Oak Spring College – Chapter 4 – Part 1 – First time tutoring [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity] [Submission] [Masturbation]

[Originally posted by me here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xhdgg4/oak_spring_college_chapter_4_part_1_first_time/)

Link to [Chapter 3 Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xewyo1/oak_spring_college_chapter_3_part_2_first_time/)

The rest of the day after Olivia had asked me to tutor her and then stripped before starting school was otherwise uneventful, other than Olivia’s usual teasing, although I could tell that there was a different edge to her now, something more soft that took a bit of the edge off her needling. Not much, but noticeable. I had still not quite figured out why and I felt a bit nervous about tomorrow. We would be sitting alone in one of the cubicles that they have in the library designated for tutoring and although others could hear us, they wouldn’t be able to see us. Who knows what she might think of doing? The thought both excited me and scared me.

The lectures had finished for the day and had just left the entrance to the Oasic building when I heard a voice to my right:

“Hello there Jonas.”

It was a girl with short blond hair, maybe down to about halfway her neck and she had granite gray piercing eyes. It was my old childhood friend Clara. She wore the school uniform, like me.

“Clara, what are you doing here?”

Clara and I first met in Middle school. She always had trouble making friends because of her cold and logical manners, which scared the other girls and weirded out the boys. One time she had drawn the ire of the popular girls in our class by criticizing them too much. They had retaliated against her by throwing one of her favorite books up on the school roof. I had seen it all from a window that was located at the same level as that roof and after the girls had left I realized that I could reach the book if I climbed out the window, which I did relatively effortlessly, as the roof was quite flat there. The next day I returned the book to her. After that we hung out and would often study together where she would help me with topics I struggled with. However we drifted after middle school when I started at a different high school than her.

“Presumably the same thing you are doing, studying. Although it seems you also prefer other activities with Olivia too.”

The last comment made me feel a bit embarrassed.

“You know her?”

“Well of course I do, did you not see me sitting with her in the lunchroom after you came to Anna’s rescue? That was quite the stupid thing to do, drawing the ire of Olivia, but you have always been that way.”

Clara said, the last sentence with a hint of a reminiscent smile. She had not forgotten.

“Ah, no I was rather preoccupied with Olivia… Besides, you have always been good at staying in the shadows and not being seen unless you want to be.”

“True.” She said with a cocky smile. “Speaking of Olivia, I wanted to talk to you about her.”

She proceeded to tell me all about the plan she had suggested to Olivia and getting me to drop my score for the midterm by distracting me from studying.

“So that is what she is up to, I thought she was a bit too quick to forgive me. But wait, why would you tell her about that idea? And why would you tell me about it?”

To this Clara couldn’t help but grin. She very rarely did and her grin was not the sexy kind that Olivia would give. Rather it was a cold and calculating grin.

“Olivia can be quite thick in her own way. She is really quite into you, you know Jonas, she was talking all about how she had found a cute boy to play with to Becky and Amanda, just before they saw Anna storm out of the lecture room. It all would have worked out fine if you hadn’t intervened in her needling of Anna. I wish I could have seen it, but unfortunately I decided to wait for Olivia in the lunchroom and missed your glorious scene, humiliating Olivia.”

She said the last thing while looking at me with a mocking smile. She then continued:

“Either way, she is now completely unable to admit to her own feelings for you, she is too proud to admit her fault with Anna, other than in words, and feels that she needs to get back at you in order to fully put herself above you again. However… I don’t think that she would necessarily be happier if she remained above you. I think if you can tame Olivia and become an equal with her, or perhaps even get above her, she would be able to fully live out her… Fetish. To its full extent.”

“Fetish?” I replied, although I strongly suspected what she meant.

“Don’t play dumb with me Jonas, you must have noticed by now that she is a die-hard exhibitionist. She loves showing herself off, especially to people she really likes. Having you watch her naked and seeing your reaction to her body turns her on immensely. The more risky and the more sexual, the stronger she gets turned on.”

Another mocking smile formed on her lips as she was thinking about the next things she would say.

“You should have seen her this morning after she stripped you. She was all flustered from having you watch her. I think she is only slowly realizing how much she actually enjoys being submissive and having you dominate her, especially when she is naked and feels more vulnerable. Which brings me to the reason I told her to ask you to tutor her.”

She took another step closer to me and spoke more quietly.

“I wanted to ensure that she got to spend as much time with you as possible. It is clear that you really like her too and I bet you wouldn’t mind… indulging her in her fetish. She would never spend so much time with you unless her ego allowed it and making her think this is retribution was the only way to do it. These sessions will also be a good opportunity for you to start practicing being dominant with her. Have no fear in telling her what to do, realize that she wants you to take her, use her and feast your eyes on her. She gets off on it. Don’t feel ashamed to ask her to do things, she is a thrill seeker and an exhibitionist, she wants to do naughty things for you. She cannot help herself.”

The more she spoke about Olivia the more embarrassed I felt, but also excited. It was weird hearing these things from Clara, but the thought of ordering Olivia around showing herself off excited me to no end. That little joke with me washing her panties had clearly set off something submissive in her and pushing on that and making her feel even more turned on could be a lot of… Fun.

Clara gave one last calculating smile then turned to leave as she said:

“Enjoy your time with Olivia, girls like her are rare and should be fully appreciated.”

I watched Clara’s back as she walked away. My heart was beating really fast. Could I really do this?


The next day passed very slowly. I only saw Olivia during the lectures and it was impossible for me to focus on what the teacher said, my thoughts kept drifting to Olivia and the things I wanted to try this afternoon. I would have to start slowly, probing my way to see what would work.

Once the final lecture had finished, I had barely managed to pack my things when Olivia came up to me with a fierce grin. Her body looked great as always.

“Hey Jonas, are you ready to go to the library?”

“Yes, let’s go, Olivia.”

She headed towards the door in front of me, probably deliberately so that I would get more eyefuls of her body. This was an opportunity to try something. I decided to rather than avoid looking at her, I looked and took in the full glory of her ass. When she looked behind her to see if I would catch up, she naturally saw me staring at her ass and commented with a coy smile:

“Do you like what you see?”

Rather than acting all flustered, knowing that she would probably enjoy this more than I did, I responded with a quiet voice to avoid being overheard:

“Mmmm, yes indeed. Do you mind if I look?”

I felt a bit nervous saying it. I had never been so overt in admitting my interest in a woman’s body, but I could immediately tell that she enjoyed hearing it. She replied with an amused smile:

“I suppose not, just don’t stare too much.”

Even as we left the lecture room and headed down towards the lunch room she made her best to stay ahead of me to show off. Hearing the clatter of her naked feet on the floor and seeing the sway of her naked hips was incredibly sexy and I felt myself getting aroused and flustered. It felt wrong to stare at a girl’s ass like this in public and I had to be careful to not indulge too much here where teachers might catch me. I decided to look at Olivia’s muscular and well shaped back instead.

Olivia looked behind herself again and noticed that I looked a bit flustered and that I was no longer looking at her ass. A devilish grin formed on her face and she turned around mid-step, crossing her arms behind her back and walked backward and while pushing her chest out as much as possible to maximize the exposure of her tits, which attracted my eyes like iron to a magnet.

“Did you grow tired of my ass, should I entertain you with my breasts instead?”

Damn this girl was really asking for it. If I didn’t assert myself over her should would pounce on me immediately.

“Thanks for the offer, but I think the teachers might not be happy with me staring at your ti… ah, breasts all day long.”

She gave me another of her devilish smiles and replied:

“But haven’t you heard, boys are allowed to stare, it is part of the program to get used to naked female bodies. You could say the school encourages boys to stare at girls’ tits, at least as long as she is willing.”

I couldn’t help but smile at that comment. The way she finds loopholes and ways of twisting mine and others’ words was truly impressive. I almost forgot she was naked for a second.

“You are quite right, of course, but I do need to see where I am going.”

Just then I noticed that someone had left their bag on the floor and that Olivia was just about to walk into it backwards.

“Watch out Olivia!”

“Huh?” Was all she had time to say before the heel of her right foot hit the bag. The abrupt stop of her foot, while the rest of her body continued backwards, inevitably led to her losing her balance and she started to fall backwards.

However, having anticipated her fall I managed to reach out and grab her outstretched hand and pulled her towards me to prevent her fall. She collided right into me with my arms around her, still standing. The smooth skin of the small of her back was electric on my fingers and I could feel her breasts pressed against my chest. They were just as firm as I had imagined. Her nipples were swollen and hard and I could actually feel them through the fabric of my clothings. Her breath was hot on my ear. I decided to take advantage of the situation and whispered into her ear:

“Maybe you should pay more attention to where you are going, rather than flashing your tits huh? We’ll have plenty of time for that later, but you just can’t help yourself to show them to me can you?”

Speaking to her like that, I could hear her breath becoming fast and ragged and she gave out a weak moan. Fuck, she really was into this stuff.

I let my hands wander around to her hips, then gently pushed her away from me.

“Come on, let’s go.”

We walked side by side in silence until we reached the library, with Olivia being far more subdued than I had seen her before.

Link to [Chapter 4 Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xhdo79/oak_spring_college_chapter_4_part_2_first_time/)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/xhdj0h/oak_spring_college_chapter_4_part_1_first_time


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