Reborn in Sin Part Two [Dubcon] [Demons] [Mind Control] [FM]

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading my story! I wrote another story taking place in my “Demons Ascendant” series. If you enjoy it, and want to see more of my stuff, then feel free to check out my subreddit at [r/LibraryOfCaine]( or my [blog]( You can also find my entire library of work here on [Smashwords](!

For those who are curious, I present here the chronological order of these stories, now that there’s a complete through line for them:


* [Reborn in Sin Part One](
* [Coffee Break](
* [Collaboration](

ALSO In the coming days (hopefully by the time you lovely folks are reading this) my [Patreon]( will be live! If you’re interested in supporting the creation of my work as well as getting some extra bonuses like content polls, fun and naughty generated art, and even early drafts of my stories as I write them, then I encourage you to head over [here]( and keep an eye for when it comes online!

Anyway, enjoy the story!


Cassandra felt lost as she walked through the halls of the library. Everything felt different, as if every time she had been there before there had been a veil over her eyes. She passed areas an office, hearing multiple voices murmuring and moaning in pleasure. She heard more behind shelves. Under tables. It was everywhere.

It was like a nightmare and a dream come true all at the same time.

This all tapered off, however, as she came to the front. She didn’t know that was where she was supposed to go, but she felt something drawing her, leading her to that place.

Men and women, library staff and patron alike, were kneeling on the ground. Some were naked, others in various states of undress. All were staring down at the ground. Past them, sitting at a study table, turned to face Cassandra with legs crossed, was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.

Her golden hair was up in a tight bun. Her creamy skin was smooth, her regal features flawless. A warm, welcoming smile rested on her full lips. Her piercing eyes belied this—eyes that glowed a piercing blue, radiating a palpable lust even from across the room.

Smooth panty-hose ran down her long legs, running from a skirt just short enough to tease the eye with what lay underneath. Her ample breasts sat proudly atop her chest; large, firm nipples visible beneath her tautly stretched blouse.

Cassandra swallowed as she approached, her eyes locked on those blazing pools of sapphire desire. Feeling herself quiver under that supernatural gaze, Cassandra clenched her hands, forcing herself steady as she stood before this… woman?

“I take it you’re the voice in my head?” Cassandra said, as casually as she could manage.

The woman tilted her head slightly, those eyes peering into her. She could *feel* her… her presence? Her power? Whatever it was, Cassandra could feel flowing over her like some kind of ethereal energy, wrapping itself about her like silk ribbons.

It took all Cassandra had to ignore the dark thoughts that were filling her mind. They weren’t hers. She *knew* they weren’t. She was intimately familiar with the deviant fantasies that played steadily in her mind, and these were of a notably different flavor than the ones rising in her now. They made her want to kneel before this woman. To worship her. To obey her every word.

To offer her very soul to her.

“My name is Sarah Joy,” she said with a voice like satin. “I’m the head librarian here.” Her smile grew slightly. “That, and much more, now.”

“I noticed,” Cassandra said, her throat suddenly dry. “It’s quite the display you have here. I’ve not seen anything like it outside some of the fancier dungeons I’ve been to.”

Sarah Joy laughed, a lovely sound that rose goose-flesh on Cassandra’s arms. “I suppose you would know more than I. This all arose quite recently, and I would be dishonest if I said I wasn’t still getting used to it.”

Cassandra flexed her fingers. “So… You’re controlling their minds,” Cassandra said, barely able to believe it even as she watched it happen.

She glanced at one person in particular—a redhead who knelt to her right, naked save for panties and a bra. “I didn’t even mean to do it at first…” she reached over and caressed the girl’s face. She let out a small moan as the Sara ran her finger along her jawline, panting heavily from the woman’s lightest touch on her skin “…but now I can’t seem to stop myself.”

“It feels too good. Too wonderful. And the truth is, Cassandra, that I need it. Their lust. Their pleasure. Their worship….” With one finger under the girl’s chin, she rose the girl’s face to meet her own. “Their love…”

Without the force of Sarah’s eyes on her, Cassandra could look around more easily. From the girl on the tip of Sarah’s finger to the half-dozen other people kneeling around the room, Cassandra wasn’t sure ‘love’ is what she’d describe as coming off these people…

“What are you?” she said, unable to contain her curiosity. “How is any of this possible?”

“I was human until a short while ago,” Sarah said, letting the girl’s head fall again with some reluctance. Those eyes fell on Cassandra again, and with it returned the force pushing on her psyche. “I’m something else now.”

She hesitated, then sighed. “The word I’ve heard used is ‘demon.’ ‘Succubus.’ They’re just words to me, though. All I know is how this condition has made me feel. What it’s made me desire.” Her eyes glimmered. “And what it’s let me do.”

Cassandra looked around at the people kneeling in complete submission. She could smell the arousal in the air. She would have thought she was going insane if the evidence to the contrary wasn’t all around her, wasn’t sliding along her skin and pushing into her mind…

Finally, it all became too much for Cassandra, and she laughed. “This is great and all, But it’s a bit much in my case, isn’t it?”

Sarah arched a brow, but stayed silent as Cassandra continued. “I mean, you don’t need all this to make me want to fuck. I wanted that long before I walked in here. Hell, I already want it as much as you seem to need me to.”

She grinned. “I’d be happy to fuck you. Fuck for you. Whatever. As sexy as you are, I’d have fucked you in front of all these people even before you got your tentacles around them.”

“I know,” Sarah said in a gentle tone Cassandra found strange.

“So what is it, then? Are you going to… going to,” Cassandra faltered at the words. The thought. As much as she would have liked to be free of this… thing’s grip, it was still right there in her mind, poking around the very core of her psyche. “Going to break me? Or am I… free to go?”

“You’re free to go,” Sarah said. “If you left, I would have to wipe away your memories of all this, of course.”

*If I make it to the morning, I’d likely assume this was some insane fever dream, anyway,* she thought. “But I *can* leave?”

“If you desire,” she rose then, her posture perfect. Her large, hypnotic eyes looked down into her own, and Cassandra felt a sudden surge of lust for this creature who could threaten her very will with a glance or a word. “But I’d like to offer an alternative first.”

The demon stepped towards Cassandra, her hips swaying with each step, her ample breasts straining the fabric of her blouse. She stepped close enough for her scent to fill Cassandra’s nose; flowers, vanilla, cinnamon, all overlaid by the subtle musk of desire.

That close, swathed in her aura, she felt ready to give everything up. Cast it all away for the heavenly release of total submission to this being. To her beauty. To her lusting need. It took everything she had to hold on to herself.

“I have… another type of desire. Something new that’s only arose in the past few days…”

Cassandra could feel Sarah’s heat. Could hear her breathing. She saw the demon bite her lower lip slightly. “I’ve been fighting it. Just like I tried… to fight my other desires, at first. But maybe this is finally my chance to learn my lesson. To *stop* fighting what I am…”

“I don’t understand…” Cassandra said, her voice small, her body quivering under the demon’s radiant aura of lust.

“I didn’t… I didn’t choose to become this. I’ve had to reconcile with it. Come to terms with it. Mourn who I was and let that version of myself go. But you…” she laughed, a sound barely above her breath. “You’re… already there.”

Cassandra’s mind raced. “Wh-what are you saying?”

Sarah pressed her hand to Cassandra’s cheek. Even that light caress made Cassandra gasp. It was like pure bliss flowed from her very touch. She kept from moaning, but only just barely.

“I would never call… what I am a gift… but for you, maybe it would be. Would you like my gift, Cassandra? Would you like to be what I am?”

Understanding hit Cassandra like a truck. She wanted to pull away from Sarah’s hand, but she couldn’t. It felt too good, far past the limits of her straining willpower.

“Y-you can’t ask me th-that,” Cassandra said, her stomach falling. Her heart racing. She could never imagine. Never dream of being like that. Having that kind of desire. That kind of… that kind of…


Cassandra shuddered. Sarah’s hand slid down her neck, tracing a line of ecstasy as it went. “I want to show you something, Cassandra…”

*This is my last chance,* she thought. *My last chance to walk out of here even close to the same way I walked in.*

*Is that what you want, Cassandra? To stay the same?* Sarah’s voice seeped into her mind. *Or… do you want more?*

Seconds passed. Minutes. Cassandra’s own thoughts felt lost to her. Abstract. Alien. When her lips opened, she said the only words that were in her heart. “Show me.”


Sarah Joy’s office was quite nice, befitting a head librarian for the city’s main branch. Bookshelves. Warm lighting. Wide windows. A large lacquered desk.

Most offices of this sort, though, did not include a fit young man kneeling on the floor with his hands bound behind him, a leather mask covering his face, and a massive, purple-tinged erection rising out from his kneeling body like an sinful obelisk of lust.

“This is Harry, my former assistant and current… pet,” Sarah said, her fingers caressing the shiny leather hood that wholly obscured his face and left him completely blind. He moved, lightly, against her touch as she pet him.

“I… lost control with him. It was the first time I’d fed. I… didn’t know what was happening. I’m afraid there isn’t much left of him anymore. What remains serves me completely and without question.”

The man’s cock throbbed and twitched to Sarah’s touch in a way that reminded Cassandra of a loyal dog wagging its tail. The idea alarmed and aroused her in equal measure. “Why are you showing me this?”

“Because Harry is going to help me give you your choice.” Those eyes bore into Cassandra; burned inside her. But then, abruptly, she looked away, leaving Cassandra momentarily breathless.

“I meant what I said. You can leave if you wish. You can walk out the doors of my library—my lair—and these memories will fade the second your foot hits the outside pavement.”

Cassandra’s breath came in slow, panting breaths. “And if I choose… to stay?”

“You’ll learn… learn like I did. Grow, like I did. Hunger forever more, like I do. You’ll spread your influence—your corruption—to all those you look upon, and it will feel…”

Sarah shook. Her nipples large, hard points beneath her blouse. The wave of her arousal hit Cassandra, and she almost came from the power erotic energies flowing off her. “It will feel beyond anything you can ever imagine.”

Cassandra took a deep breath. She forced herself to look into Sarah Joy’s eyes. Forced herself to endure the burning lust her gaze induced. “What do I have to do?”

Sarah’s eyes glimmered. “Come here. Come here and kiss me.”

Cassandra gave one last look at the door behind her. Her last chance to leave. To escape. To live a normal, regular life. To teach. The skulk in the background with her secret lusts and hidden degeneracy.

To grow bored. To fade. To settle.

Casandra turned away from the door. She swallowed her fear, stifled her panic, and approached the demon.

Sarah was waiting for her, a smile across her lips, her arms held open wide. Cassandra fell into them, into the scent of cinnamon and flowers, into the warmth that radiated with a dark, penetrating lust that sank into the corners of her mind and the depths of her soul.

It felt familiar. It felt right.

She pressed her lips to Sarah’s, felt their tongues move to meet one another. Instantly, she knew it wasn’t normal. More than just the touch of her flesh. Cassandra felt the demon’s saliva tingle and burn as it mixed with hers; felt it seep into her flesh. Like a poison. A poison that was already working to change her. Transform her.

*If we stopped here,* Sarah sent into her mind as their tongues still mingled. *You would be my servant. A vessel to fill with lust and pleasure from which I would feed.*

Cassandra couldn’t respond. Couldn’t think. Her thoughts had been overtaken by lust, desire—a hunger that left her wanting more. Needing more. She could feel her thoughts slipping away. Her cares slipping away. This wouldn’t be so bad, would it? A pleasure slave for an immortal goddess?

Sarah broke the kiss, lines of her sex-poison saliva linking their tongues as she pulled away. Cassandra felt suddenly empty without Sarah inside her.

“But we’re not stopping here,” Sarah said, her thumb caressing Cassandra’s lips.

She walked over to Harry. The empty slave Harry. The mindless fuck-toy Harry.

*I could be that. She could make me that if I asked. If I begged…*

As she walked, her hands slide between her thighs. Cassandra watched with boundless need as Sarah’s skirt slid up from one hand as the other found the dark temple of her sex. She gave a soft sigh as her fingers sank into her glistening wetness, the juices gushing down onto her fingers.

“There’s… aaah…. there’s so many ways to do this,” Sarah said gently as she finger-fucked herself. “I was going to pick another of my staff when… when I could no longer fight this need to spread… to spread what I am.”

Her hips moved softly with her movements, and in just a few seconds Cassandra felt the demon cum, felt it like a wave that left her steps away from becoming undone. From losing everything.

*No. You won’t.* Cassandra felt Sarah’s power hold tightly to her. Instead of inflaming her passions, though, it somehow cooled them. She felt her thoughts come back to her, felt herself come back to her, if only somewhat.

*You make this choice not as my toy. Not as my servant. But as* ****you*****.* She held up fingers oozing with her nectar. Panting, half delirious, Cassandra could swear she saw the swirling darkness wreathing Sarah like a living cloak of writhing shadow around the young woman’s body.

Those shadows were in the dripping juices on Sarah’s fingers, making them seem black as ink. Black as midnight.

She held those dripping fingers over Harry’s throbbing member, let her dark nectar dribble down onto it. He jerked, his moans muffled as his cock throbbed and swelled even farther to the point Cassandra through it might explode.

His hips gyrated softly into the air, his cock pulsing like some kind of living thing. His muffled voice was nonsensical. Mindless.

Sarah stepped back from her pet, sliding her skirt back down. “My gift is in him, now.” Her smile was dark. Alien. “If you want it, Cassandra. You’ll need to take it from him.”

And then, like the flicking of a switch, everything seemed to pull away. She knew, somehow, that Sarah had withdrawn all her influence from her, left her completely alone in her own mind. It was only in that sudden absence that Cassandra truly realized how deeply the succubus had penetrated into her thoughts, how deeply her control had penetrated.

She shuddered, still feeling the effects of her saliva. The kiss seemed to have melted into her brain; ran down into every one of her erogenous zones, making them so sensitive even the touch of her clothes was leaving her painfully aroused.

*Fuck… I could leave like this and…* she whimpered, her aching sex feeling so demanding between her legs. *And… be a happy little slut just like this…*

Her eyes drifted to the door one last time. One last consideration. Cassandra ran through her reason. Looked deep into her depraved, perverted soul.

She knew what she wanted.

She stripped her clothes as she walked to where Harry awaited her. First her blouse, hanging loose off her shoulders, falling around her waist and breasts, revealing their roundness in all their glory. Then she unzipped her skirt, letting it drop past her hips with a swish of cloth, feeling the air caress her sensitized skin with such an intensity of sensation she moaned with delight.

Cassandra paused to look at herself in the large mirror that hung on the wall. At her lovely naked body. Stared at herself ample mounds and slender waist and lusciously curved hips for the last time as a mortal, and smiled.

Then, with slow, deliberate steps, Cassandra strolled toward Sarah’s pet, his cock twitching before her like a living thing begging for attention. His breathing labored, he stared up blindly in her direction, whimpering with need. The need to be fucked.

He reeked of lust. Of desire.

Cassandra rested her hands on the man’s shoulders, and he went still, all save for his throbbing shaft. She could feel Sarah’s eyes on her. Her eyes, but not her power. This was to be Cassandra’s doing. Completely and utterly.

“Guess you get pop my demon cherry, you sad little man,” she whispered softly as she lowered down to him, letting her tits slide along his flesh. “I can’t wait.”

Cassandra’s pussy pressed against Harry’s shaft, rubbing it gently. Its very touch caused her sex to heat in a way she’d never felt before. She let out a soft gasp as she felt herself opening in anticipation of what was to come.

She slid her hands up to grasp his leather enclosed head, feeling the smooth sensation on her fingers. Then—with a wide, wicked smile—she sank down onto Harry’s thick, swollen cock. He cried out, his body shuddering under her as she sunk fully onto him with one fluid movement; taking every inch of his length inside her hungry core.

The unnatural feeling was instantaneous. The feeling of something coating her inner channel. Of something seeping through her hot, sensitive walls. Her eyes rolled involuntarily as she felt it suffusing her. This wasn’t some poison meant to make her a horny mess. This was something different. Something supernatural.

She shuddered, her hips grinding on the man’s meaty member, trying to make sure every bit of Sarah’s dark, transformative juices got soaked up inside her.

She wanted it. She wanted it all.

“Fuck. Yes,” she hissed as she began pumping away, riding his member slowly at first and then picking up pace until she slammed down hard enough that both of them groaned in unison. “Fuck. Fuck. Yes!”

She caught Sarah watching with gleaming eyes as Cassandra rode her pet’s cock with skillful ease. What was her expression? Contentment? Affection? Regret?

Cassandra looked away. She didn’t care. She could feel something shifting inside her already. It felt like her insides were churning. Like something was cracking, popping in some part of her she couldn’t describe and never even knew existed. It felt like arms pushing through some kind of barrier… except that her arms were still right here, holding onto Harry’s leather bound skull as she fucked him—and herself—senseless.

The intensity grew till time itself seemed to slip away. Seconds seem to pass. Seconds and an eternity. She felt herself expanding. Flowing out into that place she had no name for. The experience was beyond exquisite. Like being penetrated, but in reverse, with so many feelings and thoughts and sensations piling on top of her.

In that moment, Cassandra understood. She had never had sex before. Not truly. Not like this. It was more than Harry’s fat cock driving into her back walls over and again. There was something else. Every cell in her body was changing. Reordering its very nature to *feel* everything. Every movement. Every touch.

And there was something new. Something dark and flowing. Something *outside*. And she could *see* it, see it with eyes that hadn’t been there moments ago. Eyes inside her *mind*. She saw her flowing shadows writhe out, moving in directions and spaces that she had never knew existed, flowing to meet Sarah’s own dark, demonic shadows. They mingled. Embraced. Cassandra felt Sarah smile.

More shadows came, sliding over poor Harry. She found his mind. His soul. It was almost hollow now, replaced with a vast pool of lusting energy that Cassandra saw inside him.

She dipped her shadowy tendrils into that hollowed out part of Harry, slid them deep down into him, and fed off the lust bubbling up out of him. She felt it flow into her. Charging her. Igniting her. Solidifying what she had become.

And there, in that instant, Cassandra climaxed into her new demonic form, exploding around Harry’s thick, throbbing cock like a starburst. Her inner muscles pulsed and contracted as her dark tendrils writhed and erupted, all thrusting into Harry’s inner form to suck away his lust, his pleasure. She heard his muffled screams of pleasure, both from his gagged mouth and his drained mind. When his cock began shooting spunk up into her pussy like a broken fire hydrant, she let out a cackling, triumphant laughter, one dripping with demonic ecstasy.

She savored each shuddering pulse between her thighs; relished every staccato moan that spilled forth from her lips. Cassandra had become what she was always meant to be. A being of pure, unbridled sexual desire… no longer stifled by mortal limits or inhibitions. Fully unleashed—and wholly alive.


Ellen checked her watch. Just fifteen minutes till closing. She let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long day. And this last hour had been so very strange.

What had normally been a bustling evening crowd and thinned out to just a few people, and then, finally, with the last two couples paying their tabs and leaving, there had only been one person left in the entire restaurant.

“Isn’t that weird?” Ellen said to her friend Page, who had just brought in the plates from the last leaving group. “Have you ever seen the floor this dead?”

Page scratched her head, a strange look in her eyes. “Your person’s still there, right?”

Ellen glanced back to the floor to the restaurant’s one remaining patron, sitting at a small table next to the window.

“Maybe she’ll be a good tipper?” Page said with a weak, distant laugh.

Ellen felt strange walking through the empty restaurant to see to her last customer. Even more so because she was so… so…

The woman turned and smiled at Ellen as she approached. Her dark curls fell about her shoulders, contrasting with her pale skin sharply. Her green eyes were so vibrant, brighter than any she’d ever seen. They almost seemed to glow…

“I hope everything has been good for you?” she said with her practiced, chipper tone.

“It was quite wonderful, thank you,” the woman said. Ellan shuddered at hearing her voice. What was it about it? It wasn’t unpleasant, quite the opposite. But it did something to Ellen. It seemed to vibrate down to her very core.

With hands she didn’t realize were shaking, she took the woman’s salad plate away. She reached to take her wineglass, and the woman stopped her, resting her slender fingers over her wrist.

A soft gasp escaped Ellen’s lips. Her touch… why did her touch feel so… so *good*?

“I was actually wondering if there’s time to get one more glass of wine?” the woman asked, her ruby red lips spreading into a soft grin.

“Y-yes,” she stammered. “Of course.”

Ellen felt herself flush as she walked away. What was wrong with her? The girl was cute, sure. Beautiful, actually. But that was no reason to get stupid all of a sudden.

Even if she was the most beautiful woman Ellen had ever seen…

Ellen looked back at the woman who still sat at her table, sipping at her wineglass. Her skin seemed radiant in the moonlight from the window. Just standing there staring at her made Ellen feel like something was coming loose inside her…

Ellen hurriedly set about getting the wine, her mind whirling. Who was this person? Where had she come from? Why couldn’t she shake this strange compulsion to look at her, stare at her?

Think about her naked…

She stifled a moan as she imagined looking between those pale legs and seeing that perfect pussy glistening before her eyes. How would it feel to bury her face in it, licking her juicy snatch until she came gushing all over her eager face?

Ellen coughed, shaking her head to dislodge the thought. She couldn’t be thinking thoughts like that. She had a girlfriend!

She didn’t want to take the wine to the woman. Something inside her was scared. Afraid. Why was she feeling such strange things? This woman was just a customer!

But when she pulled her mind back, she realized she had somehow walked back to the woman without even realizing it, had been pouring her wine as if her body had been on autopilot.

“Thank you,” the woman said, her smile growing. “Can I ask you a question, Ellen?”

“O-of course,” she stammered.

“Do you remember me?”

She blinked. “I’m afraid not, ma’am.”

“It was just a few days ago. You served me and a boring couple who wouldn’t shut the fuck up. It was annoying, because it made it difficult for me to focus on admiring your lovely body.”

Ellen broke out into a nervous laugh, a laugh that, in part, was to distract herself from the rising heat between her thighs. “I’m afraid not, ma’am… oh, wait, I think I do. You…” she swallowed. “You look different now, somehow…”

“I’ve gone through some… personal growth the past few days.” She took a sip of her wine. “It’s done me a universe of good.” Her lips spread into a broad grin; something about it seemed strangely feline. Almost predatory.

“So, why did you stop here tonight? Did you really come back to see me?”

The woman sat her glass down. “Maybe I did, Ellen. Would that bother you?”

It should. She knew it should. But it didn’t. It excited her. This beautiful woman… this… this goddess had come back for her…

“N…no ma’am.” Ellen was finding it hard to find words suddenly.

The woman stared at her for a long time. Stared *into* her. It was like she could feel those eyes running over her skin. Pushing into her very soul.

“Can I ask you something, Ellen? Something maybe a little… crazy?”

Ellen opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She couldn’t think of anything beyond those perfect, lovely lips. Lips moving hypnotically with each word the woman spoke. She found herself nodding. It was all she *could* do.

Those glowing green eyes peered into Ellen’s. “I want to take you home with me, Ellen. I want to get to know you better.”

“K-know me better?”

“Yes,” the woman laughed lightly. “Inside and out.”

Images flooded Ellen’s mind… images of them together, naked. Their bodies pressed against each other as they kissed and touched… of her sliding her legs open and letting the woman lick her pussy till her mind melted away with pleasure.

Her voice dry, she forced herself to say, “I’m… I’m afraid I have a g-g-girlfriend, ma’am…”

“Oh?” the raven haired goddess said. “Is she as beautiful as you?”

“Yes.” The answer was automatic, coming before Ellen could even think.

“Lovely. Bring her, too.” Her red lips curved up into a wicked smirk that showed off her pearly white teeth.

She took another sip of wine while the words burned into Ellen’s mind. Both of them? That… that would be all right then, wouldn’t it? If they were both there. Naked. Worshipping this woman. Giving her everything. Serving her unconditionally….

A soft moan escaped Ellen’s lips as the naughty fantasies kept popping up in her mind, one after another after another. She’d never been this horny before. It felt very, very strange…

“What do you say?” the goddess purred, standing from her chair with catlike grace. “I could take you and your girlfriend, and fuck you both so hard and so well, it’ll be the only thing you ever want to do ever again…”

Ellen wanted that. Wanted that more than she had ever wanted anything in the world. “Wh-what if my girlfriend says no?”

“Just tell her you taking her to meet a new friend. She’ll come around.” The goddess reached up and pet Ellen’s cheek, making her shudder. “I promise.”

She slid her hand down Ellen’s arm, and when she looked down, a card was in her hand. A card with an address. “Bring her tonight. I want to make you both mine by tomorrow. You want that, don’t you Ellen? You want me to turn you and your girlfriend into fuck-toys, right?”

Ellen nodded, tears stinging at the corners of her eyes. She wanted it so much it hurt.

“Good girl,” the woman said, stroking her hair. Then, she leaned in, her lips just over her ear. “Before you go, pet, pull down your shorts and panties. I want to see the cute pussy I own now.”

Ellen didn’t hesitate; she quickly slid her shorts down, hooking her thong with it to show her goddess the body she now owned.

She smiled as she admired Ellen’s cunt. “Very cute, pet. Make sure you shave it before tonight, though. I like them smooth.”

“Yes, goddess,” Ellen heard herself say.

“We’ll do your girlfriend tonight as well. After she’s been properly convinced.”

Ellen felt her pussy heating from her goddess’s words, and her attention. She was already imagining her lovely girlfriend. Of showing her how perfect their new goddess was. Of both of them learning how to worship with their mouths and her pussies together. It would be so wonderful.

She couldn’t wait.

