A Woman’s first experience with RandomActsofMuffDive

Alice’s finger tip bounced nervously against her thigh as she was swept up into the night. Thankfully she had the elevator to herself. When she had walked through the large hotel lobby she had worried everyone could see right through her. She was sure they could see what salacious acts she was there to commit. Could they sense her nervousness and the doubt that trickled into the vast lake of excitement she felt boiling in her chest? Well,shit, too late now…


The doors eased open on a hallway that didn’t look half as sleezy as it had in her mind. Moby, or something with a chill lounge beat wafted softly from hidden speakers as she took her first steps down the smartly lit hallway. She wanted this enough to keep her nervous demons at bay. Everything about it was wrong…the simple fact she was meeting a stranger…but even more than that, the reason she was there to meet that stranger. All of it played against her better judgement, but there she was, bravely putting one foot ahead of the other, towards a room…a room containing a man…a man who had promised to do things to her she desperately wanted done.

The safety of the elevator faded further and further away but with each step her resolve hardened. She was going to do this, she was going to enjoy it, for fuck sake grow a pair darlin’…you deserve this and so much more.

And finally, just like that (snap), there it was…room 732.

“Last chance to chicken-out Alice” she whispered to herself taking a deep breath. As she let the night air escape her lungs she squared herself to the door, pushed back her shoulders (‘tits out’ her grandma always said), and after a second or two to settle her growing excitement (and nervousness) she reached out a hand towards the door…

*And there he was, clad in boxers, a white stained tank-top, a beer in his hand, and a mustache that had NOT been in the picture he sent.*

*“Damn girl…you look just like my mom…that’s hot! Get that ass in here so I can Eat. That. PUSSSAAAY!”*

Alice closed her eyes and shook her head quickly to erase the foul image, like a child might do with an etch-a-sketch. No, that was the nightmare she’d been having this whole week. Her hand was still hoovered next to the door and after taking one last deep breath in and letting it out slowly, expelling her fear with it, she rapped her knuckles against the hard door twice.

The door swung inward revealing a man in his late 20s, clean-shaven, wearing a light polo, dark jeans, and with eyes that Alice immediately liked. They looked honest somehow, and she immediately felt like this was a good idea.

“Hi…um…you must be Alice?” He said, smiling a nervous smile as he tried (but failed miserably) to look her in the eye while simultaneously checking her out top to bottom.

“yeah, and you must be Aaron,” She said with a genuine smile that would have been impossible 5 minutes ago.

“Come in, come in,” he said happily reaching out his hand, “Let’s start with a hand shake and see where it goes.”

Alice smiled a little wider at his chivalry and little joke. Good opener she thought. Smooth but not too smooth. She grasped his hand but surprisingly (to them both) she leaned up to kiss his cheek as she walked past him into the room. It was your standard hotel room: a bed with too many pillows, closet, desk, miniature sitting area next to the window that looked out over a sparkling city.

“So…” Alice said as she turned slowly, taking it all in, “Have you done this before?”

“Let me take your coat, you can have a seat and I’ll tell you the whole story” Aaron reached up to her shoulders to help her off with her coat. It felt natural, like something a southern gentleman would do, and not at all the sleaze or cringe she’d imagined this could be.

“Thanks” She breathed, her nerves starting to rise again as yet another layer of physical (and psychological) protection was taken from her.

As he put the coat on a hanger into the closet she sat down, crossed one leg over the other, and turned toward him. He crossed and sat down on the edge of the small sofa a comfortable distance away.

“Actually, no, this isn’t my first time. I’ve done this once before, a month or so ago, and it turned out my first was something of a unicorn.”

Alice let out a little laugh, “Unicorn? That must have been awkward…and I’m not sure entirely legal in this state!”

Aaron smiled widely, “True…no, not that kind of unicorn, more like an angel or saint of Random Acts of Muff Dive. Her name was Elizabeth, she was much older than you…”Alice raised an eyebrow playfully.

“…and it turned out she very much enjoyed being a guy’s first, I mean being his Muff Dive guide I guess. Man did I need that, she was a saint. A saint in black lace panties. She showed me how to be myself in a new hotel room, what to say to genuinely put a woman at ease, and then when we got into…it….she showed me exactly what she wanted. It was an amazing experience. But one of the things she taught me was that not everyone was like her and how I needed to enjoy every woman for herself no matter what happened.”

“It sounds like you lucked out?” Alice teased, smoothing out her skirt.

“I’d say I lucked out twice,” Aaron said with another smile, his eyes sparkling. “This is what Liz told me…to help make a woman more comfortable and to ease into the evening (or whatever)…start by going over conditions or rules you had discussed over messaging/email.”

“Sounds like a good place to jump in,” Alice agreed. Smiling again and sitting back.

“Ok, so as we’d discussed, this is pretty much all about you and your enjoyment so let me know if anything is weird…”

“Weird? You mean like sitting in a stranger’s hotel room discussing terms of oral sex?” Alice teased again.

“Ha…right…so whether or not you are enjoying…well everything. We talked about how you’d like most of the lights turned off and you’ll go into the bathroom to get ready. When you’re ready I’m going to strip down to my boxers and they’ll stay on unless you tell me otherwise. You said you like our neck kissed, and if you’re feeling it you’ll tell me ‘I’m ready’. I’ll…give you my tongue…for as long as you’d like…”

His coyness is cute, but we’re adults, she thought

“You mean when you’ll lick my pussy and suck on my clit?” She interjected, purposefully throwing out those dirty words to see how he’d react. His eyes flared, she could see it turned him on to hear her talk like that. Men are so easy when it comes to talking dirty.

“Yeah, oh man…so if you’re satisfied you’ll tell me if I can masturbate…um…jerk off…and where you’d like me to cum…if you think I’ve earned it. It could be that my dick stays in my boxers all night, and that’s ok.”

He paused, looking to her for approval so far.

“Sounds exactly what we had discussed.” Alice said, letting some of that hot excitement fill her cheeks and tickle her smile. He was perfect. Well, so far at least. His fun excitement and his nervous reassurance; The honesty in his voice and actions helped; All of it was perfect and put her entirely at ease. This was a good idea, she decided, and she was beyond excited to be sitting there.

“Two little additions…here’s my little friend,” she took a small bullet vibe out of her pocket and threw it over to the bed, “I might need that to get over the top. No fault of yours…I haven’t cum from solely oral in…I can’t remember.” Alice paused to see how he’d react to this possible threat to his manhood and ego.

“No problem, I was going to ask if you had a vibrator just in case.”

“Excellent. Second, can we turn the lights down or off but leave the curtains open?” She asked.

He looked over at the adjacent empty – but lit up – office buildings.


“And you’re really ok about possibly not getting off?”

“Absolutely. I can’t promise I won’t jerk off the second you leave, but this is about you and I’m really happy to be trusted with your pleasure.” He said, looking her right in the eye. “You’re much cooler and better looking than any of the other girls I’ve chatted with on Reddit. Not that there have been a lot, but I wanted to find the right one for my real ‘first time’.”

“You’re not too bad on the eyes either Aaron”


She looked him up and down once more and then stood up.

“I like you, and I think we’re going to have an obscene amount of fun tonight” She walked towards him, putting a little extra sway in her hips.

“I want you to take your clothes off, like we’d discussed, and I’ll be right back.” Her hand cupped his cheek and slid slowly off his skin as she continued to the bathroom, purposefully leaving the door open a little.

Once in the bathroom she let out a long sigh of relief and excitement. This was really happening. She was ready and she could already feel tingling between her legs. Mmmmmm…he was delicious…and the perfect amount of eagerness, confidence, and safe submissiveness.

Alice took off her shirt and dropped her skirt to the ground. She’d picked clothes she could easily get out of and back into on purpose. Just in case. The matching bra and panties were a ‘just in case’ but for a different reason.

“How old are you, really?” She asked through the cracked bathroom door.

“28” he said, the tinkle of his belt getting unfastened adding to her excitement.

“I thought you were a little younger than your posting said.”

“Yeah, sorry, I wanted to meet women around your age or older but not those into age play or college chicks looking for rough stuff or to get paid. It’s a delicate art I guess. I had to wade through a couple of responses that weren’t great.”

“Ha…like what?” She laughed

“Hmmm…like one woman wanted to eat pizza off my head while I gave her oral.”

“I mean, any grease could be used as lube, but that’s the wrong sorta lube for the bedroom.” Alice cupped her c-cup tits and adjusted their fit into her bra. It would come off if he was good, but for now she didn’t want to commit fully.

Shit, I’m standing in a strange bathroom, in a strange hotel, in my panties…if this isn’t committing I’m not sure what the fuck is!

“Aaron, sounds like we both choose wisely.”

“So far so good” he answered

Alice opened the door. The beam of bright bathroom light cut a wedge across the dimly lit room. He had turned off all the lights except for the warm glow of the city through the wide open curtains. She clicked off the bathroom light and the room was plunged into darkness so it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. He was over by the desk, his back to her, clad only in his boxers. As her eyes adjusted soft music with a nice thumping beat started coming from a Bluetooth speaker. He turned, sucking air audibly as he took in the sight in front of him. Warm city light bathed her almost complete nakedness. Black lace on creamy skin.

“Whoa…” Was all she heard from the other side of the room.

“We’ve just started, save your ‘whoa’s for the real fun.” She teased.

“Yes ma’am” Was his response.

“Come here, kiss my neck” She purred, hoping that would break the ice and start the fire they both so desperately wanted. He crossed the room softly to where she was standing near the foot of the vast hotel bed. She gave a little start when his hand touched her arm and his lips softly found her neck.

“Mmmmm…” she cooed, letting the electricity of their first real contact pulse through her body. The closeness of his body made her heart quicken. It had been so long since she’d felt a man this close. Her hands instinctively went to his chest, her fingers pressing lightly against his warm skin. Aaron kissed her neck as she tilted her head to give him more real estate to work with. He was gentle, kissing her skin, letting his tongue leave small delicate wet circles on her skin.

“Mmmmm…” she purred again as his hands found her waist, “Go a little lower.”

His lips moved down the curve of her neck to her shoulder. He gently pulled her bra strap to the side so he could kiss the skin underneath.

“Lower” she breathed, suddenly noticing how warm the room felt.

Aaron kissed down her neck to the top of chest, trailing his tongue gently over her skin. She had a flash of him ripping off her bra and sucking her nipple into his warm mouth, hard, squeezing both her tits as lust overcame him…but she held it back, enjoying the soft exploration and tentative touch that was driving her crazy.

Her hands slid down his chest and brushed against his bulge now pushing out his boxers. A little whimper escaped his mouth as he kissed the line of lace over her breast. She hooked a finger into the waist of his boxers, pulling them out toward her as she slowly took a step back towards the bed. He followed like a dutiful puppy, his hands sliding over her panty-covered ass and hips.

“Kiss me” she whispered.

He rose up and their lips met in the dark. Alice felt her breath coming in short jets as lust started to cloud her entire world. He was so gentle, so warm, and there for her enjoyment. As their tongues poked at one another she thought…I am so fucking turned on. I want this guy.

As their lips mashed against each other she let herself fall backwards onto the bed. She bounced with a little giggle and scooted her ass to the edge.

“Damn Aaron, this is way hotter than I’d expected. You’re good…and we haven’t even gotten to the fun part yet.”

“This is all ‘the fun part'” he said easily, looking down at her body before him: her feet on the edge of the bed, knees bent, chest heaving. And to her delight, his erection was there, poking against his boxers.

“I’m very ready for you…but take it slow”

He nodded and slowly dropped to his knees. She stayed propped on her elbows, watching as his hands slid up her shins and over her knees, applying the slightest pressure so she spread her knees a little. Their eyes met and stayed locked as he leaned to one side and kissed the inside of her knee. Then again, lower. He traced a line of gentle wet little kisses along the tingling and soft inner thigh until she could feel his breath on her panty covered heat, but then he pulled back and repeated the agonizingly slow process down the other knee. Finally, as her body twitched in nervous anticipation, she felt his lips kiss the cloth barely covering her clit. She almost jumped as electricity shot through every fiber and limb.

“Mmmmm…that’s the spot” She purred.

His mouth opened and she felt his tongue trace up her panty-covered slit one more time.

“But we’ve got to get rid of these” She arched her back, thrust her hips up into the air and started to wiggle out of her panties. But his hand on hers told her to stop and she let him take over. He guided the thin lacy cloth over her hips and down each leg until they were off and she settled back, her head flopping onto the bed.

She felt his hands on her knees again and realized she’d clamped her knees together instinctually.

“Oh, sorry” she apologized, nervousness slipping back into her voice.

“No problem, whenever you’re ready” he said, kissing her knee.

“Fuck Aaron, I’m ready now!” Alice wiggled her ass a little and let him part her knees, opening up to him…to a man…something she hadn’t done in months, or years. Her feelings of being exposed disappeared as his lips kissed down the inside of her thigh again until she felt his mouth gently kiss her pussy.

“mmmmm…” she moaned again, savoring that delicious feeling of receiving pleasure from another person.

Aaron slipped his head lower and lower between Alice’s knees, taking in every sensation of this new woman. Alice had trimmed and shaved her nethers the way she thought he’d like it: a little patch of trimmed hair above a smooth vulva. Everyone was different, Aaron had come to appreciate in his limited, though worldly, experience. He flicked his tongue out, tickling her lips and teasing all those nerves just below the surface.

But one can tease for just so long. Alice had her eyes closed and her head rolled on the bed, her body twitched at every new poke and prod. But this was just the beginning, the glorious anticipation before the real work began. And Aaron was all too ready to taste this sexy fun lovely creature. He slid his tongue up through her folds, tasting her arousal and flicking at that hard little button as he reached the top. Alice twitched, and moaned.

“Ah!” she breathed, feeling electricity shoot out from her clit again. He smiled, his face buried in her pussy, and slowly started to circle his tongue.”mmmmm…” she moaned out loud, sliding her hand down her stomach and onto his head. Her fingers laced through his hair, grabbing hold as her body started to react to his rhythm. No man had ever been able to do this, but here he was, slowly building his speed and pressure. She was able to match him, her hips undulating, holding his head to her aching throbbing clit. And he was clearly ready for a ride. They slowly danced, writhing, rising and falling as he lapped at her clit.

God, this is exactly what I needed, she thought, relaxing into the bed and letting the motion of his tongue drive her. It had been so long. Too long. And lucky for her he was something of a pro.

“Oh fuck…Aaron…oh!” She gasp, her stomach contracting, her head popping up to look down at him.

“Everything ok?” he asked, turning up to meet her gaze, his tongue flicked out against her clit lightly.

“God damnit don’t stop…don’t fucking stop” she shoved his head back down, feeling him take up the cadence he’d left off at, and she arched her back, moaning into the darkness.

“Oh fuck” Alice had suddenly lost it. She threw her hands out, searching for her vibe. Aaron kept up the rhythm against her clit until her fingers wrapped around the little metal devil.

“Here…keep your tongue down there but use this on my clit…oh fuck I’m so close.”

Aaron twisted the base and it sprang to life in his hands. Another moment and Alice melted to the familiar sensation of glorious vibrations massaging her pleasure button. Her legs began to shake almost instantly and as she held his head in place his tongue rocketed up and down her slit. She gasp for air, thrusting her hips to meet his oral assault, craving release.

“Oh…Oh…OH…FUCK! Lick my clit now!” His tongue took the place of the vibe and raced around her clit. She lost control completely. A wave of pleasure crashed over her, sending her body into spasms. Pulsing pleasure shot out of her pussy, making her abs clench, her legs shake, and her mouth open in a long moan. She came, for the first time in her memory, to the oral skills of a man. It was intense and almost scary. This stranger had his tongue sliding through her delicate folds, his hands holding onto her ass, and she was cumming like she hadn’t cum in ages.

“Oh YES….Aaron…Yes! Fucking high five for that one!”

He raised one hand from her ass without looking up. He’d backed off her throbbing clit as she’d come off her orgasm but still slid his tongue through her folds, gently prodding her now wet hole. She propped herself up on her elbow to slap his outstretched hard only to fall back to the bed.

“Gahhhhhh damn! Can I ride your face?”

He looked up from between her legs, cheeks smeared with her cum, an excited lustful smile spread wide.

“Of course!”

As Aaron climbed up onto the bed Alice arched her back and unclasped her bra, throwing it to the side. She didn’t need this anymore, the room was stifling and she wanted to feel as free as possible for as long as this joy lasted. This was fucking fun. She let out a little giggle, watching him turn onto his back, his head near the headboard, and what looked like a throbbing erection sticking straight up, straining against the thin material of his boxers. For a split second guilt crept into the corner of her mind…was she being selfish? So many years of sucking dick and bending over for someone who didn’t care much for her pleasure, no, she wasn’t being selfish. There were men out there who wanted to please a woman. Who wanted to make a woman cum. Who got turned on hearing female moans fill a room and wet sloppy pussy shoved in their faces. She wasn’t being selfish, she was getting hers…and she wasn’t close to being done.

Aaron lay on the bed and Alice stood up, stepping over his waist so her legs straddled his body. She looked down at him, her hands on her hips, her pussy dripping down her leg and her tits now free to bounce around the room.

“Fuck, you are incredibly sexy Alice,” Aaron groaned, as if he were in physical pain. Alice suddenly realized that maybe he was! How delightfully kinky.

“Do you want to lick this pussy again?” She asked, slowly swaying to the distant beat, her ass swishing side to side.

“Oh fuck yes” he moaned, catching himself trying to reach for his cock and quickly reaching over and sliding his hands up her legs.

“If you earn it I might let you jerk off while I’m still here” She teased, dipping her ass lower and swaying in wider more seductive circles.

“Oh shit…yes. I want to make you cum as many times as you want tonight,” His chest heaved up and down, the lust in his eyes and his tentpoled boxers unable to hide his excitement.

He propped his head up on a pillow and she settled herself down, putting a knee on either side of his head and taking hold of the headboard. They fit perfectly. His mouth opened and sucked on her pussy.

“Mmmmm…there you are,” she moaned.

He stuck out his tongue and Alice started to slowly rock her hips up and down against it.

“Fuuuccckkkkkk…” She breathed out in a long moan. This was close to heaven. Well, getting pounded against this big hotel california king bed, a big handful of her hair in his hand, feeling his balls slap against her thigh and clit…THAT would be heaven. But not tonight. No, tonight she was getting hers and was going to cover this dude with her cum.

Alice took over the rhythm, grinding her hips into his face, smearing her pussy up and down, using his tongue as a little dildo…her person fuck toy. The lust and animal arousal grew as her hips thrust.

“Ah…ah…ah” she panted gyrating and feeling her clit throb each time his tongue pressed up against it. She’d never been licked like this. She’d seen it in porn and she’d always wanted to try. It felt amazing to fuck his face. But she worried she was suffocating him! She pulled back, looking down between her tits to his smiling, cum-covered face.

“How are you doing down there?” She panted.

“Amazing…you?” He said, licking his lips, “Don’t stop…this is so fucking hot”

You didn’t need to tell her twice. Alice broke into a wide kinky smile and slid her pussy back over his face until she felt his tongue press hard against her clit.

“Yeessssss” she hissed, rocking again, building the rhythm just as he had 10min ago.

Sweat started to trickle down her back as she worked him. She need to fuck someone, to work her clit and feel a warm hard body underneath her. Maybe next time he would fuck her, but tonight, this was glorious. She worked her hips hard, chasing her orgasm, feeling it growing.

“Oh yes…Aaron…yes…ggggrrrrr…yes” Her rhythmic gyrating started to sputter as her clit exploded. Aaron reached up and grabbed her ass, holding her to his flicking tongue. She jerked, moaned out into the dark room once more, and felt her second orgasm crash through her.

“OOOHHHH FUUUCCCKKKK!!” she moaned almost yelled…something she never did. But being this free, this far from anything she’d known or been comfortable with before, she just let go.

“Suck my clit HARD!” She groaned, suddenly feeling pressure pull at her clit, prolonging the already explosive orgasm rippling through her body. She held onto the headboard for another minute, twitching and drowning him with cum, until she collapsed, falling to the side panting in a heap.

“Yes!” He exclaimed, breathing hard and wiping her cum from his cheeks,”Yes Alice, that was unbelievable.”

“Fuck yes it was. I’ve only seen that in porn and always wanted to try it. And you really were my first. I’ve never cum just from oral before.”

“Fucking high five to that” he exclaimed, and their hands met with a loud slap in the air over their two (almost) naked bodies.

“Can I suck on your tits or are they too sensitive?” he asked

“Go ahead…not too hard though”

He rolled over onto one side, propped up by his elbow, his hardon pushing against her thigh. He took a nipple in his mouth and sucked on it lightly. His tongue swirled around, making her moan again and twitch as a jolt shot between clit and nipple.


“Oh, sorry” he pulled off, a worried look on his face

“No, you’re fine, just no nibbling”

She lay back, his head at her chest sucking and kissing her tits. After a minute or two she felt her lust rise once again. A third time in an hour? When was the last time she came three times in an entire night?!”I need one more Aaron…you’re right on the cusp of earning some relief yourself” She purposefully dangled that carrot. Oh, how she wanted to see him stroke himself. But she didn’t want to give it up that easily. No tonight.

“Yes boss” he responded eagerly. She lay back on the big hotel bed, spread her knees, and gave her pussy a light pat…spreading her lips to expose her glistening big hard clit.

“Put that tongue riiiiiight here”

Aaron smiled, sucked on the closest nipple once more, and started to kiss his way down her stomach. He settled in, tongue lapping at her puffy dripping pussy, sliding up and down, flicking her clit to send her body twitching. He built his speed a bit quicker this time, swirling her clit, pulling at it with his soft lips. Her hands found his head against, gripping his hair, grinding her hips in time with his rhythm. As the heat built, her breath started to come in gasps, like she was getting fucked. Each time his tongue flicked her clit she gasped…building as her chest heaved up and down.

“Ohhhhh….oh…Oh…OH…OH…yes…OH YES…..shit!…OH FUCk!”

She dove over the edge this time. It came like a freight train and she hit her orgasm square on. Her body jerked uncontrollably. Her hips bucked against his face as her brain dumped whatever pleasure hormones it had left. She moaned out loud once more, filling the dark room with total abandon. Fuck this was good.

“Stop…stop!” she panted, pulling his head off her throbbing aching clit. His face appeared, covered in slick cum.

“Oh my god that was fucking amazing.” She groaned, pulling her legs up and wrapping her arms around herself, rolling from side to side. Her skin was hot to the touch, face flushed.

“YOU are fucking amazing Alice” Aaron cooed, rubbing her leg as she shivered with the last aftershocks of pleasure.

“Ok….you’ve earned some relief…stand up and take out that monster cock of yours.”

Alice cupped her tits with her hands and propped herself up on her elbows to watch the show. After bringing a strange woman to orgasm three times Aaron was twitching with lust, excitement, and adrenaline. He stood up and she watched as his hardon sprung out of his boxers. He dropped them to the ground and stepped out.

“Mmmmmm….that’s a really nice dick” She complimented

“Does it ache?”

“Yes…” he breathed, his voice dripping with lust, “you’re so fucking hot, I had so much fun making you cum.”

“Good, now I want to watch you have some pleasure. Stroke that aching dick”

This time Aaron was the one who didn’t need to be asked twice. His hand wrapped around his shaft and he started to stroke his hard angry meat.

“Oh…fuck” he moaned, closing his eyes for a moment. He hand pulsed up and down.


“Those balls look big and full” she teased, her finger sliding slowly down between her knees rubbing her dripping pussy.

“Oh fuck” he said as his eyes opened and saw her touching herself right below his pumping hand.

“Reach down here and get something to lube up that hard dick”

“Oh fuck Alice…ok” her suggestion seemed to rock his young dirty mind. He reached his hand down and pressed two fingers between her lips. She moaned softly, pulsing her hips slightly towards him, allowing him to slip inside for a second.

“Now rub that all over your head and shaft. I want to see you stroke yourself”

Aaron was in heaven. He rubbed her cum all over his head, mixing it with the pre-cum that was already leaking out. Alice smiled, rubbing her clit again in time with his stroking.

“Ohhhh….mmmmm…fuck….Alice…oohhh” Aaron was panting, his abs tightening, his hips twitching subconsciously to meet his strokes. Everything about him screamed “FUCK ME!” but she knew this wasn’t the night to fuck him.

“You’ve earned this Aaron…do you want to cum?”

“Oh…fuck…yes…my balls ache…I want to cum so badly…ohhh” He groaned, his hand starting to pump faster.

“Your tongue has earned something special tonight…tell me when you’re about to cum and I’ll tell you where you can put that big load.”

She loved this. The control, the proximity of a lust-filled masturbating man. Even in the dark hotel room she could see every winch his face made, and every pulse of his hand. She wanted to grab those balls and squeeze the cum out, taste his sweat…but she held herself back. Though her body was sexually spent little jolts of pleasure were pulsing from her own masturbation. Had she ever touched herself in front of a guy? This was the night for all sorts of firsts.

Aaron groaned again, panting, his hips pumping his fist.

“ohhh….Alice…oh…I’m getting…so…close…ohh OHH” His voice rose in pitch as she watched his legs tighten. He started to rise up onto his tippy toes, the head of his cock bulging angry, ready to spurt the cum he’d been building all night.

She leaned forward, spread her knees, and in almost a whisper she said…”Cum on my pussy”

His eyes shot open wide as two dinner plates.

“Oh FUCK! Really? I…”

“Do it.” She whispered as his body strained

“Ohh…Ohhhhhhh FFUUUUCCCKKK!!!” He leaned forward as every muscle tightened. His hips jerked and his hand pulsed quickly up and down his shaft. Huge spurts of cum started to shoot out, falling hot onto her stomach and pussy.

“OH YES. OH FUCK!” His head rolled back and he moaned loudly

He kept going, spurt after spurt. He was so pent up, so turned on, so full of insane lust his balls pumped and pumped as his whole body jerked. Alice moaned along with him.

“Oh yes Aaron, shoot that load all over me!”

Yeah, it was over the top, but fuck, the man had just licked her to three orgasms. She watched as his cum splashed and dripped across her thighs, stomach and pussy. Her fingers felt the hot slippery mess cover her skin.

She was the slut she’d wanted to be tonight. And it was unbelievably fucking glorious.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ximtud/a_womans_first_experience_with


  1. Fuck that was hot!! I absolutely love eating a woman out and this was insanely hot. Would love to read more!

  2. So fucking hot I loved it. I almost was expecting to read that he had to clean up his load from her

  3. Fantastic writing! So incredibly sexy. Loved the slow buildup and the mind-blowing releases. Keep writing more!

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