Hidden Pleasures

This is the first in a series of stories. It was never meant to be more than a one off, but I enjoyed the writing process and wanted to expand the story further. Each story can be read separately, but like any series, I feel they should be read in the correct order to fully enjoy and understand the characters and what role they play.

Any comments are welcome and I hope you enjoy.

FYI – Some chapters aren’t posting completely, so they may be in multiple parts.


Chapter 1

Jennifer flopped down in an overstuffed arm chair near the ornate fire place. The flames crackled and popped, warm and inviting. She swung her feet up on a large stool in front of her and wrapped the white terry cloth robe tighter, snuggling into the soft fabric.

Jennifer took another sip of wine, savouring the wonderfully fruity flavour. The bottle had been chilled and waiting in her hotel room when she arrived, compliments of her employer. She closed her eyes and relaxed, letting out a long sigh.

Jennifer could hear the sounds of traffic drifting up to her faintly as rain softly drummed against the windows, the dull leaden sky making it seem much later than early afternoon.

The trans-Atlantic flight and several hours of meetings had worn her out. All she wanted to do now was curl up and finish her drink.

Jennifer had worked for her current employer for nearly two years and was a rising star. At the age of twenty eight she had brokered more important deals than people twice her age, with years more experience. Her bosses valued her hard work and had flown her to Paris to assist in closing some important real estate agreements.

Everything had gone well but she had been awake for nearly thirty hours. Earlier that day, someone at the office had mentioned a party that evening, but she told them she didn‘t know if she was up to it. Jet lag was catching up with her now and she desperately needed some sleep.

A knock on the door startled her and she jumped to her feet.

Jennifer went to the door, placing her hand on the knob, but didn’t open it right away.

“Who is it?” she asked.

“Housekeeping,” a woman’s voice replied in a strong French accent. “I have a package for a Miss Jennifer Stokes.”

Jennifer looked through the peephole and saw a woman standing in the hall at her door. The distorted view of her face was about all she could make out. Jennifer opened the door and was greeted by one of the hotel maids. She was petit, with short dark hair, probably in her mid thirties. She had a warm smile. In her hands was an enormous box, probably three feet square.

“This was left for you at the front desk,” the woman said.

“Are you sure you have the right room?” Jennifer asked.

“Oui Mademoiselle, room 415. It says so on the card.”

Jennifer open the card that was attached to the top of the box.

A message was written on the card in a crisp, neat handwriting she didn’t recognize.

‘Nine o’clock. A driver will be waiting,’ was all it said.

She turned the card over to see the logo of the company she worked for, nothing else.

“There is no name here, do you know who it’s from?”

“No, I’m sorry I don’t Mademoiselle. It was delivered by courier. That is all I know.”

Jennifer took the box and laid it on the bed, then grabbed her purse and handed the maid a twenty euro note.

“I hope this is okay.”

“Oui Mademoiselle, merci beaucoup,” she said excitedly as she turned to leave.

Jennifer closed the door and returned to the bed to inspect the mystery package. She flipped open the lid of the box to reveal a beautiful red sleeveless designer dress. Who ever had sent this, they had great taste. She checked the tag and somehow wasn’t surprised to see it was her size. Lifting the dress out and laying it carefully on the bed she turned back to the box. Inside was a pair of stylish black shoes – also her size – with heels so high she was unsure whether she could walk in them without breaking an ankle. There was a bustier trimmed in lace, a garter belt and seamed stockings, all black.

Oddly enough, there were no panties included. She chuckled to herself. Someone was clearing sending a message. But who? Was it someone she knew, someone she worked with? Maybe. But why?

Although the dress was amazing, Jennifer decided she wasn’t up for a night out. She could always say she wasn’t feeling well. Folding the dress, she put everything neatly back in the box.

As Jennifer closed the lid she paused for a moment. It really is a beautiful dress, she thought.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xiuk2j/hidden_pleasures


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