[MF, 21+] Stuck inside a sex-based D&D campaign [PART 1/3]

Nate landed on wet grass. He had no idea what was happening. One minute, he was playing D&D with his friends, and the next, he was in the middle of a grassland. The sky stretched above him, the stars dotting the heavens. He was mesmerized by their sight and kept staring until he heard a sound close by. Emily.

He ran to where he heard the sound, and there she was. Kneeling and holding her head as if it pained her severely. He let out a whoop of joy and got down on the grass, hugging her tightly. She seemed like she was dazed, since she didn’t respond to his touch and stayed still.


She groaned and then smiled tightly, saying, “Nate! I’m so, so glad to see you. I thought there was no one else here”

“Me too. But what the actual fuck just happened? Where the fuck are we?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered while shaking her head.

Her reaction to events was so strange. She didn’t feel like Emily to him, but maybe it was just the weirdness of the situation. He immediately slapped himself, thinking it would wake him up, but nothing happened. He pinched himself a few times too, but nothing. Emily was still, with her eyes closed.

“You okay?”

She opened her eyes right away, saying, “No, no it’s fine. It’s just… Do you remember what happened before we got here?”

“Weren’t we in the middle of a game?”

“Yeah, and it was Joe’s turn…”

“I don’t even remember that.”

“Well, I do. Doesn’t this place look familiar?”


He looked around him, and saw the river up ahead, presumably the west. As soon as he sighted that, he groaned, and his stomach flipped upside down.

“Yes. We’re in the middle of the stupid D&D campaign.”

“But… how?”

She just shook her head, and slowly got up. Her movements were robotic, and she considered each move before fully committing to it. In a concerned voice, he asked, “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Really. Just been a while since I’ve moved about. I wasn’t unconscious when I landed.”

Nate found that a bit suspicious. In fact, the way she was moving… suffice to say that he knew exactly what was going on. He’d just have to wait for her to come clean about it and let him help her. But for now, he let it drop. After some more wondering about their situation, they moved towards the water upon mutual agreement. They needed stability to think and plan a way to get back.

He thought hard along the way. The D&D campaign seemed normal enough, on the surface at least. But lurking beneath that was a hideous underworld, full of lust filled creatures and entire abilities dedicated to them. Their DM, Ben, had come up with it. It wasn’t something they played; just more of a fun side project among the men. Emily had *no* idea of its existence, but probably already had an inkling on how different this world was compared to the one they played back in Joe’s room.

He racked his brains, and figured out the creature afflicting Emily would be a sort of leech, latching on the most sensitive part of the body, the head of the dick, or the clitoris (although it wasn’t either of these in some cases), and feeding on the emotions produced. It would never let the person orgasm; keeping them on the edge until they were driven insane. In fact, the only way of removing it was to forcefully bring that person to orgasm after orgasm. The overwhelming emotion would drive the creature away.

They stopped since they kept stumbling in the dark, and decided to wait for morning. They lay down beside a tree, waiting for sunlight. Staring at the stars, she asked him, “So, downriver would be…?”

“Old Ashton. You remember? The town with–”

“The girls we rescued. Yes, I remember.”

“Wonder if they remember us.”


Silence reigned after that. Well, it was the silence of human voices. Cicadas and grasshoppers reigned freely. Thankfully neither he nor Emily were ones to be afraid of bugs or the like. His wandering thoughts led him to the other ‘creatures’ around the world. It was littered with them; almost every crevice of the world had them. He recalled constantly dreaming about Emily joining the game with them. That had been a year ago. God, how would he even tell her? He’d die of embarrassment before she had a chance to kill him.

The river had mermaids, he recalled. The ones who trapped wary young men and drained their dicks out with their luscious lips. Escaping its clutches was pretty much an impossible feat, but who’d want that? Then there were the tree elves in the shaded woods to the North, who could turn you into a whore with a good dicking down. Singular trees like the one they were under had a small chance of them having a colony, but it was a rare possibility. Thankfully there were none here. The snake people under the ground, who… His thoughts trailed off as he noticed Emily getting up and moving to the other side of the tree. Probably going to relieve herself, even though he knew that would be next to impossible.

His cock twitched at the thought of her trying to get to an orgasm by herself and failing. He quietly got up, and leaned from his side of the tree. There she was, not far. He could barely make her out in the dark. She’d pulled her skirt and underclothes off, rubbing her clit as fast as she could, remarkably quiet. Watching her get herself off was getting him riled up, but he decided not to make any moves on her. At least not yet.

She frequently glanced at the tree but probably couldn’t make him out since she didn’t stop. After a few minutes, she stopped, put her clothes back on and made her way back. Nate feigned sleeping once more.

Sunlight on his eyelids woke him up. He had been startled awake multiple times during the night, once by a growl in the distance, and then the cold. The cold had kept him up for a while, and had woken him up several times as well. But eventually he’d gotten used to it. He imagined if he hadn’t been awakened several times during the night, he would be a lot more confused about his whereabouts, but the place hadn’t let him forget.

Emily had apparently slept like a kitten, which was surprising. He wasn’t sure how exactly the leech affected other facets of the victim’s life. She was still lying there with her head against a root, breathing peacefully. Her cheeks were a bit more flushed than usual, which was expected. She looked pretty in the morning sunlight.

He couldn’t stare for long, as his stomach growled. He got up and foraged about, even though he had no idea how he was supposed to be doing that. After some futile searching, he discovered a bush with some berries on it. He recognized them as Elderberries from the ‘normal’ side of the game and exhaled in relief. He hadn’t studied the botany of the horny campaign at all, but he imagined the effects would be far from pleasant. Just in case, he chewed up a few of them, and waited for a reaction as he walked back. He had taken his shirt off and used it as an improvised sack for the berries.

When the sun was properly up, he could make out the landscape in much more detail. There went the river, flowing downriver more or less to the South. The river was incredibly wide, and on the other side lay the land of the Flower Nymphs. He could see clusters of colors on that side, presumably flowers in full bloom throughout the year. Emily didn’t know of the existence of most of these places since their campaign had taken place in a mostly tight area. The flower nymphs were sex crazed goddesses. Nate wondered if he could visit their lands, provided they didn’t find a way back.

Thinking about that made him anxious. It made him think of people he knew. Would they be wondering where he went? There was no point in thinking about this, so he instead looked afar to their tree, where Emily was already up. She had already seen him, and was patiently awaiting his return.

He put his shirt on the ground for them to share the berries when he returned, greeting her with, “Morning.”

“Morning,” her reply was a whisper, and with a start he realized she was staring at his body. He felt heat rise up in his body, beyond the amount he’d absorbed from the sunlight, but studiously ignored her looks. When she finally noticed the berries, she quickly made short work of them.

“What if they’re poisonous?” She asked with her mouth crammed full of the juicy fruits.

“They aren’t, remember? Elderberries.”


He rolled his eyes, and kept eating. Once they had devoured the berries, he put his shirt back on and they continued their march towards the shore. Distances looked deceptively short, as it took them nearly half the entire day to make it all the way. Midway through their trek, Nate took his shirt off once more, since it was getting rather hot and humid. Emily looked at him for a second before staring straight ahead, saying “Not even remotely fair.”

“You can’t take your top off?”

She exhaled loudly through her nose and didn’t reply. Truth was, Nate did want her to take her to expose herself. Who wouldn’t?. But he wasn’t about to just suggest that.

They finally made it to the shore, and fell to their knees, gulping all the water they could down their throats. Once they’d had their fill, they waited. This was a trade route, so sooner or later, a merchant ship would arrive, and they’d take it to Old Ashton. He didn’t know how the hell they’d pay for it though.

As they were standing on the river, he finally decided to broach the subject, “So, the world is um… slightly different from the campaign we had built huh?”


“Okay, screw this,” he took a deep breath and went on, “I know what you’re afflicted with. How do I know? Well, our lovely dungeon master had this brilliant idea of a world filled with sex creatures. And you… have been infected with one. Am I correct?”

She looked utterly befuddled, but nodded. Nate continued, “I – We, that is, Joe and Ben, and me. We had this little fun side project, which was–”

“A goddamn sex game? A porn based D&D campaign?”

He felt like she was about to burst from anger, but she took a deep breath, saying “Okay. I understand. I won’t condone this type of behavior, but I understand. So, how do I get rid of my… affliction? Don’t tell me we have to find a flower from the other side of the world and give it to a witch on the end of the world who will brew me a cure.”

“It’s actually much more simple. You just… uh. You have to get a few orgasms.”

He listened to the sound of the river flowing beside him, looking at the far horizon when she finally spoke up, “I can’t. It won’t let me.”

His stomach fluttering, he said in a quiet voice, “You don’t have to do it alone.”

To his surprise, she sighed in what he hoped was relief. Then she gave him a dirty look and groaned, saying, “Alright. Alright.”

He looked at her and she genuinely seemed satisfied. Her entire demeanor had changed. She had probably thought she was going to die or something. He was about to make her confirm it when she said, “We’ll wait for the ship. At Old Ashton, we can find… a whore house. But if not… I’m yours, I guess.”

Blood rushed to his cock at that, but she shook her head and stalked away.

Nate keenly looked into the waters for any sign of a mermaid. But there was none. Getting blue balled after making it so far annoyed him. He was traveling with a girl who was horny out of her mind, but she still hadn’t asked for his help regarding it. It did things to a man. He looked at her sitting under the shade of a small evergreen, some distance from the river. He felt like walking upto her and fucking her brains out if she let him. But if she wanted to play this little game, so could he. He began taking his clothes off.

When he was about to pull off his underwear, he heard her yell, “What are you doing, Nate?”

“I’m gonna take a dip in the river!”

After a few moments of silence, she sat back down, but continued watching. In the strong daylight, he wouldn’t be able to hide anything, so he stripped his final piece of clothing off, unleashing his cock out in the sun. His dick slowly filled up, since Emily didn’t look away. Once he was fully erect, he turned back and stepped into the river, scrubbing the dirt off of him.

It didn’t flow so fast at the shore, but he knew it ran deep just slightly up ahead. That was the plan though. The water was cold, but he managed to keep himself hard, occasionally glancing back at Emily. He spotted a fin and his heart lurched. *Finally!*

He stepped back and climbed up a rock protruding from the surface of the water. Sitting on it was a bit difficult, but he managed it, exposing his throbbing wet manhood to the mermaid swimming nearby. He could still see her occasionally. A fin, a hand, and sometimes a beautiful face with thick golden hair. Something right out of fantasy.


He jumped and looked at Emily, who had approached the shore. She was stubbornly trying to look at his face rather than his quivering penis. Her arms were firmly folded beneath her breasts, accentuating them. Before he had a chance to reply, he heard a splashing beside him and was startled again, but the mermaid that smiled at him immediately calmed him down. He felt heady and waited for her to give him the blowjob of his life. She slowly revealed more of her figure as she entered shallower waters. It riled him up further and he almost jumped down to haul her to the surface faster, but he stayed put.

“Uhhh, what is she doing?”

He looked at her, but didn’t answer. Then he felt soft fingers on his thighs, and looked down to see a goddess from the river staring up at him through his dick. He began trembling with excitement as she started licking him with her tongue. Small strokes with her tongue all around his cock, slathering him with her saliva. It was unbearable, and he was beginning to feel out of his mind.

He heard Emily from right beside him say, “Is that even safe?”

She had climbed up the rock and was sitting right next to him. He leaned back to look at her face and answered, “Of course it’s safe. I’ve read about them.”

She narrowed her eyes at him and said, “Are there any other magical creatures I should know about?”

“Uhh there aren’t–”

His words were drowned by his own moan. The mermaid had taken the head of his cock in her mouth, and was rubbing it with her tongue as hard as she could. He began thrusting up at her mouth involuntarily. There wasn’t much you could do against someone assaulting your cock like that.

Emily tsked and asked him the same question again, but he was lost in pleasure and didn’t even hear it. He alternated between fucking her mouth and letting her handle his shaft when he was exhausted from doing that. But she didn’t let him rest. She slurped and slurped. That was all he could hear. Wet tongue and lips smacking against his dick over and over. He had utterly lost himself when he was about to fall over, but he felt Emily’s hands wrap around his shoulders and steady him.

“Thanks,” he muttered. Her hair was all over his face and shoulders, and it tickled him a fair bit. He put one of his arms around her waist to keep himself steady and continued moaning in pleasure.

Emily, for her part, remained absolutely frozen. Nate thought how hard it must be for her, to not have anyone to fuck while a mythical creature blew his friend’s cock. She swallowed and asked, “Are you close yet?”

“Sorta. Why?”

“I don’t like the way she’s looking at you.”

He got confused and looked at the mermaid, who was demolishing his dick with her throat. Her eyes never left his face but he found that to be endearing. He reached out a hand to stroke her tufts of glistening golden hair, and she readily accepted that, cooing like a bird, with his cock still buried in her throat.

“I don’t see anything wrong.”

“Other than getting a blowjob from literally a different species? Look at the way she’s sucking you. Not natural.”

“Pfft, she’s a slightly corrupted human. Just as human as you. Except you can give footjobs I guess.”

“Umm, I’m not sure how to take that. Finish up quickly so we can get out of here.”

As soon as she said that, he passed the point of no return. The mermaid seemed to sense that, and worked on his cock with a speed he hadn’t known she possessed. He howled as he shot ropes and ropes of cum inside her mouth, absentmindedly patting Emily’s side as he did so. His cock felt like it was on fire from all the lapping the mermaid had given it in the past half hour. As the final drops of cum dropped inside the mermaid’s mouth, she kept her mouth open and climbed up to Nate’s navel, showing off all the cum she had extracted. She even showed it to Emily, who just stared at her in horror. He dimly wondered why on Earth she was doing this. Probably Ben’s idea. The mermaid slid back into the water and swallowed the semen. Nate realized with amazement that he was still as hard as ever. The mermaid didn’t relent, and began slurping at his cock once more. He moaned, and held Emily more tightly, who whispered, “Nate?”


“Is that normal?”

“What is?”

“You… Isn’t it supposed to go… soft?”

“Something in her lips I think.”

The mermaid took his cock out and flashed it in Emily’s direction, who just groaned and said, “Why is it so red?”

“Probably the aphrodisiac. Hey, I think she wants you to join her.”

She was still wagging his dick at Emily, who just shook her head and stared at it in shock. The mermaid used her tongue tantalizingly around his shaft, continuing to stare at Emily. Nate found it incredibly hot, and he felt like she did too. He noticed her fidgeting with her hands, and finally settled them on her lap. The mermaid just lifted her shoulders as if in a shrug and gulped his dick up again. Emily’s breathing got more and more heavy as the fellatio got more intense, until she finally planted one of her hands inside her skirt.

That did it, and within a few moments, his dick erupted in the mermaid’s warm mouth once more. He almost slipped off again, but Emily got her hand out and secured him again. This time she held him in an unyielding grip. The mermaid climbed up on Nate’s chest one more time, showing off all the semen she had extricated out of his balls. She displayed it to Emily for much longer than Nate, boasting her catch. Nate almost thought they’d go for a kiss, and Emily even leaned over for it, but the mermaid slipped back into the river, going for a third blowjob.

Emily shook her head in agitation and tapped Nate’s head, saying, “I don’t think this is safe. We should go back to shore.”

“Unsafe? You nearly kissed her!”

She took a deep breath and he felt like she was going to just leave. But she gritted her teeth and went on, “It’s something about her. You keep slipping into the river. Why? Does this rock look unstable to you?”

Nate thought about it, but couldn’t bring anything to mind from the lore that said the mermaids were predators. Sure, they could drain a man and leave him senseless, but that was just like booze. Emily continued, “And yes, she tried to kiss me! I’m holding you against her dragging you out into the current! If she kissed me, I would be dazed enough for her to take you down the river. You see?”

That actually made a lot of sense, but the mermaid’s wet mouth was so enticing. He couldn’t just bring himself to leave. Or maybe that was the trap. He braced himself and said, “Okay. I think she isn’t what she looks like. What do we do?”

“Thank God. Alright, I’ll pull you out. Be ready to fight her. Got it?”

“Uh, sure.”

He didn’t know what that creature was doing with her tongue but he felt like he was in heaven. Fighting her off wouldn’t be possible. His thoughts were so slow that Emily was already behind him and pulling him off the mermaid, but she clutched onto his thighs hard, and wouldn’t let go. His cock was out in the air, but the stimulant on it was making it very hard to act. With a supreme bout of willpower, he pulled his leg free, and aimed a kick at her head. He hit her solidly on the forehead, and with a guttural yelp, she was in the river. With another heroic effort of will, he scrambled out to the shore with Emily’s help, lying down on the grass with his dick pointing at the sky.

He didn’t know how long he stayed like that. All he could think was that he was horny. But he couldn’t even find the energy to masturbate.

“She’s staring at us.”

He took a deep breath and forced himself up. Indeed, she was staring at them with menace in her eyes. The visage frightened him. Only her forehead and eyes were out of the water. He chuckled nervously and said, “She’s heartbroken.”

“Heartbroken because she couldn’t have human steak, that’s for sure.”

“Says the girl who was about to kiss a mermaid with semen in her *mouth*.”

She actually laughed at that, and he laughed with her for a while. She said, “Okay, really. She was mesmerizing.”

“I should be heartbroken to lose her.”

“Your heart is hard as a rock. Speaking of…”

Both of them looked at his throbbing penis. His mind was beginning to clear and he apologized, “Sorry… I should really put some clothes on.”

“It looks painful.”

“Because it *is* painful.”


“Sorry I ignored that leech thing. Should’ve helped you more instead of just asking what any guy would.”

“It’s okay.”

“And sorry about falling into that stupid river creature’s trap.”

“It’s… fine. Really.”

They looked at the river contentedly for a few moments. As contentedly as any of them could in any case. This was going to be difficult. For now it seemed they’d have to wait.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xjgy4x/mf_21_stuck_inside_a_sexbased_dd_campaign_part_13


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