Playing with Fire [Part II] [M39/F41] [Cock Worship] [Risque Behavior]

[Part I](

The morning came markedly quicker for Tyler. He had waken up in a similar position as the one he had gone to sleep. The small digital alarm clock next to him displayed an ungodly time of 6:03 am. 3 hours of sleep? 4? Whatever it was, it wasn’t enough.

He knew the next few hours. They were always the same after a heavy night of drinking: inexplicably waking up hours after going to sleep, staying up long enough for food, then sleeping until the next Olympic games. There was no fighting it, so breakfast was in his future.

Pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, he stumbled down the hall and towards the dining hall. Fresh pancakes, fruit, and the largest size glass of orange juice he was legally allowed was a good start. Seeing Courtney and Alex pulling up chairs across from him was an excellent follow up.

“You dead?” Alex joked.

“Dude…” was all Tyler could muster before taking his glass of orange juice down about half way. “I remember…were we singing Taylor Swift?”

“Yes you were,” Courtney answered. She had looked more sheepish than normal. The smile she normally wore was almost hidden.

“I…didn’t know that I knew any Taylor Swift lyrics.”

“I’ve got good news…you still don’t.”

Tyler laughed. “Well that’s good news.” He nibbled away at his pancakes before pouring a glass of ice water and took it all back in several long pulls. The water beaded off his beard and ran chaotic routes down his neck and under his hoodie. Courtney watched his neck muscles constrict and relax with each swallow. It was rhythmic…somehow…powerful.

Firmly slamming the glass down, Tyler took a deep breath and rubbed his temples. “Jesus Christ…I think I’m at least 30% Stella Artois.” Alex laughed, while Courtney missed the joke entirely. She had been lost in thought. “I’m going to finish this food and head back to my room and sleep until…”he waved his hand dismissively, “yeah…until then. Wake me if anything cool happens.”

Standing up, Courtney caught herself experiencing a brief bit of joy. She was positive last night was a mistake. Just a mixture of too much alcohol, a trick from the lights of the room, maybe the surprise of seeing Tyler in his boxers…anything. She had to have been mistaken.

Standing to his feet, Tyler removed all doubt from her mind. He was packing head. She barely caught the movement of it under his sweatpants, but the outline was there. Courtney pursed her lips and looked back at her husband, who was himself emptying a glass of water.

Courtney looked around. They were alone.

“Babe? Do you remember that…talk we had? About…spicing things up?” she said bashfully.

“Yeah, why? Want to revisit it?” Alex asked. He didn’t seem concerned with why she was bringing it up now, which Courtney took as a win.

“…well…yeah, kind of.” She played with her food a bit before looking up and placing her hand on Alex’s thigh. “How do you feel?”

Alex took a moment to chew his food and mull around a few thoughts in his head. “I’m okay with it,” Courtney contained her excitement, though only just. “Remember the rules we had spoken about…”

Courtney nodded. “Everything remains a secret, nothing that requires protection.”

Alex nodded. Courtney smiled.

After breakfast, Alex returned to their room to sleep off the remaining hangover. Courtney had other plans, and under the guise of giving him peace and quiet to sleep she made her way up to Tyler’s room.

She hesitated slightly before knocking on the door. Her heart was racing. The door swung open, and there Tyler stood. Still wearing the same shirt as before, only now he was back in his boxer briefs and on full display.

“Oh, Courtney…yeah, come in. Everything okay?” he asked.

She quickly walked in, sneaking one last glance before sitting next to the TV on the cabinet. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I…just wanted to ask you if you remember anything about last night. After I walked you home.”

Tyler’s face turned white. “Oh shit…did I? I hope I didn’t…like, do anything.”

“Oh no no!” Courtney jumped in, reassuring. “No, I…well…” Her words were failing her. How could she possibly find the right ones to ask such a ridiculous question. “Listen…” Tyler was now sitting on the bed across from her with a worried look on his face. “I need to ask you something, and I need you to promise that it stays in this room.”

Tyler nodded, though his expression didn’t change.

“Ok…Alex and I…well, we have a…how to put this…agreement. Basically, we want to try opening….our relationship up.” Tyler’s expression was now more dubious than concerned. Courtney sighed. There was no way around it, better to go through it. “Would you be okay…if we fooled around?”

“Fooled…around…Like….” now Tyler was at a loss for words. “You’re joking? I think? I’m…so lost right now. When? Why me? For what?”

“All good questions,” Courtney answered. “I’ll be honest…it was this morning when I was helping you into bed and I…saw it. I’ve been thinking about…it…and…” she was somehow being more vague. She cursed herself under her breath. “I want to…”

Tyler stopped her. “You want to suck my dick.”

The tone of his voice, so sharp and authoritative, Courtney wished it was only the last three words. She blushed and nodded.

He took a deep breath and looked around the room. “Look…this…” He ran his fingers through his hair and scratched at his arms. “I’m flattered. But wouldn’t it be weird? I mean, with Alex? I know I’ve admitted to doing some kinky stuff, but…God, I don’t know.”

“It’s okay,” Courtney said, trying to mask her disappointment. “Like I said, everything would stay between us. Both this conversation and…anything else that might happen.”

Tyler nodded softly, looking around. “Look, I’m still like 20% beer right now. Could I…I don’t know…think about it?” That was a much more positive answer than she thought he was going to give her. She nodded. “Thanks. I’ll…catch up with you guys later.” Courtney walked out of the room. She thought she caught Tyler taking a second glance at her ass she she left, so she made sure to pull her shirt up slightly to give him a better look. She looked back at him, winked, and walked out the door.

Tyler awoke to the sound of pouring rain against his window, and in a moment he was thankful. Maybe this meant they would be staying indoors for a little while longer, long enough for him to pull his head together. Courtney’s question was still fresh on his mind. He couldn’t deny attraction to her. But…

Picking up his phone, he checked the group text. Mostly filled with memes and GIFs telling the story of how badly hungover everyone was, the decision was made to meet up in the hot tub. Which was just fine by Tyler.

Dropping his towel off next to the rest of the group’s pile, Ryan made his way over. He locked eyes with Courtney, who smile as the rest of the group welcomed him in. Her eyes ran back over his body, once again taking time to outline his…shape. He sat down next to her and sunk chest deep into the water, soon joined by Ryan and Rachel.

The conversation picked up where the left last night, minus the improvised Taylor Swift lyrics. The hot tub jets were running full blast, turning the water in an infinite display of bubbling water. Tyler was distracted by his own thoughts to take part in the conversation, he had a decision to make. Gently taking Court’s hand under the water, he guided it to his lap. Courtney shifted slightly but knew what he was offering. Not the full access she had hoped for, but she would take it.

She took her time, stroking the length of it from the base, up the shaft, and to the head. He still had his swim suit on, but she could still pick out every dimple. Resting her palm on it, she closed her hand as much as she could. It was almost the exact size of one of her toys. Only her toy didn’t throb and pulsate at her touch.

Tyler shift his feet slightly as he came to grips with the situation, only to find he was okay with it. It’s what Courtney wanted, Alex had approved, so why not? And it was just then he felt her hand guiding his between her thighs.

He wasted no time and slid her bikini bottoms aside and began to massage and caress her pussy. Sliding his fingertip over its length, the then moved it inside her pussy. Even in the hot tub, he could tell she was practically dripping wet. Her stroking got more apparent as he stroked and massaged her clit, hidden by the turbulent water of the tub.

Suddenly, Ryan and Alex stood. “Beer run. Coming Tyler?”

His fingers immediately shot from Courtney’s pussy, and her hand the same off his cock. “Sure, more beer. I was thinking I was starting to sober up, we can’t let that happen.”

With a laugh he stood up, though he didn’t quite think it through. Courtney’s actions only served to get the blood pumping to his dick, which was now getting hugged by his swimsuit. There was no turning back now.

He caught Courtney’s eye as he wrapped a towel around himself and threw a shirt on. Walking past the hot tub, he caught Courtney’s glance one more time, though he could have swore she and Rachel were giggling about something…



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