Lady F and the train [femdom][steampunkish][gothic horror]

You sit alongside me in the luxuriously appointed first class dining car. We have it to ourselves at this time. Your breathing is harsh and ragged. You cannot hear mine. Outside it is dark. The train thunders through the night, plumes of steam rising up in the moonlight.

I like to think of the mechanical power of the locomotive engine as I feel the vibrations through the soles of my glossy black leather boots. After all the engine and I have a lot in common. On previous nights alone in my sleeper cabin I have straddled the vibrating metal of the guard rail with my stockinged legs and taken pleasure that way but tonight I have company. Tonight I have you to play with. I doubt you will be as reliably satisfying as the mechanical marvel of the engine but I do hope you will prove me wrong.

You approached me. No doubt dared to by your friends. I know what I look like. Older than you but with a severe beauty and a generous bust that some find attractive. I doubt you would have the same interest if you knew what my clothing concealed. The crude autopsy scars across my too pale torso. The skeletal mechanical limbs. My boots skirts stockings and gloves conceal both more and less than human flesh. My high necked bodice is tight over jutting breasts but it conceals rather more horrors than those curves suggest. The doctor who made me is undoubtedly a genius but hardly one for aesthetics.

My eyes hidden behind smoke lensed glasses see more than yours but I think you might find my dark red gaze off-putting. My dark hair is pulled back beneath a riding cap in deep green to match my dress. My gloves are black to match my boots and stockings.

You sit beside me. My hand is between your legs your thick cock exposed and held in my gloved grip.

Can you feel the mechanical claw hidden within the padded leather of my glove? You have no reason to suspect what I am.

I slide my hand up and down your straining cock my glove wet and slick with your pre cum. I match the movements of my hand with the motion of the train speeding and slowing as the train does. You groan with relief each time we slow into a station and you sweat and tremble as we speed along straight track.

Your control is impressive you have lasted longer than I expected of a man of your age. I am well made my mechanical hand can still detect the heat from your straining organ as I pull it back. You feel deliciously warm and alive.

All this is hidden by the small wooden dining table and the discretely positioned table cloth. You have a newspaper, the times, open on the table in front of you. I have a copy of Mary Shelley’s amusing novella.

Anyone looking in would not see any Impropriety but might imagine me your governess or perhaps your aunt. Certainly not what I am or that I have had your rigid manhood in my busy grasp for the past half hour.

I’m sure it feels longer to you. I am impressed though. I had intended merely to relieve you and leave your mess in your lap. I know you only sought me out to boast of a conquest to your friends. I saw you joking and wagering with them as you watched me earlier. Laughing at my buttoned up appearance. If only you knew what my clothing concealed.

You were suprise how eagerly I responded to your advances. I do not look the type. My clothing and demeanour are severe and proper but I invited you to the dining car for supper. You expected, hoped, for an invite to my cabin, curious what lay under my dark green dress. A curiousity you should be glad will not be satisfied. My hand went between your thighs as soon as we sat. I shocked you with my forwardness but by how quickly you rose in my grip I think you enjoyed the suprise. Then I made you slave to the torturous rythms of the steam train

A torment I think you delight in as you perspire and squirm. Do you relish the challenge of holding back?

You strain and squirm as the train accelerates. If you last to the next stop I think I will reward you. Let you finish in my mouth.

My lips are cold but I don’t think you will notice that will you?



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