Stuck inside a sex-based D&D campaign [MF, 21+] [gangbang] [fantasy] [PART 2/3]

After the ordeal with the mermaid, Emily and Nate looked at the river contentedly for a few moments. As contentedly as any of them could, in any case. This was going to be difficult.

Emily cleared her throat and said, “This might be a little too forward, but I can help. Well, my hand can. No further. I’m only asking because your alternative source of penile friction is a mermaid, and not *your* hand.”

His dick twitched at that, and he considered her words. There was no way she was serious but he went along with it and shook his head, answering, “Sorry, but it’s an aphrodisiac. Best we can do is wait.”

“Of course. Don’t want my hand to set itself on fire.”

With a giggle, she sat down on the grass and stared at the passing river. He joined her but still couldn’t bear to put his clothes back on. From the bugs feasting on him, plus the grass pricking his backside, he knew he’d have terrible itches all over, but putting anything over his cock as of now would have driven him insane, so he waited.

They gathered some more of the Elderberries, discovering some iguaros in the process. It was a tough and juicy fruit; something normal from the world Ben had created. He had to excuse himself to masturbate after they had their fill of that. Emily could rant all she wanted but he *did* know how to use his hand.

The second time he went behind some bushes to relieve his aching manhood, Emily called out, “I can help!”

Her words sent a thrill down his body, culminating on his dick. He declined as if he didn’t want Emily to rub him out until her hand *did* set itself on fire. It did take a really long time without her help however. Nearly ten minutes by his estimate. The aphrodisiac was pretty potent and all, but with no porn, gooey mermaid tongues, or feminine hands to stimulate him, it became more of a chore. The fourth time he excused himself for his hourly fap session, Emily followed him, saying, “I don’t *have* to use my hand, you know.”


With a roll of her eyes, she dangled out her hands in front of him, “You’ve been looking at them for *hours*. Yearning for them as if… You’re doing it again.”

She’d already dropped her hands down but he was still staring at them. He shook himself and apologized, “Sorry, sorry. So… you propose what, exactly?”

“I’ll watch. Best I can do to preserve the sanctity of my beautiful hands.”

It was very enticing, and he could only snort before giving in, stroking himself and watching her with half-lidded eyes. She gasped in surprise and stared at him avidly. With her watching him, obviously trying very hard not to stare at his penis instead, he could feel himself near the edge much quicker. When he was close, she decided to encourage him. Her ‘encouragement’ nearly made him burst out with laughter, but it did rile him up.

“I wish I was that mermaid.”

“Come *onnn*, I wanna see you explode.”

“Think about how wet I am from watching you.”

The last one made him raise his eyebrows, but it did the job. With a grunt, he ejaculated all over the grass, shooting ropes of semen on the grass, wishing with every fiber of his being that it was Emily’s body instead. When he was done and recovering his breath, she decided to pat his dick, saying “Good job!”

He groaned loudly, leaned against a tree and began jacking off again. Emily laughed awkwardly and then asked slowly, “You’re… really going for another round?”

“Mhm. Just don’t touch me when I finish this time.”

“Oh. It was just a touch!”

“Well, I could really use several of your touches right now then, if it was *just* a touch.”

“Wow. Did you not hear my speech regarding the sanctity of my hands?”

He looked away and did not answer her. With a mocking tone she kept on, “Wowww. So this gentleman needs a *hand*maid by his side at all times, doesn’t he?”

He grunted and went on stroking. She stared at him and his cock earnestly, and with a huff of exasperation said, “Okay, can I just, kneel then?”


In response, she got down on her knees right in front of his dick, so he was jerking off to her face. Her lips were tantalizingly close to his cock and with incredible restraint, he didn’t push himself inside her mouth and kept masturbating to her. She didn’t encourage him this time, and just stared at his cock. It was enough, and he was soon pushed to the edge. She somehow sensed he was about to blast and nervously exclaimed, “Just don’t finish on my face, doofus!”

He quickly changed his aim and shot his semen down the grass once more. While he was cumming, Emily said in a hushed voice, “So much.” That made him want to wank off *again*. But he stopped himself and held out the hand he jerked off with. Emily rolled her eyes and stood on her own, smoothing her skirt down. His cock bumped her skirt and he groaned again. Emily quickly apologized, “Sorry! Sorry! Won’t happen again, I promise.”

He wanted to tell her it wasn’t her fault, but she skipped off to the shore. Despite being exhausted, he followed her. The sun was close to setting, and they still had seen no sign of a ship. His addled mind wasn’t doing him any favors. When Emily asked him to get some wood to get a fire going, he tried to hand her his erect dick, saying it was morning wood. After she tried to stab him with a sharp stick, they laughed it off and she had to gather some wood herself.

She got a fire going, though how on *earth* she managed that was beyond him. Especially with that leech on her clit. Didn’t it bother her? Maybe it wasn’t a very potent one. He couldn’t bear his arousal anymore and got up, standing beside the place where Emily was sitting. She looked up at him in surprise. God, she looked marvelous in the firelight, her eyes twinkling up at his dick. He took a breath and asked, “Hey, um. I’ll need some help since I just wanna sleep after this.”

“Yeah, I’m right here. Go on.”

“I mean… *more* help.”

“Oh. Hmm. Got it.” And with that, she began pulling her shirt off. Nate just stared at her in disbelief, slowing himself. How on earth did that work? She only got the shirt out from one sleeve, and with her hands freed, removed her bra. By the faint light of the campfire, he could barely make her out working through the motions. One of her plopped tits out, while the other remained enclosed in her shirt. Her bra was discarded on the grass. He picked up his rhythm and moaned as loud as he dared, to which she lifted a finger up her mouth, shushing him. She actually seemed afraid of the mermaid, even now.

Her smooth breast beckoned him for a touch. She wouldn’t dare let him, of course. He couldn’t endure it any longer, and stared at her bare tit as he finished once more into the grass, shooting incredibly long spurts very close to their fire. He had *never* ejaculated this much before. It went on and on, and when he was finally done, he let some dribble down Emily’s shoulder.

She smiled and wiped it off with her finger, and then smeared that finger on his tummy before lying back down again without another word. With one of her boobs still out. He couldn’t find it in him to tell her to cover herself up, so he decided to get some sleep too. But before he could do so, he saw light up ahead, on the river. A ship.

Emily was staring at the fire, trying to defy her lust-filled thoughts. Her legs trembled but she knew she just had to bear it a little longer. The fact that Nate had to ejaculated with his huge cock right in front of her everytime he was horny was not helping *at all*. The leech was a tiny thing, she had discovered, but prying it off with her fingers was impossible, and Nate could ask her for help whenever, but her own pride didn’t let her do the same. It made her giddy, and she knew she’d acted on the whims of her lust more than once during the day. Somehow she didn’t regret that. It made her feel stronger.

Lost in her thoughts, it took her a while to make out that Nate was yelling that he’d spotted a ship. She quickly scrambled towards the fire and took hold of a larger branch on fire, waving it about so the people on board would notice them. Nate did the same, and soon, they heard a huge splashing sound, and the ship slowed down.

“They dropped an anchor,” Nate said excitedly. He was pacing about, his erect cock swaying about. Of course, he could swing about his dick without paying attention, but she couldn’t relieve herself because of feminine propriety. Her decision to take the shirt partly off so she didn’t have to bear the stupid humidity around this place was becoming flimsy by the moment. If she could have her way, she’d let Nate pummel her cunt to the ground whenever he was horny, but somehow letting that happen seemed wrong.

She shook her head and stopped staring at him before he noticed her, focusing on the ship. Narrowing her eyes at it, she said, “What if they’re unfriendly?”

“Unfriendly?” He spun to look at her while she tried *very* hard to not look at his oscillating dong. He continued, “Good point. Hmm. Not like we have a choice, really. Besides, I don’t recall reading about any *evil* factions in Old Ashton. So maybe we’re fine?”

She highly doubted they were fine. But she waited cautiously as a rowboat embarked towards them. By their lantern, she could make out at least three people on it, one of whom was lightly armored. *The captain?*

Once they hit the beach, the armored person, a woman, jumped out and pointed a crossbow at her. In a harsh voice, she said, “Speak.”

Emily realized one of her tits being out was *not* a good impression. It was laughably embarrassing. With Nate’s erect dick out as well, the situation was comical. The sailsmen on the boat did not say a word, however. She swallowed and said, “We’re looking for passage. To Old Ashton.”

The woman sniffed and said, “The coast around the border has been packed with bandits lately, and I am to trust two drug-addled youngsters?”

She pointed her crossbow at Nate’s dick then, which twitched. Emily would’ve laughed if the situation wasn’t so serious. She probably thought they were lovers from a nearby village, or disguised as one, so she said, “You misunderstand us. We’re not… from here-”

“So you’re from beyond the border?”

Her tone was hostile. Emily was suddenly *mad* at Nate for not remembering any local politics. None of this would’ve happened had he decided to focus on the less horny parts of the world. She decided to bluntly tell the truth, “No, no. I mean, we’re not from this world. I don’t know what happened, but Nate and I woke up in the grassland East of here, and then I got afflicted with this hideous leech, and…”

The woman was walking towards them, and with a bark, the men rushed out of the boat and patted them down. Well, they groped her more than actually search, especially that one exposed tit. Their touch was electric on her nipple, and she nearly dropped on her knees from the thrill that passed down to her groin. She was breathing very fast by the time they were done.

Scratching her chin, the woman said, “I’m Lia. Captain of The Comfrey back there. Wish I had a mage to further pat you down, but alas. Now, I’m willing to give you a ride, but you must consider. Travelers from your world are highly sought after, and I’m not just about to hand you over to anyone without express permission. If you know what I mean?”

“Wait. Travelers? From my world?”

“Yes, it’s uncommon, but it happens. Since you didn’t pay attention to what I said, I’m asking for payment.”

“Oh. Well, we don’t really have anything of value.”

“Both of you are infected with the Corruptness. That’s valuable.”

Nate chuckled and finally spoke up, “So sex slaves?”

“Not really. It’s more of a beneficial trade. You get the Corruptness removed from your bodies, get to Old Ashton, and we… get satisfaction. Deal?”

Nate and Emily looked at each other, but before he could make a decision, she extended her hand and said, “Deal.”

Nate groaned. Lia nodded at her and without a word, stepped back to her boat. The men followed, one of them waving to her to get in the boat. She grabbed their clothes in haste and scrambled on top of the final bench with Nate. From what she could see by the lantern light, it was remarkably clean. She hadn’t expected sailors to be so tidy. Soon, they began rowing back to the ship.

Nate quickly turned on her, whispering intensely, “Are you insane? Sex slaves? Really?”

“You didn’t tell me *anything* about this world. Not that you know anything either. I’m making my own way. Plus, there are *others* of our world that the captain knows about. We should stay on her good graces.”

“Wow. Just wow.”

“We’re still in this together, dumbass. Just let *me* make the decisions.”

“Sure, sure. Whatever you say princess.”

She nearly kicked him then and there, but didn’t want to upset the captain. She had also conveniently left out the fact that she was *horny* and a golden opportunity had landed on her lap. The throbbing on her clit got infuriating and she had to resist the temptation to get on her knees in front of the sailors as they rowed. Speaking of, the sailsmen were remarkably efficient and soon, the boat was being hauled up to the ship by two other men on deck. Once they were on deck, Lia quickly summarized everything for her, “I’ll be heading to sleep now. The Comfrey is a trade ship. Our route usually ends at the border to the Sunlands, close to Troulor. From here on out, our route will be completely downriver, hauling all the goods we have brought. None of this matters to you as far as I can tell, so we’ll discuss this more in the morning.

“You, Nate, will be sleeping with me. And you, pretty girl, will sleep with *any* of the crewmembers who wish to do so. There will be no nos. They will settle who you belong with each night, so there’s no need to pay much attention to that.”

She grabbed Nate’s cock, and led him to her room at the back of the ship, which was shaped like a small hut. Nate nervously looked back at her, but he seemed *aroused* at the prospect of her getting railed by total strangers. Typical.

Emily was left alone with the four men as the door closed behind the captain and her friend, and she shivered, suddenly feeling very naked. This was going to be a long night.

One of the men cleared his throat and said, “I’m Kell. This here is Dave, Ham and Rock. You belong to us tonight.”

She was far too horny for this. Trying not to say ‘*Just fuck me already*’ took a huge amount of willpower. . *Four* men though? Would it be enough for the leech to leave her? Would she even be able to handle it? She decided she did not care.

Kell’s voice was tinged with concern as he asked, “Are you cold? I’ll fetch you a blanket if you wish.”

She nearly laughed out loud. *No, I want you to fuck me until I scream at you to stop.* Then something dawned on her, “Wait, we’re doing this now?”

“Yes. Four of us are assigned deck duty, so we sleep here. Are you sure you’re not cold?”

The man was concerned with her being *cold*. Maybe they had different views on sex here. She wondered how Nate was doing. For all she knew, *he* was the one getting railed in there. Railing Nate down didn’t seem that bad of a prospect now that she-

Emily took a deep breath, and ignored everything going around her except for the throbbing in her clit. She stopped thinking, got down on her knees and began rubbing awkwardly at two of the men’s crotches. Rock or whoever, she couldn’t bother remembering.

Despite her clumsiness, they got very excited, and soon she was surrounded by four throbbing cocks staring down angrily at her. With a smile, she kissed them on their tips one by one, eliciting groans out of each one. Taking it slowly was perhaps–

She was suddenly grabbed by one of the men, and his dick penetrated her mouth. His scent filled her nostrils, and she moaned with it leaking precum inside of her. Using her tongue to stimulate the crown, she looked up at him. None of them were particularly good-looking, except for maybe Kell, but looking at that face up there woke up something primal in her. She took his cock deeper into her mouth and gargled on it, making him push her even deeper. It was getting difficult to breathe, but one of the men tugged her hair and pulled her out, letting her breathe for a second before taming her and putting his manhood up her mouth as well. This one smelled a lot nicer and was larger as well. She mentally named him ‘big dick’ while she sucked on his cock eagerly. Big Dick stroked her head. What a kind man.

She felt a hand on her bare titty, massaging it. Another hand kneaded the other tit, and someone managed to get his hand under her skirt too, massaging her clit. They failed to notice the leech on her, but she didn’t mind. She could get used to this level of worship.

Soon enough, they pulled her shirt off, and she was laid down on her back on the hard wooden floor. One of them, a really young fellow, straddled her and got his cock between her tits, fucking them as roughly as he could, smearing her chest with precum. Another, she assumed Mr. Smelly Dick got his tongue up her pussy, and she cried out. Big Dick and Kell were content enough to hand her their cocks to please them. *So much for the sanctity of my hands.*

It was very difficult to focus with Mr. Smelly Dick’s tongue work. He was surprisingly good at it. Probably compensating for his shitty cock.

The guy on top of her was a different matter. He was dashing, but had no self control. She thought he was probably around her own age. The others seemed much older, or maybe were just sunburnt beyond reckoning. His thrusts got harder and wilder, and he kneaded her tits roughly, enveloping his cock between them. With a few vicious shoves, he exploded all over her face. She was pushed into an orgasm as soon as the first spurt of cum hit her face. Mr. Smelly Dick lapped on her assiduously while she cried out in delight, clutching the forearms of the tit-fucker. It was amazing, getting painted in cum by a guy who would probably be the same year as her; whose name she couldn’t even remember. As her orgasm died out, the men switched positions, while the one she had drained walked away with a limp penis, presumably to his duties.

They made her stand while Kell lied down on his back this time. Without being told to, she quickly climbed on top of him and gradually impaled herself with his meat, whimpering with each inch.

He grabbed her tits and said, “Good girl.”

Something stirred up from deep within her soul when he said that. Without thinking about it, she answered, “I’m glad Master likes it.”

As soon as she said that, she flustered visibly. What the hell would Nate think once he heard about this? Kell chuckled, clutching her hair and pulling their lips together. He kissed her harshly, while slowly beginning to pound her cunt. Nate was forgotten as soon as he spanked her, making her sigh against his mouth as his rhythm got faster. He had to pull away as a cock appeared in front of her mouth, wanting attention. It was Big Dick. She gave him everything she got, until Mr. Smelly Dick decided to start rubbing her asshole with his dick. She just gasped and lost focus of everything around her. All she could think was the two cocks close to her butt, using her holes for their pleasure and nothing else.

Emily could barely hear the men exclaiming how she was probably an anal virgin. She was utterly stupefied as his crown leaked precum inside of her butt. Ever so slowly, he started to enter her, stretching her out. It was exhilarating beyond anything she had ever experienced. Kell did not relent at all, nor did the guy at her front. She couldn’t pay any attention to it, but he *made* her pay attention. He choked her with it, until she was so senseless that all she could ever feel was the three cocks inside of her pretty body, getting raided as *payment*. All because she couldn’t afford a single, cheap boat ride. It made her orgasm once more, but with her throat enshrouding a thick cock, her moans went unheard.

Smelly Dick had simply buried himself inside her ass, relying on Kell’s thrusts, and her own clenching muscles to provide him stimulation. She felt utterly *full*; it was a feeling she hadn’t thought existed. But with all of them pummeling her like this, it was very hard to deny that she *wanted* to get fucked like this, probably everyday. She wanted to be used until she could no longer walk. And with that, she came once more, gargling around a cock she had met not an hour ago.

They were agonizingly slow about it, but eventually they started finishing inside of her. Smelly Dick at her bum did so first, probably because she was so tight. He sprayed her intestines with his semen, so much so that she was beginning to leak out when he finally pulled out. The motion made her lose control of her breathing and she sucked in some amount of precum, gagging around his cock and trying to push him out so she could breathe. For a second she thought she was going to go unlistened, but the guy relented and pulled out. She breathed as if she had just run a marathon, and before she could even recover, he had crawled over to her ass and was inching his way inside of her. Without a huge dick embedded inside of her throat, she could moan out loud again.

The night was suddenly filled with her whimpering, yelping, and groaning. And Kell’s cock slithering in and out of her vagina. And Big Dick’s groans. He wasn’t as gentle as the first, and tried to fuck her despite her being so tight. It was agonizing but also much more satisfying at the same time, especially because his thick shaft filled her out further.

They increased their pace and exploded inside of her nearly at the same time. Her insides were filled with gooey cum as she rocked with another orgasm. As they went limp inside of her, she realized she wouldn’t even be able to get up. Her head rested on Kell’s chest as he breathed in and out. His soft rhythm calmed her down and she synced their breaths together. She didn’t even notice when she fell asleep.

Emily was very disoriented when she woke up on the hard wooden floor of the ship. For a minute she just listened to the sounds of water rushing by her, pretending someone had left the water on in the shower. She felt peaceful until she heard thuds above. Sailsmen moving about their business. Finally, she opened her eyes. She was apparently below decks, lying on the floor of a tiny room. There was a bed beside her too. Had she fallen off that? She didn’t want to go out. Her nerves were far too taut for that. *I fucked four men at the same time. And they’re still up there.*

There was no way last night had happened. She was slutty but not *this* slutty. She distracted herself from her thoughts by putting her clothes back on, and contemplating her existence. As she examined the new set of clothes left behind her old ones, she noticed the leech was gone. So, her horniness was hers alone now. Wonderful.

Thankfully, the door to the room soon opened, and a very pretty woman looked in, giving her a brief smile and nodding before she left. Emily didn’t know what that was about. Maybe a sailor informing the men that she was up? Great, now she was nervous *and* horny.

However, the woman quickly entered the room again, with a plate of… mush. She handed it to her and said, “I’m Ezra. First mate of The Comfrey. Kell brought you to me last night after cleaning you up. How long has it been since you last ate?”

“Uhm… I ate some berries yesterday…”

Ezra *tsked* and handed her a spoon, “*Berries!* This is very nutritious. Might be a bit hard to eat, but you need it. Your friend is up on the deck. Finish this and you can speak with him.”

She left without another word. The small amount of affection left Emily shook. But it didn’t stop the the mush from tasting horrible.

The sunlight made her squint as she stepped on deck. She covered her eyes and looked around, trying to find Nate. He was standing on the… base of the ship. The last part. The ass. She didn’t know the terms and wondered if she ever would.

Making her way through the bush sailors to Nate, she noticed that he was blessedly clothed, but she could still see his huge dong make a bulge on his new trousers as he turned to face her. She greeted him with, “How was your night?”

He had a tight lipped smile on and answered, “Don’t ask.”


“Just… don’t.”

“That ashamed of getting pegged?”

As he sputtered, one of the sailors approached her and began fumbling with her shirt. She was far too horny to care so she let him grope her while Nate looked away. His clumsiness was sending lightning bolts down her tummy. The man then finally dropped his hands and said, “Do that thing where you take one of your tits out.”


Nate was now looking at her. She was suddenly immensely embarrassed about last night, but she decided to take her nudity in stride. Nodding, she adjusted her shirt until one of her tits was out again. She handed the guy her bra and he skipped off, presumably as a keepsake. The sun felt good on her naked breast. She reveled in it until she heard Nate scoff and say, “You’re enjoying yourself.”

“Of course I am. You should too.”

“It’s not like–”

One of the sailors, a woman, approached them this time. She messed with his trousers, until his pulsating member was also out in the sun, joining her boob. She wondered if the captain even approved of the crew taking liberties like this. Wouldn’t it distract them? But the captain, nor the first mate were on deck, even if the sun was nearly at its apex.

She looked at Nate, who was savoring his nudity. Every female sailor who passed him gave his dick a long look. One of them even made handjob motions at him as she went by. It was still very red, and very poisoned, but maybe the women liked it. The Corruptness, or whatever. On mutual agreement, they decided to walk around the ship.

She was getting her fair share of attention. The men were a lot bolder about how they wanted her. They groped her, smacked her ass, and one of them pushed her against the railing and humped her ass while the others laughed and cheered him on. The women didn’t touch Nate, however. Maybe because he belonged to the captain? Once the man was off her backside, another approached and pulled his trousers down, exposing his dick. He said, “I’ve got a five minute break. Maybe you can help? I’m not as big as your friend, but I can be faster.”

Emily laughed and took his soft cock in her hand, while Nate just sneered. She rolled her eyes at him and gave the sailor a handjob he wouldn’t be able to forget. His hands traveled all around her body as she stroked him blazingly fast, and as he was about to finish, she went down on her knees and gobbled up every drop of warm cum his cock spilled out. It came so naturally to her. Her embarrassment seemed like a thing of the past. Again, without thinking much of it, she pushed his cock out and said, “Thank you Master.”

His cock twitched once more, but he had to go back to his duties. He gave her a peck on the cheeks before leaving. What a gentleman. Unlike Nate who was staring at her with open lust in his eyes. He huffed and said, “So much for the *sanctity of my hands.*”

“What? I’m a sex slave. My hands are no longer pure. They’re vessels to satisfy the men of this vessel.”

“God. Did the leech go away?”

He wanted to find out if it was her or the leech speaking. So be it, “It went away after the men decided they had to fill each of my wet holes with dick. Look, there goes one of them.”

Nate groaned, “Stop messing with me.”

With a laugh, she replied, “Alright, fine. But you can’t expect me to act normal when I’m a sex slave on a foreign ship and there’s a huge cock throbbing right in front of me.”

He took a deep breath and unconsciously thrust his pelvis out, making his dick even more prominent. She didn’t know what exactly he was trying to accomplish with that. With a strained look at her, he shrugged and was about to say something when the door to the cabin opened.

Ezra stepped out in the sun, with a sailor behind her back. She glared at everyone equally, looking exceptionally pretty. Emily was about to ask Nate’s opinion of her when Ezra narrowed her eyes at Nate’s throbbing member and Emily’s exposed tit, making her drop her whatever she was about to say. For a second, Emily thought she was going to shout. But she simply marched over, grabbed Nate’s cock and pulled him inside with it. She promptly returned and began prowling the deck, yelling at anyone who she thought wasn’t being quick enough. After each round of the decks, she stood with Emily and talked.

She asked her questions about the ship, learning nautical terms. Apparently the right side of the ship was a starboard, while the left was a larboard. Stern, bow, fore, aft. Too many terms. Their talk eventually moved to the general world since Nate’s knowledge on that was embarrassingly limited. She was beginning to like this woman.





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