Hidden Pleasures – ch.4a

Chapter 4

When she finally could stand, Jennifer retrieved a towel from the bathroom to clean up. She pressed it against her pussy, and shivered slightly, still aroused and very sensitive.

She stared at the wet spot on the floor. This was definitely a first. Her orgasm had been extremely intense. She couldn’t help but think that imagining Will fucking her had been the reason.

She quickly wiped up the mess, throwing the towel with the others in a hamper.

The tops of her stockings were damp but that couldn’t be helped.

Jennifer’s fantasy had thrown off her schedule and she had to hurry if she was going to be ready on time. She quickly did her hair, deciding to let it hang loose. Bright red lipstick to match the dress put the final touches on her makeup.

Stepping into the dress she pulled it up, zipping the back. She smoothed out a couple wrinkles, checking herself in the mirror.

At that moment, the phone rang.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Bonjour, this is the front desk,” a man said over the line. “Your car is waiting Mademoiselle.”

“Oh, okay thanks. I’ll be right down,” she replied and hung up the phone.

So, this is what the note meant by nine o’clock, she thought. “Well, here we go.”

Giving herself a once over in the mirror she smiled and spoke to her reflection, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” and left the room.

When she exited the elevator she was greeted by a tall man in a dark suit and chauffeur’s hat. He was the same driver that had picked them up at the airport when they arrived in France.

“The car is this way, if you would like to follow me,” he said politely.

She followed him through the lobby and outside to a black Town Car parked in front of the hotel. He held the door for her then went around and got behind the wheel. He pulled away from the curb and expertly merged with the busy traffic.

Jennifer tried to make small talk with the driver, and while polite, he wasn’t overly talkative.

Eventually she gave up and sat back staring out the window at the city. It had stopped raining but everything was still wet, herself included.

It wasn’t long before they turned off the main road. A few minutes later they passed through iron gates placed in a high stone wall that surrounded a large estate. Jennifer recognized it immediately as one of the properties she had helped her company sell that afternoon and her curiosity grew.

The car stopped near the entrance behind another vehicle. She waited for the couple ahead of them to make their way toward the house. They were both dressed very well. He wore a tuxedo, she a lovely blue dress.

“Thank you,” she said to the driver, who acknowledged her with a nod.

Her door was opened and she was helped out of the car by a rather tall, thin man in a dark suit. One of the staff for tonight’s party she assumed.

Jennifer started toward the entrance, lit by bright lamps when he said, “Don’t forget your mask Mademoiselle.”

“Excuse me, my what?”

“Your mask. For the party,” he said, presenting her with a feathery mask.

“Thank you,” she said, somewhat confused. Taking it from him she turned and walked up the path, following the couple. At the entrance, two doormen ushered guests inside making sure they had donned their masks.

Jennifer played along and was greeted when she entered. She had absolutely no idea who it was she was speaking with as the woman herself wore a similar mask. She was young, about Jennifer’s age and slightly shorter with blond hair.

“Welcome,” the woman greeted her, “I’m glad you could make it. Please enjoy yourself.” Her voice seemed familiar but Jennifer couldn’t place it at the moment.

The blonde showed Jennifer into an adjacent room filled with other party goers before returning to her post near the entrance. The greeting, she discovered was a generic one as she heard the woman say the same to man that arrived just after her. Maybe she was mistaken about the voice.

She was feeling a little confused and out of place, and was about to ask what was going on when someone at the end of the room spoke loudly, asking for everyone’s attention.

“I would like to thank everyone for coming this evening. We have a very special night planned so please enjoy yourselves,” announced a large man Jennifer would guess was in his sixties.

As he spoke, several women entered carrying trays filled with glasses of champagne and circulated through the guests.

Jennifer’s mouth hung open as she gawked at the servers. The host continued to speak and people listened, but she tuned him out and just stared.

It was their ‘uniform’, if you could call it that, that struck Jennifer as odd. They wore high heels, stockings and a tiny apron that covered almost nothing. That was it.

“Champagne?” offered one of the women.

“Ahhh….yes thank you,” she stammered, taking a glass.

As the girl went passed, Jennifer saw that the server was naked under the apron, her ass swaying as she walked away.

“A toast,” their host was saying. “To old friends and new.”

The crowd toasted their host, but Jennifer ignored this and watched as one of the other guests waved a server over. As he took a glass from the tray he placed his hand on the girl’s bare ass. She stood there while he groped her as if this was perfectly normal. His female companion exchanged her glass while she reaching under the front of the apron. Jennifer saw her hand moving, clearly fingering the serving girl who stood stiff as a statue. When they had had their fun they thanked her and moved on.

What the hell was this? Jennifer thought.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xj5w54/hidden_pleasures_ch4a

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