The Hotel Room

The sharp knock at the door was unexpected enough to make her body instinctually jump in reaction to the unfamiliar sound. She had been lazing in a tank top and short drawstring shorts in her icy cold hotel room, having enjoyed a long, luxuriously hot shower after her continuous drive up, giving not a moment’s thought to the energy consumption of such a pleasure when the piercing sound split her serene quiet.

“What the hell…” she trailed off as she approached her door irritated, yet cautiously. A lone woman all alone in a hotel room was a ripe fruit, flesh fresh for teeth, and she grew up in Atlanta, knowing never to trust her environment entirely. She peered out through the peephole in her door and simply gasped in shock and awe as the face staring back at her was a good friend of many years, and one she had not seen in so long.
She hurriedly removed the door chain from its safety track and unlocked the door at the sight of his familiar face.

“What is he doing here…?” her mind raced as her fingers fumbled quickly with the hotel safety latch. She had only told him of her visit in passing conversation, certainly not expecting him to be standing on the other side of her door.

“Gregory…??” she gasped as he strode in the moment the door cracked, his dark form passing as almost a blur. He was dressed in dark clothes and brown hat, strongly reminiscent of the times they’d played cards together, and it was all she could do to keep from squeaking out her surprise at his haste.

Without a single word, he walked in, turned, shut and locked the door gently, then turned back to her – his eyes blazing with a ferocity that she had never seen before – dark, brooding, HUNGRY – like a predator that had not eaten in weeks, rendering her instantly captive. His eyes met with hers and in an instant he was against her, his body pressing the full length of hers against the hotel wall, and his lips upon hers in one of the most passionate embraces she had ever experienced, and her eyes fluttered closed as she momentarily forgot the “how” and the “why” of the world – all she knew, all she could know, was him.

The kiss he drew from her was deep, complex, and impoverished, like a man that had never kissed before. Bringing her arms to drape around his neck for stability as she felt her knees go weak, she threw caution to the wind and kissed him back, returning the same heat and ferocity she was given.

They had met just by happenstance years ago, instantly grabbing her attention as he had walked in the store. A tall, handsome man with kind, gentle eyes and a warm albeit shy personality, they had become friends and it was only after she had moved away that it was revealed that her interest in him had been mutual; potential that had never been given the chance to be explored. But now here he stood, the bulge in his pants growing as he slowly ground his pelvis against hers. She felt the cold of the cheap plaster behind her and all else in the world seemed to melt away under his body heat. Everything about him was a delicious honey pot, overflowing and ready for some poor soul to come get caught in it. And this time, she was the willing and eager fly.

Her fingers played against the muscles of his shoulders and back, as she felt dizzy against the passion flooding from him. After but a single sip, she felt absolutely intoxicated, drunk on his energy, as he momentarily loosened his grip on her and she became aware of the world around her. This moment was all too brief as his left hand planted itself against the base of her throat, firm, but not uncomfortable. A breathy gasp escaped her and her eyes glazed over with carnal lust under the heat of his gaze. She knew she would not – could not – deny him what he so clearly sought, and in that moment, she released all of herself to be consumed by his fire. In that moment, she was warm clay, begging to be kneaded, to be directed into shape and form, function and purpose. Her pupils dilated and her head reeled, her bodily strength giving way, and his arms caught her weight, keeping her exactly where he wanted her against him.

A dangerous and approving smirk crossed his features at her reactions as he gently caressed the pounding pulse under his thumb.

“Knees. Now.”. Two simple words, yet they struck her like a lightening bolt to the center of her being, where she was most vulnerable, and most submissive. She felt her knees give way as she slid down the wall, her eyes becoming parallel with his pant zipper. With hazy vision, she stripped him of his pants and boxers, not caring where they landed on the floor, releasing his strong shaft inches from her face. Her lips trembled and her mouth watered as she slipped her tongue over the head, then slid her lips slowly down the entire length of his pulsing shaft, the head of his cock nestled somewhere in her throat. And she let it linger there as long as he desired, as long as oxygen stayed in her blood.

With a pleased growl, he withdrew shortly after, inspiring a gasp from her, and he quickly thrust his hips forward, filling the gap that had just been created. He tasted amazing and she was slightly amazed at how her panties had so quickly become moist in his presence. Need burned within her, like his taste was everything her being had ever searched for. Her hands rested on his thighs as he had his way with her mouth, soft sucking and moaning sounds drifting off into the expanse of the room.

After a rough grunt, he forced himself away from her lips, refusing to be placated by her mouth alone when he had waited so long, come so far to see her.

“Stand” he commanded, and her legs responded as though her very muscle groups were his puppets. Once on her feet, his left hand returned to the base of her throat, again with the same erotic firmness as before. Staring deep into her eyes, he gestured towards the bed, and it was like she no longer had any control of her body, and she moved without conscious thought, laying down on the crisp clean sheets. They felt cool and calm against the back of her, as her front felt on fire, and he quickly discarded the rest of his clothing laid down against her.

In a quick jerk, his hands grabbed the neckline of her tank top and actually split it roughly down the center, the sudden harsh pressure against the back of her neck making her audibly gasp. What fabric abandoned though, his lips quickly reclaimed, lavishing her bared skin with peppered kisses, nips with his teeth against her sensitive flesh, and the occasional teasing tongue flick. Her occasional whimper was all that kept them rooted in reality as his lips sought and took everything he thirsted for. His fingers jerked the drawstring of her shorts, and catching both layers with his thumb, removed them and her panties in a single, confident movement, causing her cheeks to burn with blush. They hit the floor silently, and she realized that she was suddenly laid completely bare before him, her entire body left open to his every whim. Her skin burned for touch, her mouth parched dry, and he could feel as a shiver sped its way down her spine, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

“Shhhh, Sweetling,” he cooed in her ear, breathy and deep as his fingers trailed down the muscles of her quivering stomach. “Tonight is just you… just us… I want you – give it to me…” and she arched against him as two fingers slid into her and her eyes rolled deeper back into her head. A devilish grin broke across his lips as he discovered her nearly dripping with anticipation. Her body had utterly taken on a will of its own as she gasped against the feeling of being filled, his fingers dipping out and back in with a languorous attitude.
Within but a breaths space though, his slick fingertip zeroed in on her pulsing little point, making her gasp out against him. He lingered there, enjoying the taste of her pleasure at his command, as she unwound before him. All control broke loose as she begin to writhe and moan in his grasp, and a grin donned his face as he pushed her closer and closer still towards climax.

“Cum for me, little one,” he whispered against the flesh of her neck, a gentle but absolute order and in that moment, all thought was lost. An explosion detonated inside her, and her quick cries echoed against the silent walls of their room as he stilled his caress against the rapid pulsing between her legs, her body trembling with aftershocks.

As the moment began to ease though, he shifted his weight between her legs, lining his body up with hers, and the head of his cock breeched the dripping folds of her flesh.

“Tell me…” he whispered huskily, “Tell me you want me,” and his words made her head spin. With just the first inch or two penetrating her, she would have begging anything for him to continue, to sate the hunger that tore her apart.

“…Please,” she whispered, breathless, her cheeks ablaze as her eyes searched his.

“No Sweetling, I need to know, need to hear it from you…” his words flooded her mind. Her eyes squeezed shut, suddenly overwhelmed by all that was happening both inside her and to her, and she felt a firm grip against her jawline and cheek.

“Tell me you want me,” he growled, forcing her to look him in the eye. Quivering, she opened her eyes to meet with his and for a moment, all she could manage was a weak whimper and a nod. His gaze bored into her, unwilling to accept anything short of complete obedience.

“I want you…” she finally whispered as she found her voice, and in that moment, all control in him was lost, snapped like a weak thread. At the moment he sighed in exhale, he suddenly grabbed her wrists, holding them securely above her head and thrust inside her completely, forcing her flesh to give way to every inch of him. The very opening to her womb seemed to give way to the power and strength he exerted over her, and her eyes widened with a sharp cry of surprise.

It was painful, exhilarating, terrifying, and powerful, all in a single movement. He bottomed out as the front of his thighs slapped against the back of hers, and she felt as if she were about to burst. He wound a fistful of her hair in his fingers and suddenly jerked her head back so that she had no choice but to look him directly in the face, and she did so upon silent command. He locked gaze with her as he paused just the briefest of moments for her to adjust, withdrew, then thrust fully into her again, her lower belly showing a small outline of a bulge as he claimed the entirety of her as his mate. She cried out against him as he withdrew then reclaimed her again and again, and shakily, her gaze met his and locked there, unable to look away, even if she had wanted to.

He placed his fingertips against the soft pale fresh of her lower belly.

“This…” he growled, “Belongs to me”… His dark, feral eyes gleamed as hers became dilated and doe-eyed at the understanding of his words, compliant and willing to please. After seeing within her all he needed to proceed, he shifted his weight and the onslaught began. He thrust into her as though he had never felt the warmth of a woman before, as if it were the very oxygen going in and out of his lungs. He needed to have her, consume her, mark all of her as his in that moment. The cries that escaped her were heavy with passion and only served as fuel for the fire that threatened to gut him entirely if he did not quench it. His eyes closed and all he could do was feel – how warm, tight and wet she was, the sweat on their skin, the hot breaths of air against his chest as each thrust forced the air from her lungs. His lips descended upon her in that moment, biting and licking any inch of skin within his reach, and his thrusts grew stronger and more erratic. He knew he would cum soon, and willed her climb that peak with him as he shifted his weight onto his knees and brought a thumb back to circling her already sensitive and pulsing clit, and she had no choice but to climb with him.

It was but a moment or so later that the inevitable combustion occurred, swallowing both of them whole with its intensity, and he thrust as deep inside her as he could physically manage, spilling himself directly into her womb as a ragged growl of satisfaction escaped his hips. Her breasts were heaving up and down with her own shallow panting, and her arms and legs clung to him as she felt him pulse every last drop into her, soaking him all in, and it all felt sinfully delicious.

In an exhausted sigh, he slumped to her side and gathered her close as her own breaths finally slowed to a steady rhythm, and she let her head nod against his chest, and a distinct wetness begin to drip from her thighs as the proof of his pleasure began to slowly seep out of her and onto the rumpled, damp sheets that had been so pristine upon his arrival.

“My good girl…” he murmured against her hair. “Sleep now, Beloved. You have earned it,” he said softly as her eyes closed, heavy with sleep. “You’ll need your strength for the rest of tonight,” he smirked. “We have a long time to make up for…”.


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