The Sacrifice (M/f, Nonhuman, werewolf, noncon, hunted)

The time had finally come, the first blue moon after the day of her 18th year. She had been born to be a sacrifice. From the first they had seen her snow-white hair and piercing, ice blue eyes, they knew she was claimed by fate. She knew her duty, and now came the time to face her destiny. She was to be a sacrifice to the guardian of the forest.

From the time she was old enough to understand the world, she knew her duty within it. She was to be sacrificed to the hunger of the beast. In return her village would know peace from those outside the valley. Knowing her destiny didn’t assuage the pang of panic in her stomach though. Still, she was devoted to her duty.

She arrived at the square as the cart approached. Her ruby red cloak seemed to shine in the moonlight. Ceremonial garments that would return to the village after her sacrifice, she nonetheless stood tall as she climbed in the cart that would take her to her fate. She was determined to meet her fate with her head held tall.

As the cart trundled towards its destination, the seeds of fear bloomed within her. Panic at the prospect of her sacrifice settled deep within her gut, gnawing at the edges of her mind. She pleaded with the driver, but he refused to hear her pleas. Finally, the cart halted at the mouth of a cave on the hillside. She stripped and dismounted the cart and watched as the driver, sparing her one last mournful look, pulled the cart away back the way it had come.

She shivered in the darkness.


The wolf raised his nose, the wind carrying him new scents. Oiled iron, wood coated in pitch, and the cold sweat of fear. Along with that was a strange scent, something delicious that he couldn’t describe. Its heady scent stirred him to action, and he set off taking great, loping strides towards his cave. He would find the source of this new scent.

He slowed to a quiet, stalking pace as he approached his cave. There was another here. Animals knew his presence and knew to avoid his territory. This was a human, likely from the valley below his territory. Why she smelled of sweet flowers in bloom and the fresh air of a hunt eluded him. He drew up on his hind legs as he beheld the girl. She was the source of this unknown scent but flooding the air around it was panic and fear. She expected death in these woods, and he remembered the promise of a sacrifice. The Guardian of the Woods they called him. He had never asked for blood; they gave it willingly.

Still, the smell of this woman stirred something within him. He decided to make himself known. He approached loudly, twigs snapping as he gave no thought to his steps. As she turned to face him, he smelled her panic, and the fire in him roared in his chest. He needed prey worthy of his strength, she needed to prove herself.

He barked one word at the terrified sacrifice in front of him. “Run!” His muzzle curled into an imitation of a smile as he watched her bolt. He counted slowly to himself. This would be fun.


She was staring into the dark cave when she heard a twig snap behind her. She spun to look nervously at the tree line. A dark, looming shape solidified within the fog. Standing nearly twice her height, a hulking werewolf stepped from the trees. She stood, frozen in panic, as it approached her. Her head swam with adrenaline and the strange scent on the air. A heady aroma she hadn’t noticed on the trip to the cave.

A single, snarling word crept from its muzzle. “Run!” It said, and that was all it took to break the spell. She bolted, branches stinging across her naked skin. She leapt a downed tree and splashed across a shallow stream before she realized she heard nothing. Not only did she not hear the beast, she heard no wildlife. It seemed they understood a predator was hunting this night and had fled.

Her heart pounding in her chest, she made an effort to calm her breathing. No doubt it was the loudest sound in the still woods. As she crept across the woods, she had an unsettling realization. It was confident enough to give her a head start. A howl pierced the silent night, making a primordial part of herself quiver in dread. It seemed her head start was at an end; the beast was coming for her.

Carefully she set forward, her plan now was only to survive.


The wolf grinned as she took off into the woods. Her panic made her loud, messy, and easy to follow. He fought the instincts to bound after her immediately. As he waited, a different desire arose within him. There was the normal thirst for meat, but alongside it came the desire to own. He didn’t want her as a kill, he wanted to claim her. He noticed her breathing quiet and become indistinguishable as she realized the situation she was in. Still, he had her scent, she was as good as his.

He howled his desire to the moon above, the sound splitting the silent night. He would have his prize.

He took off at a sprint, silent through the woods that were his home. He followed her panicked flight with ease, the branches and dirt showing her path. When he reached the river, he paused until he caught her scent from the other bank. She had calmed herself before setting out, being careful to leave no trace, but her body betrayed her. That heavenly scent pulled him forward.

He caught up to her as she entered a clearing, approaching her from upwind. Stalking in on her he moved silently through the woods of his hunting ground. He waited, muscles tensed, as she approached his position. As she unknowingly approached him in the tree line, he pounced. His weight carried her to the ground and he brought his muzzle to her neck, baring killing fangs.


She was not unfamiliar with the woods she now traveled. She knew the basics of finding her way and knew she was headed towards the edge of the woods. Her freedom from fate laid at the edge of these woods. She could escape her fate as a sacrifice. It had been several minutes since her hunter’s howl had split the sky, and she foolishly believed she had lost him. She confidently approached the trees, her freedom lay just a few minutes of walking ahead.

Her world exploded in pain as a shape launched itself from the woods at her. She landed with a grunt, trying to collect her senses. She started to struggle when she felt a jaw close around her neck. She laid still as the sharp fangs pressed into her. A growl of victory rumbled through her. His weight pinned her to the ground as he spread her naked form. Her cheeks burned in shame even as heat flooded her core.

She felt his hot dick brush against her thigh and it sent a shock to her core. She didn’t understand this heady feeling that took control. She spread her legs further and realized the soft pleading she heard was coming from her. She felt his searing hot dick press against her opening for a moment before plunging inside her.
She screamed as pain and pleasure bloomed in her mind. A howl joined her cry in the silence of the night,


He pulled his head back and howled in delight as he sank into her in one swift thrust. The walls of her pussy stretched to accommodate his inhuman girth. Pulling back against her tight walls, he slammed into her again. He worked up a steady rhythm, pulling moans from the woman below him. Her rambling pleas fell on deaf ears as he used her for his pleasure. His base instincts to claim her as a mate overriding any sense he had in the moment.

His knot swelled, pushing against her as he neared his peak. Her tight hole refused to stretch large enough for this new invader. He pounded into her like a jackhammer, shaking her small body beneath him as he used her. His massive hands grabbing her tight, he howled as he pulled her as far onto his dick as he could. His cock throbbed as it unloaded into her. He sank his fangs into her shoulder and growled.


She screamed as pain erupted in her shoulder. The teeth in her flesh vibrated as he growled above her. Her pleasure at being captured and used had long since set her head spinning. She should have been embarrassed. But the thought of her defilement only sparked heat between her legs. When he had used her roughly, her brain had melted. She existed only for his pleasure, as was his right as the victor.

The pain cut through the fog and brought her back to the moment. She felt his massive cock stretching her. Throbbing as it pumped her full of his beastly seed. The pain ebbed into a warm pleasure as her pussy clenched on the huge invader buried in her. She screamed into the night as another orgasm overtook her.

Magic swept through the pair, unnoticed by either in the throes of their passion.


The next morning, she awoke to see a man standing above her. Naked, his hair hung long and unkempt in the dawn’s rays. It was dark, near black, with traces of purple shining through. It was his eyes that gave him away. His eyes shone gold, the predatory intent as he looked at her clear. He was the wolf from last night.

He stood before her and spoke. “You will change tonight. I will guide you. You are mine now.”

At his claim, a shiver of desire shot down her spine.



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