beach behind him, and to stop worrying, so he could hurry up and cum. He moved down from leaning on his hands to his elbows, putting weight on Jenny’s face, before hastening his pace.

Jenny’s eyes opened wide, as a vein started popping out of her forehead. The pressure of the sand already made it difficult to breathe, but now Tony’s cock was slamming in and out of her throat, cutting off airflow with each thrust. She tried to stop herself from freaking out, focusing on moving her tongue from side to side under his cock. The sooner he came, the sooner she could breathe easy.

A moment later, Tony grunted loudly: a moan turned into a yelp cut off by a man barely managing to keep his composure. His hips started to move about in a more jerky fashion, as his breathing grew equally tense. His mind focused on that soft, wet sensation surrounding his cock, and then…

He blew. Right down into Jenny’s throat. Jenny, with years of experience dealing with Tony not warning her when he was about to cum, saw this coming from a mile away, and managed to only barely choke on the hot, thick stream of cum pouring down her gullet. As nervous as he was, Tony must’ve been excitedly looking forward to tonight: his load was much heavier than usual. She didn’t even need to see it to notice that.

Tony slowly loosened up, resting his hips on Jenny, before jumping back, releasing his cock from her mouth. Jenny coughed a little as Tony once again surveyed the beach. If anyone had seen them, they were already gone. Tony’s still-heavy breathing was accompanied by a big sigh of relief.

“Wow… you must’ve really liked that, huh?” Jen smiled up at Tony.

“Yeah,” Tony gasped, “I’m going to go get us some drinks.”

Jenny’s jaw dropped in a display of faux-shock, “and just leave me here??”

Tony smiled down at her as he lifted his swimming trunks, making himself once again decent. “Yup, you look like you’ll be just fine for a few moments.”

Jenny pouted at him, before breaking into a smirk as he turned to walk back to the bar. Stopping out of her view, at the foot of the stairs, he pulled out his phone, and started typing a message to an unsaved number.

“Okay. She’s all yours.”

As he walked up the stairs, he got a message back. “Great. Don’t try and stop us, or we’ll tell her what you did.”

As Tony stood at the edge of the platform once again, he saw a group of five young men walking along the beach. He swallowed as one of them seemed to look up at him as they passed by the bar, and walked into that indentation where his wife was waiting for him.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xomssk/a_night_on_the_beach_part_1_mf_public