The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.5


Monday morning Jennifer was sitting at her desk, when Will stuck his head in her open doorway.

“Jennifer,” he said. “How are you?”

“Hi Will,” she replied. “I’m good thanks. You?”

“Fine, although I’m a bit tired. I only flew in last night.”

Jennifer was itching to tell someone about her encounter the previous week with Jill. She didn’t know Will that well, although she had fucked the hell out of him in Paris, but she had to get it off her chest. They had formed some sort of bond. She certainly didn’t love him, but the intimacy they had shared felt natural, something she hoped she would experience again.

“Will, I need to talk to you, have you got a few minutes to spare?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Come in and shut the door, I don’t want anyone else to hear this.”

Will closed the door behind him and took a seat across from Jennifer at her desk.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, a worried expression on his face.

“Oh yes, everything’s fine,” she reassured him. “Great actually.”

“Alright, I’m all ears.”

Jennifer told Will in great detail her encounter with Jill the previous week. She left nothing out, she wasn’t ashamed of what she had done. She told him of her obsessive search and the discovery that her only real clue, was that Jill had red hair. She did, however, leave out the fact that she called out his name while she fucked herself with a wine bottle. Some things are meant to stay private.

When Jennifer was finished her story, Will sat back and crossed his legs, probably attempting to conceal the bulge in his pants that didn’t go unnoticed, although she never let on.

“With as little as red hair to go on, I believe I can help,” he said. “Let me make a call.”

Will reached over and started dialling her office phone but paused, “Why ‘Jill’?” He made air quotes as he said the name.

“Short for jilling, I thought it was appropriate under the circumstances,” she answered.

“Clever, very clever.” Will finished dialling and waited.

On the third ring someone answered.

“Franklin? It’s Will Davis,” he said.

“Yes, good, but I’m glad to be home.”

Jennifer listened to the one sided conversation for a couple minutes with no clue what was going on.

“Listen Franklin, I’m here with Jennifer Stokes. Could you send down the Peterson file, we need to go over some things. That’s great, thanks Franklin.”

Will hung up the phone and said, “Now we wait.”

“Wait for what? The Peterson file? What has that got to do with finding Jill?” she demanded.

“Just wait and we’ll see,” he replied. “Frank Evens up in accounting hired a new assistant a while back. I think I remember someone saying she,” he emphasized the word she, “has red hair. If I’m right, this is your Jill.”

Ten minutes they waited – ten long nerve wracking minutes for Jennifer – before someone knocked on her door.

“Come in,” she said.

When the door opened, Jennifer knew instantly that it was her. The hair was the same, but it was the shoes that gave it away.

The woman standing in her doorway was around 5’5″ with a slim but not skinny figure. Her breasts were larger than Jennifer’s but by how much was hard to tell. Jill’s porcelain skin had only a few small freckles here and there, and her beautiful red hair hung down in wavy curls about 6 inches past her shoulder. Her most striking feature was her brilliant blue eyes.

Will stood and introduced both himself and Jennifer.

“Nice to meet you both, I’m Tess. Tess O’Brien. I have the Peterson file you asked for Mr. Davis,” she said, and handed it to him.

“Will is fine,” he told her.

“Okay, Will,” she said.

She shook his hand first, but hardly gave him a second glance. This happened a lot to him. Will Davis might look likea regular average guy, but Tess didn’t know about the ten inches of hard, fat cock, he kept hidden in his pants the way Jennifer did.

Tess turned to Jennifer and extended her hand. When their skin touched Jennifer felt flushed and woozy for a moment, and may have held her grasp a little too long before she let go.

There was an uncomfortable pause that Tess broke by saying, “If that’s all, I have to get back to work. Again, it was nice to meet you.” With that Tess scurried out of the office.

When the door closed, Will started laughing.

“Real smooth,” he teased her. “I think you scared her away.”

“Oh, I’m so embarrassed,” Jennifer said as she put her face in her hands.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will be fine,” he said, barely keeping it together.

Jennifer just glared at him. Will raised his hands and apologized, “I’m sorry. I actually do think it will be okay.” He looked right at her, his smile fading. “She is cute though,” he added. “I wonder if she’s a real redhead.”

Dead serious, Jennifer said, “I’ll let you know.”

“Oh Jennifer,” Will said, “You’re naughty.”

Jennifer opened her desk drawer, reached in and pulled out a small white box with a red ribbon tied around it. She tossed it to Will as she said,”Very.” He caught it, looked at it, then shook it.

“It’s empty,” he said. “Does that mean?….”

“Yes, it does.”

“Well, well, well.”

“Why are you so surprised?” she asked. “You gave it to me.”

“I think I’ve created a monster,” he said jokingly.

Her reply was a sarcastic smile.

“This reminds me,” he said as he set the box on her desk. “I’m hosting another party in two weeks, maybe you can bring Tess and we’ll introduce her to Eve.”

At the mention of Eve’s name Jennifer sat a little straighter in her chair. While she would love to see what Eve would do with Tess, Jennifer felt a bit possessive about Eve.

Remembering the things that woman had done to her made her shiver.

Will could see the way Jennifer reacted when he mentioned Eve.

“She asked about you, you know,” he said.



“Eve asked about me?” Jennifer said with more enthusiasm than she intended.

“She wanted to know if you would be at this party, and if your offer still stands,” Will said.

Jennifer repeated the words she had said that night in Paris, “Any time.”

“I’m sure she’ll be pleased to hear that,” he said. “Well, I should be getting back to work too.”

“Thanks for your help Will,” she said, kissing him on the cheek.

“Glad to help,” he said. “Good luck, I think you might need it.”

With that, he left her to her thoughts. Jennifer leaned back in her leather chair, her mind already working. She had some serious planning to do and not much time to do it.
